The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1920, Image 6

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t 3
v i
f A i
I r
.1 SHOES V""
-iV ou catch mc!
To the wearer who finds
PAPER in the heels, coun
ters, insoles or outsotes of
any shoes made, by , us,
bearing this trade-mark.
"It Takf Ltathtr
to Stand Wtathtr"
See your neighborhood dealer
and imiit on the Friedman
Shelhy "All-Leather" Trade
Mark, It meant real ihoe econ
omy (or the whole family.
Subscription Rates
By mail, inside the fourth
postal zone (within six
hundred miles of Omaha)
Daily Only
(Week Day Itauea)
$5.00 a Year
Daily and Sunday
$9.00 a Year
Write your order and mail
with subscription payment
to The Omaha Bee today.
Thousands of Happy
Housewives in
Western Canada
arc helping their husbands to prosper
are (find they encouraged them It sec
where they could make a home ot their
own bavo paying rent nnd reduce th
cost of living where they could reach,
prosperity and Independence by buying
ob ear term
Fertile Land at $16 to
$30 an Acre
land similar to that which through
many yearn 1ms yielded from 20 to 45
buabrla of wheat to tlir acre. Hundred
of f armors In Western Canada have
rained crops In a single season worth
more than the whole cost of their land.
With such crops come prosperity, lnde
pendenco. good homes, nnd nil tho com
fqrts nnd conveniences which make for
happy living.
Farm Gardens
Poultry Dairying:
aro sources of Income second only ta.
grain growing and stock raising. Good
climate, good nclghhors,,
HChools. rural telephone, etc.. glvt you
tho opportunities of n new lt.ul with
thn conveniences of old settled districts.
For Illustrated literature, roups, descrip
tion of farm opportunities m Manitoba,
Hankatchownn, and reduced
railway rates, etc.. writ Oepartmanf
of Immigration. oitv fan., or
Boom 4, Bee Blag., Omaha, Wei,
For The Best Shine
Ask For The Big Can
Liquid Stove Polish
Dm tle$t-Ebony Skint
E-Z Iron Enamel Tor the Pip
E-Z Metal Poliah for tho Nickal
E-Z Shoe Poliah aaves Shoe
Monty Bach Guaranttt
A Beautiful
& Admiration
Ladies A few dnys' treatment with
will do more to clem
up the skin than all
the beauty treat
ments in crea
etlon. An im
perfect com
plexion is
caused by a
6luggish liver.
Millions of ncoDlc.old.voum: ami middle npe.
Jake them (or Uilloiisnesi, Dizziness, Sick
ieadaclie, Upset Stomach ai U fur Sallow,
'imply nnd Blotchy Skin. They end the
misery of Constipation.
Small nil-Smnll Dnse-Smnll Price
W. N. U LINCOLN NO. 43-1920.
Illustrated by vfltrvyevx
j "! .
CHAPTER XI Continued.
flu was a curious Instrument of
nieh ubstract Justice. He served fate
is If It lintl sworn out it police court
warrant. As it nemesis lie was !i
:loun, or at least n bcudlo or n ImllllT.
I'lio iiuuint'r In which ho served Inevlt
tblllty will appear. Mr. Sidney's
:rime, I soon saw, whatever manner
3r kind of crime. It luid lieou, was one
)f uneseiipable consequence.
."A man named Drnvada," said Mor
gan, after we had looked nt ouch otli
r In Interrogative hostility for nn In
itant, "has come to our agency with
i very strange title. From what I
learn of the things lie and IiIh disrepu
table attorney have done, I can see
Unit they are heading directly Into the
penitentiary. I understand that the
Invvyer Is dead and Hint till their
iclienics are closed. Drnvada lias
:oine to our agency, and I have come
llrectly to you. I want you to under
itanil our methods of doing business.
They nre honest. The paper Dravada
carries about hlin says that crime has
been committed. Are you fumlllar
vlth that paper?"
"I have seen what n hlnckmnlllng
lawyer snld was a copy of n sheet
In the possession of Drnvndn."
"I nm not much of n literary man,"
snld Morgan, taking from n black
leather case n manuscript which lip
handed to me. "but I've rend 'The
Moonstone,' nnd HiIh looks to mo like
I couple of chapters copied out of It.
Probably you are familiar with 'The
Moonstone. "
"I bnvo rend It severnl times."
"Then what do you make of that
I looked nt several of the pages.
The manuscript was a copy of part of
'The Moonstone."
"I am right, then," said Morgan.
"Moonshine' It had better be called.
That's the manuscript the muld stole
Hit of your man Jed's room nnd that
Druvatlu took after the lawyer had
been killed. Here's my , reasoning
maybe you will be Interested: This
matt Jed und this fellow Drnvndn
vorked for Mr, Sidney In Montevideo.
Dravada Is a thief; Jed Isn't much
tetter. Dravndu got one sheet of n
manuscript that bud something to do
with a concealed crime. Jed got the
test of the mnnuscrlpt, so Drnvada
suys. Dravada has been trying to
ainkc Jed go G0-f0. Ho bns been try.
Ing to get the rest of the manuscript.
He'll murder Jed yet.
"Now hero's the way I look nt It : A
man like Jed does not go to the trou
ble of copying n couplo of chapters
pf The Moonshine' nnd planting the
copy In bis room Just to devil a des
perate fellow like Druvatlu. He does
I Suppose You're Something to Miss
Sidney, Too."
it for a purpose. That proves ho 1ms
the real munuscrlpt. That proves
there Is n concealed crime. Our agen
cy In Interested In tliiillng out what
Hint crime was. As an agent of the
law I am Interested In this case. Are
rou? Is this family Interested?"
"I am not, and the family Is not."
"I'll take your word for It, but I'll
tee Mr. Sidney."
"It Is qultu Impossible, lie never
ices callers. I urn bis doctor. I
ihould foibld it."
"Then I'll seo Mrs. Sidney."
"That ulso Is Impossible. I am her
"Well, I'll tnlk to Miss Sidney."
That also Is out of tho question."
"1 suppose you're something to Miss
Sidney, too."
"I am her llnnce."
"You nre it little bit of everything
irotind here. Well, how about seeing
this man Jed?"
"That cuiiMie nrranged," I Mild, and
I rung for Jed. When be came In, I
".led, this Is Mr. Morgan, of tho
Metropolitan Detectlvo agency. He
' ants to tnlk to you."
'Yes, Mr." said Jed, nod I went out
f l loom,
tr ar &J mM
B Lliil
m .. . i , " . - fc ""
Copyright byueorge HiJoranCo
In Miout twenty minutes Jed came to
me again.
"Mr. Morgan wishes to speak to you
once more," he said.
"Well?" I snld, looking nt him In
quiringly. "A downright, direct nntl positive
sort of a person," he said, smiling,
"but although keen, not u real Intel
ligence. He Is waiting for you, sir."
Mr. Morgan was pacing forth nnd
back In the olllce much enraged.
"Look here," he snld. "This does
not get us anywhere. My time n val
uable. I urn wasting n lot of It. I'll
tell you now I've got enough Informa
tion to know this Is the sort of cne
we like, n touglt case. I haven't bent
fooled n bit. You may not be Interest
ed. Maybe no one here is Interested
but I'm Interested. Do you get Hint,
Mr. Doctor, Mr. ItoprescntiiHvo, Mr.
Fiance? I'm Interested. This cuse Is
going to be gone Into. There's n crime
concealed ramewliurv which will do
our ngency good to discover. We
sha'n't do It for money. We slinll
do It for publicity. The advertising
will bo worth thousands of dollars to
us. Do you understand me?"
"I know you can make life very mis
erable for us for a couple of days.
You will have to use your own Judg
ment." "I can pnek tbnt lawn out there with
reporters nnd photographers from the
city. They'll see nnd tulk to Mr. Sid
ney. Take my word for that. They'll
seo and talk to Mrs. Sidney und to
Miss Sidney. I can bring that down
to you hy midnight."
"The house has some protections,"
T said. "You might suggest tbnt to
the newspaper people for their own
"Tho shyster nnd tbnt common thief
Ann Forth got in, didn't they?"
"I don't know Ann Forth." j
"No, but you know Agnes Mitchell.
Well, you know Ann Forth, man. Say,
you simpleton, you don't know what
you'ro up against. This story Just us
It stands copy of sheet from uianu
Bcrlpt Spaniard running off with
Jed theft of manuscript death of
shyster Ann Forth bnck In house.
bidden crime millionaire recluse
beautiful daughter bnunted house
It's copy for every paper In the coun
try." I knew It and was appalled by the
certain prospects.
"It would be n very cruel nnd use
less thing to do," I snld, "but us I
told you, you must use your own Judg
ment. We are not Interested In this
child's nursery story you are follow
ing, und I do not Intend to have peo
ple) who nre not well disturbed by the
questioning of n detective."
J knew how to deal safely with
Morgan, but the method was out of
the question. I should Indeed have
been a simpleton If I had not known.
All I bad to ask was "How much?"
We were wholly resolved against
paying blnckmnll, knowing that It was
only n gradual descent to ruin. It
wns better to go In one direct plunge
If It wero fated.
Morgan looked nt me steadily for n
few moments ns If giving Nme n chance
to listen to tho voice of reason. Ills
method bad been perfect. He wns be
yond n legal suspicion, nntl I knew
ho was dangerous.
"Well, young man," ho snld at last,
"wo nre both wns-tlng time nt least
I am. Hut It's only fair to you to
tell you that this Is not the end of
tin? case. It's the kind of u ease wo
like, something tough nnd dllllcult.
Wo mny not make nny money out of
It, but when we nre ready, we at lenst
shall bo paid In publicity. You
needn't be nfrnld of the reporters und
photographers Just now. It's too good
n case to waste Hint way. There's al
ways that, no mutter what we turn up.
"This case Is Just good enough
to spend some money on. It's Just
good enough to send a couplo of men
down to Montevideo. I'll tell you
In ndvnnco that Is what we're going
to do.
"We'll go Into the life of Mr. Sidney
with n flno-tooth comb, nnd we'll do
It well. Wo are accustomed to doing
such things well. And we'll do this
well. We'll get something hero or In
South America. We'll follow that
something until wo know why Jed
copied two chapters of 'The Moon
stone' nnd hid them In n box built In
tho springs of bis bed.
"Then we'll come bnck hero and nsk
for a little more co-oporntinn In serv
ing the purposes of tho law, and If we
don't get some help, the reporters nnd
photographers will bo swarming on
the lawn. That's nil, Mr. Doctor."
I know nt first glance that Morgan's
face was malevolent. Now I saw It
extraordinarily so.
"I'll have Jed show you tho door,"
I said.
"Anil tell hint we do not know
whether wo toko Dravada to Snath
America or not. It will iimko him
Jed wns scrupulously tho servnnt ns
wo dismissed Mr. Morgan.
That wu8 tho fashion lu which In
evitability entered the house. w
were no longer dodging chance. Mor
gun surely nnd certainly represented
fate. It bnd become only a matter of
time when In one fashion or another
the security of this home, so carefully
studied, would be Invnded successful
ly. That was apparent. It might be
that Morgan would be able to expose
us to nothing more thnu the publicity
he mentioned. Hut Hint was sulllcieut;
It would be destructive..
I had telephoned MeCulic. telling
him of Morgan's part In the new turn
of events, nnd he later Informed -me
that two of the Morgan agency op
eratives had sailed for Soiiih Aineiieu,
taking Dravaila Willi them. The hunt
had begun but a long way off.
The hunters knew ns much of the
quarry as 1 did, nnd I had no wa.v of
knowing whether It was likely Hint
they could find u trail hack to Hart
ley house. It was impossible not to
feel uneasy. Dravada had been to
me, 'whatever be had been to .led,
merely mi Incident grotesque and ex
travagant, ii preposterous dush of col
or In odd conditions. The lawyer luid
been resourceful and cunning enough,
but his notions had to be tbosn of a
slinking feral animal, lie was not to
be greatly feared, but Morgan was.
He had the machinery for the work,
Ills cupidity was aroused. Every ras
cal who suielled the myster.v of Hurt
ley house became eager m lollow the
scent Into the strong box of the house.
I thought I wus tint assuming eiiqugh
responsibility. I asked Mrs. Sidney
again If It would bo of service to give
me the secret of the house. 1 told her
I wns fur from certain that my rella-
And, by George! She Danced Up and
Kissed Her Mother and Kissed Me.
blllty und trustworthiness bnd been es
tablished, but If they had been, and If
Uie question were merely one of fidel
ity nnd stnncbuess, I hoped I could
bo regarded loyal.
"If only those qualities were In
volved, John," said Mrs. Sidney, "you
could bnvo the inmost secrets of my
soul. I would trust you with anything
anywhere, but for your own salivation
I would not have this terrible thing In
your consciousness. Knowledge of It
would curse you. It will be unless
there Is expiation In a great love, and
exculpation In self-snerlllee. Jed's
soul is gone beyond redemption. I
dure not think of Mr. Sidney nor of
myself. Hut Jed Is n gross sinner."
She wns by nature und wish an un
emotional, untheatrlc lady, hut she
wus drumutlc In her serlousue.s.s. Then
she said:
"I should like to huvu "'on for u
I wns much embarrassed the mnro
so when she kissed me. To conceal
some disconcerting emotions I laughed
uwkwardly and went on about my
business. I wus to go blindfolded Into
the Intricacies of tho strongest situa
tions I ever oncounteijd.
With early October beautiful days
came und brought tranquillity. Life
Is full of zest In October, the rich,
rare month of the year; physical
senses nre mnde more sensitive. Hart
ley house blazed out In iiutumu splen
dor. What bnd been beautiful before
wus now glorified.
I could have hours, but not complete
days of happiness. I could use my
common sciibc part of the time, but
Isobel broke It down at other times.
Occasionally I thought her willful and
tried to believe Hint she uniiised her
self by playing the devil with the only
man available, but when I came to my
Kenses, I knew I wus a fool.
All she did was to ns.-oclute frunkly
nnd frlendllly with the only nviilliihl
man, nnd If she liked to be with me,
It wus u compliment I did not seo that
I deserved.
With tho return to normality, with
Jed buck und liumedlnte nlurias quiet
ed, our family routine wns re-established.
Dinner, which hud been less
tho sochiblo occasion that It might
have been, becauso of Jed's malevolent
super-serviceability, became a pleasant
Heretofore Jed had made It a point
to restrict nnd embarrass our attempt
nt easy conversation. Now be withdrew
and left us to ourselves.
It wns owing to tills extraordinarily
favorable disposition that I. coming to
dinner one evening in n sullen mood,
bud opportunity to tuko up n subject
which concerned me.
"Mrs. Sidney," I said when Jed had
placed tho coffee-tray beside her and
bad retired, "I must usk you to release
me from tho absurd position I urn In."
"What position, John?" united athe
kindly ludy. y
"I nm engaged to Isobel," I said.
"Which Is u torment und n trial,"
snld Isobel.
"It Is," I refilled with warmth. "It Is
it trial and torment from which I wish
release. I do not want to be hcdgd
In by the absurdities of this urni.ue
"John, my hoy," said Mrs. Sidney
"what's Imppened to you?"
"Nothing, but I'm confused. I'd feel
better If Isobel nnd I were not on till
preposterous footing." '
"Hut there- was a reason," Mrs Sid- j
ney .suggested mildly, "and it still j
exists, and we relied upon you, John '
We don't want to make you unhappy. '
but you don't care for Isobel. Thai's so
apparent, and H helps us so much." i
"I don't care whether lie cares fot
me r not," said Nobel suddenly. "W .
an. ;olng to remain engaged. (.Jet your
precise mind reconciled to the fact
John. Willie you are In this house, you
and I are engaged to be married."
"Isobel!" her mother exclaimed.
"I'm going to have the freedom Hint
this man John brings me as my be- j
trot lied," snld Nobel. "Until of you can
roco.itile yourselves to that. John,
oti are it victim. You are engaged tc i
me, mid 1 know you are unhappy
Mother, you set nm do things because
1 am engaged to John. Well. I Intend
to remain engaged and to do things
und I love you both."
And, by (leorge! .sh daiued up nnd
kissed her mother and kissed me.
At Mines I bated ihjm if as a method
ical person, but It did no good, i
was methodical, and from It there was
no e.'eape. I kept a dlaiy. And each
night as 1 made an entry, I turned back
to the day of the year before. In doing
so this night I read In the entry of the
previous year: "Mr. Sidney made a
sudden nnd iistonlslilni: recovery ol
strength. He walked about lit. room
without assistance wrts lu u high
degree of nnlmatlon.""
I recalled that night with the sharp
or Interest because the entry I was
ubont to inline this night was substan
tially If not precisely to the same ef
fect. Mr. Sidney bad again revealed
nn astonishing recovery of strength
und had displayed the greatest allium
Hon. He hud asked us to have out
dinner In his room, a thing very sel
dom done, nnd he had been wonderful
as the majestic, courteous head of the
family, full of humor nnd Joviality.
Jed was an amiable servitor, ban
tered by Mr. Sidney from time to time.
Nobel's animation was as Infectious as
her father's, but Mrs. Sidney, I
thought, had a look of apprehension
lu her eyes' which was something apart
from tin pleusnnt smile on her fuce.
She seemed to Hud the occasion sg.
nlilcunt, and I wonder that I had to
rrnd irf. diary to be refreshed In mem
ory. When I had read It, I also saw the
significance, and turning the page In
the record of the year before. I read:
"Mr. Sidney Is lu u condition of ex
haustion which might be culled a com
plete and dangerous collapse. . . .
Dr. Hrownell, summoned in alarm,
siiys that during his acquaintance with
the case this transition overnight from
extraordinary activity to exhaustion
has been noted once every year nnd
nt approximately the same tlmo of the
year, If not precisely on the same
The apprehension which Mrs. Sid
ney could not wholly conceal had this
good foundation. Mr. Sidney was In
the periodic miracle of renewed IiciiIHi
and strength, but for whatever cause,
he would he found tomorrow morning
In u precarious condition of weakness
The event seemed so certain that 1
thought It best to acquaint Dr. Hrows
nell that night of the prcmonltorj
I decided to telephone, a niessagt to
Dr. Hrownell's residence In the city, to
be given to lilm Immediately If lie were
awake or as soon ns he arose In the
morning. I did not want to be over
heard, by any chance, by nny one. in
telephoning this premonitory message,
and thought that the olllce would be
my most secure place.
The house was not yet In 'full dark
ness when I came down the stairs to
tho main ball. It wus lighted, and the
stiilrwuy leading directly to Mr Sid
ney's room wns lighted, which Indi
cated Unit Jed was still with .Mr. Sid
ney. The olllce deer never was locked. 1
did not want .led blundering In on me
while I was telepb.nlng. He would be
along presently, 1 thought, ami I de
cided to go out o.) Hie niiilti portico
until by the extinguishing of the lights
I should know he s on his way to
I was on my wny f act on this plan
when the light In Hit f,tulrway lending
to Mr. Sidney's room U.H extinguished,
nnd I knew Jed was . his way down
stairs, I did not have to reach the
entrance. I doubted th.u 1 c-ven had
time to retrace my stoi.'. I did not
want to meet Jed. So I swiped Into a
sort or little lounging sp(ico olT the
hull, which was qulto dark.
lu a few minutes Jed went by. Hum
ming, not singing. I bad expei-jed him
to be very tipsy, considering Hie Jo
vlul mood of Mr. Sidney It luid even
occured to me that once u year, on u
certain date one to bo coniinenieiuted
Mr. Sidney Joined Jed In the wine
and that this caused the relapse. Hut
led was not drunk, his step whs
steady. ,
Something Doing Then.
If only more millionaires had tho
Imagination of poets, sighs n Florida
editor, what n wonderful world this
might he I Hut wouldn't It be a still
more wonderful world If morn poets
had the Incomes of millionaires?
Springfield Republican.
Burko on National Defence.
"IMucatlon Is the cheap defense, of
nations." was uttered bv the KuglNl'
statesman, Edmund Hurke.
Stop That Backache !
Those nconlziiiK tvXingca, that dull,
throbbing b.ick.iclie, may bo warning of
foriotu kidney weakness serious if neg
lected, for it might easily lead to
gravel, dropsy or fatal Ilnght's disease.
If you aro suffering with a bad back,
lcok for other proof of kidney .trouble.
If there nre dizzy opell, hcatlaclioa,
tired feeling nnd disordered kidney
notion, get nfter the cause. Ure Doan's
Kidney PtUs, tho remedy that ha
helped tliouamls. Fnlitlicd uhts rec
ommend Doan'a. Ask your neighbor I
A Nebraska Case
. M. !:. I.lttrnll.
TrrJUn carpenter. 1300 "1"
""""7 C Allhnrti Volir..
TLnnye: "Tho rln
left my kidneys In
a verv bail sbnne
Tho so c r e 1 1 o n s
jnrneu la iitihHaK'
and wero hlKlily
colored. My kid
neys acted lrroKti
lnrly, especially at
nlRlit. My back
w.ia nn Inmn 1
couldn't stoop over. A friend advised
mo to'uso'n Kidney Pills nnd
two boxes entirely corrected tho trou
ble" Cet Doan'f al Any Stare, COo Dos
Bad Stomach
Sends EHer to Bed
for 10 Months
Eatonto Gets Hor Up I
"Over n year ago," says Mrs. Dorn
Williams, "I took to bed and for 10
months did not think I would live.
Eatonlc helped me s'o much I nm now
up nnd able to work. I recommend It
highly for stomach trouble."
Entonlc helps people to get well by
taking up nnd enrrying out the excess
acidity and gases tbnt put the stomach
out of order. If you have Indigestion,
sourness, benrtburn, belching, food re
penting, or other stomach distress,
take an Eatonlc after each meal. Big
box costs'only n trifle with your drug
gist's gunrantee.
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young women over nltietettn years of age
Wbo have had ut least two vcars In high school
to take Nursos' Tralnlug in general hospital.
Our graduates are la great doinand. Address
Supt of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nebratka
Only One.
Mrs. Wlggs Cook hus only broken
one dish toduy, denr.
Mr. Wlggs Thut's better. How did
that happen?
Mrs. Wlggs It was the last one.
Pearson's Weekly.
The olive brnuch Is the emblem ot
pence nnd the orange blossom U th
emblem of war.
"They Work while you Sleep"
Make It your "hobby" to keep liver
and bowels regulur. If bilious, consti
pated, headachy, unstrung, or If you
bnve a cold, nn upset stomach, or bad
breath, take Onscurets tonight and
wnke up feeling clour, rosy und fit. N
griping no Inconvenience. Children
love Cuscnreis too. .10, 25, CO cents.
Sh( They have a course nt our
college on how to select and keep
He The hire education, eh?
atarrh Con Be Cured
Catarrh is a local dlseaso greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. II
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is taken Internally and acts through
tho Wood on tho Mucous Surfaces ot
tho System. HALL'S CATARRH
M1CDICINE destroys tho foundation of
tho disease, gives tho patient strength by ... ,,
Improving the general health and asslsta
nature In doing Its work.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.
9 I
"Hulldttig a modern house?"
"Yes, got the cellar flted up like a
grill room." ,
Tape's Dlapepsln" for Indigestion
Tape's Dlapepsln" Is tho quickest,
surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Klatu
lence. Heartburn. Sourness, Fermentation
or Stomach Distress caused by acidity.
A few tablets give almost immediate
stomach relief and shortly the stomach
Is corrected so you can eat favorite foods
without fear. L&cge co costs only CO
cents nt drug store. Absolutely harmless
and pleasant. Millions helped annually.
Best stomach corrective known Adv.
It's easy enough to forget your
other troubles when you have the
- MM Morning
KeepVbur Eyes
Cloon-Cleor MoalthV
Writ far ft CyV Cm Osclt Murln Co.ChiUa.lUU
"fcn-Srf-ai .,. - .i . ;
j . - - -. "-""--fT . ,. -r- , - r i, j. , -f
" TTv,tf " tr?7mmiwMwt' '