The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 27, 1921, Image 2

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Synopsis. Tom Shelby, a rancher,
rides Into tho frontier town of
Poiica, looking for a good time nf
ter a Ions npoll of lmrd work and
Inncllnoss on tho ranch. Instead,
ho runs Into a funornl that of Dad
Calkins, a retired army man of
whom lit t to In known. A jrlrl, still
In her toons, survives Calkins. Mc
Carthy, a Baloon keeper nnd Ton
ca'a leading citizen, decides that,
the slrl, now alone In tho world,
should, marry. She agrocs to pick
out a liTiBband from the score of
men lined up In her homo. To his
consternation, hIio nolocts Shelby,
who had gono along merely as a
spectator. Tho wedding takes
placo and tho couple sot out for
Sholby's ranch. With them Is
"Kid" Macklln, whom Shelby has
hired as a helper. On tho way tho
girl tolls her husband her namn Is
Olgn Carlyn, nnd also tells him
something of tho peculiar clrcum
atancoa of her liro. Upon their ar
rival at the ranch Shelby Is struck
clown from behind and left for
dond. Ho recovers consciousness to
find that Macklln and his wlfo have
gono. Ho starts In pursuit. Ho
learns his wlfo Is an helross, that
her abduction has been carefully
planned and that she ban been
taken to Wolves Hole, a strong
. hold of the bandits and bad Indians.
Reaching Wolves' Hole, he Is dis
covered by "Indian Joe" and forced
to accompany him Into the hole.
Hero he claims to bo ono of the
conspirators and Is locked up pond
ing developments. Ho confides In
a Mexican girl, Pancha, In love
with Macklln, who Intends to
marry Olga,
CHAPTER IX Continued.
"SI Bonor; I know tlio wny thnt oth
ers do not. I pot you out, but," pns
Blonntcly, "cot Is not to 8nvo you. I
belong here boo; with Junn, my
brother. I nm born outlaw, yet alio
must ko! Tlmt I resolve. If bIic stay
hero I keel her. Hut 'tis cnsler wny
to hnve her mnrrled to you, cm' snfe."
"You love Mnritltn?"
"SI. senor." proudly, "why not? no
any he love ttic; yet she come. Mnilre
do Dion! I hnte her I She tnko my
love! She! Hot kIimII not be. You
swear, Bonor. Hint she po with you, nn'
never come bnck any more?"
"Yes. Pnnchn, I swenr thnft Once
we nro nwny she shnll never come
back." he answered soberly, Impressed
by the violence of her passion, "yet
how Is thnt to bo done?"
She Rlnnced npprclienslvely hchlnd,
Btlll clliiRlni; tightly to her perch, low
crlnR hor voice ngnln Into Its former
cautious whisper.
"Listen, Bonor; I tell you. Ect is
Into now, for I wait before I come, nn'
think eet all out, so I know whnt to
Bay. Indian Joe, he bnd man, vprrn
bnd man, nn' 1 much afraid. Hut now
ho sleep In there; I creep past while
he brcnthe, nn' Hot wnke heem. 'TIs
becnuso he drank. Juan, my brother,
ro up to tho cove to find Senor linn
ley, nn' ho not be bnck teel morning.
Tonight eet must bo done, an' so they
will not know I helped. Is eet so?"
"Yes; I understand; yer hnve op
portunity tonight ; but I must get away
no no one shall suspect yer hnd any
hand In It."
"That Is cot," eagerly. "Indian -Toe,
he keel me If he fntuitl out ; maybe
my brother, too. I boo heem keel men,
quick. Ilkn tlmt. Then hn lunch. o
He Managed to Scrape Painfully Out
of the Hole.
X think; he look In here, butnot to
search, so ho not sure what might be.
Perhaps there wnsa knife under the
bed, be dropped somewhere whnt you
' found see? Maybe you nnd eet hid
fa your boot how he know that?"
"Yea, hut I haven't, Pancha."
"So I know ;-but I breeng one see,"
aud she pressed the handle Into his
hood. "How he know how you get
Mtf V I strong, sharp, so you cut
these liars, nn' when morning cotno
you nro not here. Who knows how
cot happen, senor? I nm also asleep,
nn' you uro gono; 'tin tho mercy of
Shelby caught his brcnth to her ex
pressive feestures, his fingers gripping
the knife.
"I doubt If I enn Ret through that
hole," he said mournfully, "nfter the
bars arc cut. I'm pretty big."
"Hut you must, senor; Micro Is no
other wny," bIio Insisted Impatiently.
"Tho blndo Is strong, sharp; eet will
dig out the log, hut do not be long.
See there Is n tree yonder; I will
wult you there, nn' show where you
must go, so there be no trail. You
come to me quick, but be still like
denth. Mudre do Dlos! 'tis the only
She was gono before he could pro
test ngnln, vanishing Into the black
night so swiftly nnd silently ho could
only stnre out helplessly through the
bars. Yet film bad left hope nnd deter
mination behind. With teeth set he
began the work, finding tho steel blade
effective against tho tough hickory. It
was no light Job, at tlmt, but ho piled
the knife desperately, possessing somo
skill nnd unusual strength of wrist
nnd fingers. The stakes gave way one
nfter the other, but he was not satis
fled until ho enlarged the opening
somewhat by removing nil bark from
tho logs, nnd prying loouo tho box
frame. This required nil of half nn
hour to accomplish, yet left an aper
ture through which ho believed he
might forco his body. At thnt he
found no room to spare; but, by ven
turing It head first, screwing his shoul
ders through ono at a time, and draw
ing In his breath tightly, he managed
to scrape painfully out of tho hole,
clawing nt the rough outsldo bnrk for
purchase, nnd finally coming down
fnce first onto the solid earth. At
that, he made little noise, but his flesh
smarted, nnd for n moment ho rested
where ho fell, confused and pnntlng
for breath. The night wns so blnck
there In the shndow of the grcnt hills,
he could senrccly determine direc
tions, yet tho girl had pointed toward
the right, and, ns soon as he could at
tain bin feet, he advanced cautiously
Hint wny, with hnnds held out before
hm. Tho pnth was rocky nnd uneven,
probably lenvlng little trace of his
passage. She touched him before ho
was even nwnre of her near presenco,
nnd then sho wns but tho dimmest
outline, her fnco Indistinguishable
through the gloom.
"Spenk low, senor," she whispered
briefly. "Come with me this wny."
Ho permitted her to lend him for
ward over ground sloping upwnrd, hut
before they bnd thus ndvanccd fifty
yards, Shelby stopped, determined to
question her purpose.
"Whore are you taking me? To
"No, senor; not now. I must leave
you In safety first. Later I bring her
to you. Why you ask? You not trust
"Yes, I trust-you, Pancha; but Isn't
It better thnt I understand tho plan?
Then we can work together."
She drew In n quick breath Impa
tiently, her fingers clutching nt his
"Dlos I this Is not time to fltnnd
nnd tnlk, Bcnor," sho burst forth, "yet
listen, If not do otherwise. There Is no
tlmo left tonight In which to escape.
I must bo back In the house before
Indian .Too wakes, or my brother re
turns. All I can hope to do Is bide
you where you not be found. Then
we must plan whnt Is best to do."
"You know whero she Is?"
"SI. senor; I know; yet eet will not
ho ensy to got her nwny. Sho Is not
left unwntched, and nothing can be
done tonight. I must watch nnd wnlt.
Ret will only be Bnfe when Senor
Macklln nnd my brother are both
"You menn that I am to hide out
yonder somewhere until you nro
rendy?" he questioned. "Is that tho
"There Is no other thing possible.
Evon thnt mny fall. Senor, do not h
n fool," bIio urged earnestly. "1 know
the danger of all this; you not tialb.o
even yet what eet menns to bo n pris
oner In Wolves' hole. These men keel ;
It Is their only Inw. I risk my life to
do this, nnd there Is but ono chancy
of success. Alone, unaided, you enn
never get out of here never. Why?
you nsk. neenuse, senor, every pass
Is under guard; they nre never left
"Then how are we to go?"
"Along n path known only to my
self and one other, senor. A young
Indian found cct by accident nnd con
fided bis secret to me! He come, nnd
went that way for n year, but no one
else know. Once ho took me U,nlf wny
to top; cot Is rough, yet enn be fol
lowed. Now you ico I am right?"
"I have no choice; I owe you my
life nlrpndy."
"Then do ns I sny, senor. I will
lenvo you whero you enn never bo
found. 1 hnvo food here In this sack.
You must wnlt there hidden until I
come. Eet may be n day, two dnys,
thrco dnys; that multc no difference.
You have my pledge that I will bring
her. I do not lie. .Then you will do
this, as I sny?"
"Yes, Pancha."
"Graclas! eet will be at night when
wo come, and you will hnve to climb
those rocks In tho dnrk. You will need
stout henrts for thnt trip; but eet Is
better to risk thnn stny hero nn' die,
Benor. Now I tell you Indian Joe
will believe you found that knife, nnd
cut your wny out nlone ; he will try to
follow, nn' ho Is like wolf on tho trail.
He will not believe you enn get nwny ;
my brother Is great tracker, an' they
think ect ensy to run you down. Me
fool them, senor."
"But how? they will surely see
your footprints."
"Mlnel" sho laughed softly. "Not
to ever know them, senor see; ect Is
man's boot I wear, nnd senrccly hnve
stepped off solid rock. Now we go to
tho strenm yonder, and then wade up
through tho water. There will be no
trail. Let us not wait, senor."
The mnn followed without a word,
touching her with one hnnd In guid
ance. They wcro upon n crest of Bolld
rock, worn smooth by the ages, and so
advanced unchecked for a hundred
"You Go on Alone From Here, Senor."
feet, until tho ridge suddenly termi
nated ut the bank of n nnrrow stream.
A single step, nnd both' were standing
In the water, nnd she had grasped his
"Eet Is swift, but not deep," she
said confidently. "I hnve waded eet
many a time. We must hurry."
He took the bng of provisions nnd
swung It ncross ono shoulder nnd to
gether they begnn plowing their way
through the downward rush of water.
It waB tiresome, but they plunged
8tendIIy forwnrd, finding the bottom
firm. Shelby did not know how far
they advanced, nor could he tell, In
the darkness, the exact nature of their
surroundings. Ills Impression wns
thnt they wero penetrating a nnrrow
side rnvlne, between grent overshnd
owing masses of outcropping stone,
which Intensified the gloom. Every
step took them higher above the floor
'of the Hole, and, nt times tho strenm
becamo n veritable torrent, ngalnst
which they scarcely could make prog
ress. The girl kept close to the rocks
on the right, and struggled forward
bravely, never loosening her grasp on
his hand. Meeting ns he must the
stronger sweep of tho current, Shelby
felt the strain, nnd was glad when she
finally came to n halt.
"Eet's here," sho snld, "a few steps
more, und I lenve you. The greatest
danger Is my not getting bnck In
There wns nn opening In the solid
rock of the wall, a mere crevice, so
concealed by tangled shrubbery as to
bo Invisible even In daylight. How she
had recognized the spot In that dark
ness wns a mystery; through the sense
of feeling probably, for her hnnds I if
str.ntly pnrted the Interlaced branches,
and she crept through them with Shel
by, on his hands nnd knees, close be
hind. They emerged Into n gulch, ns
though some glnnt nx of the gods hnd
cleaved tho very face of the cliff, a
guh'h dry, senrcely four feet In width,
rock walled on cither side, nnd almost
a tunnel becauso of stunted growth,
wucre dwarf oaks had found some
lodgment In cracks nnd crevices. Pnn
chn stopped, breathing heavily from
tho exertion of the climb.
"You go on nlone from here? senor."
she Instructed, the words pnntlng be
tween her lips. "There is nothing to
do but foltpw the gulch. A hundred
yards and there Is an opening nt the
right, a small cave. You will fuel eet
with your hand. You need have no
fenr to enter, and no one can ever find
you there. That Is where you will
wait until I come."
Shelby tried In vain to distinguish
her outlines; he could only be sure of
her presence by the voice.
"Do not use any fire," she went on
Iwarningiy, 'or snow yoursuir uy nny
light. They will seek you, and watch
Copylsht A. a VcClarg A Ce.
these cliffs. Eet mny be several dnys
before I will dare net; you must be
pntlcnt. When we come I will bring
nrms, but I didn't dnre touch any to
night." "You will not tell me where my wlfo
Is being held?",
"Whnt good, senor 1 You could nld
her not nt nil. There Is no grent harm
coming to her yet. Sncrlstn I why you
worry nbout her? I bring her with
me; did I not promise?"
"Ye, I trust you, Pnnchn," he said
warmly, "nnd will do Just whnt you
sny. Rut but, don't you understand?
If I knew where she wus I would feel
She laughed almost scornfully.
"Hah I .what the difference, senor?
You not know If I told you. Hut 'tis
not fnr nwny; perhnps by daylight
you might see ect from up there ; n log
house nil nlone under the bluff. Yet
you lie hid, senor. nnd trust all to me."
"I hnve promised thnt."
"Good", senor; I will go."
She drew her hnnd nwny, nnd he
knew she was gone, nlthough no move
ment of her figure could be distin
guished. Shelby swung the bng of
provisions ngnln to his shoulder, and
begnn feeling his wny blindly forwnrd.
He hnd retained the knife, with
which he hnd effected cscnpe from tho
cnbln, nnd, nlthough the point of the
blnde had been broken, he did not feel
entirely unarmed. There was no pos
sibility for him to lose the wny, the
unbroken wnlls shutting him tightly
In, so thnt even the star-decked sky
was Invisible, while the pnth he must
follow led nlmost dizzily upwnrd. It
wns boulder-strewn, nnd he fell twice,
yet tolled stcndlly on, never permit
ting his hnnd to lenve the gutdnncc of
tho wnll to the right, nnd carefully
testing the placing of each foot in
fenr of some pitfall. He could neither
Judge time nor distance, yet It wns
long before light enme Into tho sky,
when he finally clnmbcred over a rock
bnrrler ncross the pnth, nnd enmc
upon n shelf of stone, the left wnll of
this strange envern abruptly disap
pearing. Fearful of what precipice
might yawn there, ns soon ns he ngnln
attained his feet Shelby fluttened him
self against the one rock front remnln
Ing, scarcely daring to venture for
wnrd more thnn nn Inch or so nt a
time. A few feet brought hhn to the
enve's mouth, a mere hole, scarcely
wldo or high enough to receive his
body. He explored the black Interior
to the length of his arms, finding It
larger within thnn nt the entrance.
She Insisted there wns no (longer, nnd
the silence seemed to prove the plnce
contained no Inhabitant. Doubtless
the open shelf of rock would be ex
posed to view from the valley below
with the first flush of day. To avoid
discovery he must creep In out of
This was accomplished without dif
ficulty, the floor being fairly level, nnd
the roof rising so that he could nlmost
stnnd erect. Shelby explored every
Inch of fhe spnee, knife In hand, nnd
not entirely satisfied until the tnsk
wns completed. It wns only n box of
n place, less than fifteen feet long,
nnd perhnps half ns wide, narrowing
ut the top, ns though In some great
cataclysm of past nges two mnsses of
rock hnd been hurled together, lenvlng
this little Jog between. It wns hot In
there, nnd Shelby, drugging nfter him
the bng of provisions, removed his
cont. A few moments Inter ho rolled
It Into the form of n pillow, nnd lay
down, staring up nt the blnck vault.
He could think now. recall all that
had occurred so swiftly, and weave
this and that together. lie had acted
recklessly; there was no doubt of
that. No one but n blind fool would
hnve ever ventured nlone Into this
plnce to freo n prisoner. Ho should
hnve ridden to Poncn, nnd called upon
his friends for help; perhaps he mlnht
even hnve been able to obtain tf.o
services of n troop of cavalrymen from
the fort down below tho major knew
him nnd would believe his story. Why
hadn't ho done this? Why hnd he been
so rash, and bull-headed? Tho an
swer flashed Into his mind, as though
some volco had spoken It was love
of Olgn Cnrlynl Ho knew It Instant
ly; made no further effort to deceive
himself. Lying there In thnt black
silence, stnrlng blindly upwnrd, ho saw
the womnn ngnln as plainly ns though
In the flesh saw her, and knew that
he loved her. Her eyes smiled nt him,
with such wlstfulness In their depths;
there was nothing sullen about her ex
pression nny longer; she wns all worn
tin. und he loved her.
He) covered his eyes with nn nrm,
nnd rolled over. Godl wnsn't there
nnythlng he could do but wait? He
felt wild to net; to nccompllsh some
thing; to strike some definite blow In
her behalf. His wife! She wns his
wife Olga Carlyn I It inennt much to
him now. How deathly still It wns;
how terribly dnrk. Ho felt hot and
stifled thcro In tho cave, yet did not
move, or chnngo his position, and bo
he finally fell asleep.
The Darkness of the Cabin.
It wns brond daylight a dull -gray
within tho small cave, hut bright, sun
shine without when Shelby, aroused
himself, nnd looked about In nn In
stant of bewilderment. As the truth
of his situation reasserted Itself, he
snt up, conscious of ntlffncss In every
Joint, yet relnvlgornteJ by several
hours of rest. He fnced n dny of In
activity, a hnrd demnnd upon a mnn
of his temperament, nnd he wns us
slow ns possible over n meager break
fast, his eyes contlnunlly wondering
toward the nnrrow opening, ns his
mind ngnln reviewed tho occurrences
of the dny before.
Finally, unnble to resist tho tempta
tion longer, he ventured to thrust his
bend through tho entrance to lenrn
something more definite ns to his sur
roundings. All he could perceive wns
the shelf of rock, with n considerable
coping nbotit Its outer edge, together
with n few feet of tho descending
trail. On the other hnnd n new cleft
nppenrcd In the front of the cliff over
Bhndowlng him, nnd he susplcloned
thnt the path ho had followed the
night previous continued upward
vi, perhnps, that secret passageway
which Panchn had said led finally to
the .op of the gorge, and nlong vhirh
she planned to guide their future es
cape. Heyond the outer edge of the
shelf thore wns nothing but sky visi
ble, nnil, believing the coping would
concenl Ids movements from observa
tion below, Shelby pushed his wny out
through the opening, nnd crept on
hnnds nnd knees to where he cautious
ly could gaze over.
He wns higher up on the cliff thnn
he hud previously realized, although
Its precipitous front yet towered men
nclngly above. The view below was
like that of a distant picture, Jts de
tails Indistinct. He felt no longer nny
speclnl fenr of being observed, how
ever, nnd leaned far enough .forwnrd
to Fee clearly up nnd down the brond
valley. Ills position lny somewhnt re
moved, nround tho nnglc of n side
rnvlne, so thnt he could not trnco'the
entire courso of the Cottonwood, or
even discern the waterfall beneath
which he had entered the Hole. Yet
he hnd n glimpse of the mnln stream,
could' pick out what ho believed to be
the log house from which he had es
caped, while, within n grove so ns to
be senrcely distinguishable, appeared
the roof of another, smaller building.
Ho would not hnve noticed this, but
for n thin spiral of smoke arising from
the chimney. Pnnchn had snld the
plnce where -Olgn wns confined wns
visible from this spot. Could this bo
It? He stored down a long while, but
without reward.
Yet there seemed to be much pass
ing nnd repnsslng nlong the main val
ley; black, Ill-defined figures of men
on horseback almost constantly visible.
He wns surprised nt the number,
never hnvlng supposed thnt this colony
of outlaws wns so numerous. An
other thing, while he could not clear
ly distinguish such small objects nt
thnt distance, the mnjorlty of these
riders hnd the appearance of being In
dlar.fl. Could they bo Sioux wnrrlnrj
gathered here In preparation for somo
raid on the exposed settlements? or
wns It possible thnt the troops had al
ready Btruck, nnd driven the rem
nants of scattered war parties Into
this Hole for refuge? In either case
their presenco In such numbers ren
dered his own position so much more
precarious, and Increased tho danger
surrounding Olgn. He felt that, In
spite of his pledge" to the Mexican girl,
he could not remnln In his hiding
place quietly, without endeavoring to
learn more of what had actually oc
curred during the night.
Indeed lie could perceive no reason
why ho should remnln entirely lime
tlve. At the very best she could nc
compllsh nothing before night, nnd
hnd held out very little hope for even
then. There were no signs thnt he
wns being sought nfter down below. It
might be that In the excitement of
other happenings, his escapo had been
considered ns of minor Importance;
thnt Indian Joe, convinced that he
could never get out of the Hole unob
served, took no Immediate Interest In
trailing him. What wns the use, when
ho must eventually surrender? It
would he n simple matter to steal cau
tiously down through thnt deep cleft
In the rocks, ns fur, nt lenst, ns the
strenm below. He would be concealed
all the way. nnd once there, hidden
securely among those thick bushes, he
might then lenrn whnt wns actually
occurring. It would bo far better fol
him to know. Besides, this would be
no disloyalty to Pnnchn; even If she
sought him he would still be In the
pnth she must follow, nnd, so long as
he remained undiscovered, Just where
he wns concealed could make no .pos
sible difference. The argument satis
fied his mind, bccauf.o he felt he must
net; must make somo effort of his
"See; touch rao.You thought
I was dead?"
Old Bell Splendidly Preserved.
In nn old graveyard In County An
trim, Ireland, n fnrmer, while plowing,
uneurthed a bronze church bell weigh
ing more than 100 lbs., nnd -believed
to bo over HOO years old. The bell Is
In a splendid stute of preservation,
with n clenr, powerful tone. Tho old
Itlrkmoyle parish church, where tho
find was made, bus been In ruins slnco
I nm not tho only ono that con
demns tho Idlo; for once when I wns
going to give our minister a pretty
long list of tho sins of one of our peo
ple that he was asking after, I begnn
with : He's drendf uiy Inzy." "That's
enough," snld tho old gentleman, "all
sorts of sins are la that one." C, 11,
Mechanical Courtesy.
Mr ColdeiiBh nt phone) ITcHo,
central hello operator, I'm trying to
get some service I
Operator Hut I'm ringing your 0
party. ,
Mr. Coldcnsh You little fibber I
haven't given you the number ycTT
You will never mnko n mlslnko by
talking to n man nbout himself.
A dozen men mny make n club, but
one womnn can make a homo.
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Dividends KK&
For Information and clrcnlan wrlta.
omrtRNTAI. Mliw: a inim actu
322 S. 18th Stmt Ouaka. Nk
I bare a bargain for ton. Mm. -ZTZZ
W. I- IletaqW'H .JACK JrlKM
fcedur 1U i.lda. lua "
i'Sshic?' J2.8,,I,? ""J-ACK CUBAN HO.
l.ASbK, 30 Ballon brlt, 35c gallon: 60 irjlloi.
brU. 0c gallon. Cart wlih inter wim
wmmvrmwm e
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 4-1921.
Jff 4
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