The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1920, Image 7

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f i-
"Pape's Cold Compound" Instantly re
lieves stuffiness and
Pon't stay stuffed-upl Quit blnwlnc
nml sniiminp! A dose of "Pnpe's Colli
Compound" taken every two hours un
til three doses lire taken usually breaks
up u severe cold uml ends nil grippe
Tlie very first dose opuns your
cloggcd-up gostrlls and tin ulr pass
ages of the bcndl stops nose running;
relieves tln headache, dullness, fever serene's mid stiffness.
"I'npe'e Cold Conipound" Ih the
quickest, surest relief knowii nnd costs
only n few cents nt drug stores. It
acts without assistance, tastes nice,
contains no quinine Insist upon
I'npe's! Adv.
Looked for a Change.
She I told you yesterday that 1
would not marry you.
He I know. That's why 1 nsk yo
lipid) today. You would not lie so
lacking' In originality, I hope, as to
tepeat todry what you said yesterday?
Girls! Save Your Hair
Make It Abundant!
A Marvelous Remedy for Indigestion.
Those who suffer from nervous dys
pepsia, constipation, Indigestion, tor
pid liver, dizziness, headaches, com
ing up of food, wind on stomach, pnl
pltntlon and other Indications of dis
order In the digestive tract will And
Green's August Flower a most effec
tive and efficient assistant In the res
toration of nnture's functions nnd n
return to health and happiness. There
rould be no better testimony of the
value of this remedy for these troubles
thnn the fact that Its use for the last
Cfty-four years has extended Into
liany thousands of households all over
the civilized world and no Indication
f any failure has been obtained In nil
that time. Very desirable ns a gentlo
UVNlvu. Sold everywhere. Adv.
The WIndup.
At a school examination the exam
nor asked one child:
"What are the products of our In
11a n emplic?"
The unhappy Infant began nervous
ly to reel off the list she had got by
"I'lense, sir, India produces curries,
and pepper and rice nnd citron nnd
chillis aud chutney, nnd and and
mid "
"Yes, yes." said the examiner Im
patiently. "What conies after all
Hint 7"
Another Infant's hand was raised.
"Well, you tell her what comes nft
er that?" '
"I'lense, sir, ludlu-gcstlon." London
Immediately after a "Danderlne"
massage, your hair takes on new life,
lustre and wondrous benuty, appear
ing twice as heavy and plentiful be
cause each hair seems to tlufT and
thicken. Don't let your hnlr stay life
less, colorless, plain or seruggly. You,
too, want lots of long, strong, beauti
ful hair.
A 3.r-cent bottle of delightful
"Danderlne" freshens your scalp,
checks dandruff and fnlllng hair. This
stlnruluting "beauty-tonic" gives to
thin, dull, fading hair that youthful
brightness and abundant thickness
All druggists 1 Adv.
Mike Was Stupid.
Mike ISovInn, who .for quite some
time has tried to keep the news in
newspaper, acquired quite some kid a
short time bnck who seems to have
Inherited the tnqulsltlveuess of daddy.
Mike had been away doing some
publicity work for a certain party and
when he returned essayed to tell the
kiddle all about It.
"And did you ride In n train,"
asked the youngster.
"Of course I did," said Mike.
"And did you see the ears of the
engine?" persisted the child.
"Of course not," laughed Mike,
"engines don't have ears."
"Oh, yes, tliey do," retorted the
child. "I've heurd ubout engineers
lots of times."
No Wonder Mona Smiled.
If Whistler's conceit was a pose he
assumed It quite early in his career.
, We are told Iliac ns an art student he
osed to copy fnmuns paintings at the
Louvre, and on one occasion a brother
artist came upon him tin lie wi finish
ing u copy of "Mona Llsu."
"You've done a line thing there,"
eald the other.
'Yes, I'm quite pleased with It."
Agreed Whistler, and then In his quiz
elcal way he added, "I wonder what
they'll do with the poor old orlglna.
uow?" lloston Transcript.
American Companies Threatened.
Spain Is one of the great Iron-ore
centers of the world, shipping ore
heavily to other ICuropcnii countries,
ns well as to the United States, and
while it has some large Iron ajul steel
works. Its output of the finished prod
uct has never been commensurate
with Its ore developments. Now,
however, there Is n well-detlned-project
of the Krupps to set up n great branch
nt Hlllmo, Spain, to manufacture agri
cultural machinery for the purpose of
driving out of the market American
companies wlio now have a large
share of this business.
Financially Speaking.
"Honest, old man, you appear to
be giwlng shorter."
"No vronder. Three times I've been
let In or, the ground lloor of oil propo
sitions, with the usual results."
A man i,o soonei neglns to get up
In the worlJ than "vmie woman calls
him down
Air Propellers on Cars.
Before long we are likely to see
many motorcars driven by nlr propel
lers like those of airplanes. Hxperl
ments are being made with such nlr
drlven errs In Kurope, and they uro
said to have worked out very satis
factorily. The power utlllzable in this
way for a vehicle on land Is so great
that it lias been found practicable to
run freight ears on railroads at high
speed with an nlr propeller In front
ami another behind. Kitusns City
In a foreword written for n recently
published book on aviation, Viscount
Nortlicllffe asserts that Great Britain
Is already ruling the air. Kugllsh of
ficials admit, however, that their air
mall service does not show profits
equal to those of the United States
Ttour table drink
will never bother
nerves or sleep
ifyou opit coffee
and 4rink.
affJWPB !'
1 ! Iw;tht Jl :
i I iNiti aw I e
m Bvttroinr
Fulum Crtl Company.
tUUtn.Mm,U. e
jfvi L fT litwf t tT Cfa.
If coffee troubles you, isn't
it better to make the change
now rather than later?
Better health results and
you'll appreciate the econ
orny and convenience.
"There's ei Reason for Postum
Made tjr Postum Cereal Co.Inc, Battle CreelcMicL
i I .
A man who Is satisfied with his Job
never readies the top of the ladder.
tiiy m:v. p. a i-mt.watiiH. d. n
Tciioher of ntiKllsh WtOe in the Moody
Ulblo Institute of ChUtiKo.)
I, 1920. Wostirn NewKPHprr t'nlnn )
i.rspo.v ti:xt Mntt. 7:i3-:n.
r.Ol.DKN TUXT-Kvory tree that brlmr
etli not (ortli ko1 fruit Is hvn down,
and rum Into the tire. Matt. 7:19.
PltlMAUY TOl'lC-Oood TrooB nnd Hnd
Jl'NlOH TOPIC A Sharp Ax for n Cor
nipt Trrc
The- Kt tilts of the Liquor Trnffle.
Complete Destruction of the Liquor
The king having completed the enun
ciation of the laws of the kingdom,
makes application ns follows:
I. Entrance Into the Kingdom Urged,
(vv. V, 11).
There nr two ways only before ench
one life and death, heaven and hoi).
The grand Incentive held out Is tlint It
In the way to life. He Just ns plnlnly
declares that the gate affording an
entrance Is straight and the way nar
row. Hut while It Is straight nnd
narrow, It Is an open gate, nnd all
are Invited to enter. Though the gate
that lends to eternal life be straight
nnd the way nnrrnw In the beginning,
It broadens out In every respect until
tlie fullness of life Is realized. On the
other hand, the way which at first
seems broad and pleasant becomes the
way of the most abject slavery and Urn
itntlou. II. Warnings Against False Teach
ers (vv. iri-20).
1. Their real existence (v. 15). Ever
since find has had n people, false
prophets and teachers have nppeared
among them. Thnt they appear every
where need not at all surprise us, for
Christ foretold that such should bo
the case (Matt. 1U:11).
2. Their nature (v. tti). (1) They
nre hypocritical. The Devil' does his
most successful work by masquerad
ing as nn angel of light (II Cor. 11 :14,
in.) Ills ministers appear In this way
nnd turn people from the nnrrow to the
broad woy. If the evil one would ap
pear as he really Is, his success would
not be great. From the day when
he nppeared to Eve In the garden un
til this present time, his success has
been due to his ability to deceive. (2)
They are destructive. This Is suggest
ed by their being ravening wolves. It
Is when the wolf Is In sheep's clothing
thnt he dtcs his most destructive work.
It Is so today. False teachers arc do
ing their most deadly work while pre
tending to be loyal to the Ulhleandto
Jesus Christ.
3. The unfailing test (vv. 10-18).
"Uy their fruits ye shnll know them."
Every tree bears It own kind of fruit.
Nature Is Inexorable In her laws us
to this. One may search the universe
In vain for nn exception to this law. It
Is equally true In the spiritual world.
There Is a vital connection between the
faith of the heart nnd the fruit of the
life. That which conies out In the
conduct was llrst In the heart. A right
heart Is essential to right conduct.
4. Their ultimate end (v. 10). All
false teachers shall he finally punished
by being cast Into the lire. Although
(Sod has Infinite patience and bears
long, he will see to It that this work
does not go on forever.
III. The Dangers of Empty Profea
slon (vv. 21-2:i).
1. Merely calling Christ "Lord" will
not answer for doing his will.
2. One mny even do supernatural
works and not be saved (vv. 22, 211).
Not all supernatural works are di
vine. There Is a supernnturul world
of evIL It Is the hnslnens of every
believer to test the spirits (1 .loht
4:1, U).
3. Separation from (Sod (v. 2,")
You mny be u Sunday school tenchet
or preacher, nnd even perform nianj
mighty works, as casting nut devils
healing the sick, nnd yet hear froir
Jesus Christ, the King, tlie awful dec
laration "I never knew you, depart
from me."
IV. The One and Only Safe Wa
(vv. 2-I-20).
1. Hear the sayings of Christ (v
21) To do this you must give atten
tion to reading the word of (iod. Avail
yourself of every means at your com
mand to become acquainted with (Sod
2. Do what Christ commands (vv. 21
V)). One must put to practice Christ'.
teachings. Hearing nnd doing the
le.ichlugs of Christ is building upon
the solid rock. Christ Jesus. Uf
Itock of Ages, Is the only rlghl fnuida
lion upon which to build. SiiUi build
ing can never be destroyed by flood
and storm. Hearing and not doing
Christ's sayings Is building upon tin
sand, which In the time of the storm
of Cod's wratli and Judgment will be
utterly destroyed. Obedience must fol
low hearing Christ.
A Prayer.
That It may please Thee to wear
my nffectlons from nil things below i
and to Mil me with ardent desires aft
er heaven; and finally to mnke m
partaker of nil Thy blessings am!
promises In Chrlnt Jesus; I beseeel
Tiled to hear me, Good Lord. Frort
llele's Devotions.
Namp "Bayer" on Genuine
mil iX1)
"llajcr Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an unbroken
"Hajer package" which contains proper
directions to relieve Headache, Tooth
ache, Earache. Neuralgia, Itheumatlsm,
Colds and Tain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tnblets cost few cents. Druggists also
Bell larger "llaycr packages." Aspirin
Is trade mark llnyor Manufacture Men
oacetlcucldester of Snllcyllcucld. Adv.
Mica Indispensable.
The main Importance of mien In
modern Industry lies In the fact that
It Is one of the best nonconductors
of electricity aud Is, therefore, Indls
pensnble In electrical engineering. On
this account the Ilrltlsh government
took over part of the mica field In
India and worked It ns a statu In
dustry In order to make sure of hav
ing a constant supply.
Genius of Christianity,
It Is tlio genius of Christianity ti
have transfigured sacrifice by display
Ing it to us ns the reverse of Uh
medal called love. II. It. lluwcls.
Dad a Graduate, Too.
"So the boy Is home from college."
"Yes. Surprises me, too."
"Thnt so7"
"Yes. Marvelous how much more
they're teaching hoys at that college
now than they tiiught when 1 went
there. I don't begin to know as much
ns he thinks he knows." Detroit Free
Dyo right! Don't risk
your mnterlnl In a poor dye.
Each pnekage of "Diamond
Dyes" contains directions
so simple that any woman
can diamond-dye n new,
rich, fadeless color Into old
garments, draperies, cover
ings, everything, whether
wool, silk, linen, cotton or
mixed goods,
Buy "Dlntnond Dyes"
no other kind then perfect
results are guaranteed.
Druggist h a s "Dlninond
Dyes Color Cord" 10 rich colors. Adv.
"(Sot any property about here?"
asked the tax collector at the furm
house door.
"Yes, I got a small lot," replied the
bu.xoui woman, with the gingham
apron, who answered the knock.
"Where Is It?"
"About two iiiIIch down tlie road
from here."
"Is It Improved?"
"Well, I got a husband burled there,
but I can't say It Improves It any."
Not to Be Blamed.
He A self-made man Is common
enough, but wo seldom hear of n selt
mnile woman.
She Well, considering the kind ot
article the men In the self-made busi
ness turn out you can hardly blame us
women for not taking it up." Uoston
Tlie world Is full of tainted money,
though few people mind the odor.
Achca, paln3, nervousness, dlfli- '
culty in urinating, often mean
seriou9 disorders. Tho world's
Etandard remedy for kidney, liver.
bladder and uric acid troubles
bring quick rsllef nnd often ward off
deadly diseases. Known ai the national
remedy of Holland for moro than 20O
yenrs. All druggists, in throe altes.
Look for thn tlmn CnM Mntat nn Trjr boa
"I feci It my duty to wrlto you a lottcr
of thanks for your wonderful Peterson'
Ointment. I hud a running soro on riif
left les for ono year. I benan to uso
Totcmon's Ointment throe weeks uro and
now It In healed." A. C. Qllbrath, 701
Itced St., Krlo, I'a.
For years I havo been Balling- through
ilrURRlsts a lntRO box of IT-TEHSON'S
OINTMKNT for 00 cents. Tho healing
Sower in this ointment Is marvnlous.
!cscma rocs In a few days. Old aorea
lienl up lllio mciKlc: piles thnt other romo
Ulcs do not seem to even relievo nre
ipccdlly conquered. Pimples and nasty
lilncklionds (llBnppcnr in a week and th
dlntronB ot chnllnn Koeo In a fow minutes.
Mall orders lllloJ. I'eterson Olntmont Co.,
Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.
tHpnifl L rrrkl umtm-nt.'.Ynur rinufital rW
rilLUrtLCtJ n.n, K, Kr.h.k. Or. C.1I, Barry
Till'.lli KII.JIH ilo sloped (iZr, wlirro prima
r iinlrrril. Trillin J, Co Mall tllm to Ilea
Cloud StUillo. .117, Itr.l Cloud, NrlirnvkH.
Cutlcura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soup nnd hot water. Make
them your every-day toilet preparations
and have n clear skin uml soft, white
bunds. Adv.
Knlcker Is the candidate wet or
llocker He looks on the wine when
It Is red, white and blue.
We haven't much use for a miser,
but it Is better to freeze onto your
money thnn to burn It.
Kill That Cold With
i. Coughs
La Gripp
Neglected Colda aro Dangerous
Tile no cbancaa. Kaap this' standard remedy handy for tb first snaaa.
Breaks up cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Hesdacho
Quinln in this form does not affect the bead Casccia is best Tonic
Laxative No Oplata in Hill's.
Il-fXlWII itiWi
'niiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiuHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii dm
The Housewifes Burden
When a woman is almost distracted from overwork, her home
is in disorder, crying children, and on top of all is suffering from
backache, bearing dowU pains, or some other form of feminine ills,
then she should remember that hundreds of women in just her con
dition have been restored to health and regained their youthful
strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
not rest until she. has given it a fair trial.
Proof that it Restored the Health of These Two Women
Cairo. 111. H Some, time ago I got so
bad with fomalo trouble that I thought
I would havo to bo operated on. I hnd
a bad displacement. My right eido
would pain mo and I was so nervous I
could not hold a glass of water. Many
times I would havo to atop my work
and sit down or I would fall on tho
floor in a faint. I consulted several
dootora and everyone told mo tho samo
but I kopt fighting to keep from having
the operation. I had read so many
times of Lydia E. Pinkhani'a Vegetable
Compound and it helped my sister so
I began taking it. I havo never felt
better than I havo since then and
I keep houso and am able to do all my
work. Tho Vegetable Compound is
certainly ono grand medicine." Mrs. J.
It. Matthews, 3311 Sycamoro Street,
Cairo, I1L
Chattanooga, Tenn. " I used Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
before my baby camo when I could no
longer keep up. It strengthened my
back and relieved mo of tho ill effect
which so often develops at such times.
That was my first oxiwrionco with tho
Vegetable Comixrand. Years after
wards I took it during tho Change of
Lifo and got along so well I scarcely
ever had to Ho down during tho day
and seldom had dizzy, fainting spells.
I am now woll and strong, can do all
my housework with perfect ease and it
is a comfort to mo to be ablo to say to
other suffering women ' take Lydia E.
Pinkham's medicine and bo strong.
I will be glad to have you uso my namo
if it will bo tho means of helping any
one." Mrs. It. A. PAiitnuiiN, U0&
Orchard Knob Ave.,Chattauooga,Tenn.
Ailing, Overworked Housewives Should Rely Upon
kv aaa I Laaaaaaaaaaaal aataaaal B fll LaV aaaK aaaaaaal LaaaLaaaaLaaa! aal aaV aaat aaaal Hn faV laaa Laaat aaB bB Bram. HaaawSI
.Sfe I