The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1921, Image 6

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CHAPTER XIV Continued.
"That Is why I nm coming hack,"
she tnclstcd. "I told you I could
"All right," he grinned cheerfully,
"come alone, then ; only you keep down
out of the wny, find let me do the
sniping. There 1 now you lost tne n
shot! Did you hoc that buck dodge
between those two rocks? He'll try
Unit trick again presently."
Olga cnine buck, creeping out cau
tiously and finding a place slightly
behind where he lay. She held to
one weapon, laying the other on the
rocks, together with a belt tilled with
Shelby barely swept his eyes toward
lier, his whole attention conccntruted
on what wus occurring below. Some
thing was taking place' down there,
but exactly what could not Immediate
ly be determined. He had perceived
men moving beyond range, dodging
along from rock to rock, mere glimpse
of dark figures, yet plainly enough
Indians. Once he wus almost sure lie
distinguished a white tnuu, through a
rift In a gully, but the. fleeting view
gulncd was not convincing. Never
thcless ho hud no doubt but what
thero were white men present. The
method of attack was too bold, and
determined, for navagrs alone; it was
not tho Sioux idea of war. Resides
the one man who would liavo a real
object In this assault would bo Laud.
Ueyond all question It was he who
was behind the effort, urged on by
personal hatred, as well as a desire
to gain possession of Olga. Shelby
wondered what the fellow might know.
Could ho be nwnre of the cwupe of
Mncklln? and that I'nnclm had ridden
forth In search for help? If ho did
that might account for his desperate
eagerness to overcome what resistance
they could offer before she returned.
Yet probably not. for If he did know
tho coward In him would cause him to
seek flight before ho could be cornered
In this place. It was far more likely
thnt lie believed himself opposed mere
ly by Shelby and tho girl, armed with
a revolver or two, and having a lim
ited supply of ammunition. He saw
little peril In the adventure, nm! fig
ured thnt a quick, sharp rush, his war
riors leaping from covert to covert,
would win un easy victory, lie would
keep up a steudy rllle llro from bo
hind the rocks, forcing the defenders
to keep under cover, and then sudden
ly scud a charging party to end the
Shelby smiled grimly at the mental
picture, never turning his head as ho
spoke to the silent girl bcsldo him.
"How's AIncklln?"
"Dead, I think, Tom. He didn't
seem to breathe even faintly."
"Tho poor devil; It will Do mighty
hnrd on 1'unchii though. You got your
"All loaded, I reckon; If not you
bolter fill It up. There Is goln to be
h I to pay presently. When I say
bo. you let drive. Keep down out o
Bight till then, but when you begin to
piynn make her act like n gntllnu."
"Hut can't those riflemen bee you
"Well, It doesn't look much like they
can, tho way they are pepperln' that
rock. Nlco little tune the bucks nre
pluyln'. Thnt's what makes me think
something's up; they aim to keep us
down out o' sight, so wo won't glimpse
what's comln. 'Tnln't Indian nature
to waste lend that way. Laud's back
thero somewhere pluyln' this game. I
think I got sight of the sneakln' cuss
a minute ugo, but ho was out of
"You bellevo they Intend to try and
get up here?"
"Thnt's my present notion; they
don't look for much trouble either.
It Is up to us to give that outfit the
surprise of their lives."
She reached out her hunil and found
his, as it rested on the belt of cart
ridges. "Tom l"
"Yes," he answered without remov
ing his gnzo from the trull below.
"Don't worry about me," she snld
earnestly. "You know what I mean;
don't think about me when they do
come. I'll tuko care of myself, all
He cast a quick glance Into her
"Sure, I know you will. You are
l trump, a good pnrdncr. I thought
that, for a long while. You won't
'forget what I told you."
Til not forget."
There was a moment of silence and
fthen she spoke again, a sharp little
catch In her voice which she could
not restrain.
"Tom I"
"I I don't know what ta going to
happen. I I am not afraid, but
but It seems to mo I I would llko
to have you kiss mo once tnoro first
you only have once, you know."
Shelby turned his body about, leav
ing bis cocked revolver lying on the
atone, and caught both her bands
"Lord, I'ri glad to hear you say
that, little girl," he exclaimed, his
tyes aglow. "J rackoo I've been sorter
half afraid o' you. Hut I ain't goln'
to be any more; you sure menu It,
don't you?"
Her eyes looked honestly, enrncat
ly Into his, Answering hliu before
her lips spoke.
"With ull my heurt, Tom."
He drew her softly toward him, for
getful of all else. Then a rifle spat
viciously, and a ball struck the edge
of the parapet, sending a splinter of
stone flying past them.
It was a long, nerve-racking wait,
during which they rested side by side,
Intent on every movement below, but
finding little opportunity for action.
Occasionally they spoke, but generally
remained silently watchful. The In
dians kept up u desultory fire, and be
hind Its screen were evidently making
a change of position, yet so stealthily
us to bo hardly observed. They ex
posed themselves freely enough beyond
pistol range, proof that they were ful
ly nwnre of the caliber of the wcupons
confronting them, but closer In the
savages crept from rock to rock In
visible. Twice only did Shelby suc
ceed In getting n fair shot once clip
ping n scalp lock from an Incautious
ly exposed head, and nguln winging a
brave who recklessly attempted to
leap across a narrow opening. This
fellow dropped In the open trail,
wounded In tho thigh, nnd uuablo to
drag himself to shelter, and soon n
sinewy rod arm reached out from be
hind n rock In an effort at rescue.
This wus withdrawn quickly us a
speeding bullet struck within an Inch
of the outstretched hand. Tho in
jured warrior lay thero twitching with
The minutes dragged Into hnlf an
hour, the strained nerves of the de
fenders on edge. Olga was trembling
from head to foot, struggling to re
tain self-control, Shelby never relaxing
a muscle, or averting tho steady gaze
of his eyes. Suddenly he rose to his
knees, a revolver gripped In either
"There's Laud now," he andounced
She saw the fellow also, lifting her
head to peer over the low rim of rock,
standing In the open trail, but Just
beyond range. Ho held a rifle In his
hands, which he swung above his
hcud, at the samo time giving ut
terance to a hoarse shout. It must
have been n signal, for Instantly those
rocks were black with half-nuked fig
ures, leaping madly forward, with
rifles flung In nlr, and giving utterance
to tierce yells. It was a wild race,
but the steep ascent to the cave hnltcd
them. The two above, reckless now
of exposure, tired as swiftly as they
could presj trigger, straight Into tho
red faces. Somo fell, shot down In
their tracks, a few paused to reply,
hut the majority began to clamber up.
Laud ran forward to Join them, roar
ing out his orders. Ho was In full
view against the snow-covered trail,
nuil Shelby swung his smoking muz
zle down upon him. To the crack
the fellow flung up both hands, whirled
about, and crumpled Into a shape
less heap. Shelby, scarcely realizing
the suceess of his quick shot, stag-
The Fellow Flung Up Both Hands.
gered buck, reversed the gun In his
hand, and struck with tho butt at
tho first Indian appearing ubovo tho
plutform. It was hand to baud.
A 8quadron of the 8lxth.
ruucliii vnulshed Into tho fog, wad
ing along the creek, and finally creep
ing out below tho burned cabin. If
there were any guards left there they
were not encountered, and the mists
hung so thick at thnt early hour she
took few precautions to avoid them,
Her one thought was Macklln ; love had
conquered hate, und the desire for
revenge. There wus a chance of suc
4K ,
mid ItlW i
cess for her mission. The debris had
not been searched over; It could not
have been, for the fire still smoldered,
hut the moment the Indians were able
to overhaul the wreck they would
discover that their victims hud, In
some way, escaped. There would be
no charred bones, no singed flesh, to
tell of dead bodies consumed In the
flames; they would not even find
Macklln'B remains. And Laud wns no
fool. The truth, In some form, would
come to him nt once; he would know
they hud got safely awny; nor would
he ever stop until he nguln found
them. And he would suspect her;
perhaps had seen her face when she
fired that fatal shot. Her only chunce
lay now, before this revealment came.
She wus .cool, resourceful; had
shrewdly thought out every step. If
she was still unsuspected, no one
would stop her. She hud always been
free to lenve the vnlley. Often she
had tnken early rides, and none of tho
ordinary guards would consider her
going forth as at all strange. Of
course, the Hole was filled now with
strange fugitives Indians hiding from
the soldiers, suspicious of every white
face. These might cause trouble, but
she must take that chunce. There was
but one way to save Macklin's life
tho doctor at Qerlasche. Shelby had
told her so, and nothing else remained
fixed in her mind. Mother of God, she
would save him 1
There were three horses In the little
stable shack back of the cabin. She
crept cautiously up through the fog,
unable to sec in the gloom, but lo
cating the animals by touch. One
was still moist from riding, Laud's
pony, no doubt The next was her
own, having scarcely stamina for such
a trip, but the third was the bay
Juan had always been so proud of.
She led the animal out, saddled 'and
bridled him In the darkness, and then,
mounting in the gray dawn, with a
prayer In her heart for help nnd
guidance she rode slowly out Into
the trail. A Are burned In front of
the little house beside the falls, a
mere flicker of half-burned logs, with
two men hovering over It One of
them started up, at sound of the
horso's hoofs and gripped a rifle. He
was white, a flapping hat brim shadow
ing his face; the other, on Indian,
wrapped In a blanket, merely lifted
his head, and stared moodily. Her
heart gave a sharp bound, but she
reined up carelessly, as the fellow
stepped Into the trail. Ho peered
curiously Into her fuce.
"II I, young womun, you're out d d
early, ain't you? What's up?"
Thero wns nothing vicious in his
grcetlug, nnd her heurt quit Its pound
ing. "I'm after a doctor, Sam," she said
swiftly, believing boldness tho best
curd to play. "My brother has been
"Sure, I heard thnt, only they told
me ho wns dend; he ain't, hey? Had a
rumpus with Injun Joe, didn't he?"
"Yes; I Just heard about It. He
must have tho doctor right away."
"Whero tho h 1 you aim to And
"Over nt Gerlnsche. Thero Is nn
urmy surgeon there."
"Sure, but I'm bettln' tho cuss won't
come, 'less ho brings the whole urmy
'long with hlra. ne'd have 'tcr mosey
In yere blindfold If ho did."
"Just the same hee'il come, If I And
lieem," she said grimly, "for I'll bring
hcem, dead or nllve. Who's out there
on the trull?'
"'Hcd' Hnlncs, nn' Stumpy, 'long
with n couple of Sioux. The boys nre
n bit Jumpy Just now with all them
sojers scoutln' the Bud Lands. Maybe
they'll try tcr stop yer, but yer tell
'em I said It was all right Say, what
wus goln' on lust night shootln, ter
beat h 1 up the cnuyon, nu' there
was quite a Are, too?"
"Row over the girl Macklln brought
l.i," she explained calmly, "nn' the
old cabin got burned."
"Uome more o' Injun Joe's cussed
ness, I reckon?"
"Yes, ho wns In It; well, Adlos Sum."
She rode forward, novt1 even ven
turing to glance buck. Thus far ev
erything had gone easier than she
could have iioped. There were no or
ders out against her, and these night
guards were not even nwnre of what
hud taken place. She guided her
horso under the veil of falling water,
and up the steep bank beyond, out
Into the vnlley of the Cottonwood.
There was, little danger of meeting
anyone now, she needed to avoid, and
oqce beyond those wutchers at the
head of the trail, the way would be
open. She came upon these Just be
Ibw the crest, grouped for shelter
under the ledge of an outcropping
rock. .Haines had been drinking and
was in n good humor, listening to her
story with a broad grin, and dismiss
ing her willingly enough.
'To h I, o' course yer kin go," he
said thickly. "Yer brother pulled me
out o' the Sowskln onct He's a d n
good scout of a Mer. Go to it, girl;
yon know the trail?"
"Yes, along the edge ef the Bad
"Sure ; better keep In the first gully,
cr yer might run Inter a sojer out
fit They're thicker than fleas out
Copyliht A. C HcClm C
there now, they tell me. So long,
It had begun to snow, big, heavy
flakes, drifting with the wind, quickly
whitening the landscape. The slight
marks of the trull were almost instant
ly obliterated, but the low rnnge of
hills ahead were a sufficient landmark,
and she forced her horse Into n swift
puce; riding with her head lowered,
but with watchful eyes pee'rlng
through the snow curtain.
She was nlone now ; free, with noth
ing Intervening between her und Ger
lnsche. Her heart bounded with the
elixir of success she would bring
buck the doctor to Macklln. She felt
no doubt tiny more.
The direct trail circled Just within
the outer rnnge of the sand hills,
making It Impossible for her to mis
take the wuy even In that mnze of
snow. She rode more carelessly now
that she was safely out of sight, nnd
free from any possibility of pursuit.
The horse, with lowered bend, seemed
to feel the urgency, nnd plunged for
ward, eagerly. Suddenly us they swept
around a sharp corner, seeing nnd
hearing nothing to warn of nny other
presence In that solitude, they, came
nt full tilt against a hulted column
"Well, What's This?" He Growled.
of cavalry. Before Pancha could
even Jerk up her reins, a sturtled
trooper hud gripped the bit, und held
her mount helplessly pawing the nlr.
"Well, what's this?" he growled,
tugging nt tho frlchtencd animal, and
dragged half off his feet In the fierce
struggle. "A Mex! Say, fellows, this
looks like Arizona. Lay hold here,
Mapesl Call the sergeant, somebody;
I've got this bird! whoa there! now,
whnt's nil this about, young lady?"
"What Is It Summers?" the ser
geant, pushing through the ring of
men, peered curiously up nt her from
under the brim of a battered campaign
"She Just come ntearlng in, ser
geant, like she was goln' somewhere.
She wns sure rldln' like h 1, an'
she Is Mex, ull right.
"So I see. Well, senorlta, what are
you doing out here?"
Ills fuce wns kindly, if stern.
"Senor, I ride for a doctor," she
said earnestly. "I'lenso do not stop
me u man Is dying."
"A man? Where? Is he a Mexi
can r
"No, senor, nn Amerlcnno; he wns
shot; he verra bud; If I And no doc
tor, ho die maybe."
"But where were you gdlng?"
"To Gerlnscho, senor, there Is army
doctor there."
"Not now there ain't; he's back
here with us somewhere. Where Is
this fellow who's hurt?"
She hesitated Just an Instnnt, yet
there was no avoiding tho truth. If
the doctor wns here umong these sol
diers, sho would have to tell tho truth
or else desert Macklln to his fate. Be
sides, whnt did sho caro? Her hntred
of Laud suddenly flared Into new life.
Here wus the opportunity for revenge,
as well as service.
"In Wolves' hole, sonor."
WolVi' hole! Good God! did you
come from there? Pass the word for
the major, some one. Whnt's that?
Oh, excuse me, sir," and he came
stiffly to nttentlon, facing tho heavy
set, middle-aged officer, with Iron-gray
mustncho and goatee.
"Whut have you here, sergeant?" the
latter asked briefly, "Mexican wom
an?" "Yes, sir; she Just ran Into us at
full tilt. She claims to be after a
doctor to attend to a wounded Amer
ican over In Wolves hole."
"Is that so? Perhaps this Is good
luck. Who Is this American, senorlta
some d n white renegade?"
"He mnn I love, senor."
"Oh, that's It Then perhaps we can
do business. We've got a surgeon
here with us. ,If you will show w
n wny got Into Wolves hole, Til
promise he'll take care of your man,
all right."
"You ask me to guide you?"
That's the bargain. We hnve been
trying to locate tho place for two
days. Who Is tho leader of those
"Indlnn Joe Laud, senor."
"I've heard of the brute. Judging
from the way you looked then, he Is
no friend of yours."
"No, senor; I hute hcem; he keel my
brother; now he try to keel this man
I tell you 'bout lie nn' two more
Americanos." '
"Two more! Tills Is becoming In
teresting, Sergrnnt. Let's have the
straight story, senorlta. You want us
to help these people Is thnt It?"
"SI senor; It is nothing to me whnt
you do. I enre for them not nt nil;
they not my people nny more. There
nre many Indians a lot; they hide
"But, who nre these Americanos?
They belong to the gang?"
"No, senor. One wns a woman,
senor; young, pretty woman; she cap
tured and brought there. Ket wn
her husband that try to save her. He
follow nn' git In some way, like the
Mother of God help. Hees mime wus
"Shelby?" broke In the sergeant, for
getful of the officer's presence In his
surprise. "What Shelby? Wus his
other nnme Tom?"
"SI. senor," nnd she turned her eyes
on him. "You know this Tom Shel
by?" "Do I! of course I do. You re
member him, Mnjor Hays. He was
with us once In 'C Troop; then Inter
dctnlled with the scouts. He's up In
this country, I know. I run Into hlra
down nt Ponca when I came through
there. Why, thnt wns hln wedding
dny, nnd I saw the bride."
"You say those renegade devils have
got them both there In the Hole?"
broke In the major, "prisoners?"
"They got nwny now; they hide in
a cave." she explained.
"And you will show us the wny In?"
"Senor, the doctor he will enre for
this mnn If I do?"
"I pledge you my word he will."
"And you keel Indian Joe Laud,
"We'll surely do our best."
"Then I show you yes; who that
man there?"
Shaunessy wheeled nbout to face the
fellow she pointed at gripping him
with one hand, nnd dragging him forth
from among the circle of soldiers.
This Is the bird they gave us for
a guide," he said shortly. "You know
' "lie," she gave vent to a bitter
laugh. "That fellow Dull Knife; bud
Indian, horse thief. Why they give
you heem?"
"H 1 knows. What'll I do with
tho cuss, major?"
"Have a couple of men hold hlra
under guard. We seem to bu on the
right track now; senorlta, where Is
this Wolves' hole?"
"Over there, not fnr; across the
mesa. You come, I show you. Thnt
be better first, senor Just you nn'
some others, so you can tell what
to do. Maybe eet be better we go
afoot, so we be not seen."
"On foot I You don't mean we ure
so near the place?"
"SI, senor; I show you."
A little handful followed her lead
between the sand ridges out upon the
open plain the mnjor, n lieutenant,
the sergeant, and three men. She led
them ulong n slight depression, suffi
ciently to partially screen them from
observation. The steady fall of snow
had ceased, although there were oc
casional Hurries, driving, sharply Into
their faces. Overhead the clouds hung
low nnd gruy. Hays swore under his
breath, half convinced he wns be
ing made n fool of. Twice he started
to speak, but held his tongue. The
girl never turned her head, but moved
straight forward.
She came to a slight ridge, and
stopped suddenly, pointing.
" Tls thero, senor," she said simply,
"Wolves' hole."
The astounded officer stood motion
less, his mouth open, his eyes star
ing at the sight so unexpectedly re
vealed. For un Instant he could not
believe whut he saw. Almost under
his feet the precipice fell awny Into
that tremendous gorge, the mantle of
snow emphasizing Its depth, but bring
ing out the black rocks In stern con
trast. "Good God!" he exclaimed, "what
a gulf I And not u sign to make you
drenm of Its existence. I'd huve Bworo
ten feet buck this plalu wns u deud
level for thirty miles. But how in
heaven's nume do we ever get down
"There Is something going on, sir,
up yonder In that cunon," spoke up
the lieutenant eagerly. "Listen. Those
are rifles popping, und I can see white
puffs of smoke through tho gluss.
There's a tight going on down there."
"D d If you ain't right, Boyd;
they are certainly popping uwoy ruther
lively. Cornered Shelby likely, and,
ns I remember the lad, he'll stay with
them as long as he has a cartridge
left By Jingo I we've got to get down,
and clear this nest out Where's the
trail, senorlta?"
"Over yonder to tho left, senor. Yon
take your glass, so. Now straight
along the bank, where that cedar tree
tops the edge. It stands all alone.
You see what I mean?"
In Position.
From a story "I am half Inclined to
kiss you," he said, as he bent over her.
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