i Vr. m -i W Tt".o.f 'N f X, l r I Sure! We're Not Deceived We are going to vote for the following persons Edith L. McKelfthaB for Clerk? District ttourt Editu-L. McKelghnn, candidate for Clerk of the District Court, has during her incumbency of oiDc the duties in an efficient given courteous and che to those having business the clerk's office and the been well and neatly kept To-day the keynote Is efficiency. Miss McKelghnn is capable, has exe. cutive ability and isqualJSett by the training she has had. to fill the office to the satisfaction of the public. Jf Alfred NcCall for State Senator "Alfred McCall,our nomlfeefor State ' Senator needs no introduction to the people of Webster county. Hjohas liv ed among us' for over forty wr He knows tha'necdsof thwart .of Nebraska. He is a practical farmer and knows alt about the fqsMr's pro blems.. v &Fi Mr. McCall is not a politician but a good clean man and we should elect him. ,v- . ' Upc , '' Vote for McCall and you will bo vot 'l ing for the right man. .not N. V. Anderson for Rewesema'tWe uov Vic Anderson is a real farmer. lie has worked and got his start' In this county. ' He knows what is needed jjWebster county. He has beeu a democrat some tlmejand will not desert the enhfee. Send Anderson to the legislature and you'wlll senda man thity will re present you without fear onfhvor. Mr. Anderson Is too busy to make an active cauvus but be sure and put the X after his name. BgjMHormca HHfr, has arcWvlcc tftuMfifcact in nawkfe have wlrwf8..and Webfter County Democratic Central Committee S . IFB!8SS8,8KK H.B W W ft rt.V AS TOLD TO 8 Buy Bread at Powell andPopes. Eat and drink Cafe. v at. Powell it Pope's ;ii tf W. B. Smith was. In Bladen Satur- N. P. Campbell pent Tuesday in Superiqr. .. ' Mrs. D. G. Brittxm spent Friday in Hastings. ?t James Peterson Spent Friday in Guide Rock. " Vot for L. H. Blackledgeioj DIs- inci duagc,. , -... Mrs Elizabeth Foe spent Saturday 1 S? w?,m ''.. J ., . """""" op...SLUa."uf in Guide Rock. Attoincy B. W. Stcwatt was in Blue Hill Saturday. ' J. A. Bradfoid returned home Sun day from McCook. N V. Anderson of Cowlcs was in the city Saturday. Judge -A. D. Ranney spent Wed nesday in Blue Hill. Judge Ranncy was on theick list the last of 'the week. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Finch spent Thursday in Hastings. - Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer Hoxsdy spent Wednesday in Hastings. , 4. Sheridan Pharcs was up f ljom Guide Rock Thursday afternoon. Conductor W. A. Casscll spent Sun day with his wife at Denver. Lester Yost of McCook flpdnt the first of tho week in the clty.-f' William Hanson of Douglas, Wyo., is visiting his grandparents , Vcm Dickenson waB in BftjilCYi 'Kansas the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lain of Omaha ar visiting relatives in the city. Miss Minnie Christian, who is Fred Temple of Kansas City wa3 teaching in tho public schools at in the city the last of tho te Scottsbluff, arrived homo Sunday Mrs. Laird Potior went g Slardy ' mornbiB being called hero by the ill Tuesday morning to visit hcpSrents .; ne of her father, J. L. Christian. ,, , . . , , Mr. and Mrs. George Smolser went There will be a special cojunion tQ Hast. Tucsd morni ghe se, vice next Sunday in commemora- returncd home , the evcnl h0 ,l0 tion of tliose who have gone pn.bef ore, wn ,n th fflr Q ,fl of during the 18 years of RJ. M.weekg and medcol tlcatment Bates'-rninistry in Grace chwflfcMon-J M,Bg ,M ct AdamSf who ,m3 UUV S X1.II 3UUlbD UU V UliU tlllO rtUl VlUw will recall to our notice by VJiame, those whom.wq have lost. The lifcftnon " will bo commemorative also?& J. M. BATES. 111 Here They Come! "Riders of The Dfawn" ZANE GREY'S ? (Monster 8-Reel Mastefyiiece - Fri. and Sat, Oct, STril 30 i? ' - ".. Kt- Mi-: a O D M fvJ'MifjmkvtM:, &K&k lUHh WMjm t"s Henry Wrlftht for Commissioner Mr. Wright needs no Introduction to most of the people of the county. He is a merchant and farmer of Hosemont. His neighbors call him "Honest Henry". This Is tho sort of man that the county needs in this otUce. Ho has never held county office and should be elected by a large majority. He will give consideration to all parts of the county. Vote for Henry. For County Assessor Seth Greene from liladen is tho Democratic nominee for county assess or. Mr. Greene has been local assessor from liladen and knows the values of property In the county. He Is tho right man to elect county assessor. His experience will be to tho tax pay er's advantage. Janes Hubatka for.Coaalssloncr James Hubatka is a candidate for re-election Ills record in an opeu book. He. is for economy. He is a large and prosperous farmer, Just the man for the place. This office has J always sought him. The voters know that a man of the sort as Hubatka is the right man in the right place It would be a mistake Mr. Voter not to re-elect Mr. Hubatka. He is the. wutch dog of bur public funds. Three of the commissioners now in office are Republicans, dont you think that it ia'a good idea to have some democrats on the board? There fore vote for Hubatka, Wright and Gurney.' Z Chasi E. Curacy for; Commissioner Charles E. Gurney is our candidate for commissioner from the 4th district. Ho is an old settler of the county and a good citizen and business man. Mr. Gurney entered tho race because his friends urged him to do so Elect Gurney and you will do much to pro. tect your own Interests. Vote for One for District Judge. L. H. BLACKLEDGE Oliver Powell was called to Atkin son, Nebr. Sunday by the illness of a relative. Mrs. Ed Kpiirn.'WOTlf tn Hlll'dri, Pr.L- Fridayjraorning to visit her son, Roy urjo wjie. i Defjbey Bros., and A. B. Crabill each shipped a car of hogs to KanBas City ) Sunday. " JjJwHenry Hansen went to Omaha Moftday morning where she will spend t lew-weeks. nUB. Bush attended a meeting of Burlington officials and agents at Mc- tJook last Friday. W, L. Weesncr, Dave Bell and ln0A,Ai'r ,,. .- v ," j v nast of th(? cek. Mis Thelma Stewart of Wymora arrived in the city Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hines Harry Thompson returned tp Red Cloud' Thursday ifter spehdlng a few days, with relatives at Benkelman. Mrs.'Wm. Zackery and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Zackery, went to Fort Morgan, Colorado, Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. John Eirclt left Satuiday morning for her home at Brush, Colo rado, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fearn. Friday evening, Paul Wcesner, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Weesnor, had the misfortune to break his right aim while wrestling with a playmate. R. R. Stewart of Wymoie spent Tuesday in Red Cloud attending to business matters and visiting his biother-in-lnw, W. L. Hincs, and family. "For Sale: Pcteis' Eaily His tory of Webster County in book foim, 2&c per 'single copy. Special price in quantities. Stamps accepted. Write Signal, Guide Rock, Nebraska." been workipg at the Hatfield restaur ant forniha fcist few months, loft Sunday nlprnlng for Rogers, Ar kansas where .ho will visit her par ents. The New Burlington time card which takes effect Sunday morning, October 31st. while not chancinc? .the . time of any trains running into Red Cloud has some changes which may interest local people. No. 1 instead of .leaving Hastings at tl:45a. m,' con necting wiih train 4 out of here, will j leave Hastings at 11:23 a. m. making I it impossible to make toyna west of i Hastings on this train when leaving ZXJ$ 1 Hastings at 2:17 n. m. itstiad of 1:50 .,.,.,., . " Red Cloud on train 4. No. 6 will FOR SALE-Rnj,1hwtir'n! o'lHr hottia hold foods. PI. K. qaigiay Rev Coou of Grand Island will preach at the Baptist church Sunday both morning and evoninir. . If you mint goud male pigs of the 1'aMitttuW breed, oonip or send your order at once. Mllut Hllss, Inavalo, Nebr. A. D. Ranncy has held County Of fice THIRTEEN YEARS. Four years as County Attorney and Nine years as Cpimty Judge. If re elected, it will' make him Seventeen Years in County Office. Ho has drawn $20,000.00 in Balarics from tho County. Let's have a change Vote for B. W. Stewart. Adv. Of the many Damns appear lug ou the ballot of this years election, particular attention is culled .to, ttiut of James Hubatka, Democratic candidate tor Commissioner of the 'Jud district '. i During the time Mr. Hubatka has been iu office he has given en tiro satisfaction and carried out the duties of his office in a manner t-atlbfuctory to all tax pay ers, regardless of their political views. It will also be noted that at the pri maries no caudldate tiled agaiust Mr. Hubatka, and a count of the ballots showed that his opponent, Mr. Stump, enhorst, secured the nomination on the Republican ticket by having his name written In on a few ballots. It Is rumored that this said opponent leans quite btrongly towurds the Non partisan League. Republican, and Democrats, alike, will make no mlstako by marking their ballot for Mr llubirt- JOHN CRAFT John Craft passed away at his home in tho Second Ward, on Tues day morning, after an illness of sev eral months duration. Mr. Craft was born in Indiana and had lived his four score years, having passed his eightieth milestone, some time before his death. Ho has been a resident of this city for some ten years, coming here from Idaho. Tho gentleman has been a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church for the past fifty eight years, and its teachings were truly reflected in his every day life. His wife proceeded him to the great beyond five tyears ago. ' Four daughters, Mcsdamcs E. A. King, I. T. Amack, Ida Springer and Miss Annus Craft all of this city, are left to mourn his demise, bcsidjs,a number of grandchildren to whonrthe sympathy of tho community is ex tended. """ Funeral services were conducted this morning from his late home,' Rcvf H. W. Cope in charge and'inte: was ma'do in the city cerpctpry u.i. ...u it .,. . . vu.iw.uu a w.i. cial Advertiser. CHARLES" E. GURNEY DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE . FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 4th DISTRICT My father Charles N. Gumey,' is one of the early settlers coming1 to Webster county in 1871. I was born on the original homestead, 2 miles north of Red Cloud in 1882 where I havo resided ever since. I atten'ded tho Red Cloud public schools and 'am a graduate of tho School of Agricul ture, University of Nebraska. I am an actual soil farmer, a member, of the Farmers' Union, and I believe I have made at least a reasonable suc cess of my chosen work. J If I should be elected I will give to tho office my careful and thoughtful attention. My MOTTO will be a business administration of the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER with out fear or favor. I will endeavor to see that every dollar of the COUN TY'S money is expended in strict ac cordance to law and also that , it brings to tho tnxpayers of Webster county a FULL DOLLARS worth in value received for4cvc'ry dollar ex pended. I will appreciate your sup port. CHAS. E. GURNEY Sheriff's Sale Notice Is hereby given, that undor and, by vlrtuoofnn Ordor ot Bale twued troru the oltlcoot Kdlth L. McKrlghnn O'crk ol tho District Court ot tho Tonth Judicial DUtrlct within and (or Webster county, Nebraika, upon a decne in an fiction pending, therein, wherein John K. Wakcllcd Company Is I'laln tltr, ond against Tho Bpsso Auditorium .Asso ciation, et al Defendants, I shall oiler for sal o at publlo vendue, according to tho terms ol said decree, to the highest bidder tor cash In hund, at tho south door ot tho Court houoo. at Hed Clnud, In snld Webster county, Nebraa kn, (that being tho budding wherein tho last terra ot said court wbb holden) on tho '.Nth day of Novombor At I. )!0 at 2 o'clock P. M., of sold day, the following described prop, crty, to-wit: Lots one (1 J, two (2), three (3), twentyotn (21), twenty two (22), twentythrco (75), and twenty four 24), all In block 6. In tho Ortelnal ftoWn plllod Cloud, Nebraska. mvcij unaor my nana thU23th day o!Oco. bor A. I). 1920. rnnnn uurri.ii miurijj, , Thi FOLKS 5I"'Jg9JIEt,EXPECr vou ttVi!J?.TEU BM ALL about eitie,- msrxuHuj , f Exbiliratiig Burlesque Viudtvili VSt8meS& l?l' IME IUTIMIE EVEIV JMUHKt Everybody, Qoeai Aak Anvbodv , UMTS TKI ItMEIT'alO KlUWW WEST W CIIMM nhent J Ak.. 1 i A. D. Ranncy has held County Of fice THIRTEEN YEARS. Four years ns'.Codnty Attorney and Nine years ns County Judge. If re elected, it will make him. Seventeen Years in County Office. He has drawn $20,000.00 in salaries fromthe County.' 'aVhavo a chang-.V)te for B. V. Stowort.- fA ., Artv. A birthday surprise party was giv en Friday evening in honor of Miss Gem White and John Coon at tho homo of tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coon. Thoso present wore a number of tho Red Cloud faculty, the Juniors and several other friends. There were about fifty in all. Light refreshments were sorved by tho Mcsdamcs White and Coon. At a late hour all departed for their homos' Into ing spent a very enjoyable evening. Local physicians report several cas es of typhoid fever In the city, and while there is no oauso for alarm they request that the matter be given pnW llolty and thatevorvonc take Imme diate steps to prevent further cases Samples of water from private wells have been analyzed and, it. la found that It contained germs. A tost will also be made of tho water from tho city wells. Contagion from this sourco may be prevented if tho water is boll ed before using. The homes, cellars outbuilding, etc , should be thorough ly disinfected and cleaned. Make war on tho fly as he is a carrier of germs. If everyone will do their part there ia no cause for alarm. Bound Over to District Court . As a result of an illegal egg deal, Lee Fredericks and Clayton Woods are now in tho county jail awaiting tho decision of the law. It appears that these two young mon appropriated eggs belonging to Jacob Peterson and the Farmers Union of this city, and took them across the lino Into Leban o l, Kansas, whero they sold fe'.x of tho c Res at tho Ryan plaoo of business In that city. Mr. Ryan learned that a cir of eggs consigned to u party at Wymoro checked 22 cases short, got busy and secured the necessary legal papers to detain the men. Sunday morning Sheriff HulTcr located bovon full cases and blx empty oneshiddun under a culvert near the Thomas place west of Red Cloud. The pair of fgg morchants were brought to Red Cloud and given a preliminary heating Tin 8 day afternoon and holdover for the, next term of court, in cusody of Sheriff HufTer, being unable to furnish bonds-j of tfOOO Theymalnain that they are innocent. Nevertheless the -outlook' for" them is not very cheerful. vl x J. LChrifctian 'John L. Christ lati'r for' a number of J years resldent os'Xhls 'city, answered the final summons last Sundoy,t Oc'p ber 24th after a brief illness. Al though complaining occasionally ot lit, health, Mr. Christian wbh abln to bev about and look after his husltiehu and no serious thought was glveu the mat ter until a short time previous to his demise. He leaves to mourn hit, de parture, his wife, one son, Ployd, four daughters, Mrs Eva Tate, Misses Hat- tie, Minnie and Mary, one brother, two sisters aud bcveral grand children, nieces and nephews. The family ac companied the remains to Tarkio, Mo. Tuesday, where funeral services were held and Interment made In the come tary at that place. WEBSTER COUNTY POLAND CHINA BREEDERS' COMBINATION 27 Boars 1 Tried Sow 16 Open Gilts Saturday, November 6, 1920 BESSE AUDITORIUM STOCK PAVILION Red Cloud, Nebraska This Consignment is sired, by Boars of noted Blood Lines as follows: Clansman 2nd, Meridian Buster, Jumbo Bob Jr., Big Bob's Choice, Sterling Silver, Private Jack, A. Orphan, Mcs King, and others. This offering represents the pick of our herds. The hogs are nicely grown out, not overloaded with fat. . CONSIGNED BY J. M. Steward & Son, Bed Cloud Alex BuhcIjow, Blue Hill J. H. Hamilton & Son, Guide Rock W. E. Larnbrcchl, Inavale . Geo. Amack, Red Cloud C. D Whitaker, Red Cloud Carl FauBdt, Guide Rock Henry R. FauBctf, Guide Rock HOGS HAVE BEEN VACCINATED. WRITE, FOR CATALOGUE. ' HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agent, Sale Manager, - , Harry S. Dungan Democratic Candidate for Congress ,, ,- l FAVOR: , 1. Tho ratyftcation of the vPeacc C. TJu?.usc of every means of coun Trcoty, including the League of "Ua- sol, conciliation and voluntarynrbitra- on8. r . j t uon Doiorcresorting to the stiikc. 2. Adequate methods of storing and 7. Tho program put forth' by the marketing farm products. Legislation National League of Women Voters, which will enable tho farmer to pro-' 8. Giving tho railronds a rcason cccd with his program of co-opera- able time to mako good; and if they tivc marketing of his products and fail, then government ownership, meet tho consumer half way. - ( 0. AJJuted compensation to ex- 8. The Federal Tra'do Commission's BcrvicCmcn and preference in the way work,, in tho restraining monopolistic of credit 'and aid in becoming home greed nri'd unfair practices. owners. ' ' ' 4. Tho Federal Reserve Banking 10. Strict enforcement of the XVIII system and tho Farm Lonn Banks. Amendment. j ,. u. iiiu riuk ut uuuui vu uikuiiju ana Bargain couccuvciy. .-. inwn agamsi jproinccring. I OPPOSE: 1. Universal Military Training. ins now enacted, guaranteeing profits 2. Tho Esch-Cummins Railroad Bill to private owners. Upon the Above Principles I Solicit Your Vote November the Second s U C c E S S The Father ol Succeu It WORK The Mother of Succeu U AMBITION The Oldest Son it COMMON SENSE. Some ol the Boys are PERSEVERANCE, HONESTY, FORESIGHT, THOROUGHNESS, ENTHUSIASM and COOPERATION. The Oldest Daughter U CHARACTER Some ol the Sitters are CHBERFULLNESS, COURTESY, LOYALTY, CARE, ECONOMY, SINCERITY and HARMONY h j The Baby it OPPORTUNITY Get acquainted with the 'old man and you will be able to get along pretty well with the rett ol the family One of the Greatest Aids to Succeu it a Good Bank Connection THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, Prctideot Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Caihitr DtpotUi Guiirantttd by the Dtpotitort Guarauttt J-'unU oj the Mate of A'ebraUa OUIIIIUniMlllllMlllM Let Us Figure on TO THE VOTERS OF WEBSTER COUNTY: It has been impossible for me to make a very thoro canvass of the voters of the coun ty, but as I have lied in the county for the past forty-seven years most of you Jiave a chance to know me either personally or by ..heresay;. I have: alwLstoMoriairr playjis between man and man and have managed mytfwf affaife in the same way thSgiAwould "taana! the aflBalragSbf thejaatefa$ bjI 'would have powefto'do if el&tedoihtfoffipe of State Representative from this County. I came to this County in 1873 aricl have lived here continuously since that time. Practically every dollar that I have accumu lated, has been made on the farm and is still invested in farm land in Webster County. I feel that myeducation and experience qualify me to fill this office in a creditable manner, and your support at the November election will be appreciated. REES B. THOMPSON. t"5 RER CLOUD, NEBRASKA 11. vi((oruuu(uurceineiiv 01 iiic mmmmmmmmmmmmm Your Job Printing tj t; SALE , '1 ,'l it .