. y.,, sowftwim RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 3K ? I i f id If 7 i -I 111 1 s iff 9 ti i h i X tf J P IIT H. JOHNSON, ol Portland, "v Oro., who ays no one could bavo done film any greater kind ecu than the (Head who advised him to try TanUo. Gains fifteen pound i "Not In long time have I enjoyed such good health or felt so well gen erally us I do since tuklng Tnnluc," i?nld V. H. Johnson, HID East 43rd St., Portland. Ore., who holds a re sponsible position with the Northwest Transfer Company. "Ahout n year ago I began suffer ing from lack of appetite and stomach trouble and since that time that Is, until Tnnlac set me right 1 have felt so poorly thnt I could hardly do my work. My food seemed to do me little good, If any, as my digestion was bad, nnd I lost both weight and strength continually. "After every meal there was n dull, nagging pain In the pit of my stomach that kept me feeling miserable for liours. "The gas from my sour, undigested food would bloat me up terribly nnd my nerves were so upset that I would He nwnko half the night unable to sleep. I was constantly having blind ing dizzy spells and could not bend over nnd straighten up quickly but what everything seemed ns dnrk as night to me. "I wns telling n friend one day how nnd I felt nnd he advised me to try Tnnlnc nnd I Just wnnt to sny he couldn't have done me n grcnter kind ness. "I linve picked up nil of fifteen pounds In weight, my nppetlte Is fine, nnd .nlthough I nm entlng Just nny thing I want my stomach never gives me n pnrtlcle of trouble. My sleep Is sound nnil restful nnd my strength nnd energy hnvc been so renewed thnt my work Is no longer n burden to me." Tnnlnc Is sold by lending druggists everywhere. Adv. FAIR ONE ACCEPTED THE END Statement Might Be Copied From i Page of Modern Fiction, but It ? Is Far Otherwise. V . "And this Is the end 1" Something glittered In the man's baud as he uttered the words. The beautiful girl before liltn looked up into his face and a doubtful look erupt Into her eyes. "The end I" She echoed his words w)bI fully, standing there In the beam n't' sunlight which caused the glittering thing in the man's hand positively to dance with lire. "You nro quite sure?" A smile lllckered across the man's face. 'Quite sure! This Is the end!" The fair crenture shrugged her shoulders resignedly. "Then " she btenthed, tensely, "I I will tnke the piece!" nnd with n smile the man dropped the scissors nnd parceled up the. short length of calico. Cold In the Head" Is an acute attuck of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to Irequont "colds In Uie head" will And that the uso of HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINK will build up Uie by8tem, clcanso the Blood and render thorn less llablo to colds. Repeated at tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem, thus reducing the Inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. North American Buffalo. The to'tnl number of wild and tnmo buffalo on the North American conti nent at present Is estimated at mnro than 0,000 head. Canada bus 5,0SU This Is due to the fact that several years ago, wiien the Pablo herd in Montana, belonging to Michel Pablo, n half-breed Indian, wns for snle, the Canndlan government bought the ani mals, sufficient Interest not being ex hibited by Americans at that time to make It possible to retain them In this country. Sure Relief 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief Kjs??Z1W BE LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION NEBRASKAJN BRIEF Timely News Culled From All Parts of the State, Reduced for the Busy. SCORES OF EVENTS COVERED Table Kock Is reorganizing Its lire department. The new. Methodist church at Puw neo Oily was dedicated Sunday. DeWltt Is making preparations to hold an old-fashioned r polling bee, Teeilinsoh hns let the contract for the Improvement to the present wuter service. An oil company with a capital of $1,000,000 has been organized at Ply mouth. The ySO.OOO bond Issue for a now school house at Murdoek was do feated. lien It. Mann was uccldenlally shot 'and killed while on a wolf hunt near Stockvlllo. The First llaptlst church nt Oriind Island celebrated its r0lh anniversary last Week. x Five gray wolves and four coyotes wore slain In a round-up near IMutts mouth last week. The Coring city council has already sold lis SiL'.OiKl funding bonds thnt were Issued recently. The stale high school basket ball tournament will bo. l.old at Lincoln March 10, 11 nnd Hi. Klro, caused by an overhented flue, did .$'-'0,000 damage to McL'ook's !?;t00. 000 high school building. There Is a serious epidemic of small pox nt Pawnee City, forty-one cases now being under quarantine. The convention of Federated Wom en's clubs for tin; First district will be held at Falls (Jlly April 5 to 7. General John J. Pershing will de liver the commencement adthess at the University of Nebraska In .Tune. The (Jreoley council of the Knights of Columbus lias opened club rooms In the Croelcy State bank building. Coyotes ure crowding In on Hastings despite the roundups in which scores of the animals have been killed. Mrs. Charles Toay committed sui cide nt her home, nenr Valparaiso, by shooting herself through the heart. Miss Ksther Kroyer was recently unanimously re-eleeted ns secretary of the Kearney Chamber of Commerce. Milk was being sold nt retail In the Mlnden market last week for 7 cents a quart, a break of .'t cents In. the price. Professor J. J. Flalo of Superior hns been engaged as director of the Te cuinsoh Military band for the coming year. , Mr. and Mrs. John Nash celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last week at the home of their son, Leon ard, In Palmyra. Crop statistics for 10120 show that Nebraska has stopped Into first place In alfalfa grown. This applies to acreage yield, and tonnage. "Death crossing" near Klg Spring, where six persons have been killed, now is protected by a newly patented signal bell and wigwag signal. The Desbler brass band has been under the leadership of Its present di rector, Henry Sittler, since Its organi zation, twenty-live years ago. The Arthur county commissioners have almost completed plans for the rlglrt of way for the new state road between Arthur and Keystone. 'Kimball county farmers have sold nt least 00 per cent of their lJWO wheat crop. Conditions for a good crop In 1021 could not be better. Pierce probably will finish Its first paving project April 1. Twenty-eight carloads of brick now on Hie way will be sutllclent to complete the Job. Twenty-three hens laid twenty-four or more eggs each during the January egg-laying contest being conducted by the College of Agriculture at Lincoln. As n result of the annual crow hunt by the Oakdale Gun club, 1-14 crows were killed. A banquet with many shooters present from Nellgh followed. , Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhr, sr cele brated their golden wedding anniver sary at Ulair last week. They have resided In Washington county 47 years. Louisville boasts the greatest show ing of twins nttending the public schools of nny llko sized town In the state, there being four sets In that in stitution of knowledge. John Flessner, u furmer living near Wymore, was found by his wife In a dying condition at the barn, where he had gone to do the evening chores. Denth was dun to heart failure. The legislature has been asked by the house finance committee to appro priate $21,284,744.43 to run the stnte" government for the coming two years. The Ruffalo county supervisors have purchased over 518,000 worth of road building nnd maintenance equipment, Including two Holt caterpillar tractors and four twelve-foot steel mnlntainers. Warden Fenton of the Nebraska pen itentiary has notllled sheriffs of the state to send no more men convicted of crimes to the prison for the present. Tho penitentiary Is crowded to the doors, with G12 Inmates, 200 more than normal capacity. i County Attorney J. C. Cook nt Fre mont, announced war on nil game vio lators nnd states thnt he will insist 'upon Jnll sentences for nil who full to observe the closed season laws by dis turbing the lurgo flocks of migratory birds that are passing over that sec tion dally. Tho stalo board of control hns awarded a contract for the building of n hospital nt tho stuto home for sol diers nnd snllors nt Mllford. The total for construction, wiring nnd hentlng Is $80,005, or $10,r90 less than tho totnl bids for Uie same structuro I """ "- John F. Potter, 01 yenrs old, tho last remaining veteran of the Mexican war in Nebraska,, where he lind lived since 1807, Is dead. Throe Thousand ex-service men were) In the "Uonus parade" nt Oinahn last week, as n demonstration favoring the passage of House Hoi I No, f2. Freiiionters are to vote on a 75,000 bond Issuu at the spring election for an extension of the local water system Id the outlying districts of the city. The eleven-year-old daughter of Mrs. Margaret Conies of Auburn Is af flicted with the sleeping sickness. Doc tors have been unable to give her any lelief. Fenton Fleming of Lincoln was elected president of the Nebraska llo tall Jewelers' association at the close of the annual convention nt Oninhu last week. Holt county Is the first to have a innrkolliig agent for Its farm bureau. The agent disposes of agricultural products direct from the farmer to tho consumer, The body of Carl Smith or Madison was found In an automobile by the roadside near Fnola. An empty gun with both barrels discharged wns In tho machine. The Mlnden volunteer fire depart ment will be supplied wllh a modern electric siren mounted on the municipal building and operated from the central 'phono exchange. Omar Young, a fanner living near Palmyra, was caught In the flywheel of a cornsheller and narrowly escaped Doing killed. His clothing was torn from his body. Two fires In the same block nt Fre mont, both thought to be of Incendiary oritrln, resulted In a loss of !:.-o,000. State Fire Warden Hartford Is Investi gating thu inn l tor. One hrtnflred and fifty teams bavo signed up to enter the eleventh annual high school basketball- tournament at Lincoln next week, with propoctB that the registration will roach 200. The Illoomtlold lire department cel ebrated Its twentieth anniversary at a banquet last week. J. W. Hart was the first president and George Downs tho first chief,- nutl both still live there. A pure-hred hog sale at Children brought over flOO out-of-town visitors, many purchasers. Purebred Poland Chinas brought an average price ot .$102 BO, and Duroc-.Ierseys $103.25. Parker Island, on the Platte river near Central City, will bo converted Into u scenic pnrk containing an out door theater, drive, swimming pool, play area, cottages and camping aieiu Frank T. Hanson, for many years at torney for the South Omaha Union Stock Yards company nnd nctlve In democratic politics of Douglas county for 20 years, died Sunday after a long Illness. A. J. Klnlr, who worked thirty-six years for his brother-in-law, John William, as a farm hand, In Otoe coun ty, without drawing his wages hi -full, has been given a Judgment for $i:i,000 In surprome court. The Farmers' Stnte bank of Hadar has been closed by order of the state department of trade" and commerce fol lowing the discovery by State Hank Kxntnlner Duelow of an apparent shortage of $20,000. It. G. Klliott, president of tho Chnd ron state uormnl, and M. K. Relsche, secretary of the state normal board, have gone east to attend a nat.onal meeting of educators, and to see Pres ident Harding Inaugurated. Fifteen persons we're hurt, one ser iously, when u Union Pacific passenger train crashed Into the rear end of u Missouri Pacilic passenger train at the tower station near Gllmore Junction, nine miles southwest of Omaha. Work will be resumed nt once on tho Platte county court house. The su pervisors last spring refused to let n contract because of high prices, and now will bo able to build It for cou slderablyyless than the appropriation. Yeggs robbed the bank at Howe, Neb., and escaped with the contents of forty safety deposit boxes. The boxes contained principally liberty bonds. Hank olllclals could not estimate the loss, hut admitted it- might reach $10,000. Tjie First Christian church nt Mc Cook Is remodeling nnd improving Its building which will lncludo additions to both east 'nnd west sides of the present structure. The seating capa city will be Increased to 400, and u modern baptistry will bo added. Lieutenant Governor Harrows haq ieturnod from n strenuous trip to the east where ho visited In the capacity of commander In chief of the Sons of Veterans and nlso os presiding ofllicr of the Nebraska state senate. He de livered thirty speeches in seventeen cities and ten states. The Kearney county board of super visors has made n special appropria tion for the farm bureau making pos sible the hiring of a county boy mil girl club demonstrator. Dr. J. T. Stevens, u prominent Lin coln physician, Is dead from n trilling wound sustained while performing an operation some weeks ago, tho injury developing Into blood-poisoning. ' Norman Johnson, slayer of City De tective Arthur Cooper, ut Oinahn, has offered to help support Cooper's widow with wlint inouey ho cun earn while serving his life's sentence in Uio stuto penitentiary. A community sales day plan Is undor way, under the supervision of the York County Commercial club. Tho proposition will Include oil of the merchants who will place on sale a staplo article at a greatly reduced price. Tho property Inventory of; tho uni versity of Nebraska totals nearly eight million, according to tho estimates provided for the regents' report just published. The exuet amount Is $7,' 722,0-1,1. The vnluo of tho rcnl prop erty Is estimated nt $r,!irl),7oa ; tho permanent endowment funds nt. ?8Til, 700 and tho equipment nt $1,407,521. F CIFTING COMMITTEE WILL BE AP POINTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF HOUSE DILLS EXPECT SOME NIGHT WORK , Preparations Being Mndo to Finish Session Soon as Possible So Farmer Members May Get Home for Spring Work Lincoln. A sifting committee, ot which Speaker Anderson will be chair muu and thu other twolvo members selected In caucuses, two frou each congressional district, Is to take charge of tho general lllo In tho lower brunch of thu legislature on thu fifty third day of the session. This was decided upon at a recent session, n motion by Mr. Hodman be ing adopted without opposition. Tho manner of picking the committeo was determined early in tho session by the passage of a rule giving each congrea slonal district two members and des ignating the speaker as chairman. All iiionibcra of tho houso nro eligible Including those who uervod on the selectlvo committee nt tho 'beginning of the session. It Is ex pected tho district caucuses will tu hold sows time within thu uuxt few days. After the sifting committeo starts work, no bills will be considered ex cept those which it raises from tho general file. The houso will probably do some night work In an effort to get us many bills out of tho way ns pos sible beforo tho sifting process marts. Insurance Men Object to BUI The Cronln "bill, which provides for tho state of Nebraska going Into tho surety bond business so far us Insur ing the persons who draw salaries from the public and whosu handling of money require their bolng bonded, Is apparently causing consldurablo commotion in tho Insurance business generally. Members of tho sennto havo boon getting letters from their constituents enclosing letters sent out by gonornl ln3uranco ngoncics to their local rep resentatives urging them to Bee their local representatives and tell them tho bill ought to bo killed. Tests for New Capitol Foundation Test barings have been Btarted on tho state capitol grounds to determlno the naturo of tho soil strata under lying tho site on which the new build ing, 400 feet square, will stand. Shafts will be sunk at each of tho four cor ners and also in tho center. They will Go down until solid rock Is struck. Samples of all materials found bo low the surface, a rocord of and the depth at which each is encoun tered, will be kept by tho contractor, who Is in charge of the work. Revive Antl-Clgarette Bill The house of representatives hns raised tho untl-clgarotto bill from tho dead and placed It on general file. Tho lower branch turned down tho com mittee's report for indefinite (post ponement nnd by a vote or 57 to 37 put the bill on general lllo on motion of Anderson of Hamilton, Introducer. Tho Anderson measure repeals tho lnw passed two years ago licensing nalo of cigarettes and places stringent prohibition against manufacture, salo or giving uwny of cigarettes. Salary Bills Get Through Two bills raising salaries of ap pointive Btato olllcers wero put through, but oach had somo formid able opposition. It required a call of the house to secure two-thirds ma jority for II. H. 401, allowing $2,500 a year for deputy Btato attorney gonornl. the same compensation for secretaries to tho governor, railway commission and board of control. The other salary monsuro booBts tho board of control members from $3,000 a year to $3,500. Abolish Supreme Court Commission interpreting tho action of tho con stitutional convention last year in authorizing divisions in tho state supreme court to facilitate work, as an order to abolish tho court com mission the .Nebraska state senate votod in committee of tho whole to Indefinitely postpone a bill by Senator Bcobe to continue tho commission for two more years, increaso their salar ies to $5,000 each and provide them with two stenographers ut $1,800 a year oach. Plan New Floh Hatcheries Two now stuto fish pondB, one nenr Peru to cost $2,000, and another In Lincoln or Garden county, to coat $10, 000, havo boon approved by tho fish and game committeo of tho houso. Create Insurance Deficit Fund With tho farmcrB voting almost three to one the state hall Insurance provision calling for a rovolvlng fund of $100,000 to bo appropriated by tho state, was adopted in tho houso. Vote Against Tax Exemption After devoting an entlro day to a debato on S. P. CD to exempt from taxation the capital stock of building and loan associations, tho Btato sen nto In committeo of tho wholo killed the bill. Boxing Bill Passes House More than three to one majority for the American Legion boxing bill gave it a triumphant passago in lie representative diet, This Is tho strongest llnoup shown for tho mens uro at any stago of Its consideration. Report on State Flag Bill The Williams bill for a stato flag was favorably roportcd by tho com mitt4o on miscellaneous subjects. It nlso provides for a now Btato seal, which will bo reproduced on tho flag, along with tho goldoarod. ni sh Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better thnn Cutlcura Soap dally nnd Ointment now nnd then ns needed to miike the complexion elenr, scnlp clean nnd hands soft nnd white. Add to this the fnscluntlng, fragrant Cutlcuru Talcum and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. Marquesans Are Dying. Tho Mnrquosuns, we gathered over coffee nnil cigars ut Nukuhlva, were dying n.nl lly of consumption, Intro duced In the form of Panama fever by laborers returning from eannl construc tion. The fever afterward developed Into tho white plague by reason of the natives' unresisting, If not acquiescent, nature. And when nil were gone, what then? Chinese, The Chinese appear to bo the an swer to most questions lit tho South Pacific today. They come; It costs them but $."0 to land; and after thnt they grow mon Dleu, how they grow! Hulph Stock In the National Geographic Magazine. FRECKLES " Mow Is tho Time to Gat Rid of Them Uglr Spots. There'! no longor tho alttchteat need ot feeling nnhnmpit of your frockles, as Othlna double etrenttth la KUmanteeJ to remove these homely aoto. . . , Simply Ret an ounce of Othtne double strength from your drusiclst, and apply a flttle of It night and morning and you should soon soe that ecn the worst freckles havo begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce la needed to com pletely clr.r the akin and gain a beautiful clenr complexion. II o sure to ask for the double strength Othlne. an this la sold under guarantee of money back if It falls to remove frecklos. Proof Positive. "I understand." remarked Mr. Calln ban to his friend Mr. Casey, "that the Judge fined ye $10 for nssaulfln' Cough tin the other day." "He dhl that." answered Mr. Casey, "an' It was a proud moment, I'll tell ye, whin I heard the slntlnce." "How's that?" "I'm thlnkln'," continued Mr. Casey, "that It showed which one of us had the best of the tight." RUB OUT SORENESS Spralnt, Backache With Old 8L Ja cobs Oil. Knelt hurt yon? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pnlns, shnrp aches and twinges? Now, listen I That's lumbago, sciatica, or maybe from u strain, and you'll get blessed relief the moment you rub your buck with sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Ollr Nothing else takes out soreness, lame ness nnd stiffness so quickly. Vou Blmply rub It on nnd out comes the pnln. It Is perfectly harmless nnd doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer 1 (let small trial bottle from nny drug store, and nfter using It Just once you'll for get that you ever hud backnche, lum bugo or sciatica, boouuso your back will never hurt or cause nny more mis cry. 'It never disappoints nnd bus been recommended for 00 years. Stop drug ging kidneys I They don't cause back nche, because they have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Adv. Then It Happened. "1 wonder It you could?" mused the Cheerful Idiot. "Vou wonder If I could what?" asked the Wise (luy. i "Why, If you saw n beggar on crutches, I wonder If you could say that he has n lame excuse for beg ging," replied the Cheerful Idiot. .Minneapolis Journal. A Feeling of Security You naturally fed sccuro when you know that tho 'medicino you arc nbout to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The fame standard of purity, strength end excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in tcaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On fcale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this Rtcat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringliaratfln, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing bo sure and mention this paper. -Adv. Costume. "Discharged?" Inquired ono of the stutuesques In the spectacular show. "Yes," replied the other. "Tho stage manager suys 1 overdressed. I wore a dimple and a mole at tho same time." Kill That Cold With CASCARA L QUININE FOR Kfe-iV AND C.Ms. C.agk rOMV La Grlpp Neglscted Colds are Dangerous Thkw ao cfesacM. Keep this standard rsmedy bandy for Ike tnrt mnm Breaks ap cold in 24 hours Rl!vs Gripps in 3 days ExcUnt forHaadfichs Qslnln Id this form does not affect th baad Cascara Is tost Teals Laxativs No Oplats In Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT A Nervous Wreck Following LaGripp KlrVsvillf, Mo. "I had a fiovc.re cass of the la ftrippo and did not ret alone well niicmani! it Icit torn weak ana a nervous wrnck. I could not da I I law vfSZl t nnvtlilnrr. I rnt on this wny for eomo tlmo, just could not eet back my health. I took mnny medicines but without results. At (last I began taking J Or. Pierce a Favorit I Prescription and it ?. soon built mo ur and ravu mo fltrrngth nnd I felt llko n different pcrmm. Women who wnnt n Rood miKliclno will find it in 'Fnvorito Prcwription."' MHS. A. SIIAIN. 402 W. Illinois St, ' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription contains no nlcohol or narcotic, nnd i sold by nil good druggifits in botli fluid nnd tablet form. Send ten cents to Dr. Pierce's Invnlids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., (or a trial packuge of tablets. Of No Further Ugo. Sploshklns wauled to sell his horse, so prevailed on the local dealer to cofsie anil see the uulmul. "That's a good horse. Mr. Taylor," Sploshklns said to the dealer. "It cost mo $500, hut you can have It for $250." The dealer gasped. "That's rather a big reduction. Mr. Sploshklns, Isn't It?" he asked. "Well." Sploshklns udmllled, "the fncl Is It bolted one duy nnd killed my poor wife, nnd now I've got no further ut-o for It I" London Tlt-Hlts. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How to Get Quick Relief from' Head-Colds. It's Splendldl In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, tho air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, 'snuttllng, blowing, headache, dryness. No strug gling for breath nt night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. (let n suinll bottle of Kly's Crenra Buliii from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing crenm In your nostrils. It pen etrates through every nlr passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen miicojs membrane and relief conies Instantly. It's Just line. Don't stay stuff cd-np with a cold or nasty catarrh. Relief comes so quickly. Adv. Telephones on Public Works. A complete automatic telephone sys tem, with 101 stations and 1,227 miles of lino, Is to' bo built for tho sole pur pose of communication between the dams and hydraulic works now under construction by the War department along the Ohio river, says Popular Me chunlcs Magazine. There are 1112 of these ihims, designed to maintain nine feet of water. WOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Coats, Stockings, Draperies Everything. Each packnge of "Dlnraond Dyes" contains easy directions for dyeing any article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, of mixed goods. Howard Poor dye streaks, spots, fades, and ruins mnte rlal by giving It u "dyed-look." Kuy "Dlnmond Dyes" only. Druggist has Color Card. Adv. Militant Honesty. "Have you lost faith In baseball players?" "Certainly not," replied tho gonial old geutlemnn. "A crowd of young sters persuaded me to tunplru a game the other day on a vacant lot nnd their sincerity was so great I wns lucky to escape with my life." Klr mliiKhnm Age-Herald. Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes for baby, if you use Red Cross Kail Hlue. Never streaks or Injures them. All good grocers sell It, Cc a package. Not for Him. "Then you don't like alligator pears." "Naw, let the nlllgntors eat 'enx. Louisville Courier-Journal. KILL RATS TODAY BytlsiRf UsGmuIm ARMS' ci rrrvrmrs PASTE Anu and WatortoRS ths rrlpst knows curUn of dUwuo. Thf y dottror both food nnd propertr. Steams' Hlootrio fasto forws tbesu pesu to m f mm the building for water and fresh lr. KKADT FOB UBB-llBTTEK Til ANTRAM lMM.Hnns In If. nnartn.ovtm. In AfPfT boX. TWOlUes.Uoandft.EO. HnooghtoklUUtoMl V, D. uoverninent oujm iv. A'ajdLVjravBSV IsT vrlSlI I 1? .i II n8T7 iWll I s Wkrs Mill WMmm rj'aiag- m ' I RTP