T immm.wt wztV23& - yikPIIIIB li II I llll I ..Xm " 110 CLOUD, KIBJtABKA OHOF r-,!t'o.: .-X.f' ' j,,. j i - T ' ? Vl- tWVWWWWWVWVWrWWWAr. Mr. and Mrs. . ' ED. AMACK J UNDERTAKING 5 J BOTH PHONES 3 tVVAVVViWV.VBVV.V.V.VVVW,AV.VA"JVAfV,JVWViArt ;. RED CLOUD, NEB kV. j Let Us Figure With You : on Your Lumber and ;i Building Material 1 Maone- ellatly Co. lftftAVV.V.V.VAVV.V.V.VVAV.V-VA"JVWWVVW Is Your Subscription Paid to Date? ramiEM If You Are From Missouri or any other place, come in and LET US' SHOW YOU how much cheaper building ' material is now than it has been the last year or two. Piatt Frees n The Most Profitable Employee on the Pay Roll 1G IN MODERN CONCERNS BIG AND LITTLE THE LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE HEADS THE LIST OF BUSI NESS GETTERS. IT MULTIPLIES SELL ING TIME, MINIMIZES SELLING 'EX PENSE, RUNS NO HOTEL BILL, AND JUMPS FROM CITY TO CITY WITHOUT DELAY. YOUR VOICE ON THE LONG DIS TANCE TELEPHONE CARRIES YOUR PERSONALITY. IT SECURES AN IM MEDIATE AUDIENCE AND' ACCOM PLISHES THE RESULTS. ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY? Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. j v. n m THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, Sled Cloud, Nebraska. I'UBLISnKD EVERY THURSDAY entered In the I'oMdflleo tit lied Cloud, Nob an Hocond Class Matter A. B, McARTUUR,.EdLtor und Owner STATE CAPITAL Representative Hascall -of Omaha, is backing the American Legion boxing bill. It is not expected that any changes in the taxation laws will take effect before next year. S. F. 108 permits the practice of Christian Scicnco anil exempts Scien tists from quarantine law. S. F. 12G requires county judges to be licensed attorneys except in coun ties having less than 5,000 population. S. F. 125 provides for the regulation and inspection of dry cleaning es tablishment. Looks like it has a worthy object. The two bills providing for " house and senate expenses and salaries of members wcro quickly enacted into law. Few bills will be acted upon bo quickly. The state board of agriculture went on record in favor of changes in the blue sky luw and in favor of spending most of the automobile license money in the county whore it originates. H. R. 152 allows county boards to build and repair culverts or bridges that do not cost more than $5,000 without advertising for bids. A little publicity along this line ought to bo good. ' . , ' ' gaaagggiBigs' ii ii 1 1 Pictures Vaudeville m ORPHEUM Theater r n o 0 The Gifford-Byrum bill pertaining to moving pictures is to be given a chance by the committee. Many think this a desirable substitute for the censorship bill. It will be enforced by existing official machinery. A bill requiring compulsory medical examination of school children ,j'as looked upon with favor by the house and appears to stand a good chance of passage. A landlord's lien bill was promptly put to sleep. ' Fifty resident of Table Rock hav filed a protest against the movie cen sorship bill. This bill promises a hot contest. A number of state organisa tions are backing it and there j91s equally strong opposition. n?,, . j fc A soldier's bonus bill, providing for a tax of three and a half million dol lars for the purpose of paying' a bonus to former soldiers, was intro duced by the thirteen members of the house who are credited to the non partisan league. A house bill, modeled after the Cali fornia law, will prevent persons who arc not eligible to United States citi zenship from owning real estate in Nebraska. Such a law would apply especially to the Chinese and Japanese. A bill by Representative Foster provides for tho licensing and regula tion of those who would be barbers. An examination fee of $5 is provided except for those who are already en gaged in that calling, they get by for a dollar. Renewal of license is to cost a dollar a year. ,r,r- . -iry?ir Wll l"lr , ZZlUl- ihljli ilJI : ! . Inl Red Cloud ai Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Chase -Lister Company Presents the Famous Comedy la 2ai The best that has ever been present in this city. A Riot of Fun and Laughs. " kH 11 ft.1 . WUti . HCT EP && T xtttl M ? P lappw . 'Honeymoon MmitecT Another Riot of Laughs 'Hello Baby9 Special Matinee 2:30 Prices 10c-25c 'Good for flothing Husband' 0 NIGHT 8:15 So Full of Laught You'll Choke 'Keep To The Right' The last appearance oC this famous company this season Their Own Orchestra Special Scenery each night Temptation Prices 30c and 55c nm IE 3 I J carry a penitentiary sentence or fine of from $200 to $500. Considerable objection is being heard to the rule which provides for secret sessions when the two houses meet jointly to pass upon the gover nor's appointments. The rule is dras tic. It provides that any senator or representative who discloses any thing that is done in joint session is subject to expulsion. It is pointed out that the rule is' contrary to the spirit of the new constitution. Any? how,. the people have a right to know what is going on. Representative Osterman is the author of an important bill which pro vides a way whereby the Lincoln highway may be made to parallel the Union Pacific railway. This bill gives the state highway department author ity to condemn ratlroad right of way for highway purposes. Such condem nation could apply to other roads be sides tho Union Pacific One big ad vantage of this bill is that it provides for direct routes like the railroads have intscad of compelling public roads to turn square corners and cov ering a lot of additional territory. The saving in tho C03t of constructing such roads would run into millions. The house banking committee gave prompt approval to the bill strength ening the state banking laws. This bill makes minimum capitalization $25,000, requires the issuance of li censes to bankers and employees and provides for other regulation of those who would be bankers. Representative Williams of Filmorc county, is the introducer of a bill that will certainly put a stop to glaring headlights but would also make the law apply to dealers, thus making it impossible to sell a car in tho state unless it is properly equipped. In oth er words, ho starts at the source and makes the bill apply to all concerned. Nttlce ! Final Rert In tho County Court ol Webster county, Nebraska. In tho matter o( tho estate ot Alfred II, Bright, deceased. All persons Interested In said estate, aro hereby notified that tho Administrator Do Ilonus Non, has Died herein a final account and report of his administration, and a potl tlon for tho nnal settlement of such account and report, and for a decreo of distribution of tho reslduo of said cstato, and for tho as signment ol tho real cstato belonging thereto, and a discharge from his trust, all of which said matters havo been sot for hearing beforo said court on tho 4th day ot Fobruary, 1021, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., when all per sons Interested may appear and contest tho same. Dated this 26th day of J anuary, 1021. HKAL A. D. 1UNNEY, Atruocopy. County Judgo. 1 ninnii We Pay 4 Per Cent Why remain in doubt about the disposal of your Cream, Eggs and Poultry, i Hundreds of satisfied farmers have been patronizing us the past two years and if you are in doubt .consider the, fol- lowing facts; In 1920 weibbught cream to the ex;-! tent of $42,929.31, eggs $1,672.08. poultry $9,651.58 or a total of $54,249.97.-V Thisnis good evidence that a large percentage of, the farmers of this community pattonize us. Can any or all of 'our . competitors equal this? Also ddo they offer to pay you 4c on every dollar they give for your cream, eggs and poultry? WE DO! Agents of out-of-town firms fail to do this. ' In other words you receive not only houest weights and correct tests, but also S1.04 for every dollar's worth of produce you sell us. We leave it to you to de cide who you will patronize. IF YOU ARE NO'T A PATRON YOU SHOTD BECOME ONE NOW The Farmers Union RED CLOUD. NEB. If It's to be Printed Bring It to the Chief Representative Snow of Dawes county, also has an automobile bill. Ho proposes to recfuirc auto mechan ics to be licensed. His idea is to do away with tho crop of near mechanics who charge a big price for their work and leave a car in worse shapo than they found it. If this bill becomes a law, nuto owners aro likely to rise up and call George blessed. Representative Randall has two bills defining-habitual criminals. One pertains to thoso convicted of felon ies. Those who aro convicted twlco aro called habitual convicts and aro to bo punished accordingly. Tho second refers to thoso who violato city or yillago ordinances. The fourth conviction or such violation is to L. R. Rust Secretary of tlio'.locnl Fire Department received another new nozzle for tho department today, Attlio annual meeting of tho Farm ers Union held lnbt Thursday all of tho Directors except K. S. Fltz were re-elected, Georgo Amiiok was elected to take lils place. Many times ono hoars tho remark "I would love to sco a movie actor or n (st ress in person" and that will bo the privilege of tho30 who attend the per formanecs at the licsso Auditorium this week. Miss Mae LoPcrt the dainty soubretto and Mr. Gardnor tho leading man aro both movie antors be ing on their way back to California to again resuruo their work before the camora after a very successful tour of tho south and mlddlo west. Miss Lc Pert was leading support to Moranto in ItuU'a Bye Comedies last sensou and Mr. Gardner with Montgomery & Rook in Vltugraph comedies. WHY SHIVER Mqst of the time from now to Easter, when you can go to California and bask in glorious sunshine? ;" One of the attractions of spending the winter in Cali fornia is getting there. The trip is a lesson in geography a liberal education. The scenic treasures enroute arid there equa.1 anything to bo found anywhere else. Why deny yourself the pleasure of seeing Denver, Colo- rado Springs, Pike's Peak, Royal Gorge, Scenic Colorado the Majestic Rockies, Salt Lake City, Great Salt Lake and the 00-mile serpentine Canyon of the Feather River through the beautiful Sierras, when you can buy a ticket via the Burlington that will take you right thru these wonders in daylight? Come in and let me tell you more about it and make your reservation so that you'll be assured ot accomodations when you arc ready to go. N. B. BUSH, Agent IT'S THE BEST . WHEN DONE THE HUGHES WAY The FRANK R.. HUGHES CO. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS HEN'S TAILORS Red Cloud, Nebraska ' M 7 ... . : tl V i .& '.Ml v?1 1 '4"S! -4d - IM -. v. ', -(! "r"'5 ! '- H ij ; m iff. 4 j, . y tM y-yiNmM-