11D OLOUD, HlBRASKA, 0H1XP ,-iii . - ---, f ' M rtl ' A l i f ) t V ) it " . BESSE AUDITORIUM Tonight vaudeville The Basco and Gardner Players Present AN ENTIRE (CHANGE OF BILL Chorus has included new and catchy dance numbers GEE ALSO TONIGHT IJiss Olive Thomas in THE FOLLIES GIRL SA TURD A Y MA TINEE 2:30 p. m. SPECIAL! An Entire New Program of Vaudeville and Pictures Adults 25c Children 10c Besse Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives in the city. Fred McPhectcrs wont to Kansas City Sunday morning to spend a few days. J. 13. Hillrso of Hastings spent the last of the week with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Tcel. Mrs. George Hollister of Denver ar rived in the city Tuesday morning to visit friends. One of the plate glass windows in the Stato bank was blown out by the wind Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ncwhouso of Guide Rock spent Sunday with rela tives in the city. . Mr. and Mrs. John Aubushon re turned homo Friday morning from J Slratton, Colorado. 0; D. Robinson and daughter, Mrs. Oliver Powell, wore passengers to York Tuesday morning. v AS TOLD TO US k k rj in k k si si a: m hj m & a Eut and drink tit Powell & Pope's Cafe. tf Gilbert Beck was in Hastings Friday. Marshal Finch spent Monday in Hastings. Ollie Ellison spent Monday in Hastings. Mrs. Roy Cramer spent Thursday in Hastings. Good meals good bcrvicc moderate prices Powell & Popo's cafe George Havercamp went to Grinnol, Kansas, Saturday morning to attend to some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens of Smith Center, Kansas, spent Sunday with relatives in the city. Low Walters is home from Kansas City and Kxcellalor ypi Ings Mrs. J. T Snlndeu has been on (lie sick list tlio past week. FOR SALE A fresh cow and calf. Will trade Maxwell touring car for horses or mules. Joo Bent. Tho Utah School debute lias been poHtoned from tonltu until next .Tues day evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Hon Copley and duuglitur wont to Hustings this inurniiig where tho Inter underwent an operation this afternoon. Allic A. Buttorfiold of Bloomiugton and Miss Louise Schnucrlo of Nap onco were united in marriage Wed nesday by Judge Rannoy. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Funk return ed to their homo at Superior Sunday morning after spending n couple of days with Mrs. G. W. Hummel. Miss Gcorgotta Coon returned to Fairbury Monday morning after spending Sunday hero with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coon. Mrs. Ollio Ellison returned homo Monday evening from Stnnwood, Iowa, where she attended tho funeral of her mother, Mrs. Eva Tcnnant. b Miss Minnie Christian returned to Guide Rock after spending tho week end here with her mother. Dan Garbcr was n passenger" to Blue Hill Monday afternoon. By Shcphordson of Rivcrton was in the city Thursday afternoon. N. P. Nelson went to Ashland Mon day morning to spend a few days. T. Duval went to Omaha Thursday to attend the funeral of a relative. Sheriff Huffer and his deputy, P. H. Boner, were in Guido Rock Tuesday. Fred Gund of Lincoln wasjn tho city Tuesday. James Pdterson pspentl Wednesday in 'Guide Rockv - lV ' 'Vj " I Miss Clara "Warren wentto Omaha Thursday nqprnbig. i l '" h C.- W. C. Cassell spent Sunday .with his wife at Denver. A. B. Crabill was in Kansas City tho first of tho week. Dr. Nail of Riverton was in tho city Tuesday afternon. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Weesner are the parents of a bdby boy, born Tuesday. W. A. Romjuo left Sunday morn ing for Roswcll, New Mexico, where ho will spend a few days. Five trins of stock consisting of two hundred and twelve cars passed thru hero Sunday enrouto to tho markets at St. Joe and Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Byron White of Harshaw, Wisconsin, arrived in tho city Saturday evening to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowdcn. Mrs. N. B. Bush left Monday morn ing for Long Beach, California, whore she will visit her sister. Miss Edith Zeiss, who is teaching school near Bladen, spent Saturday and Sunday hero with her parents. Will Gurncy returned to Lincoln Saturday morning after a month's visit hero with his wife attd other relatives. Mrs. Bernice Shodo returned to her homo at Grand Island Friday after visiting her parents and other rela tives here. Martin Frcdcrickson returned to Fremont Thursday afternoon after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. C. F. McKcighnn and family. Mrs. Thomas Hummcll returned to her .homo at Fruitland, Iowa, Wed nesday morning after visiting with Mrs. G. W. Hummel and other relatives. Mrs. Tress Harwood was called to Omaha Saturday morning on account of the illness of her daughter, M'ss Lucille, who has been attending Bchool there. George Harris and M. K. Quigley spent Saturday afternoon in Hast ings? - - . -, I -U2 Mrs. Bernard McNeny and - daugh ter, Hejn, spent Thursday in Hast ings." i Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Britton spent Sunday with his parents at Guide Rock. John Havel has resigned his posi tion with tho Frame & Smith Bros, garage. Isadoro Johnson spent Sunday with his parents at Hastings. J. L. Fuller of Cowlcs was in tho city Saturday afternoon. Walter Warren was a passenger to Hastings Monday afternoon. Mayor Amack has improved con siderable tho past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cramer spent Sunday with his brother at Woodruff, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crow spent Sunday with his parents at Republi can City. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cummings of Hastings spent Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cummings. j J. -Mrs. Gus Wiggins returned home" Saturday evening from Nelson where' she spent u few days with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson'left Thursday morning for Omaha and Lincoln where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Bert Sherman went.to Lin coln Saturday morning after spend ing n few days with her mother, Mrs. Gard. During tho absence of Dr. Creighton Dr. Mar' in will have charge of his ofll:e. Dr. Martin will continue the Qtting of glasses and make all repairs needed to spectacles. 4t -i Mjj jtthd -Mr. George Cramer re turned to' .their home at Woodruff, Kansas, 'Tuesday morning after spending a couple, of days here with his Brother, Roy 'Cramer. -.) . J. H. Piper, National Field Execu tive,, will be present tonight and as sist in the permanent organization of a local Council of Boy Scouts. Ho will also give a talk onJ'Boy Scouts of America." This event will take place at the M. E. church tonitc at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Smith aro tho parents of a baby boy born Monday morning. IF YOU Are Invited r to Attend the Special Meetings at The Baptist Church Gospel Messages by Major E.W; White D.D. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS CHAPLAIN FIRST INFANTRY MICH. N. G. Mrs. T. K. McArthur returned home Sunday morning from McCook where she spent a few days with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Butler of Hastings spent Sunday in tho city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler. Mrs. Svoboda and children of Lawrence spent the last of the week in this city with her sister, Mr?. Everett Stroup. Mrs. D. B. Burden went to James port, Missouri, Sunday morning, she being called there on account of tho illness of a rolativc. Miss Edith Hoffman departed Wed nesday morning for Topcka, Kansas, where she will teach school tho re mainder of this year. A, B. Crabill shipped three cars of hogs and six cars of cattle to Kan sas City Sunday morning. Delnney Bros, also shipped ono car of hogs to Kansas City. Music by Chorus Choir, Led by Mr. L. L. Brandt, of Hastings COME! You will be Interested and Helped Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville StUi Alnrt Finidwllh PnlliSlrlt. Fuoir Clout, 8ort99i . ......7!l!!(!! Hmu ,Mlle lrMil LAIIES BIME MATNEE EVEIY WEEKDAY Everybody Goest Aak Anybody iwti m iibwit m mi now weit ot cwimm Dp. E, 6AIP GJilHOPRflGTOR PHONES I Office 76.M IND. Jv Residence 190-Y Office 2 Block. North of Fiieman'. HtA RED CLOUD . NEBRASKA Dissolution of partnership forces the sale of a 6G0 acre farm eight miles from Obcrlin. First class improve ments, 175 acres good wheat. One of tho best grain and stock farms in the county. 9,000.00 carried back on farm. Write for particulars. ' L. M. PARKER, Oberlin, Kan. Mr. Harvey, salesman for tho Brown Fruit Co. of Grand Island, has decided to make this city his head quarters in tho future. His house hold goods were brought down here by trucks Sunday and ho and his family have moved into the residenco formerly occupied by J. A. Bradford. Last Friday evening .a program and debate was held at tho district 41 school house. The subject for tho debate was "Resolved, That motor power is more benefit to the farmers than horses." Ben Copley of this city, George Pitney and Fred Copley were for tho affirmative and wero awarded tho honors. Clyde Pitney, A. L. Grossman and Rev. Schoficld were on tho negative side. A largo crowd was present to hear the debate. Estimate of Expenses for WebstcrXouh ty, Nebraska for the year 1031 I, I!. V. Terry, county 'Clork ot Wobstor County, Nobrnslia do hereby certify that on tho llrht rcKulnr nicotine of tho County Jlounl of Conniilbslont6ol Webster County, Nebraska tlio following cstlnmtoot i;xjcnsca torAVobatcr County for tho yenr 1021 was uiadonudndopted. Soldiers Itollof $ 800.00 Poor ......., .. , ... ......... 4000.00 Assessors A Donutya .... 4000.00 County Attorneys Office 1M0.00 County Hoard & Hoard ot Equalization 6000.00 Hooks & Stationery ......... 2000.00 District Court &000.00 County Superintendent's Olllco 2&00.00 Dlndon Fair Association,..., 600.00 County Highway Commissioner.. 1&00.00 County A Rents Ofllco ,,, 3(100,00 Incidentals 20000.00 Klectlons , , 1600.00 Hrldgcs ..., , K8O00.00 ltoads , 83000.00 f 8 127,700.00 Witness yiy hand andOfllcjal Soal this 12th daypf January 1W1.. . . ' --(Seal.)' ''',(V . iclPEKlty County Clork. MERCHANDISE Q Priced Right To meet present low prices on Merchandise and to clean up on COTTON BATS will close them out at the following prices; 18c Bats for !4c 25c Bats for I So 50c Bats for 3SG $1.80 Bats for $1.30 This is all CLEAN COTTON, bought at the higher prices MY LOSS is YOUR GAIN. If you are needing, or going to need bedding, don't wait, as the supply is limited and they are BARGAINS at these prices. Cretones, Challies, Silkolines, Comfort Cloth at !4 off During This Sale Barbara Pharcs HwD ifl if H fififiin? BU HI SK tipple! I E Well it is this way, there Js a chance for every man that has any energy what ever, to get a home, come and see us. "We have about fifteen (15) farms to offer as follows, Improved and unimproved ones, will take Crop payments after the first payment is made. These farms are located in the best part of the West and we think this is a much better plan for you Mr. Renter. Buy one of these farms where you can pay out for it, the same as paying rent and you will own your own home. We know of men that have paid out for their land that way in three years, why not you try and get one the same way. Wegivefrefe transportation, for to go and see these farms, when the roads are so we.ca'n travel over them safely. Now is the timeJfpjLyutojjjehQjjjBstDrflPOsitiojiwes- ever iound inland, if you are interested come in and ' see us and talk it over. WijyyllLe get you a good buy if you will come and fide outwithis, We have other good buys of all kinds. Please remember the address. A. E Carpenter Son Co. Home Office Red Cloud, Neb. C. R. Carpenter, Selden, Kan Pianos - Player Pianos Home of the Vidrola EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Guarantee BLj5wiJ!21 You Red Cloud, Neb. A Service That Serves The Best Coffee ON THE MARKET TODAY May be obtained at our store. Ask for Thompson-Taylor's Breakfast Delight A superior blend, a taste and aroma you will like. Requires less to make a "cup that cheers" Costs no more than the ordinary coffee- 50c lb. Try a pound this very day you buy it under guarantee. Our other popular brands Paxton-Gallagher, 45c lb., . Butter Nut, 45c lb., and Frontier, 40c lb. Farmers Union Red ,Cloud! Leading w Mercantile Establishment 1 r ? f j- Mpnftitfrt'wftfj tm-iMmt t'jrti,lJPMjiftW? i-!