BED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHERT . ttriftiitMij ..n! I I- i . 1 ("S.. c-' it i i 1 A TK m K4m! k' W 3 'l TP", us' S. f Mrs. Roy Cramer spent Monday in i ; Hastings. (l, ,r t, -r r S J. S. L ThomaSspent Thursday in Hastings. James Peterson' spent Monday in Guide Rock. Chas. Moon of Hastings was in the city Monday. Joe Hewitt spent Sunday in Re publican City. George Ovcring was in York tho last of the week. E. S. Garber was in Omaha tho last of the week. A. Schall was a passenger to Blue Hill Monday morning. H. E. Haywood was in Grand Is land tho last of the week. Mrs. Sadie Williams of Omaha is visiting friends in tho city. Enos Reynolds of Wymore was in the city the last of the week. Will West of Republican City spent tho weekend here with friends. Mr. Beck of Osborne, Kansas, was in the city tho first of tho week. Riverton vs Rod Cloud at the Starke ball park Sunday afternoon. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in tho month at 11 a. m. Bert Duckcr is attending tho M. W. A. state convention at Lincoln this week. Base Ball game Sunday afternoon, Riverton vs Red Cloud Fire Department. George McCrary and Chas. Hunter were down from Inavale Friday af ternoon, r.y., -. . . a. m 1 CTT " tfuy'tfroiid atBwW&od'lVpVs'. ' ' '- -J 3 , " Good meals good" service moderate liricetf Wwell & Pope cafq J' , , , : Wesley ,S Taber and 'Mss, Lcold Hersh, both bf Inavale, were married Saturday by Rev., Schofiejd, of- Ina- vaje. Mrs. Ernest Welsch went to Edgar Wednesday morning to attend the district convention of the- Dogrfee of Honor. Mrs. J. E. Jarboe of Lincoln ar rived in the city Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas. J. Earl McKimmoy of Mindcn spent Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McKimmoy. Hvery muilt of Rod Cloud llest 1'iour is guurMiiteod. Try it. For sale by nil uicrchnntb.W. II. Roberta, Miller it Muuuger. F. W. Cowden departed Sunday morning for Chicago where he will buy goods for tho Cowdcn-Kaley Clothing Co. Henry Fausch was in Blue Hill Monday evening where he heard A. C. Townley, of the Non-partisan League speak. C. C. McConkoy arrived in the city tho first of tho week from Grand Island to visit his daughter, Mrs. Rich' Lippincott. Get our prices before buying your winter supply of Coal. Wo can furnish you tho best for less money. Farmers Union Elevator. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Beck and Mrs. Paul Polnicky attended the funeral of Lieut. G. P. Cather at Bladen Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Britton return ed home Sunday from Burlington and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where they had been visiting relatives. V:- 'Mrs. H. C. Letson went to Omaha Friday morning to spend a few days with relatives. Jim' Mcintosh and Oliver c Powell returned home the last! of . the week from Chicago. i Mrs. J. H. Bailey went to Superior vWednesday moning to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller. Dr. Mitchell of Appleton, Wisconsin, arrived in the city Tuesday evening to visit his wife and family. J. W. Auld went to Omaha Monday evening to spend a few days at tending to business matters. The new laws enacted by the Ne braska legislature appear on another page of this paper. Read them. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crow and son, Clark an'd wife of Republican City spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Minnie. Christian returned to Guide Rock .Wednesday morning af ter a short visit here with her mother. The Ladies of tbe Baptist church will hold a food sale at Wnllbrandt's store Saturday beginning at 10 o'clock. ,, Mr. and.. Mrs. Cecil Barrett and ; uvkuy v yiww, u -vj i Saturday evening to visit his par Nentsi Mr.' and Mrs. Chas. Barrett. fctff.V I Rimdnv nftornoon the Guide Rock and? Red 'Cloud .Eire Department ball teams. crossed bats on the local dia- ondVAltho tho day -was very cold several attended tho game. Guide Rock won the game by a scoro of 6 to 0, they making their runs in tho second and third innings when tho local players pulled off a few bonchcad plays. Tho, balanco of the game was well played and Fred Slaby, who was on the mound for tho local game, struck out seventeen men. Grace Church Services Vencil Maruska of Red Cloud and Miss Mary Kavka of Kunemil, Cccho Slovakia, were united in marriage by Judge Ranney Thursday. Mr? and Mi's. J.rE. Jarboc.jeturned to Lincoln Tuesday morningafter a short visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas. , , Miss Margaret Adams returned ''tfr JVUU VIUUU i,HVlUtjr wv& -w spending a couple of weeks with ner sister at Goodland, Kansas.; Chet Shecley has purchased Tress Harwood's interest in -the Tepee Smoke House and Billiard Parlor and has taken possession of same. Miss Vera Hatfield returned to Hastings Monday morning after spending Sunday here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hatfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchell and J. W. Hauck autoed to Hastings Tuesday evening to get a Reo car which Mr. Hauck recently bought. M. K. Quigley's household goods were shipped to Benkelman the last of the week, he having accepted a position in a printing office there. Three trains of fetock consisting of one hundred and thirty-seven cars passed thru here Sunday enroute to the St Joe and Kansas City markets. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton and children departed Monday for their home at Lemoyneter spending a couple of weekafrftrith relatives here. CANE SEED FOR SALE , ,Black Amber cane, seed 60c per bu., 80c f. o. b.-Inavale. Purchaser fui nishing sacks. A. L. Stoner) Inavale, Nehr. Services for Sunday, Kay 8th Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning sorvieo at 11 a. m. Bvenlng servlcw at 8 p. m. You are heartily invltod to all these services. Furniture For Sale Cook stove, book uasebed, springs ond mattress; ball rock; rocUiutf chair; 12 ch'tftrsj'mlrro'r. Se'comMlouse ncfith of M. E. church. A. T. Holtzen, City Supt. S i.'. r..V -si. ., ,, Bye comfort for near view and distance- ITRYPTOIT IV GLASSES IV GLASSES do The work wq r ol asses mmmm of HUCONit .Y W msMKA pair -mivmrrcm 11 v i o m. - - . Mr,, ntitr Mr8.;Clirtr(-Maromand, ,p Jj'JS Angolef, CalJforuiarcyjaltitjgDi;. fttod-Mrs. Robt,)Bmc)tir. dlH ' ' ip eqinju: term ofUistrlct cour.tjwt;.!, uuuvcue ii i u is city Aionuav, .May mm. District Judge h H. BlacUlbdV'rViU preside. tm '" i)olle(l Clouu Mill griudo all kindB of feed, hjbo has Chick Food and other Qrtfffnor rafn tdr , Cliicken. W H. KaucftMiiier&'MHr. - - - "TllcrEjcplorers" a four act drama' will W played at the Auditorium, Monday i eVening, May 16th, for the benefit of the local American Legion Post. Clarence Kizer has received word from his father, S. B. Kizer, who has been spending the winter in Califor nia, stating that he will be home tho last of tho week. Mrs. Bernard McNcny and daughter, Helen, and Mrs. J. W. Auld iind daughter, Virginia, went ty Denver Thursday evening to hear the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Mrs. D. 11. Kirkpatrick and child ren departed Wednesday morning for Red Oak, lown, after spending sev eral weeks here with her sister, Mrs. Albert Dclph and family. Mrs. G. A. Dickcrson of Inavale purchased a ticket from tho local ticket oillco Monday morning and de parted for Gravity, Iowa, where she was called by the illness of her mother. The following shipped stock Sun day to Kansas City: Delaney Bros., one car of hogs and Alf Nolan two cars of cattle. C. II. Miner and Alf Nolan accompanied the shipment to Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Graham and son, Forest, left Monday evening, via auto, for Hastings where they will make their future home. Mr. Gra ham has accepted a position in Schmit's drug store in that city. Miss Mabel Bailey, who had been employed in 'ho Argus ofiicc for sev eral months resigned her position and went to Benkelman Saturday where she will operate the Intcrtypo machine in the News-Chronicle oilice. Mrs. Irene Wcisz departed Satur day morning for her homo at Chica go after spending a few days here with her sisters, Mcsdamcs W. A. Sherwood and E. A. Creighton. Mrs. Creighton accompanied her to Hast ings. A Civil Service examination will be held in Red Cloud, May 7th, for0the position of clerk in the local 'post office to fill the eligible., list. Appli cants can secure blanks by calline on Mr. Marion Bloom, -Secretary ofthft civil aervico uoara. The following shipped stock to Kan sas City Tuesday morning: A., B. Crabill two cars of hogs) A. A. BHck enstaff one car of hogs, T. J. Hagny of Lebanon two cars of cattle. Messrs. Blickenstaff and Hagny accompanied tho shipment to Kansas City. SCHOOL BOARD MET ON MONDAY EVENING Board met in regular session nvith members present Hoxsey, Grimes, Sherwood, Overing, Perry and Pope, Hoxsey presiding. Minutes of previous meeting of April 4th, read and approved. The following bills were read and approved: Berkey-Cordy Co. $ 2.52 Hammond & Stephens Co 1. l62.13 C. C. Burchard & Co. American Book Co. Gregg Publishing Co. Pope Bros. E. H. Newhouse Gaston Music Co. Grice & Grimes C. J. Pope 3.17 3.23 1.28 22.85 1.60 4.50 ' 28.43 1 79.55 1.00 35.45 J. C. Mitchell Jeweler & Optometrist John Mintcrs Eldrcdge Enter House. Tho Buildings and Grounds Com mittee made a report relative' to trading the Agriculture farm for the Miner tract of land. No action taken. On motion of Overlrig seconded by Perry, Sherwood and Pope were 'ap pointed as a committee to mako ar rangements for renting the Auditor ium for Commencement exercisesV Supt. Holtzen now mado detailed report 'after which Board adjourned sine die. Pursuant to adjournment of old Board tho organization of the new Board resulted as follows, tho elec tion being by ballot: President Mrs. W. A. Sherwood VicoVprcsident Ned Grimes Secretary C. J. Pope. Credentials and oath pf ofiicc of Frank Perry, Roscoo Weosner and C. J. Pope, members elect, were received and placed on file. On motion Joe Barta was retained as janitor of tho Washington and Junior High buildings for tho school year at a salary of $100 per month with tho understanding that ho was to work one week after school closed and to commence two weeks prior to tho opening' of school in the fall. Also by motion, Elins Goblo was elected janitor of the Lincoln building nt a salary of $80 per month for the school year4 only. No further business Board nowad,-j journcd to meet Monday June 6th. i' . " A ' , -7Zmmm. , 'it . jffyou yOant True Music you must choose CEk NEW'SDISCttr ' Qe Phonograph with a Squ3 i CONSIDER youiTobject in buying - a phonograph. ' Tt is to bring true music to your home the living per formances of great singers and in strumentalists, of great bands and orchestras. Over five thousand times, before more than five million people, the New Edison has stood side by side with the living artist . jn a , direct comparison test, and no one Has Been, ajilfc ,to dis: tinguish between the living perform ance and the Re -Created performance. The New Edison is the dnly phono graph or talking machine that sustains this test. It is the only phonograph that has actually proved beyond ques tion that it gives you true music. . E. H. Newhouse Licensed Edison Dealer iCi' T F you buy phonograph rcc " ords, or player-piano rolls, if you play or sine, you should have a copy of "What Edison Likes in Music. " It tells Mr. Edison's 25 favorite tunes, cives his views on music, and names 6 selections which he thinks everybody ought to own. Get your copy. It's free for the asking;. Use the coupon. j A" & miidM in COUPON iiiVTi: . OffAfKM' . BriiWorMnd thii cotjpoa. jvutk xnaitcmi you want. No charge or obligation. Name. Address- n What Edison Like in; Music. ,, lkwth's etching of Edl ton, 12 x 19, forlraming. I Edison & Muiic the Story of the New Edison. D 0 What Did Ediion Do' During the Warf (Bulletin) IL imiipkiBw j m COMING! 1 1 To Red Cloud MAY 10 to 14, incosive Better Than Ever The Scott Carnival Co. - Under The Auspices of The Red Cloud Fire Department There Will. be Plenty of Shows and Riding Devices so That You Can Enjoy Yourself. LOCATED SOUTH J0F THE PETERSON IMPLEMENT STORE ,"' . 'j At Ata'A i. 'J ."O.i 1 'I . I '11