The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 07, 1921, Image 5

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HI tf
K 8 Si K W S5 S5 H SJ K K K Si 8
Kat ami drink at I'owell ifc'l'ope'-
Cafe. If
Earl Hall was in Hastings Satur
day. Ben Copley is on the pick list this
R. P. Wccsncr was in Hastings Wed
nesday. N. P. Campbell
Tuesday. "
was in Superior
J. C. Mitchell
spent Tuesday in
Herb Ludlow has purchased a new
lluick car.
Ben Gibson was down from Frank
lin Monday.
The County
meet Friday.
Commissioners will
Mrs. F. W. Cowdcn spent Wednes
day in Hastings.
Lutheran services every first and
third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m.
Dwycr Hoxsey spent Thursday in
Obcrlin, Kansas.
John Rose of Blue Hill was in the
city Wednesday.
Attorney A. M. Wnlters was down
from Blue nill today.
Miss Mabel Pope was a passenger
to Superior Thursday morning.
Jack Pogg is in the city visiting
his mother and other relatives.
Everett Bradford of Hastings spent
Monday with friends in the city.
Mrs. II. R. Clnldress of Hastings
spent Thursday with friends here.
,Dr, and Mrs. F. M. Hurst are the
parents of a baby boy born Sunday.
Mrs. J. J. Ryan was a passenger
to Greeley Center Wednesday morn
ing. The fireworks will be shot off next
Wednesday evening commencing at
Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Kalcy returned
homo from Lincoln the first of the
Ernest Hayes of Superior was the
guest of Mr. and Mi)s. E. S. Gather
Friday. '
Mrs. Joe Mudd went to Scldon, Kan
sas, Tuesday morning to visit relatives
and friends.
C. II. Miner went to Trenton Tues
day meming to attend to some busi
ness matters.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson spent Mon
day with his wife and baby daughter
at Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Zeiss of
Trumbull spent Monday with their
parents in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Etherton of
Grand Island spent Monday with re
latives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Busheeof Hast
ings spent the first of the week with
relatives and friends here.
Mrs. Minnie Stansbury departed
Thursday morning for Creston, Iowa,
where she will visit relatives.
and SHOW
JULY 14-15-16
Nelson - - Neb.
The biggest flying event over
brought to ' Nebraska. Free
gasoline and oil to all who
participate. Liberal prizes.
Full Program Each Day
Don't Ml33 Seeing Tho Lady Flyer
For any informati
(U across
HtiV Bread at Powell and Pope's.
Keep the flies from your horses
and cows by using Hess "Fly Chaser."
Sold bj Cotting the Druggist. ."t.
Ilev. D. Fitzgerald went to Hardy
Thursday morning, he being called
there tc officiate at a funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Dclph of Edson,
Kansas, spent the first of the week
with relatives and friends here.
A dauco will be hold In the Newhousc
building next Wednesday evening
after the fire works Hrc shot oft.
Dennis Mnnley departed Thursday
evening for Casper, Wyoming, where
he will visit his brother, Theodore.
' Arch Potter departed Friday morn
ing for Kansas City after spending
a few weeks with his parents here.
Arrangements arc being made to
pull off a wrestling match in this city
within the next two or three weeks.
Mrs. R. G. Land returned to her
homo at Blue Rapids, Kansas, Tuesday
morning after several days visit hero
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Zeiss and
children returned to their home at
Trumbull Tuesday morning after
spending a few days here with their
George Coon shipped a car of cattle
to Kansas City Wednesday morning.
Arch Rasser one car of hogs to St.
Joe and A. B. Crabill two cars of hogs
to St. Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson, of
Superior, who were enrouto home
from Casper, Wyoming, spent Friday
in the city with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C D. Robinson.
Ralph Chaplin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
I. J. Chaplin of Cowles, and Miss
Vesta M. Hubatka, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Hubatka of Bladen,
were united in marriage by the county
judge at Franklin last week.
W. R. Lippincott departed Wed
nesday morning for Avery, Idaho, he
going there to look over a position
offered him by the Milwaukee Ry. Co.
Mr. Evans of Cambridge is working
at the depot during his absence.
EDUCATION that PAYS, taught by
Actual Practice from tho start, in Ne
braska's Oldest, Largest and Leading
Ittitltiess Training School. Positions
guaranteed ortultion refunded. Thir
ty. eight yuar.. of faithful eivica. Send
for catalogue (Irand Island Business
College, Grand Island, Neb.
Tho enrollment in boys and girls
clubs over the state now numbers
more than 4,000. Eleven kinds of
clubs have been formed for the pur
pose of interesting boys and girls in
fanning, stock raising and home
making. The clubs and their enroll
ment on June 15 follow: Calf, 1G7;
canning, 87; cooking 584; corn, 23;
garden, 241; garment, 753; pig, 1,109;
potato, 15; poultry, 820; rabbit, 10;
sheep, 11. Each club has a local
leader to direct the work. Lessons,
provided by the College of Agricul
ture arc studied and various methods
discussed at the club meetings. The
juniors learn in main by doing the
actual work, however. 'At the end of
the season each club member writes a
story of how he or she did their work.
Each club member also keeps an ac
curate financial record and reports on
the profit or loss of tho project. Tho
purpose of the boys and girls club
work is to interest the juniors in
country life nnd better methods
farming and housekeeping.
7th Sunday After Trinity
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning Service at 11 a. m.
On Thursdny last nearly eighty
communicants and friends of tho
church including tho Sunday School
and Boys Club had a fino picnic at
tho fai'ms of Mr. John B. Stansor and
Mr. George Amack. Tho event took
place in a nice grove where our hosts
had tiimmcd the low branches nnd
carefully raked tho ground. The
Ladies' Guild looked after tho re
freshments nnd also the transporta
tion. All arrangements wero admir
ably handled nnd everybody had n
good time.
Mr. Hardman wishes to tnko this
opportunity of thanking all thoso who
helped to make the picnic so success
ful, most heartily.
June Weather Report
Temporature: Menu 71 dog., mnxl.
mum 100 doir. 2Sth nnd t)th, minimum
Kl t'o?., on 'JOUi.
Precipttntinn: Total 1.27 Incite
Number of Hays Ur 1", pirtlv
e1'ndv 1). oludv H.
i nates of CliiHidorUornn I, 2, H. 0,S,
y Bnlnfull sinoo .luu. 1, lOfll Indies.
Nobiaka's new lens law which was
passed by the 1921 session of the
Legislature has for it primary ob
ject, the elimination of the Glaring
In complying with tho law, and In
order to realize tho primary object
of tho law, the State Department of
Public Works has taken into consid
eration two main points. These are:
1. The light must be properly con
trolled. - 2. The light must be sufllcient for
safe driving and to illuminate
objects which are at least 200
feet ahead of the car.
Tho glare of tho headlight cannot
be eliminated by dimmern, and these
nre neither required nor recommend
ed. Focusing alone will correct this.
What is focusing? It must not bo
confuted with tilting. Focusing a
bulb is placing it in tho correct posi
tion in the headlight with respect to
tho reflector.
Tilting is the bending of tho head
light itself so that tho rays of light
are parallel, and are inclined toward
tho ground nt tho proper angle. Un
less tho bulb is in the correct posi
tion in the reflector, the headlight will
rot give out tho proper amount of
light nor will the rays go in the
proper direction.
Tho all important requirement,
therefore, before a legal lens has been
placed on the car, is the focusing of
or adjustment of tho bulb.
A cor driven 30 miles per hour, the
overage speed rate, in tho open coun
try, will cover 200 feet in 4 and Vs.
seconds. Tho driving light, there
fore, to protect the driver, must he
strong enough to sufficiently illumin
ate objects at least 200 feet ahead.
Tho lenses thus far approved by tho
Department of Public Works meet
these requirements, hut no lens which
1 as been approved will bo legal un
less tho bulb is properly focused nnd
the headlight properly tilted.
Miss Mary Gouldle of the Worncr
vicinity ant! .Mr Earl Hitter of Cora,
were married at Bloomington a week
ago last Saturday by Rcr. Fathor Hen
nesy. The bride was charmingly
ilrased in white satin with an over
lace effect nnd the groom wore conven
tional bluo Mrs. Everett Myers, the
bridesmaid, was attired in white mes.
saline and tho groomsman, Mr. Myers,
was clad In a blue serge.
A most elaborate wedding dinner
was enjoyed by tho guests nt the home
of the bride's pnrcnts. Thoso present
wero immediate relatives. In the
evening a wedding dance was given at
the homo of Mr. Roy Myers whore all
were Invited and a very enjoyable even
ing spent. The gioom treated to
eitfm-s candles, etc,, and all departed
w-hiiig the happy couple much hap
pltiess and success in life.
The hride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Pat Gouldlo and is a very
refined, niniablo and accomplished
young lady. She has a splendid luii'l
Ciil education as well as beinu prepai
ed for the. domestic problems of a
The groom Is the youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hitter. Ho is a
successful farmer and also an archi
tect. He haB always met with succeis
In bis undertakings aud is confident
that this last venture will prove tbe
best of all.
Methodist Church Notes
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Church
service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Epwortu
League at 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
If you arc not attending elsewhere
we extend to you a cordial Invitation
to attend our Sunday School, and
church services
IIaiirv W. Cope, Pastor.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notlco Is hereby Klven, that under nnd by
virtue of an order of Halo Issued (rum tho of
ilcoof Clara McMIIInn, Clerk of tho IilHtrUt
Court of tho Tenth Judicial District within
and for Webster County, Nebraska, upon a
decree In nil nctlou pcndlnu therein, wherein
Tho Comity of Web-der Is )dnlutlll nudnu'iiiii
st Arnold II. Hochstettlcr, ot. nl.,nrodofeu I
nuts, I shall oiler ror sale nt public uixl-.c
according to the terms of said decree to U i
highest bidder for cash In tho South
door of thoCoiirt IIousu nt lied (loud m
Wulwtcr County. Nobrnska, (that helm; tic
building wherein the Inst term of sold coi."
wnsholdcin on the llth day ot July, A. I'
IDJ1 nt 2 o'clock 1'. M. of said day, tho lollou
piK described property, to Its I.oti. 1, '.',.'!, I
5, (I, nnd" In lllock 'J Highland ,V Welch's mi
dltlon to Hid Cloud, Nebrnskn; t.ots SI nnd
Jim lllock 3,Hnllroad addition tolled Cloud
Nebrnskn; I.ots'JT nnd'JS In blocks Kntlrond
addition to ltcd Cloud, Nebrnskn; Lots lDnnd
II In lllock II ltnllrond addition to ltcd Cloud,
Nebrnskn; Lots 15, 10, 17, mid 18 In lllock U
ltnllrond addition to lied Cloud, Nebrnskn;
Lot In lllock 12 ltnllrond nddltlon to ltcd
Cloud. Nebrnskn; .Lots 13 nnd It In lllock l'J
ltnllrond nddltlon to ltcd Cloud, Nebrnskn,
Lots 17 nnd 18 In lllock l'J ltnllrond nddltlon
to Kcd Cloud, Nebrnskn; tho north fifteen
loot oil tho north side of I.ot t nnd J In Hlocj
II) City of Uteri Cloud, Nebrnskn; tio HouOr
fifty fcot of the Knst halt of lllock 7iulth A
MooreWf addition to Krd cloud, SfanNUi.
lots 1, 2, :, niU;rjt Mod; 'J i.ut's addition tu
lied Cloud. NWrn'kkn; lots fi, (1. 0. 10. 11 and I J
In lllock 'J hull's addition to ltcd' i loud. N
iilven under my hand this bih day of Jiu.e
A. D. H.
HOWAUDS. COI'.. 1MIANK Itl'l'l'lUt
Attorney for I'lnlmllf. ' .Sherllf.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. King and Mrs.
Riulah Hammer were passengers to
Marshalltown, Iowa, Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hit arrived in
the city Thursday evening from
Omaha nnd will spend several months
The Superior Shifters wore in the
city Fridny enrouto homo after cover
ing a large territory on a booster
The Red Cloud ball team will go
to Lawrence Sunday afternoon where
they will piny the local team at that
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and child
ren of Riverton spent Monday in the
city with her mother, Mrs. George
Oliver Powell returned homo Mon
day from Nelcigh where lie was called
to attend the funeral of his brother,
Mrs. Walter Thomas and children
of Aurora, Illinois, are visiting ntthe
homo of her sister, Mrs. Warren
Earl McKimmoy of Holdrege spent
Sunday and Monday in tho city with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mc
Kimmoy. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hedge of Ly
ons, Kansas, spent the first of the
week with his mother and other rela
tives here.
Miss Laura Hedge was a passenger
to Lincoln Tuesday morning after
spending"a couple of weeks herewith
her mother.
Miss Mildred Borcn returned to her
home at Cowles Tuesday morning
after spending a couple of days with
friends here. '
Judge L. II. Blaeklcdgr was in Mc
Cook Tucday and Wednesday where
ho held a term of district court for
Judg" Eldrcd.
John Turner returned to Hastings
Mondny afternoon nftcr nttending to
some business matters and visiting
with relatives.
Miss Lola Stewart returned to her
homo at Wymore Wednesday morning
after spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Hincs.
FOUND A child's leather sandal
nt tho carnival grounds Snturday
evening. The owner can have same
by calling at this ofllcc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crow returned
to their home at Republican City Tues
day evening after spending a few
days with relatives here.
Lynn IJu.di returned to Beaver City
Tuesday morning after spending a
couple of days here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Bush.
T. J. Topham departed Thursday
evening for Los Angeles, California,
after spending a couple of weeks with
his parents and other relatives hore.
WHAT?-A W. C. T. U. Ice Cream
WHEN? Tuesday evening, July 12,
from 5 to 9 o'clock.
WHERE? On the J. L. Christian
lawn on West 4th avenue.
The public Is invited. We wish to
celebrate the closing of the year and
desire to be In good condition financial
ly for the next year'B work. Come!
Congregational Church Notes
Rev Mary II. Mitchell, Pastor
Preaching services at 11 a. m.
Sunday 6ohool at 10 a m
Prayer and Bible Study Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. All are welcome to
nny of these services
The Town Dog, ho tmrks nt Collera
nnd mnlccs Friends with Trumps,
clmses Cats, scares Ll'l Clrls, digs
Holes In tho Flower Hod, starts rowdy
Street rights, Tracks up tho Kitchen
Floor, Mil tho Yrd with Junk nnd
IlonoH, nnd wnltes Folkstip nt Nltjhc
howling nt the Moon.
a"WZ -rv r-rrt. t- -r v fSf
Mr. Edison offers 23 nrizes. totalinc
810,000. He wants a phrase of
words that will distinguish the
mere talking machines.
If you will fill out this coupon we will loan you
a New Edison for three days so that you can learn
what its Rn-CRKATED music will do for you.
This close acquaintance with the musical powers
of the New Edison will (jive you ideas for phrases
to submit for Mr. Edison's 510,000 Prize Contest.
Licensed Edison Dealer
fill out and
We do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.
There's No Place"
Like Colorado
After AH"
Colorado is as big as all New England, with
Indiana added; two thirds is mountainous
100,000 square miles contain 155 peaks that aro
more than 13.000 feet high. Within the state
there are 500 lak$s:-largo arid small; 6,000 miles
of running water, born of snow and filled with
fish. Mineral springs abound no one knows
how many there are. Every railroad line is an
excursion line. Motor highways radiate in all
Obviously, in such a region, vacation possi
bilities are unlimited; hence the term. "The
Playground of the Nation."
Where to go? There area thousand different
places. In two hours from tho haunts of civi
lization, where splendid hotels, dancing, music
and golf reign supreme, back to the wildest un
tamed mountain fastness, where the silence is
broken only by plunging waterfalls, the songs
of birds or the splash of trout.
When to go? Any time!
This summer when seeking escape from tho
dust and heat, go out under that magnificent
cool, blue Colorado sky. Get the tang of the
mountain air in your nostrils the fragrance
of the flowers and the spicy smell of pine.
How to go? Just climb aboard a Burlington
"There's no place like Colorado, After All!"
Suppose you come in and we'll talk over
your summer vacation-recreation plans.
To tho rntronsof Seliool District No. A special meeting will be held nt
the suhool houbo on July -J, 8 p m
Tho purpose of the meuting will bo tn
vote tho lovy whiuh is more, thiiii .'15
inlllH and loss than 100 ml Us.
AdolplwtJoth. Director.
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by tho amount of
Insurauco you carry.
Don't lull'yourself Into a fancied
Because flro hag novor touched yon
it doesn't follow that you're Immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time and you better find time
como to thoofllco and wo'll write
a policy on your liouso, furniture,
store or morchandlbo,
R.elia.ble Insurance
clays of
four or five
New Edison from
mail this Ad
E S. Garber
Wall Paper, Points, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You with Fixtures
Dr. R.V. Micholsop
Wllieo wvor Albright's Btoro
Reel Cloud
! i