r t ,Vf.' , . w roMBER cat MWmfasi r - . . l-.-j cT" fi ! f,- 'hA-PUB. 3fY.4Mr;- ?j.r' r .'Jlv - wj vsucir: in yvwt. - ' . V "ftPS . ,'' XO ' rth i BED iottOUB, NEBRASKA, CM ' "" - i II i .1. gggggSSgfc- .. . - - .... - 1 - -j I II I I ! I I .1 F im n nt - ' ' If ' - Ti $1,600.00 $3,300.00 in 1920 A AAA AA f nAl ?i,uuv.uu in ii - , Freight has advanced $280.00 on this material, since ipij, which makes the lumber cost at the present time a trijlc over $100.00 more than it did in 1913, exclusive of the freight raise. Piatt cfr Frees ijinBira 4 ? ,.:, 3 O ' '.('V"- Exi6e :2&""' BATTERIES --i4t; ; iTreat jfXour Battery 'As It Treats You i ' Your battery savc9 the work of cranking and makes bright your path. Give it the friendly consideration it deserves. If you are in doubt as to how to care for it let our skilled toatterymen give you unprejudiced advice. This service station is manned and equipped to repair all makes of batteries, to make them last as long as possible. ' When you need a new battery we have an Exide, the right size for your car, built to keep its rugged power through a longr life of Mscfulness. The Red Cloud Battery Service Station CARL S. McARTHUR, Manager. fHE Km, CLOUDSSCHiEfl Red Ckjid, Ndbr'aaka. $JgI8HED EVERY TUESDAY Cntcred In the Fott$fl)ce at Itcd Cloud, Neb DocoaauiBs Mniier- mm RTHU BEdltor and -Owner r,viintfM.r . . - - i- vfAayerifsins itteues W,6twkn, par column Inch 15o tyeal, ' " ' 10 & 12H Pictures Vaudeville m m ,: ,'m. AUDITORIUM Theater. Red Cloud- wVfVvuvvwwvSlvvv.v.v.v.v.vAvuvu,uwft "a m. IF IT'S FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em Malone-Gellatly Co. x , "Talk with us about fence posts" WUVVWUWUftVVWSftVSWUVUW E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures "Quality" Job Printing Dp. E. Gfitti GfllllOPflfiGTOH PHONES Ind. 193-X Dell 48 5;d Office Turaure.Dldg, formerly. Occupied by Attorney L. II, BInckledge The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because Are has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow no today, if you have time and you bettor llnd tinio oomo to tho ofllec nud we'll writo n policy on your houso, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.clisxble Insurance Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST EDCLOUQ NEBRASKA .. i Onic'eovorAlbrliUtfe store Red Ootid JJ.H Nebraska Farm Bureau Notes SOW AND LITTER CLUB Tho Sow and Litter Club was or ganized, known as the Webster Coun ty Sow and Litter Club. Willis Means elected for Local Leader. The mcmbcr.s are Logan Ohmstcdc, Earl 1'ortiner, Guide Rock, Marion Stew ard, Oscar Lea, Eugene White, Leo Hunt, Lawrence Howard and Cecil Means, Charles Miner, Red Cloud. Officers of tho Club arc Lawrence Means, President, Cecil Means, Sec retary and Leo Hunt, Treasurer. LIVESTOCK BREEDERS MEET WITH COUNTY FAIR MAN AGERS Tho following livestock breeders met with the County Fair Directors: E. A. Blumcnthal, Duroc Jersey breeder, P. H. Larrick, Hereford breeder, Fred Householder, Shorthorn and Poland China, Wm. Arntlt, Hol stcin and Duroc Jersey ,Earl Mat tock, Hereford and Polnnd China, Henry R. Fnusch, Shorthorn and Po land China. Tho object of the meet ing was to make the Li'estock stand point. President Franco and Secre tary Duncan assured the Livestock representatives that they would put forth every effort to meet the de mands made by the livestock breeders. The following requests were made by tho livestock breeders: Freight ser vice from the south part of the county, better barns for the cattle, judging ring with raised seats around it, installation of wash racks for cat tle, free passes for Livestock Exhib itors, Livestock parade on Friday afternoon. The premium list has been revised and will compare with tho leading County Fairs of the State, besides liberal premium money handsome ribbons will be given. The breeders asked for M. B. Possom of Lincoln as judge. The County Fair Association is offering $100.00 in premium money 6n boys and girls Club work. TOWNSHIP MEETINGS Township "meetings "adopting a pro- l gram of vvqjk were held in the fol lowing townships; 0 Red Cloud Town ship adopted a Wheat program, Harry Moede elected Project Leader, Inavale Township adopted a Hog program, Robert Newton elected Pro ject Leader, Harmony Township adontod a Wheat program. A. M. Ray, elected Project Leader. Newton Gaines, Community Welfare Lecturer, gave one of his whirlwind talks at each of the above Township meet ings. He "nlso talked at the Red Cloud, Cowles, Blue Hill and Bladen High Schools. HOLSTEIN BREEDERS MEETING Owing to bad roads the Holstein breeders meeting was postponed until Saturday, May 7th. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. LAST RITES TENDERED A WELL KNOWN HERO Tuesday afternoon, May 3rd, wit nessed the last chapter in the color ful career of Lieut. G. P. Cather, first Nebraska officer killed upon the battlefields of France. An elaborate military funeral service was conduc ted at the opera house in Bladen at 2.00 o'clock, the crowd being such in proportions that the seating capacity wa.T sufficient for only about a third of the throng. The middle section was reserved principally for the relatives of the deceased and the soldiers and sailors having part in the services. The Holdredge Legion band, together with Capt. Fred O. Kelly, singers and others, occupied the stage, which was a mass of flow ers and floral tributes. The American flag was draped from the ceiling. The flag draped casket of the hero occupied the place just In front of the stage. A portrait of the deceased stood at each end of the stage. An easel upon which were pinned his many medals stood at the left of the stage. As tho band play ed the- relatives marched in and took their scats followed by tho uniformed soldiers and sailors, a few Civil War veterans and Spanish American sol diers. Tho program opened with a male quartette singing a selection. Follow ing this Capt. Kelly offered up a prayer. Emil Swanberg, formerly of Holdredge, now of Grand Island, gave a solo, "Face To Face." Tho obituary of tho dead officer was read by Capt. Kelly, also numerous letters from his commanding officers, nil of which commended him for his unflinching bravery and his consideration for his men. Aitor another song by the urijrtcttc, Capt. Kolly dolivircd an im'prossivo sermon 'which dealt prin cipally with tho honor accorded a man who lays down hi3 life for his 0 1' -.i'l-J iiit' IS k Direction - Manager JACK TILLER CHET MILLER Special Tonight Friday Saturday HOUDNI In The Grim Game A real thriller! Don't miss it! CARMEL MYERS in "The Mad Marriage" and a 2-reel comedy "The Fire Bugs" WILLIAM FARNUM in "His Greatest Sacrifice" o mm m iJ & ot you, Steve!! w have always yearned to-run. a .newspaper :olumn" just sit back and publish other people's contributions. And here ' Steve" comes across with a contributed advertisement, and saves us some work. He keeps his name and address a secret but good work, Steve, say we. ' 'You satisfy. " to . fi THREE YEARS ago. I TRIED a cigarette. THAT I'D seen advertised. AND I didn't llko it. f NOT A tall, not a tall. YESTERDAY I ran short. AND HAD to sponge. AND ALL I could get. WAS A Chosterfleld. NOW I didn't fancy. A CHESTERFIELD. FOR, SAYS I. WASN'T THAT tho kind. I TRIED and passed up, THREE YEARS ago? BUT ANYHOW I took one. AND NOW I know. ft ft MY BIG mistake. . FOR ALL tho while. ft ft I SMOKED It. ft ft I FOUND myself. ft SAYING, "BY golly. ft ft ft THEY DO satisfy." ft ft "STEVE." STEVE took no chanco at all. "Satisfy" is in the Chesterfield blend sure thine. No use lnnkintr i anywhere else for 'satisfy' either, because the satisfy-blend is a secret it can't be copied. licstcfficid JIW -fcggr C IC ABB T T E S 5H Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. - i country. "Tho End Of A Perfect Day," was sung by Mr. Swanberg. After the singing of tho "Star Spangled Banner," tho assembly re tired outside to await the services at the cccmctery. With tho hand leading, then tho color guard, tho procession left for East Lawn cemetery. Following the hcarso came eight flower girls dress ed as Red Cross nurses. A car con taining the floral wreaths was next in line, followed by tho firing squad. Tio soldiers of Old Co. K. marched next. After a short service at the cemetery, tho casket was lowered to its last resting place, n volley fired over the grave, and taps blown. Thus ended, tho ceremony for a Nebraska hoy, who paid tho sunrcmo sacrifice. Wednesday's Commercial Advertiser. CHEAP ADVICE! Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free as the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it be known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a Daia-neaaea druij- j; away wun ii dui uie uovicc you le kind you want. We i but if you are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on financial matters we will be glad to help you In any way we can. just how a wtie snouio oe nanoieo, ana evei gist can sell hair tonic and get away with it seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is the 1 are not a volunteer in the advice business, bi THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Pre.ident Rod Cloud, Neb, S. R. Florance, Ceduer Dtpo$it$ Ouarantttdby the Dejioiltort Ouarantu Fund of the Stat of A'tbratla y i t y -4 n