RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . JsW M si CONGRESS IS URGED TO ACT :i xi C 6 y T -.I ) m -.M WET FEET BRING COUGHS AND COLDS Until entirely rid of a cough or cold, look out They arc a source of danger. PE-RU-NA TbiWiDKiinEMrEiK)bMf Jnit a few closes of re-ru-na Uken Boon after exposure or first tnanl rotation ot troublo will usually lircak a cold or dinlnatu in n hurry tho moat pcnlstent cough, TABLETS OH LIQUID 13C KEEP IT IN The Combine. Upton Sinclair Mild at a Pasndena ten : "In this mnttor of tho high cost of Iivltif tlioro Is oi)u tiling which we all hno got to do. That Is this: When a dealer-" Here llr. Sinclair .struck the tea tiihle n lvsoundlng whack with his fist. "When n dealer asks us an ex urbltnnt price ?or an essential article then" The novelist's eye Unshed, and he squared Ids Jaw resolutely. "Then there Is nothing for us to do hut leave the rascal's shop utiil buy the essential article from another dealer on (he same exorbitant terms." WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much Interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver ana bladder medi cine. " It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is s strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit end it should help you. No other kidney medicino has so many friends. Be sore to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this irreat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghhmton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and snention this paper. Adv. He Has a Future. When J'lines Henry went to grand mother's he expected to get candy, or money to spend for It ut the grocery. On one occasion, following the usual demand for candy, grandmother fore stalled uny further requests by re marking that there was not a cent lu the house. The youngster was taken attack for moment before he gravely Inquired, ".Well, grandmother, couldn't yCu write a check?" t The Artful Fabulist. "Do you expect people to believe nil this tommyrot about dumb animals en gaging In Intelligent conversation ?" "No," replied Aesop. "Hut you can't get people Interested when ou offer to tell them simple facts. The only way to secure their sincere and undivided uttentlon Is to make believe you ure going to tell 'em a whopper." The Inconsistent Male. Men are Inconsistent. They com plain If their wives don't read tlie newspapers and keep up with import ant events, and yet few of them read the fashion notes. Baltimore Sun. She Was in Fragile Health. Rogers Her eyes were cast down, her face fell and she burst Into tears. Normund l'oor little thing; no won der they said she was all broken up. The smaller a man Is the harder It ts for hlin to cat crow gracefully. A mnn'8 shady past will not benefit Urn much In the good old summer time. Boil "Your Postum - idly fifteen minutes whenyou use Postum Cereal Then there results a drink of de licious flavor which marry prefer to coffee. Postum is more-eco-' nomical and healthful than coffee Another form, Instant Postum, is made "by adding hot water to ateaspoonful in the cup. The drink, majr be made strong or mild to suit individual taste GROCERS EVERYWHERE SELL BOTH KINDS Hade by Postum Cereal Co. Inc. Battle Creekjlkh. Two generations have known r&HU-NA and Its aMoiiiih tng tuccens in tho relict ot catarrhal diaeasca, Tho pro per modldna to have on hand for everyday Ilia. SOLO EVERYWHERE THE HOUSE 3r Ambiguous. "Do Englishmen understand Ameri can slang?" "Some of them do. Why?" "My daughter Is to be married In London nnd the carl has cabled ma to come across." '"Well?" "Does ho want mo or my wnd?" -Boston Transcript. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning I Unless you see the name "IJayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuino Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-ono years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told lu the IJayer pucknge for Colds, Headuche, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago nnd for Pain. Handy tin loxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell Inrger packages. Aspirin Is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcncldestcr of Sullcycueld. Adv. Why He Stayed. Lieutenant Governoi Channlng Cox of Massachusetts, discussing the high cost of living in France, snld tho other day: "In l'nrls, you know, a good pnlr of shoes 'fetched ?50, and n good meal about as much. "Well, a young Inwyer started on a brief vacation trip to Pnrls In June, and he long overstayed his time. On his return In lute September a friend who knew ho wus none too (lush, said to him: "Why did you remain so long In Paris. Jim?' ' "My friends kept me there,' Jim answered. " 'Your friends? Why, Jim. I-dldn1? know 'you had any friends In Paris.' "'I hnven't. My friends are nil In Oshkosli, nnd they refused to lend mo uny money.' " Knew .His" Destination. A man who could bu scathingly witty himself once met more than his match In one of the Roman Catholic priests. "Reverend father, I wish you were St. Peter." "And why?" "Because, reverend father, In that case you would have the keys to heaven, nnd could let me In." "By my honor and conscience," re torted the divine, "it would lie betetr for you thnt I had the keys of tho other place, for then I could let you out." Exehnnge. Usual Proceedings. "Do you know how to dance?' "No, but I am taking steps to learn." Louisville Courier-Journal. X5Ae AMERICAN LEGION (Copy for This Department Supplied by tht American l.Klin New Hrvlc.) HEAD OF AMERICANISM BOARD Henry J. Ryan of Boston, Mass., Is Named Chairman of Legion's Reorganized Commission. Typical of the spirit of the Ameri can Legion Is the appointment of Henry J. Ryan of Boston, Mass., n fonucr apprentice seaman In the nnvy, to succeed .Arthur Woods of New York, who was a colonel In tho army and for mer police com missioner of New York e 1 1 y, as chairman or the Legion's reorgan ized Americanism commission, head quarters of which Is at national head quarters at Indianapolis. When the wnr broke out Mr. Rynn attempted to enlist several times lu tho nrinjvbut wiih refused becnuse of his defective eyesight. At last the navy accepted him, but he was ordered to remain on shore duty. During the various drives for Liberty loans and war ftindsrthc newly appointed chair man acquired n nntlonal reputation ns an ornlor, especially on subjects In volving patriotism nnd Americanism. Other members of the commission arc To serve one year, Floiollu II. LfrGunr dla, New York city; William B. Fol lett, Portland, Ore.; 13. K. Mlxby, Mus kogee, Okln.; Kdgnr II. Balrd, Phila delphia; Garland W. Powell, Cumber land, Md.; Rlchnrd P. Belrns, Rich mond, Vn. To serve two yenrs, Pey ton II. Hoge, Jr., Louisville, Ky.; A. II. Gnnsser, Bay City, Mich.; Col. Gor don Johnson, U. S. A., chief of stnff to Gen. Leonnrd Wood, Port Sheridan, III. To servo three years, Will Percy, Greenville, Miss.; Dwlght DiivIb. St. Louis ; P. O. Horton, Des Moines, In. ; LIndsey Blayney, Houston, Tex., nnd Lconurd Withington, Honolulu, Ha waii. It will be the Legion's aim under Mr. Rynn to co-ordinate and consoli date the activities for the promotion of Americanism of the Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, Knights of Columbus, Masons, Salvation Army, National Security league and tunny other organizations. To this cud a conference will he held In Washington soon. MAN OF TRAVEL EXPERIENCE Samuel, Adjutant of Legion, Depart ment of Kansas, Has Seen Much of Broad World. After traveling over pretty much nil of the continents ot North Ameri ca, Europe and Asia, Frank 13. Samuel has set tied down Into n dusy life ns adju tant of the Amer ican Legion, de partment of Kan sas, with head quarters in Tope fca. Samuel was born In Downing, Mo.. in 18S0. Armed with a college degree In 1012 he started out to boo the world. What part of It ho missed In civilian pur suits was made up to him when ho Joined the Tlitee Hundred nnd Fifty third infantry regiment of the famous Eighty-ninth division npd served In all the battles In which that outfit participated. Samuel, on his return to civil life, became assistant state adjutant of tho Legion In Kansas and was made adjutant In September, 1010. He was recently re-elected for a two-year term. GENERAL'S WIFE NEW LEADER Mrs. Clarence Edwards la Chosen "President of Massachusetts De partment of Auxiliary. f MnJ. Gen. Clnrcnco R. Edwards, who commanded tho Twenty-sixth di vision through Its training period In tho States, In quiet defensive sectors nnd In Its later participa tion In almost ev ery major offen sive of the war, is tho Idol of thousands of New England members of tho American Legion and other S ItWtk ml lUeR S -few 7 BSSSSSBFAM'kV former servlco men. Mrs. Clarence R. Edwards, his wife, Is now placed In u similar position by tho mothers, wives, sisters nnd daugh ters of theso veterans, for Mrs. Ed wards was elected president of the Massachusetts dopnrtmcut of the Women's auxiliary of tho American Logion at a recent stnto convention of that organization. Tho newly elected president Is a resident of Newton, Muss. Sho has been active In work for tho benefit of ow England members .of tho Amcrl- an Legion and other former service ien. Five Provisions Requested In Aid of Disabled Veterans, Amending Vocational Training Law. Amendment of tho law under which disabled veterans of the World wnr are given vocational training, so as to provide live things demanded by tho last convention of the American Legion nt Cleveland was urged in congress by Legion representatives. Tho five provisions requested by the Legion nro: 1. Vocational training for American citizens who served with the allied armies, who were disabled and who are not entitled to training under tho picscut law. 2. Training with pny for all dis abled veterans with 10 per cent or more disability, Instead of training with pny for borne and training with out pay for others, as now provided. U. Vocational training for the wid ows and orphans of all men. who died In "tho service. 4. The right of tho federal board for vocational education to glvo all disabled men In training such medlcnl care and treatment ns Is necessary to keep them nt their courses. r. That nil disabled men In train ing shall receive $100 a month from the government while In training nnd those with dependents $120 a mouth, Instead, of different sums based upon the cost of living lu different local ities ns now provided. A special plea was made by John Thomas Taylor of the national legis lative committee of the Legion for vocational training for the widows niidorplinns of tho American dead of the tVorld war. He said thnt un doubtedly the r0,000 Amerlcnn chil dren whose fathers slept In Flanders Helds were entitled to the same edu cational advantages thnt they would have had, were their fathers allvo and ahlo to provide for them. The wid ows of the men who died In France, he added, were likewise entitled, tho bread-winning member of the family having been killed In defense of the country, to be taught some kind of work of trade. EDITOR WAS ON FIRING LINE Commander of Missouri Department of Legion One of Many Newspa per Men Who Heard Call. John Francis Williams, commander of the Missouri department of tho Legion, Is one of thousands tpf newspaper men who left t h o 1 r typewriters when the wnr broke out. Enlisting ns n private in the Missouri Notionnl Guard, Mr. Wil liams rose to tho rank of first lieu tenant. tw tits a to m Jit ltll t A J, A" f lie scrvea" as a machine. gun officer with the Thirty-fifth division In tho Vosges mountains nnd In the Argonne Meuso drive. After the armistice, ho served as Instructor In-the A. E. P. university at Boaunc nnd later assist ed In publicity In connection with tho Interallied games. Mr. Williams, who Is n member of Robert S. Thurman post 13, Joplln, Mo., served ns post commander and state mnster-nt-arms previously to his election ns department head. He ts editor of the Joplln News Herald. ORGANIZATION IS HIS TASK Spokane (Wash.) Man Will Supervise Work of Enrolling Every Former Service Buddie. Edward II. Prell of Spokane, Wash., was recently appointed director of the organization divi sion at national headquarters of the American Le gion. Ha suc ceeds Russell G. Crevlston, who Is now assistant na tional adjutant Mr. Prell served overseas with the One Hundred nnd Forty-sixth field artillery and par SA-Mcii dSJHW' (l m lv ticipated lu two majut offensives of the World wnr. After his discharge "from the army, Mr. Prell was actlvo In tho early organization of the Legion In his state. Tho supervision nnd direction of the Leglon'u 1021 campaign to enroll every eligible former servlco man In its ranks will be In tho hands of the now director. RAISED BIG CHRISTMAS FUND Adjutant of Illinois Department of Legion Had Aid of Actress In Rais ing Christmas Money. When William Q. Setllffe, ndjutnnt of tho Illinois department of tho Amer ican Legion, started tho Leg Ion campaign which raised $50, 000 for Christ, mas entertain ments for sick and disabled vet erans in Illinois hospitals, he called Upon Miss Floe Bert, a well known actress, to assist In nmkint: the undertaking a success. Miss Bert gave a largo number of entertainments in Illinois cities, the proceeds of which were applied to the Legion's fund. I . '""SSBBBBBBBf l v mmmr sV Ha A JrCllj BBBBBsP -I sWof tinntofttg 15T?luid Draotaii mm.mujj iTr.otinT.-n PEH CUNT. jstsusasSSii iHnmslhcSMMtteMi'Ufoqgg $ ThcrcrrIoUn6I)rtJ nclthcrOpldfn,Morphlnenor Mineral. NotNahcotiCj jfrtrfOUfY eJ"rrffTJU' IlUtivrmknr a (..infill Rrmedvibf !!ttsS2!Hri y ""VrRuasP m HtffiB5dkwtoi W ' , , --- j a ...; cirfnstureot III ctjB. 3teCnnCcm!r rrew TAJi Exact Copy of Wrapper. Naturally. "Do you think an engagement ring makes a girl more thought of by her chumsV" "Well, it Is a good thing for n girl to have on hand." Hnll's Catarrh Medicine Thofio who nro In a "run down" condi tion will notice thnt Catarrh bothers them much more than when they nro In Rood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease, It Is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINK is a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through tho blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing; the Inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars fre. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Street Car Drizzle. She (getting ready for theater) Is It raining? He Not n.tnxl rnln. ffiF SF ABigDrop cJell-0 f "M packaqes 7& The Genesee Pure Food Company; Jbe Koy, jn.y. iffllT Alcoholic Anthology. "Did you ever sec any sense to thnt old song, 'Drink to Me Only With Thine EyesV" "I never did," nnswered Uncle Rill Bnttletop. "Nobody I ever knew In tho olil'days was satisfied to sny, 'Here's lookin at you' without the customary accompaniment.' " Washington Star. Instead of marrying for money alone a man ought to brnco up nnd rob n bank. The man who nover gives offense Is as scarce ns he Is desirable. Kill That CASCARA FOR Colds, Coughs Neglected Cold9 are Dangerous Take no chances. Keop this standard remedy handy for tho first sne ts. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Qrlnns in 3 (lava Excellent for Hoadacha QuinlrTe In this form does not Laxative-No Opiato In HUl's. ALL DRUGGISTS SEILIT J CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know .That Genuine Castoria In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY, NCW YORK CITT. ,Papa Missed Her, Too. Prlscllla had been to bclioul n few days for the first time In her life when him met a friend on I he street one day, who Inquired about how blie was get ting along. "Mamma does not like to have me go very well," she said, "because sho misses me nt home." "But what does your papa Bay about It?" inquired the friend. "Oh, he Is kind of uneasy In his mind, too," answered Prisclllu. Their Use. "Courtroom doors ought to be mnde on a liberal scale." "Why so?" "Because they are Intended to bo open to conviction." , The rplcnr -ntches the early blrtL u i -2.W.. 3 ZT7-CP- Back for Another. "You did mo n favor ten years ago," snld tho stranger, "and I have never forgotten It." "Ah," replied the good man, with a grateful expression on his face, "and you have como back to repny me." "Not exnetly," replied tho stranger; "I've Just got Into town nnd need an other favor, and I thought of you right away." Faith Gone. She Do you bcllevo In drenms He No; I wns in love with one one and sho jilted me. Cold With gf QUININE JSJv AND La Grippe OMv affact the hcadCascara la bestuYtenk IJ , J J Always i Bears the $ Signature fj(xjr ft nS yr aI Kj For fi-W iJliVsi $umimwxmfB, hmQiittSti&rmHtem04ymH(WWiiJ r-MWSts--r'IW !)