RID OLptTD, t, WEBBJtMCAj OHIO I . 5 : 3 vuw. 7m j" .) 1 f Wmi R VACATION TRIP can be made Tree from worry concerning the safety of the funds you find it necessary to carry by converting such funds into Travellers Cheques which we issue. These cheques are availabe in denominations of 510 $20, 550, and 5100 and afford a safe and convenient form for carrying funds when traveling. They are accepted throughout the world by banks, hotels, railroads and merchants generally. , . Call and let our officers explain their use before you leave on your vacation. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flotance, Pre!dent Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flotance, Caihie Dtpotitt Guarantied ly the Dtpotlton Guaranty Funiicftht Statu of Xtbraika aimnniinfia lftWJVVV.VAV,.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.VV.VAVJV'V,AVl IF ITS FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em . Dead Letter List 'i'lio following list of unclaimed lot tors wllMio sent to tho Dead Letter Department if not called for by July J0, 1021: Mis S It. linker Mr. Al Keens Mr. K. W. Brush Miss Esther Davis Mrs. John Dickson Mr. George Phillips Miss Miuitha Uuss Mrs. Dave Walker II'. C LKTSON, Postmaster Notice Of Application For Pool Hall License. N'otlco Is hereby ulvtn that on tho Ifith tiny ot.limolU'Jl, It. Ilurwoll lllod his applica tion nuri petition anklux lor llccnso to con. duct a Millard nnd Tool Hall on Lot fifteen (IS), Ulock Twelve (12) lu tlio vlllno of Inn vale, Nohraska That on tho 8tli day of July IH2I at tho Court Houso In lied Cloud, Ncbrns ka at 2 o'clock 1. M. thohcarlni? otHald ap plication will ho hud hoforo tho County Com missioners of Wohster County, Nebraska, at which time all objections and remonstrances against tho granting of said llccnso will bo heard. (Heal.) II. V. l'intltV, County Clerk. I Malone Gellatly Co. "Talk with us about fence posts" j rUWWWI mnnniai! Just For Comparison 1913 - - 1920 - - 1921 has been figured out, that in building a certain house, the LUMBER cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1921 Freight has advanced ftzSo.co on this material, since 'ptj which makes the lumber cost at the present time a trijle over $100.00 more than it did in ipij, exclusive of h freight raise. Piatt & Frees mmwcHmmMnrnm Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE HANK Red Cloud Nebraska Dp. ft. E. GAJWP CHIROPRACTOR PHONES lad. 193-X Dell 48 Oflice Turnure Dldg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. H. Blackledge RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Estimate of Expense. The following is the itnmml estiniHte of expenses for the il'.eul yenr ending May 1022 ami levunues for tho yenr ending May 1021 of the City of Ited Cloud, Nebraska as adopted by the City Council at its regular session held July 5, 1921. OHlecrs Salaries .......'. 3 fiOO 00 Water it Light Kmployees. . . 7400 00 Betterment V A L Plant 0000 00 Street and Alleys iKOl' ()0 Olllee Expense 200 00 Pilntlngnnd Supplies 200 00 Fuel, Freight and Drayuge... 12000 00 Public Library 1503 CO Entertainment A: Amusements rJOO 00 Interest on Ponds 000O 00 Interest on Warrants I0()0 00 Payment on Pavement .'..... 1500 00 Retiring E. L Warrants 27000 00 Incidentals 8000 00 &77100 00 Revenues for 1920 Tho revenues for the City of Red Cloud, Nebraska for the year ending May 1921 as shown by the'City Trcas urer'f Annual Report on flic Jwitk the City Clerk arc as follows: Goueral Fund S 8390 00 Electric Light Cash Fund ... 23110 SO Electric Light Levy Fund .... 1850 00 Water Cash Fund 1500 00 Water Levy Fund 7G5 00 Occupation Fund 2710 00 Sewer Fund 8(1 Cfl Fircmau's Fund 23 t)0 Library Fund 1220 r00 S4.1022 05 Int. on Bonds & Sluklng fund GI20 00 S10142 95 Adapted and Approved July 0. 1921. Attet MaiiY Peterson O. C I'ki.i. Mayor. C'eik. (Seal) l.' A tiird like 4liis makes a model husband HER NICE now hnsbandj STEPPED OUT of tho hoi's?. WHISTLING LIKE a bird. . . WHICH ALARMED youns wlfo. ESPECIALLY WHEN. t SHE FOUND sho'd picked THE WRONG package. 4 AND INSTEAD of oatmeal. . . HAD GIVEN him. birdseed. . . DUT DON'T think from this. THAT EVERY guy. , . YOU HEAR whistling. HAS NECESSARILY. DEEN RODBING tho ennnrv. OTHER THINGS inspire. THE ALMOST human ninlo. TO BLOW througli hi3 lips. 4 AND MAKE shrill noises. ... A RAISE, for example. OR A ilny off whon. A DOUQLE hcador Is on. OR AN voryday thins:.. LIKE A good draff. ON ONE of thoso smokes. THAT SATISFY. WHICH CERTAINLY aro. THE REAL birdseed. FOR MAKING men. TRILL THEIR pipoj for Joy. SO LADIES, if hubby. GOES AWAY whistling. YOU NEEDN'T worry. ALL'S SWELL. WHEN you snv that Chw , torholds "satisfy," vou'ro whistling. Yon know tho in stant you light one that tho tobaccos in it nro of prime se lection, both Turkish and Do mestic. And tho blend well, you never tasted such smooth ness and full-llnvored body! No wonder tho "satisfy-blcnd" ia kept secret. It can't be copied, Did you A-noiu about tha Chatcrftcld package of 10? .. i ' , , , rrr : r. s'ismEBSaBS&J&Zfn ' . CIGARETTES LlQOETT '& i""WPI""i"""W ! 'm MyhmTobacco Go." , t"" t T "fr I LEAST OF THESE By EMMA L. BATSON. p '. 1921, Wettcrn Newspaper Union.) "I've fully made up my mind, Emily, to go to work. With Jack's consent? No J Certainly not I Put what does that matter? He can give no good, sensible reason, to my wny of think ing, why I shouldn't stay nt home. Says Paul needs a mother's care. Jut imnglnel a hoy over ten years old tied to his mother's apron strings! "Oil, yes. I knew you're terribly shocked, and nil that sort of thing; so is Jack, for that matter; but I'm going to work Monday morning, In splto of every obstacle, and the old houso and and everything else can take enre of themselves. Let the neighbors talk If they want to; be sides, when they're talking about me they're giving someone else a rest." Emily burst Into n gale of laughter nt tho picture before her, but her mood changed suddenly us she re turned thoughtfully: "My dear, I know Just how you feel. I was once In exactly the same posi tion ns you are. I wnntedgood times and line clothes nhove everything else In the world or at least I thought I did, until experience taught me hotter. Would yoticure to hnve me tell you about It?" "Hear! Hear!" exclaimed Ilentricc enthusiastically to an Imaginary audi ence. "Fellow citizens, the little gray ijiouso has il'nally consented to disclose the horrors of the business world. Lead on, fair one; convert me, if you can." Emilj' smiled understandlngly at her romantic little friend and replied: "You're bound I shall tell you a thrilling story of adventure and hard ship, aren't you, I'eatrlce? You will be disappointed, 1 know, for this Is Just a drab little tale." She putted the llaxcn curls of her younger daughter, Laura, while she watched with keen Interest her bois terous, affectionate little tomboy, Louise, ns she raced through tho yard laughing Joyously. "A mother's place, my friend, Is with her children, first, last and al ways. No one else can take her place. No one else enn possibly know Just what their little hearts require. Why, then, should she 'sometimes prize so little the treasures thnt God has given Into her care? "It was a great day for mo, Ken trice, when I brought home my very first pay envelope. I hnil visions of nil the beautiful clothes I would buy and of tho happiness I could bring to others. I was elated to think that I was no longer dependent upon my hus band for rendy cash. They hnve a way, you know, of feeling their own Importance, bless 'em, nnd nro apt to strut around ns though thoy were lords of all they surveyed. Hut why should we worry ourselves about such trifles? Let them go on thinking so if It makes them happy and keeps theni penceful. We know in our hearts' thnt they are Justddg, grown-up boys." "Yes, Just boys, but such kind, de voted, big-hearted boys," added Bea trice quietly. "You're right, my dear," returned her friend, "and we women enn often Influence them for good or evil, ac cording to our own standards of liv ing and outlook upon life. Put I am drifting away from my story. Whero was 1? Oh, yes. I. could spend hours telling you of ray thrilling nnd trnglc experiences vas a special saleswoman in an exclusive department store In tho heart of the city, but I will not weary you. Suffice to say that when I returned home at night I was too ex hausted to enjoy my blessed young sters and too nervous and irrltnble to treat my husband decently. "We missed the companionship which we once enjoyed, but we did not realize the reason for its absence. Then suddenly I' became ill. You know, my denr. God Is sometimes obliged to put us on our hacks In or der to make us look upward. I looked and I beheld the hnndwrlting on the wnll : 'Whosoever shall offend the least of these, My little ones' Just that and It was enough. "The, answer to my unspoken ques Hon Hashed ncross my mind as though sent from henven. There was no longer any doubt In my mind ns to tho meaning of those words. I had pre sumed to choose my own path, regard less of a nobler work thnt the Grent Mind had planned for me. I was too engrossed in my own affairs to guide aright the uncertain footsteps of my little ones, and too wrapped up In trivial matters to realize that their impulsive, lonely little hearts had constant need of n mother's love. It was nil too i rue that I hint offended 'the least of these,' His little ones, by thoughtless neglect, and I felt con demned. lo iu wonder now, my denr, why I tinned over a new leaf?" Whon Iho simple story en mo to an end there were tears In Pentrleo'rf bountiful eye1!, but she hastily wiped them nway and spoke quietly, broken ly: 'Emily, you're u wonder, but 1 think no one realizes It bolter than 1. Its Home, sweet home, for mo now, and you may rest assured that I shall forget my silly notions. Fine clothes and good times enn wait. I am fully convinced that Jack and Paul are nil that I can handle successfully." Then, with profound disgust, she add ed : "I hnve certainly been ono empty bended, worthless butterfly." "Oh, no, not either of those, my dear," replied Emily, kindly, "hut Just as we are all bound to bo sooner or later a little, thoughtless." osassim m mm imimmaaimm - - . - -, i Rev. S. Hardman July 25th to 31st, inclusive Red Cloud, Nebraska .tt itVfrt . k. x k a srcrm jsmmm IvmcHFmrntriaiMCEMNT) BUY5EISIUI TICKETS MOW WHEELOCK'S INDIAN ORCHESTRA HEAL MUSIC -UEAL INUIANS - SPLENDIB OVELTr DR. STANLEY L. KREBS INTERN ATtONALVT ENOWN rSYCHOLOOIST AND ORATOR "TWO SNAKES IN EDEN ti STUPENDOUS OFFERING! ELLEN BEACH YAW WORLD FAMOUS PRIMA DONNA SOPRANO FRANKLIN CANNON f EDNA 0VERBY VIRGINIA GIRLS EOl'TIIKltN CUACK TRANSLATE!) INTO MUSIC OF VOIC1". AND STRING DR. G. WHITFIELD RAY, F. R. G. S. Eminent Explorer Discoverer of Descendants of the Incas 15 Years In South America Jungles Orator KAUFMANN MALE QUARTET Striking Concert by America's Premier Quartet DR. IRA P. BERRY WOXDHIFII. DKbUtU'TIONS OF NATURE'S AM) UT s MASTER TIECES 1IY A MASTER OF IU'CRirriOS ERNEST TOY &HTIST TRIO Great Australian Violinist Splendid Program DR. GABRIEL R. MAGUIRE, F. R. G. S. 7 Years Startling Experiences with Heasts, Cannibals, Pigmies, by Irish Explorer in Dark Africa MIDLAND METROPOLITANS SPLI.MMD SINGING ORGANIZATION in a IJIG 3 part PROGRAM Headed by Edward KIrby, for Two Years Fritz! Schefl's Leading Soloist JOSH'LEE - HUMORIST FRANK DILNOT oi' i.onimn, i:.(;i,.vni EDITOR LONDON GLOBE, BIOGRAPHER AND FRIEND OF LLOYD GEORGE. SERIOUS PROP.t,EMS ILLUMINATED BY HUMOROUS STORIES OF GREAT MEN r -s. 4 v " -vAfc ., f, 4. '