RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Mllllllilll Dp. E. GA1WP CHIHOPRAGTOR PHONES I Off.ce 76-M IND. J Reidence 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North ol Fiteman'i Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Lutheran Church Sunday School at 10 A. M. Confessional Service at 10:30. Regular Service at 11 o'clock. Rev. 0. Heinitz, Pastor. FARM LOANS If you want a farm loan call and see mo for I am ready to make loans with absolutely no delay. J. H. BAILEY. Patronize Chie! Advertisers s u c c E S S flMttllWWmitMIM The Father of Succew is WORK The Mother of Succeit is AMBITION The Oldest Son is COMMON SENSE Some of the Boys are PERSEVERANCE, HONESTY, FORESIGHT, THOROUGHNESS, ENTHUSIASM and CO-OPERATION. The Oldest Daughter is CHARACTER Some of the Sisters are CHEERFULLNESS, COURTESY, LOYALTY, CARE, ECONOMY, SINCERITY and HARMONY The Baby is OPPORTUNITY Get acquainted with the 'old man' and you will be able to get along pretty well with the rest of the family One of the Greatest Aids to Success is a Good Bank Connection THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier DtpoiUi Ouarantttil by the DfpotUort Guarantee Fund of the Stale of Xtbratka Here's Sviggestiorv Since a good way to keep well in winter is to dodge the disagreeable weather by seek ing the glorious sunshine and semi-tropical atmosphere of Florida, the West Indies or the Gulf Coast States, hadn't you better go? 'Twill do you a world or good. If your neighbor has been there, ask him he knows. A good start is half the battle. Therefore, make the most of the trip enjoy Burlington service. Winter tour tickets are on sale now; attrac tive stop-over privileges; diverse routes at slightly higher fares. Travel is heavy. Avoid possible disappoint ment by making reservations early. lIBa N. B. BUSH, Ticket Agent TM iVVu ft VlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBl ftJtCMBBBniBBBBBBBBBl ? HUTBrr isfiiM AiiAi Our Budget Plan will help you COMB in 1 Let us explain how the Budget Plan goes ahead I with that New Edison for Xmas. It breaks up the payments, ' scatters them through 1921, fits vthem to your pocketbook. Besides, you're using an after-('the-war dollar to buy a before-the-war value. The New Edison has gone up in price less than 15 since 1914. Mr. Edison has kept prices down by absorbing increased costs himself. You get the benefit E. It. Newhouse Authorized Dealer .11 fa HEW EDISON fagy P3SSSW33$S$$$3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a :: i, . iii One Christmas Eve By Alrah Jordan Garth &$$$$$$$s$$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (, 1320. Western Nowipitiipr Union.) HE girl with sad memories sat gazing mournfully out upon the brightly illumi nated street, nbstrnctcdly taking In the Christmas trooping crowds. The man, sombre ns well, who had Just stepped upon the front platform of the car remained there, crisp tuicf biting ns was the yulctlde air. There enmo the call of an Intersection and Ada Wilton at the last moment caught the name and hurried to the rear. As sho alighted Itandall Petrle started, stared, made a movement as If to hasten after her, but the door clanged close and ho saw the figure of the only woman ho had ever loved swallowed up In the fast receding waves of alternate light and darkness. "Of what avail sho would scarce ly wqlcomc me," he spoke under his breath. "Wo are parted by her will she "hiust have meant It to be final." Ho entered tho car and sat down In the scat the girl hnd just vacated. It was an old story to, his weary soul, the ono love romnnco of his life. Ho had met Ada Wilton nt her moth cr's homo In the quiet llttlo village of IJrocton, had all but confessed his love. A decisive understanding to his proposal was stayed by an Interrupt tlon. The next morning Petrlo was suddenly summoned by a relative In another town. Up hnd expected to bo gone only a few days but his sojourn ran Into months. Twlco he wrote Ada. There came no reply. A third letter was returned to him marked, "Re fused." lie had later made Inquiries regarding her to loam that sho and her mother had removed to the city, and he gave her up as lost to him. As the car stopped for new passengers Petrle moved to make room for ono of them. He Jostled something In tho seat A small hand bag. His quick senses discerned Its ownership. He left the car at the first stop. Like some miser greedy of a treasure In estimable Randall Petrle hurried into a public restaurant and sought Its re motest corner. He held something that had belonged to Ada I A fitting excuse was given to return It to her. Its contents would surely give some clew to her place of work, her resi dence. He opened the hand bag. A purse showed tho edge of a can) Id a little pocket Petrle drew It out "She remembered she has kept that all this tlmol" he exulted. "Then" Words failed him. His heart beat mightily. Ho had brought to light a photograph of himself ho had once given to Ada. Ho Angered over several little packages and Christmas cards, then an envelope, unstamped and un sealed, addressed to "Miss Laura Deanc, Brocton." Instantly Petrle re called a close friend of Ada. It was no prying Instinct that caused him to withdraw tho enclosure. Ono lino perused, his dazzled eyes refused to leave tho written pages. "Tour discovery that It wns not Randall Petrle, but a relative of his name who led such a wild, evil life, the report of which caused mo to strive to forget comes too late to bridge the mistaken past, but obi Lanral how can I ever repair the Injustice done? Some way, some way, he must know of my fateful error, for I love him more than ever, because of tho cruel wrong I have done him." "I had hoped to bo able to save up enough to make mamma a present of a vlctrola tills Christmas," ran one paragraph, "hut I find I roust wait un til her birthday. You know how sho loves the old songs." Itandall Petrle pressed his lips to the signature, to lilm the dearest namo on earth, memorized the address writ ten below It ond left tho restaurant In a glow oY hopeful purpose find faith. "Two twenty-thrco Rosslter street" he covered tho distance as If borno on wings. A new meaning to Christ mas Eve hnd conio to him. "I huvo brought n lost hnnd bag," ho spoku as his summons at tho door of the house he sought wns opened. And then ho pnused. There stood be fore hlra Ada. Sho wavered, overcome by tho unexpected encounter. Impul sively his hand steadied her. Sho did not draw from Its protecting touch. In a torrent of words ho could not control, without evasion or nttempted apology, Randall Petrle told of tho contents In the handbag that haQ led him back to her. Was ho welcome? With a low, tender cry llko to thnt of a tired child finding a sure haveu of rest at last, Ada's head sank to his shoulder. And the surprise for mother l" whispered Randall ardently. "It shall be hero tho first thing Christmas morning, all the sweet old songs she loves, and oh, my treasure, may I In clude the Wedding March r THE AMERICAN RED CROSS N ... - pPEACE TIME " Child Welfare fajk. jpjjjju " ' i iMttv" Bf BIbSBSBBmBSBBBBBBS ,'BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSMBBBBBBBBBbI W, .BB ttLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBH 4tllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iJtjL , T rBBBBBBBBBrwWBBBBBBj Boys and girls who learn early ta take proper care of their teeth, throats, eyes, ears and stomaths, havo made a long step toward healthy manhood and womanhood. Through Its public henlth and nursing serv Ices, tho American Red Cross alms eventually to reach all school children with teachings regarding disease pre vention and health promotion. Hero's a school nurso treating a little girl for soro mouth, at tho same ttmo Im planting a valuablo lesson In teeth brushing and proper diet Christmas Display We're showing a beautiful line of Manicure and Toilet Sets, Leather Goods, Dolls and Games. Our usual large stock of Books of all kinds. CALL and SEE. f has. I. CottinS The Pru&lst Read the Christmas Ads! Then Shop Early! f3THL AMCKN-AN rKtu utwaa IH pPEACE TIME Teacnino r-irsiMip ?s 9BBBBW Every person mentally ana physic) ly able to do so should take the Amerti can Red Cross Instruction In First Ale Treatment It's a life-saver and 4 pain-saver on the farm. In the factory, n the street, at the office, In tbj) home, whartver accidents may eocmr, Here's a ysung wtfs who lacxpertty wielded a can-opener and received aq ugly gash across her wrist fnaa tha Jagged caa Ud. Mather waa thara, htwavar, with the First Aid kit and Bed Crasa lastroctlsai. and prafcaMj prevented case at htead pita bjf giving vreaapt and proper traataaaal before th doctor arrived. A Few of My Bargains in KANSAS WHEAT LAND G-lO acres. i miles from good town, good grass, 15 feot to water, for quick sale 812.50 per aoro will carry backJOOO nt U percent. CIO acres. 8 miles from town all in grass, 250 acres bottom land all can bo farmed but about 40 acres, close to school, good neighborhood, and surrounded with good improvements, 50 feot to water, 820 per aero will carry back S5G00 at 0 percent. 480 acres, with improvements, 8 miles from good town, GO feet to water, 80 acres under cultivation, adjoins school, a bargain ut 82.ri por acre, 81800 back at 0 percent. ICO acres 8H miles from town, level as a Uoor, good grass, 830 per acre, S1000 back. 320 acres OH miles from town, 40 uores In wheat, Y delivered, ICO acres more broke which could be put in barley in spring, every foot can bo cultivated, priced ut 830 por acre, 81000 back at 0 porcont. 100 acres fine lovol quarter except about 10 acres, 150 in cultivation, 100 acres i i whoat 4 of wheat at machlno goes with tho place at 810 per acre, S2000 bock at 7 percent. 320 acres, 300 tillable, 200 ucros under cultivation, 120 in pasture, 7 "room house, barn, granary, well and mill, leased for 1021, for ono third delivered, 5 miles from town on graded road, a bargain at 310 por ucrc, $4000 back at 0 percent. 9G0 acres, 4 miles from town, llnest improved farm in county, 100 acres good alfalfa land, pumping plant irrigating 40 acres, good spring in pasture, 200 Bcres seeded to wheat goes with tho place for 800 per acre, terms at 0 per cent. 1G0 acres 13 miles from town, all in grass, level, good soil, this goes for 824 per acre. If yon arc interested in any of the above come in and soe mo and seta dato to go down and ,100k it over. I make the trip in auto and about three days is all that ia required to make tho trip and look the land over to your satisfaction. I bclelve I am giving you good advise when I tell you to act quick for land is sure to advance, as parties in northwestern part of Kansas are selling their land there and coming in here to buy. Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts DuMocc c Office, Red 33. lod, 63 PHONES Rwidence( ,77 Red Cloud Nebraska wAirsm)SB&i?sBjhi9wAr"feirBfcirvSX3aJi) wwskraiwavirsafc.KaaiwSfciwak.sfc.wai 4wA4sai?sBjkiMrvS9raar"Jarahkri .4.. ki r kp ti ifc iflt WmMiMMzMm. MTJE Phonograph 1 sac 'tt m' wr?-'rrT ir mms iMiWt9ivfW9iWwi9 The Christmas Gift for All the. Family No matter who gets' it, all the family can enjoy it all of the time. It is THE ONE CHRISTMAS PRESENT that spreads the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT over all the year, till Christmas comes again. Here's your chance to get a Genuine Pathe Phonagraph and $25 worth of Genuine Pathe Records for the regulaa price of the Phonagraph alone. In other words, you get Worth of D mm 1 WMV V V lACVUIUS I 1 Come in today, pick out any cabinet Model PATHE ji ,t Yr 4t Phono6raPh and we'u deliver it, with the $25 W U li j worth of records, any time you say now, or the fe 3 ' 3 day before Xmas. ft fiiiin- olo $25.00 FREE I For all the Family Father and mother, Sister and Baby and Little Brother Let's get them a jeweled Pathe 'Twil make a whole year a big Xmas day Rexall Store GRICE 8 GRIMES Red Cloud Pathe Phonographs Exclusive Pathe Agents Pathe Records Tho Path Phonagraph Plays All Makes of Records i tm UM S j&4KgjK$ftagOB it i