The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 05, 1921, Image 6

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Movie Censorship and the Twenty-two Million Dollar
Appropriation Bills are Held Up Until the Last
Moment Debate on these Measures Delays
the Final Adjournment for Several Days
Western Newspaper Union Service
Co in l I loci by Krnnk E. Holvi'y
A brief digest of tho law nnd resolu
tions enacted by the 40th Session of the
Nebraska Legislature. Lawn followed by
tlin word "Emergency" took effect on
approval by the (lovornor and are now In
full force and effect. All othor laws bo
coino effectUo three calendar months after
final adjournment of tho Legislature there
fore approximately July 28th, 1U21.
S. F. 2 Extend workmen' compensa
tion law to peace officers of cities, towns
'nd counties.
S. F. 7 Authorising vordlct In civil cases
by 60 of Jury.
S. F. 10 Removes regulation of Irriga
tion water rates from Jurisdiction of Stato
Hallway Commission,
S. F. 23 Joint memorial to Congress
praying development of (Iroat Lakos-St.
Lawrence ocean water-way,
S. F. 27 Urant right to bring quo war
ranto proreedltig to any elector when law
ofllcer falls or refuses to act,
S. F. 29 Omaha Water and Utility dis
trict aulhorited to extend water or gas
mains and charge expense to property ben
efited. Emergency.
3. F. 30 Creating Omaha "Metropolitan
Utilities" dlhtrlct to replace tho existing
"Water District" and define powers of
new organisation. Emergency.
S. F. 31 Authorising Omaha Metropolitan
Utilities district to Note (1 bond for ex
tension or improvement of utilities under
it control.
S. F. 32 Increase fees of county Judge
in probate, matters.
S. r. 34 Authorize county attornoy of
Douglas county to appoint a chief clerk.
S. F. 36 Authorizes cities of 1st and
2nd cliis Hint Hinge to voto bonds for
munlclpnl light and bentlng plants.
S. F. 48 Increases penalties for Iss'iu of
fraudulent check.
S. F. 50 (lives school districts right nnd
power uf eminent domain. Emergency.
S. F. 51 Uniform procedure. In action
to quiet title to real citato and cancel un
enforceable, liens.
S. F. 52 1'enalty of life Imprisonment
"or third conviction for felony within 10
S. F. 60 Grading potatoes for car-lot
8. F. 61 Increases salary of reporters
of district court to $2,750. Emergency.
S. F. 63 Amending law relating to quali
fication of juror In Douglas county.
S. F. 65 New Revenue low.
S. F. 77 Minors under 18 year for
bidden In pool halls,
S. F. 80 Court authorized to make Inde
pendent investigation In case of divorce by
lefault or where minor children are con
cerned, S. F. 81 Amending ago to 10 years In
law relating to child stealing.
S. F. 82 Amending age to 10 years In
law relating to child abandonment.
S. F. 84 Forbid advertising In any
manner, uf cure for private, or venereal
8. F. 87 Minimum penalty for Incest 20
yeurs. Adultery penalty Increased from 0
to Id years Imprisonment.
S. F. 88 Increased penalties for enticing
any female, to enter house of prostitution
or assignation. 1'enalty 3 to 10 years,
S. F. 89 Felony to entice female to life
of prostitution.
S. F. 94 l'rovldlng compulsory Institu
tional care for woman about to become n
mother. Mllford Woman's Homo desig
nated. S. F. 95 Makes 21 years the nge of ma
jority fur females unless married botween
the age of 18 and 21.
S. F. 97 Amends law relating to guardian
and ward I'arents entitled to custody, ser
vices und earnings of minors.
S. F. 99 Provides right of appeal from
judgment order on attachment or execution.
S. F. 100 (Irani right of eminent do
main to ft or more persons organising cor
poration for the promotion of any of tho flno
urts. Emergency.
S. F. 102 Fixes salaries of deputy
fherirfs in Douglas county at $2,800, $2,000
S. F. 106 Provides assistant publlo da
fender In Omalui and appointment of same
by the public defendor. Emergency.
S. F. 108 Authorlrlng the practice of
Christian Science Healing so long a they
do not prescribo drug nor medicines nor
perforin surgical operations nor claim to be
physicians or surgeons and submit to tho
quarantine, laws of the state.
S. F. 113 County may on petition hold
election on question of dispensing with of
fice uf county assessor. County clerk to
i ct as county ussessor In caso office Is
S. F. 114 The warehouse-on-the-farm law,
providing Inspection nnd negotiable cer
tificate for grain stored on tho farm. Emerg
ency. S. F. 115 State Superintendent of Tub
lie Instruction to liavo 4 year term of
ofllco beginning with election In 1022.
S. F. 118 Appropriating Interest Income
on unrlalmed Spanish-American war fund to
ore of that organization.
S. F. 120 Joint memorial to Congress
praying for establishment of National board
of censors for moving pictures,
8. F. 121 (Irautlng right of way on pub
lic highway to all persous buying or selling
electric energy.
S. F. 123 Maximum school levy In towns
over 1'fiOU Increased to 125 mills. Emerg
ency. S. F. 128 Repeals exemption of state
banks, under Federal reserve system, from
tale banking lawn,
8. F. 129 Authorizes suit against county
falling to pay share of stute-ald or county
line bridge,
S, F. 137 Prohibits allons from owning
or possessing fire-arms.
8. F. 140 Returning depositors guarantee
fund tn liquidated state banks remaining
lifter three years from date of liquidation
nd eight years after date of bank charter.
B. F. 146 (lives Statu Railway Commis
sion jurisdiction over all railway crossings
ontslde of Incorporated titles and towns.
IS. F. 148 Co-operative warehouse ator
lC for members not required to give usual
S. F. 149 Requires county boards to pro
vide ooms for Compensation Commissioner
vrhtn holding connty hearings, Emergency.
8. F. 151 Provides for probate of will
after two years from date of death of
8. F. 154 Adding two Judges to the 4th
Judicial district, consisting of Douglas, Hurt
and Washington counties. Emergency,
i. F. 160 Amendment strengthening the
fclman language luw forbidding teaching of
foreign language In
grade. Emergency.
any school under 8th
S. F. 163 Increased penalty for perjury
to maximum of 14 year Imprisonment.
S. F. 169 Authorize Incorporation of
state societies of lawyers, doctors, students,
architects, engineer and army and navy
S. F. 170 liars claim against estate
after one year In probate.
S. F. 172 Repeal tho law authorizing
temporary permit for sale of untested trac
tor. University must test tractor befoTu
sale I lawful. Emergency.
S. F. 175 Method of valuation of bonds
deposited by Insurance companies with tho
state to guarantee obligations of domestic
S. F. 176 County boards must elect n
chairman in January. Henorlty rula abol
ished. S. F. 180 New road imprlvement-dlatrlct
law for counties undor 40,000, Emergency.
S. F. 185 Amendment of prohibition en
forcement act. Forbids possession of uten
sil In the home which may be used for
distillation, and, recipes for homo brow.
S. F. 187 Judgment of district court In
criminal caso not to be set aside by su
pi erne court for error If substantial justice
ha been done.
S. F. 189 Create State Park Hoard.
S. F. 193 Permits counties to bid on
state nnd Federal road work if equipped
to do the work.
S. F. 193 Authorize county boards to
pay "going wages" for road work.
S. F. 194 Create state racing commis
sion to serve without pay. Regulate nnd
license racing associations. Emergency.
S. F. 196 Regulates manufacture and
snlo of soft drinks.
S. F. 197 Law to encourage and protect
bee industry.
S .F. 198 Stato Insann hospitals renamed
to agree with name of city of location.
S. F. 200 Authorizes counties to build
dykes, etc., as Hood protection. Emerg
ency. S. F. 202 Requires water-measuring
weir In Interstate ditches. Emergency
S. F. 204 Irrigation Improvement plans
must bo approved by department of publlo
work before Auditor may register tho
bonds. Emergency.
a. r. 205 No lands may be Included or
excluded by Irrigation district until the act
Is approved by Department of I'ublla Work.
S. F. 207 Require copy of petition and
description of land proposed to be added
or Included In Irrigation district to be first
filed with Department of Public Work for
approval. Emergency,
S. F. 208 Revision of Omaha city cnar
ter which Omaha has full legal right to do
but has been unable to accomplish. Emerg
ency. S. F. 210 Repeals law which vacate
position of executrix or administratrix If
sun marries.
S. F. 216 Hoard of Slate Normal Schools
given authority to prescrtbo course of in
struction In State Normals.
S. F. 219 Repeals war-time law protect
ing soldier and aallors from civil suits In
S. F. 220 Provide method of Increasing
school-tax limit from 3fi to 100 mills In
rural school districts. Emergoncy.
S. F. 223 Defines power of State Nor
mal board. Prescribe teacher certificate
Issued to graduates of Normals and length
of time same are valid.
S. F. 224 Habeas corpus proceedings
may be reviewed by supromo court as
other civil proceedings.
S. F. 225 llondod limit for municipal
light, heat water and power in cities of
n,000 to 25,000 Increased from $150,000
to $250,000. Emergency.
S. T. 227 Prohibiting so-callod "ambu
lance chasing" by lawyer for liurnosu of
bringing suit for personal damages.
S. F. 233 Salary of clerk, supreme court,
$5,000; reporter, $4,000, to date from Jan
uary 1. Emergency.
S. F. 243 Require railways to furnish
certain accommodations for care-taker In
transit with live stock.
S. F. 244 llroadon Jurisdiction of Judge
sitting In chambers.
S. F, 253 Abolishes emergency certificate
for teacher; life certificates to lapse after
three jeBrs of non-teaching. Emergency.
S. F. 254 Reduce percentage of butter
fat In Ice cream manufactured fur shipment
outside tho state. Emergency.
S. F. 256 Designates Niobrara and
Hesse division of Nebraska National Pur
est an National gamo refuge,
S. F. 258 County Judge to pay Into
county general fund all unclaimed fees and
legacies at end of ten years,
S. F. 266 City funds, cltle of second
class nnd villages, must be deposited In
local banks und draw minimum of 2 per
cent Interest.
S. F. 268 Legalizing certain improve
ments made by Dodge county district.
S. F. 269 Anthorlres Douglas connty to
reimburse officials who lost personal prop
erty In the Court House, riot.
3, F. 270 Extended revision of pure food
and drug act,
S. F. 271 Now Inspection law for oil and
S. F. 278 Authorizes University to manu
facture, purchase, sell and distribute hog
cholera serum. Emergency.
S. F. 279 Making It a felony to know
Ingly falsify a publlo utility racord used
In a rate hearing. Emergency.
S. F. 280 Authorizing Douglas county
to Increasn school taxes from 60 to 05
mills. Emergency.
S. F. 281 Resolution memorallzlng Con
gress to enact law making effective tho
Norrris right-of-way Act of 1012, annulled
by court decision.
S. F. 282 Act croatlns new Hoard of
Pardons and Parole to conform to new
Constitution anil prescribing duties and pro
cedure. Emergoncy.
S. F. 288 Amends law relating to appeal
to district court In case of commitment to
Insane hospital.
S. F. 293 Minor amendments to school
district consolidation law. Emergency,
S. F. 296 Authorizes University to np
point ft conservation director for tlin study
of oil ami gas possibilities in the state.
S. F, 305 Uniform voters registration law
for nil elector throughout thu state.
S. F. 311 Regulating private employment
S.. F. 312 Reorganize Btato Hoard of
Vocational Education,
S. F, 319 Two cities of 2nd class or vil
lage may join In erection of electric power
and light plant outsldo corporate limits.
S. F. 326 Authorizes Secretary of State
to publish the law passed by each session
of tbe legislature. Emergency.
8. F. 327 Provides for annual state
school tax of 6 mills. Emergency.
8. F, 332 Adjustment of bonded debt
of school district which becomes part of
consolidated district.
S. F. 334 County board fix nslnry of
highway commissioner In counties under
60,000 population. Emergency,
S, F. 338 Method of cancellation of leaso
on stato land for park purposes. Emerg
ency. S. F. 349 Advance deposits of plcturn
exhibitors for films bought on contract to
bu held 'In trust within tho state,
S. F. 350 City 2nd clasi, vlllago and
county board may refund bond dun at
rato of C. Emergency,
S. F. 351 Court authorized to appoint of
ficer of state banking department a receiver
of ailed bank. Emergency.
II. II. 3 Requires county clerk to keep
recnnl of discharge of nil soldiers of tho
"World War" when prosontfd to him and to
record samn without charge,
II. It. S Preventing waste or destruction
of food stuffs nnd method of inspection, con
demnation nnd disposal thereof,
II. It. 12 (lives all Included territory tho
right to participate, in tho election of mem
ber of Hoard of Directors of the Omaha
Utilities District. Emergency.
II. II. 14 Provide for assessment of
real estate In April 1021, 1022 nnd every
two year thereafter. Emergency.
II. It. 15 County boards authorized to
construct lane fur passing llvu stock
where nature of the public highway I such
that road would bo injured by such use.
II. It. 20 Tuition fees to be paid by
non-rosldeut pupils of High School districts.
II. 11. 24 Standard-loaf bread law re
quires bread offered for Rain to bo baked
In one pound; ono and one-half pound nnd
multiple of one pound loaves. Excess weight
of 2 ounces allowed,
II. It. 49 Makes wotnon cllglblo to servo
on village bonrds.
II. B. 50 Special survey made by coun
ty boards to bu under thn direction of tho
tote surveyor assisted by county surveyor.
II. It. 56 Authorizing the salo of teal
estate owned by irrigation districts and pro
viding procedure.
II. B. 58 Salary of deputy reglstor of
deeds of Douglas county to be $2,000, ad
ditional deputies limited to $1,800.
II. U. 60 Providing for the reglstrittnn
of Omahn city bonds In the ofllcu of the
l'y comptroller of Omnh i.
II. II. 62 Amends primary election law.
II. It. 64 Regulation of auto headlight
to cut out glaring light.
II. B. 65 Revision of state banking law.
Requires bank officers to bo licensed by
Department of Trade and Commerce which
license may be withheld at discretion of
department. Emergency.
II. H. 68 Fixing pay of judges and
clerks of election at 30 cent per hour.
II. It. 69 Provides for doublo election
boards In Douglas county nnd makes women
eligible to service thereon.
II. It. 70 Increase In Balary of nil county
Judges. Emergency.
II. It. 76 Appropriates $04,700 for leg!
Intlvn expenses, employees wages nnd mile
age of members of 40th session. Emergency,
II. II. 77 Appropriates $110,100 for sal
aries of senator nnd representative and
elective offlcors of tho 40th session. Emerg
ency. II. B. 84 Crentos board of Juvenile Re
search for minor requiring Institutional
II. It. 85 Revision of law relating to
feeble minded children.
II. It. 89 -Requires county boards to caro
for dependent children and dostltuta preg
nant women elsewhere than in a poor huuso.
II. It. 98 Revision of law relating to
reclamatlln of neglected children.
II. It. 99 Repeal of law of 1913 relating
to appointment of guardians.
II. It. 100 Revision of compulsory school
attendance lnw. ,
II. It. 101 Establishes "part time"
schools for employed children between 14
nnd 10, Compulsory attendance.
II. It. 102 Providing state aid for weak
school districts.
II. It. 116 Repeal of law requiring school
districts to furnish free transportation to
pupils attending an outside district noirr
than thn h6mo school.
II. II. 126 Makes second class cities and
villages single voting districts and forbid
division for election purposes.
II. It. 127 Assessment of nil property for
taxation nt nctunl value. Emergency.
II. It. 130 Per-capltn nld to county fnlrj
based on Federal census.
II. B. 131 Requires county nssesors to
furnish precinct assessor with list of nil
owners of motor vehicles In thu precinct for
purposes of assessment of tho same. Emerg
ency. II. It. 134 Limits authority of county sur
veyor In location of lines nnd cornors and
requires all testimony relating thereto to
bo reduced to writing and signed by the
witness. Emergency.
II. It. 135 Repeals law authorizing the
governor to pardon two convicts on July 4th
of each year.
II. It. 137 Require county surveyor to
record nil surveys made' nnd distinguish be
tween original survey nnd later work. Pro
hibits establishing Independent lines for
those fixed by original survey. Emergoncy.
II. It. 138 Allen land-ownership law.
II. R. 139 Requires precinct assessor to
collect live stock and crop statistic for
statu department of ngriculture.
II. E. 144 Holder of "encumbrnnco"
must have notice when real estate suld fur
II. It. 147 Applicant for notarial com
mission must bu 21 year of age nnd make
oath to having rend the laws rotating to
duties of notary. Emergency.
II. It. 149 Permits gift of land for public
road within 6 miles of nny city nnd author
ize county board to accept and improve the
II. It. 154 American Legion "boxing
law . Licenses athletic bouts.
II. It. 156 Permits Lincoln city school
board to fix date of its meeting and pro
vides now regulation fur auditing claims.
II. B. 159 Authorizing the Incorporation
of thu American Legion and Its women auxili
aries. II. It. 162 Authorizing Dawson county
tn levy special tax to pay bridge warrants
and Interest aggregating $30,250. Emerg
ency. II. It. 163 Authorize nil school district
tn establish day school for the deaf where
there are five or more such pupils.
II. R, 164 Authorizing Increased Interest
rato of (1 on $5,000,000 Omaha district
school bonds. Emergency.
II. It. 175 legalizing proceedings In Val
ley county in construction of Court Uouso
and Jail. Authorizes $100,000 In warrants
at 7 pending special tax levy to extend
over 6 yean. Emergency.
II, R. 177 Admits children of legislators
nnd other officials of the state, required
by official duty to live In Lincoln, tn school
privileges In the Lincoln city district with
out charge for tuition. Emergency.
II. R. 181 Department of Publlo Works
given right of condemnation of land ilt
sired for stato highways. Emergency.
II. R. 182 Providing two-year terms for
mayor, clerk und treasurer in cities of
1,000 to 5,000.
II. R. 184 Appropriating $200 for grave
stone for Stephen Archibald of Hitchcock
county whnhe estate escheated to the state.
II. R. 187 Penalty of ten to twenty-live
years imprisonment for persou attempting
batik hold-up. Emergency.
II. R. 188 Lancaster ' county assessor
authorized to prepared the tax list and com
plete same,
II. R, 190 Fixes pay of Douglas connty
clerk fur making tax lists,
II. It. 193 (lives stato banking depart
ment discretion tn refuse application for
establishment of new bank If locality has
sufficient banking facilities and to fix guar
antee fund assessment to be patd by banks
organized since April 4, 1910,
II. It. 195 Defines "mixed shlpmonts" of
live stock nnd minimum weight uf car load
fixed nt 17,000 pounds for 30 ft. car.
II. E, 196 Provides for special election
ori petition of ten freeholders In any road
district to voto on levying a tax up to b
mills fur road improvement.
II. It. 197 Require established corners
of original survey to be taken as basis of
any rcsurey. Emergency.
II. R. 199 Method of collection of In
heritance tnx. Limits tax lien to the prop
erty Inherited.
II. R. 201 Revision of weights nnd meas
ure law
II. R. 204 Authorizes mayor or nny other
person to hold office of city manager In
cities of 5,0110 to 25,000.
II. R. 205 Increasing snlary of deputy
court clerk in Lancaster county to $2,400.
II. It. 206 Authorize nil cities to Issue
bond to acquire lauds for aviation field
and landing.
II. R. 215 Requires birth certificates to
conform to rules and form of state health
buieau nnd Federal census requirements.
II. R. 217 Raises mileage fee of sheriffs
to 20 cent nnd board rate to 75 cunts if
prisoners number less than 100. Emergency.
II. H. 225 Repeals reciprocal demurrage
lnw nnd Imposes fine on rnilroad fnlling to
furnish cars after five days. Emergency.
II. R. 226 Raises liability rata uf fire
Insurance companies to 50 of premiums
received on unexpired risks,
II. R. 232 Appropriating n sum equnl to
tho federal nld (about $J5,ll0O) for voca
tional education of person disnblod In In
dustry or otherwise. Emergency.
II. It. 233 Repeal old South Omahn
charter nnd reaffirming all right and priv
ileges accruing from consolidation with city
of Omnha. ,
II. It. 234 Publication Revised statutes.
II. R. 236 Amends law relating to fees
for'WlIng articles of Incorporation.
II. R. 237 Failure of corporation to pay
occupation tax for thrco years shall operate
as dissolution of the corporation.
II. R. 239 Repeals lows governing Lin
coln city school district.
II. It. 240 Authorizing Incorporation of
an extended list of "Greek-letter" collegu
fraternitle and sororities.
II. It. 241 Creates jewelers Hen on or
tlclus left for repair.
II. R. 242 Repealing law authorizing tho
uso of voting machines.
II. R. 243 Changes designation of judges
and school ofllcer ballot from "non-partisan"
to "non-political".
II. It. 257 Providing n Justice of tho
Peace shall be elected In nny city or vil
lage having 1,000 Inhabitants or more.
II. It. 261 Amends law relating tj (ouiity
board of health, defines powers and req ires
enforcement of rules of Stato Welfaru de
partment. II. It. 262 Revision of tho elec
tion law.
II. It. 266 Governor to appoint special
commission of three to study the law
governing public bonded Indebtedness nnd
report to the next session of the legislator.
II. R. 273 Amends law relating to or
ganization of domestic Insurance Co. E.
II. R. 276 Authorizing a land trode In
York county for relocation of Stute Reforma
tory for Women.
II. It. 278 Record of board of dental
examiner shnll be kept In Welfare depart
mont and fees be paid to state treasurer.
II. R. 281 Rato for publication of legal
notices. 10 cent lino 8 point.
II. E. 284 Cities of second class may
employ special engineer to make estimates
for proposed municipal Improvement.
H. B. 288 Provides for copies of blith
certificates without charge. Emergoncy.
II. B. 289 Appropriation of $2,600 for re
lief of George Allshousn for Injuries re
ceived nt the Penitentiary while acting under
the orders of tho ofllcer In charge.
II. B. 299 Publisher file afllduvlt April
nnd October, showing circulation and length
of tlmo published.
II. B. 300 Mnkes November 11th, "Ar
mistice Day" a legal holiday.
II. B. 301 Agents of liability insurnnce
concerns Inspecting Insured premises shall
file report of inspection with statu Labor
department. Emergency.
II. B. 303 Requires labelling of oil ngil
cultural seed with common name, purity
and general charactor.
II. B. 307 Authorizes nil cltle to appro
prlato one-tenth of one per cent of assesvvl
valuation for advertising resources of the
II. B. 310 Annual meeting of Stato Poul
try Association to bo held In January.
Manager may dcslgnato thu place of meet
ing. II. E. 311 Provision for filling temporary
vacancy In county offices until a successor
Is appointed or elected nnd duly qualified.
II. B. 313 Taxes levied for the payment
of city or village bonds shall be retained
by county treasurer and used only for pay
ment of principal and Interest on tho bonds.
II. B. 318 County bonrds erect ratlings
on all bridge and Keep painted white.
II. B. 328 Registered warrant of drain
age district to draw 7 interest. Emerg
ency. II. B. 329 County superintendent cf In
struction may name date of holding teach
er's Institute. Session two to three day.
School boards to pay salaries for 'lain
teachor are In attendance. Emergency.
II. B. 337 Legallz'ng certain Improve
ment made by Ord, Valley county nnd vali
dating the bunds In payment of same.
II. B. 339 Add two judges to Omahn
Municipal court. Emergency.
II. B. 340 Abolishes police magistrates
In Omahn.
II. B. 341 Create n "presiding judge"
for Omahn municipal court.
II. It. 342 Abolishes offico of Justice of
the Peaco In Omaha after present terniH
II. B. 344 Revised motor vehicle tax law
providing collection by tho county; state to
furnish the number-license plates. Emerg
ency. II. B. 345 Divides motor vehicle tax 3t.
to state nnd 00 to the county collecting
same. Emergency,
II. B. 355 Provides for maintenance of
volunteer fire rompantos or department by
taxation in cities und towns whoro located.
II. B. 368 Provide for the organization
of pest eradication district for the protec
tion of crops nnd pasturage.
II. B. 371 Amend law relating tn con
struction and repair of drainage ditches
In organized districts and providing fur
II. B. 377 Authorizes second clnss cities
nnd villages to use concrete or vitrified pipe
in construction of sewer. Emergency.
II. B. 379 Douglas county board may re
pair roads adjoining Omaha nnd pay cost.
II. B. 380 Validates paving bonds issued
In pcit without legal authority by cities of
2nd class nnd villages. Emergency.
II. B. 385 Fixes spsclflc gravity standard
for turpentine.
II. B. 385 Fixe standard for linseed oil
and requires labelling u to "raw" or
II. B. 388 Appropriates $500 for relief
of C. E. Olson of Wnho for accident on
stnto highway. Emergency.
II. B. 395 Makes Spanish-American nnd
World-Wnr veternna ,nt ago 35, ollglhlo for
appointment as commandant nt statu sol
dier's and sailor's Homes,
II. It. 399 (leneral revision of tho fish
and game laws of the state.
II. B. 400 Providing for nomination and
election of members of school board In dis
trict of more than 600 Inhabitant. Emerg
ency, II. B. 403 Fixe salary of Hoard of Con
trol at $4,000.
II. B. 404 Increase In salary for secre
taries to tho governor, board of control
and railway commission and of deputies to
elective state officers. Emergency.
II. E. 406 Provides for organization and
Incorporation of "parishes of tho Episcopal
church mid conduct of their business. Emerg
ency. II. B. 408 Revision of "Blue Sky" law.
Emergency. ,
II. B. 411 Provides for consolidation of
Lincoln and suburban tnutis subject to vote
of approval by each municipality, Emerg
ency, II, B. 415 Appropriating Income of
$2,000,000 for benefit of disabled "world
wnr" veterans. Emergency.
II. B. 419 Foreign insurance Co. maka
satisfactory report. Emergency.
II. B. 424 Appropriates $10,000 fot
state fish hatchery In Lincoln or Garden
II. R. 425 Provides for automatic con
tinuance of crlmlnnl bond from term to term
until case Is disposed of finally.
II. B, 429 Court nuthorlzed to execute,
contract made by decensed grantor for sals
of land.
II. B. 432 Limits authority to mortgage
trust estates to the amount of debts, mort
gages and rusts of administration.
It. B. 436 State horticultural society
may hold annual meeting at any date chosen
by the board of managers.
II. B. 440 Amendment stnto hall Insur
nnce lnw. Emergency,
II. E. 453 Appropriates $4,600 for re
lief of family of probation officer Scitoa
killed In Omahn. Emergency.
II. B. 455 Authorizes Irrigation dls'.rlct
board to create sinking fund and levy iip
to 26 mills to pay bonded Indeb'.edt.tM.
II. P.. 461 Require highway commis
sioner nnd rond overseers to perpetuate
corners in most permanent manner. Emerg
oncy. II. B. 462 Appropriating $1,600 for re
lief of J. V, Dunn of Coznd Injured in con
struction of stato highway. Emergency.
II. B. 466 Stato public land board may
reappraise state lands undor Jeaso nt discre
tion. II. E. 467 Resolution declaring John O.
Neldhart poet-laureate of Nebraska.
II. B. 474 Authorizes sale of isolated
school land of less than 40 acres trncts
on eplrntlon of present lense. Emergency.
II. B. 477 Imprisonment of 1 to .4 years
for Jall-brcaklng.
II. B. 478 New "voting by moll" law.
II. E. 482 Create stnte bureau of crim
inal Identification. Emergency.
II. E. 483 Provide for building a stnto
Reformatory. Limits cost to $300,000,
II. B. 484 Now lnw regulating employ
ment of convicts. Emergency,
II. B. 487 Hoard of Public Work must
furnish counties with estimate of cost of
bridge construction. Emergency.
II. B. 488 Limit refunding bonds to
totnl debt.
II. B. 489 Authorize state Highway
commissioner to purchase land and machin
ery to produco building and road material.
II. B. 490 Requires advertising of high
way building project before stnto or Fed
eral funds enn bo expended thereon. Emerg
oncy. II. B. 492 Secretary of Finance to pro
pare statu budget under direction of gover
nor. II. E. 493 Requires county treasurer to
remit stnte tnx money to stnto treasurer
monthly. Final annual settlement of June
30th prior to August 1st. Emergency.
II. E. 494 State "fiscal yenr" to date
from July lt. Emergency.
II. B. 496 Abolishes stnte "mill" levies.
Require specific sums In appropriations.
II. B. 497 Regulating sale .of supreme
court report and dlsposltloh of fees.
II. E. 498 Repeals limit on state levy.
Levy shall produce sum cf legislative appro
priations. Emergency.
II. B. 500 Duties nnd responsibility of
hotel keepers ns to valuables of guests.
II. E. 501 Relating to losses of linen and
providing for registered trade-ma.-ks lor
II. R. 505 New code governing all sales
of merchandise.
, II. B. 522 Interost strlrkcn from tax due
over ten years when paid up In full.
II. B. 514 Donate about 00 acre of
saline lands near Lincoln to tho city for
park purposes.
II. B. 525 Appeal In polico court case
limited to 24 hours.
II. It. 527 Reduco salary of Lancnster
county drainage trustees to $400 per year.
II. B. 529 Amendment to law governing
state apportionment of state school fundi.
II. E. 530 Amends law relating to proper
designation of defendants In legal proceed
II. E. 531 Amend law of constructive
legal service on unknown heirs.
II. E. 532 Revision of law relating to
service by publication in legal actions,
II. E. 533 Provides thnt legnl returns re
lating to defendant In action, whoso name is
unknown, must recite the words "real name
II. B. 534 Service by publication to be
void unless defendant be a non-resident or
n foreign rorporntlon.
II. B. 537 Legislative apportionment.
II. B. 541 Amend the lnw In legnl pro
ceedings us related to unknown defendant.
II. B. 546 Manufacturers nnd distribu
tor of hop-cholera serum must secure permit
nnd register brand or trade-mark. Hnnd
required that product conforms to Federal
II. E. 547 Restricting uso of tuberculin
and regulate sale and distribution thereof.
II. E. 554 Providing procedure for coun
ties In purchasing road-building machinery
and equipment. Emergency.
II. B. 559 Corporation made responsible
for all statements of Mode salesmen. Emerg-e-y.
II. E. 565 False statement In advertising
securities punished by Imprisonment. Emerg
ency, II. B, 568 Provides new procedure for
actions against corporations. Emergency.
II. E. 571 Creates unpaid commission to
design new htnte ling and great seal of
II. E. 572 Makes cour.ty or township II
nble for damage from 'accumulation of water
due to construction of bridge, culvert or
II. B. 573 Railway commission may en
force reparation to shlppor on rato found to
be excessive.
II. R. 574 Amend nnd expands "co
operative" lnw. Emergency.
II. B. 582 Authorizing tate treasurer to
open n "suspension ledger" nnd transfer
thereto unpaid taxes prior to 1001.
II. E. 583 Correcting irregular county
II. E. 589 Tuberculin cattle test. E.
II. B. 590 Provide for leasing unappro
priated water power rights.
II. B. 592 Appropriates $6,000 for re
lief of Gertrude II. Focht for accidental
death of husband employed at Lincoln In
snnn hospital. Emergency.
II. B. 593 Increases salaries of deputies
to county nttorney of Lancaster county.
II. B. 594 Provide limit of school tax
for Lincoln city district. Emergency.
II. B. 596 Establishes stnto fish-pond at
rem. $2, ono for construction.
II. B. 598 Revision of dairy law. Rnto
of pay for condemned animals,
II. B. 602 Co-operative banking law.
II. B. 612 Cities under "home rulo"
charters may fix number of member of
library board.
II. B, 613 Qualifications, election nnd sal
ary of general officer Nebraska National
II. E. 618 Snlary deficiency bill. E.
II, B, 617 Unlawful for any person or
group to Interfere or attempt to coerce
any person exercising hi lawful right to
II. B. 619 Deficiency appropriation, for
department and Institutions. Emarg
E. 620 Short term salary bill.
B. 621 Biennial salary hill.
B. 622 Short terra state opproprlo-
B. 623 Biennial state appropriation!.
M...i - i
Final Adjournment Comes After Long.
Battle Over Movie Censorship nnd
Big Appropriation Bills Which
Are Held Up Until Last
Lincoln. Huvlng dwlndlod In num
bers down to only a third of tho full
personnel, the rest having gone home,
tho house and the Bcnnto of the No
brauka legislature adjourned Bine dle
at high noon, Thursday, April 28.
Tho forenoon's delay had been oc
casioned by tho work entailed In en
grossing tho thrco final bills passed
which had to bo signed by tho pre
siding olllccrs of both houses whllo
tho legislature was in session.
Thcso bills were II. It. 113, tho
movio censorship bill which tho gov
ernor promptly vetoed; II. It. G23,
tho general appropriation bill for tho
biennium, and II. It. G22, tho short,
term appropriation bill for tho quar
ter from April to July, tho beginning:
of tho fiscal year.
Tho short and business like session
that was prodlcted by all momberB
when tleey first tackled tho Job lasted
longer than any other provious gather
ing of tho solons. Tho hotiso was la
its ninety-first day when It quit and
tho senate on Us eighty-third.
While tho bill factory was slow
getting Into operation and for a timet
It looked as though tho legislature'
might make a record In tho matter
of a small number of now laws, lb
proved to bo just about tho average.
The total number of bills passed up
to tho governor was 313. Of these
ho signed all but four. Ho vetoed
three, tho moving picture censorship,
a $1,500 appropriation for a crippled
patient of tho arthopedlc hospital and
ono providing for filling vacancies in
certain olflces by naming a person of1
tho samo political party as that to
which the lato occupant belonged. Ho
allowed tho Joint resolution favoring?
national censorship to become a law
without his signature. i
University Funds Reduced
Tho state university will receive
for general support for tho coining;
biennium $335,G21 less than was asked
In tho original budget, according to
figures received from tho university
finance office.
Tho total of tho regents original
estimate before reductions wore made
to comply with tho governor's wishes,
was $G,922,G04. Of this amount
$1,871,100 is derived from trust
funds nnd other sources than taxa
tion. Tho total appropriated by tho
legislature for tho university is
$u',o;53,G00, or $SG9,114 less than tho
estimate of the regents for all pur
poses. Tho Important cuts have como InT
agricultural extension, for which
$75,000, instend of $215,880 Is pro
vided; In tho memorial gymnasium,
included in tho original budget of
tho regents at $350,000, and whlclu
is reduced to $250,000; In tho build
ings at tho medical collcgo at Omahn,
for which $100,000 Instead of $300,000
Is provided; In tho striking out of
$300,000 for dormitories for women
on tho Lincoln campus, omitted by
tho regents after conference with tho
Vetoes Movie Censorship Bill
Governor McKelvIo vetoed H. It.
113, tho bill providing for a stato
board of censors over moving pic
tures. His veto messago was mado
oftlclally public an hour after both,
houses of tho legislature had techni
cally adjourned.
In a statement tho governor, mado
public, ho warned that a censorship
of lllm8 was a stop toward consorship
of tho press, and nn Infringement an.
tho stnto constitution guaranteeing1
that "every person may freely speak,
write and publish on all subjects,
being responsible for tho abuses off
that liberty."
Tho bill was introduced at tho re
quest of persons Interested In child
welfare and was a part of tho child
wolfaro program. It resulted In a,
closo contest In each bouse, tho son
ate standing for regulation by law In
stead of regulation by censors. At
tho last momont tho senato changed
front and concurred In tho houso blllj
with a few changes.
Statutes to Be Printed
Tho legislature finally disposed of
tho question of revision and printings
of tho statutes by dologatlng tho mat
tor to thrco persons who aro to havo
a frco hand.
The clerk of the supremo court, tha
reporter of tho court and tho attornoy
general aro to compile, edit and pub
lish tho statutes and soil and dis
poso of tho printed copies on such,
terms as mny bo adopted. Tho three
olllcers named can print tho rovlsioa,
themselves or havo others do It. Tho
amendments appropriate $40,000 for,
compilation and publication.
Nearly Twenty-Nine Millions
Tho total appropriations carried by
tho bills passed by tho last legislature
Is $2S,923,G57, of which $22,000,000 la
in the big budget and $2,000,000 for
Boldlers' rollef.
Of this sum tho tax payors must
contribute $22,820,000. Tho remaining:
$G,000,000 is from various sources.
In 1919 tho legislature appropriated
a total of $2G,900,000'for tho biennial
period. Tho lncreaso, thoreforo la
something over $2,000,000 If all items
aro covered by Secretary DrosB' aum
I ruary.