Eff" CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF h Just For Comparison 1913 - - 1920 - - 1921 ft has been jigured out, that in building a certain house, the I.UM11ER cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1921 Freight has advanced $280,00 on this material, since iqij, which wakes the lumber cost at the present time a trijle over $100.00 more than it did in fprj, exclusive of 1 he freight raise. Piatt Frees lUnowiomx wt . At m B.'U . 1 !.v- ' xi 6 e 4 I.." BATTERIES -m v"' r ffoday and Every-day' You Use an Exide .jW - P - r - -:- !$ . .Li . vi '-io. 'P When you telephone, the current frjom an Exide Battery sends your voice over , the Jnyire. There are numerous other ways inwhiclpExidc Batteries are serving you daily. The Exide Battery for your car contains every lesson learned in making storage batteries for every purpose during the past thirty-three years. That's why it will prove a real economy to you in long-lasting power and care-free service. The Red Cloud Battery Service Station CARL S. McARTHUR, Manager. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobraaka. "iULlbHKU F.Vtm THUKSDAY entered In the 1 cMonue nt but ( loud, Neb Ai second Class Matter A. D MoAItTHUn.lEilUor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local. 10 A 2M sbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiI llllllllllllll (l -MibbbbbbbbbbI 'ii j,i BBBBBBBBBIBSM IIHlllllllu BBBfl INtU BBBitp,A VK VJI WHEAT GROWERS WILL MEET AT HOLDREDGE iMr. Aaror ''apiro, noted Culiforniu uttorncy unci considered best author ity on cooperative laws in the coun try today, specializing in commodity marketing of foreign products has just completed the organization work and plans of the south with the as sistance of American Furm Bureau. Farmers' Unions and other farm or ganizations in those states. Mr. Sa piro informs us that the 100 per cent pooling contracts for a period of five years arc identical with the contracts that he drew up for the national wheat growers association of the Central West, also consented to de liver a scries of lectures in the west ern wheat states, commencing about June 1st. He will deliver an address at Holdrege, June 7th, at 2 p. m. in the auditorium. The opportunity of meeting and hearing this eminent expert explain the wonderful results, attained under the all pooling system is one that is rarely offered and all wheat growers of Nebraska will be amply repaid in traveling a great distance to attend this state meeting. This is a critical time for the wheat grower of the west, since drastic laws are about to be enacted which in all probability will do away with the present specu lative marketing system together with the grain gamblers commonly known as the Chicago Board of Trude and it is indeed all Important that the wheat growers shall organ ize around this product in such man ner that we may feed the world di rectly through miller and exporter such quantities and at such time3 as their every need may require in our present dumping process the past years. All farm organizations of Nebras ka will be represented at this meet ing and it is to be hoped that the Wheat Growers will meet with the same success that the cotton growers of the south now enjoy. Texas, Okla home and Kansas have nearly com pleted minimum sign up, North Da kota will surpass all other states this senson. Nebraska and Colorado were slow to start but are now falling in line with encouraging reports daily. Don't forget the date and place. Mr. Sapiro will speak at the Hold rege auditorium, Tuesday, June 7th, at 2 p. m. : wvwAvvivJvvAfl.lvv.v.-.-.',-.v.v.vft IF IT'S FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em I M alone - Gellatly Co. "Talk with us about fence posts" I wwwwwv.w.v.v.v.vv.w.w.v crani CHEAP ADVICE! Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free as the air. No matter what vour troubles may be, just let it be known and advice will come piling In. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed druif g!s can sell hair tonic and get away with tt-but the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is the kind you want We are not a volunteer In the advice business, but if you are a patron ot ourbank and ask advice on financial nutters we will be elad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flomnce, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cathie UtpotUt OuanintttJ ly tht D-potltort Ouarantu Fund of tht Statt of Xtbraika mawmmm mmmmmmmmimmwmnwmmtmmm!ammmmm-E M,'M M i mii E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures Dr. H- E. GflJUP GfllltOPHAGTOR PHONES Ind. 193-X Bell 46 Office Tumure Bldg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. H. Blackledge RED CLOUD NEBRASKA County School Notes (Uy County Superintendent) Through mistake some names may be left oil the graduating list. If so, let me know in time to correct it in the next issue. There are a few that have high marks in all but one subject. These will be allowed to take the missing study over the third Friday in July. The other grades will have to be very good or else the student will have to be in the list that took eighth grade examinations last year. By having the papers corrected by four people new in the business a few mistakes were made in the April examinations. (There were some two thousand papers.) If everything is not satisfactory, drop me a card stating the trouble and I will do my best to make it right. The promotion cards will be sent to the graduates as soon as they come from Grand Island Business College where I sent them to have the names written in. With them I will send the "Application For Free High School Tuition." As the tuition has doubled, you should be sure to get in your card. If you have none send for one. "House Roll No. 20 increasing high school tuition from $1.50 to $3.00 per week carrying an emer gency clause became effective April 25, 1921. In our opinion the in creased tuition may be charged and collected after April 25, 1921." Opin ion of the Attorney General. Teachers' examinations nt Red Cloud only May 27 and 28. Friday morning subjects, algebra, arithmetic, civics, penmanship, trigonometry and chemistry. Friday afternoon, botany, agriculture, drawing, spelling, read ing, English and American literature, general history, zoology. Saturday morning, geometry, grnmmar, theory and art, physiology and hygiene, Eng lish composition, physics, psychol ogy. Saturday afternoon, music, geography, mentnl arithmetic, book keeping, history, rhetoric, geology, physical geograph. After the eighth grade examination it is easy to see how important it is to have a good teacher, punctual at tendance, and time for the student to study at home. It doesn't pay to It was time to -wake up, all r iht MY BRAIN was busy. t BUILDING AIR casttoa. FOR I wasn't aloepy. FINALLY I dozed off. AND PROMPTLY dreamed. THAT I waj awako. BUT WOKE right up. AND FOUND I was asleep. THEN I got thinking. OF A wonderful formula. FOR MAKING clgarottea. I PLANNED It all out. SO MUCH Turkl3li tobacco. BLENDED JUST so with Burley. AND OTHER Domestic loaf. AND I knew that blend. WOULD MAKE a hit. TO BUY that cigarette. ft THEN LIGHTING up. ft SMACKING THEIR lips. ft AND SAYING, "Oh, Boy. IT'S THE oxtlct copy. OF THAT 'Satisfy' blend.' ft ft AND THEN I came to. ft ft ft AND SAID to myaolf. ft ft 'THIS TIME you'ro drcamlngr. FOR SURE. t WAKE UP, you darn fool. . WHY,.THAT 'Satisfy' blond. ft ft ft SIMPLY CAN'T be copied." THAT'S a fact the Satisfy' blend" can't be copied. It's our own secret putting those good to baccos together in a way that givea you every last ounce of their fra grance. You'll smack your lips over Chesterfields. And rpmpinber yoo I I COULD Just oco. CROWDS OF happy people. I 1 nnvMuinu in 1 w ovw. ; ; w fcesterfieid wm ssiikv m CIGARETTES Liggett & Myers Todacco Co. work a child to do 50 cents worth of work and stop him from growing into five dollar a day worker. Those wishing transfers should get them before June 13. High Schools should get in their tuition statements. The directors are calling for the lists of students re quiring tuition already. Th Prfct Man. young king once asked a tag what kind of person be considered was the most perfect, whom It would be wise If all men would Imitate. Th most perfect man," said the wise old man, "is not be who seems most per feet, but be who not only Is able to discover that be Is imperfect, bat else strives through life to amend bis faults as much as possible." Editors Meet at Hastings Hastings, Neb . May 13 The Hast ings district of the Nebraska press association was organized here this afternoon and Karl Spence of the Franklin Newn was elected president. The other officers are; Secretary, Har ry Vaughn, Guide Rock; Vice presl dant. W. D Edson, Red Cloud; treas urer; C. E. Dedrick, Red Cloud. The district comprises, Adaina, Clay, Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin and Kear ney counties. About twenty editors attended the meeting, and it was de. otded to hold the next atHoldredge on May 27. The visiting editors were the guests of the chamber of commerce at a dluner this evening. State Journal. Baptist Church Notes At It o'clock the sermon theme will be ''Isrial's Six Periods" or Dispensa tions of Human Failure". Sabbath School at 10 o'clock. Super Intendent, V. D. Edsou. Topic: "The Christian Ideal of Fami ly Life." Luke 10:38.42; 2:51,52; II. Tim. 3:14,15 Outline of Lesson I. Hospitality of the Home. II. Hallowing of the Home. Ill Heritage of the Home Sunday evening at 8 o'clock we will worship in union in the M. E. Church where Rev., I. W.Edson will deliver the Huccahtureate sermon. The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fancied security. Because fire has never touuhod you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no todty, if you have time aud you better find timo come to the oflloe and wo'll writo n policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise -LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.eliev.ble Insurance Women's Wearables Nifty New Bungalow Anrons- Percale from 95c to $3.00 Ginghams from $2.00 to $4.00 Styles and prices too numerous to state in this small space If you will come in we will be only too glad to show them to you -AND- Every New Spring and Summer Wearable Hosiery - Underwear Corsets -- Gloves House Aprons -- Shirt Waists -- Blouses Skirts Petticoats A Complete Line at New 1921 Prices Barbara Phares The Women's Store Red Cloud - - - - Nebraska Good meals good service moderato prices 1'oWel 1& Pope's cafe Sunday afternoon the Spring Ranch hall team crossed hats with the local team and the visitors won the game by a score of 5 to 1. Slaby was on the mound for tho homo team and struck out fourteen men, but owing to very poor support from the team they were defeated. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST onico Over Albright' Storo Red Cloud A M i s :-l Ncbraskm L.V;