1ED CLOUD, KIBftASKA, CHO ys :& v "w (Ch 1 I K 'A Revival in Pawnee Church A the earnestness and rested that not even attention' mfto' and'closlng iScW'ifroif ttwh Hev?f&riVV j. -". n nniKin wvuiu t3 a kij v win un luiiw i-miimnum ti iia ; . .. - - - nBMMnMtM -- -- 77- --P- -r-- -,- T.rLrf . . j" m thc .entire congregation.., 'potti foree of elohuence and solemnity Jtouki wot ' A most successful revival moettogcouId paS8 by,unnotlcod M.t.i.1. 14. j . a it., i J Tho church though largo and snnc-i bfZht te in tormlnntinn 0f C loUB was cach cven!n8 crowtlcd f'nd l" the Rev. genlomnn dav cvenL S? tol nf J?X n" I overflowing besides the weather being can congratulate himself by his labors ityr'nfore'trff IZ pA- Tf1 ? ' CS Ch!" t!n0 " ' SM Sfedn Sr SSf,2: '-"S52? S'SSffiK SS . o dUC to the Wu or ttSS f ?i Si I q ""lf. Ncbr a" Jnt,mnte frlcnd'0f lnk,ntC,, yUng ImliCS Wh0 COn8lltutcd ClCTn Rov. L S. Tcny and an ardent sup. the choir, needless to say they did 52u, prY" T V h":rl5!,U Porter of Christ's Church assisted tho their put and did it well, be'ng Nebraska. Prior to h s arrival the characteristic of style, taste and bur- young ladies of the district were most ,' ,, C. . , , . I , indefntiirnlilfi rind iisn.l nil tholr on- f nu luwrobWH, utrei miuuBhwuii w .. orgy in having the sacred edifice fully J0 P?'"4- oxlt noon on Sun,,oy thc decorated, so much embellished, that, "cv' L-L' "y, many strangers from it presented n charming aspect. I ufn' n VcI 1? m?v.y fru UlC n Kh," Tho people in gcnernl turned outiT,WHU?,re,u.K .".'. '. Ul It IIlUHk hUHlIHUUUn JUIIBk Ut IIIU JU-I dence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown.' No fewer than one hundred persons participated. Much credit and thanks arc due to thc afore mentioned as well FOKCKCAti';:APV:ERTl6EMENT CON McCOU.EJ Alfred McCnll en masso and gave the much distin guished theologian a most cordial welcome. He (tho Rev. L. S. Terry) styles his Church (Christ's Church) nnil ennkn rnr)i oiirfaqtvr nunnlntf from tho various texts in the Bible 8 nZ acf of the neighbor- mllti. ornnf .mnnnota nn.l otnnnnnrf. hOOd, Who assisted, forthO taste, uslnir nil hla nbilltv In nxnlnininp andlX! u"u vw simplifying tho Scripture that tho most illiterate could understand him. Thc entire congregation being so much attracted by his power of speech and Webster county lias one cand date that is woithy of your support. Ho is Alfred McCnll of Red Cloud, who is a candidate for state senator for this district. He has lived in Webs' cr county over 40 years and raised his family there. Mr. McCall knows thc needs of this part of the state. He has always been a farmer and lived on thc farm until recently. He was also engaged in stock iiimMwimwnra U and energy manifested in the execution of such an elcborate feast. About two o'clock tho concluding scr-1 vices were again held at tho church' rajsjng to n jarge cxtent. which lasted over two hours, tho last Wo predict for Mr. McCall a good vote at the coming election. Mr. McCall was in Lawrence Tues day last and a number of our people enjoyed a visit with him and his friend, Mr. Wecsner, former senator from this district. Both men are old' timers in this part of Nebraska, and both are classed among the progres sive citizens who have made good. Mr. McCalPs name will appear on the dem ocratic ticket as the candidate for state senator for this district which comprises Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls Counties. Lawrence Locomotive. The Father of Succcu U WORK The Mother of Succcw U AMBITION The Oldest Son U COMMON SENSE Some of thc Boyi are PERSEVERANCE, HONESTY, FORESIGHT, THOROUGHNESS, ENTHUSIASM and COOPERATION.. ' The Oldest Daughter 1 CHARACTER Some of the Sisters ate CHEERFULLNESS, COURTESY, "' LOYALTY, CARE, ECONOMY, SINCERITY and HARMONY The Baby U OPPORTUNITY w Get acquainted with the 'old man and you will be able to get along pretty well with the rest of the family One of thc Greatest Aids to Success is a Good Bank Connection THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florence, Caihiet Dtpoiltt Guarantetd by (he Dtpotltori Ouaranttt fund of tht State of tiebratka 9mmmmsMmMwmswmmmwmm:mMMva'!:!!M Rev. R R. Coon of Grand Island will preach at the Baptist church Sunday both morning and evening. Fred Maurer, the pension attorney, advises as that Sarah E. Smith, widow of Charles H. Smith, has been granted a widow's pension of 830 per month. for Highest Possible Quality ox -U. . . V FET onto the facts and you'll get off the fence & Right from the start SjiJ4 let you 'fjw what you're 6moking. Plain as cjay, on the back of the package, it says: "In Spur .Qgarettes the good tp ibaccos from thc Orient arVproperly mixed with Burley and other home-grown tobaccos." f At. I, ii .i i it n 1W: I' I' & 'rV r In your language that mgans "good old-time to- ' fyr bacco taste." Haven't you justJbecn hankering for it? . Xose good tobaccos are rolled in satiny, imported paper and crimped, npt-pasted. That's something to know, too. In smokcf'sMalk, crimping means "easier drawing, slower burning, better taste," Ex--3 amine a Spur and see how it's; made, - '' And as thc hnishing touch, Spur s fragrance and freshness arc sealed and delivered in a three-fold package rich brown and silver. ,Hop off the fence arid land on Spurs. Liggutt & Myers TonAcco Co. fr' " "r. ,1 tfe w j&" r tf J? Y5 sfi . M rfl " Jf" ' .... iVVH , Harry S.i)imgan, Democratic Candi date for Congress, Fifth District, Neb. tho Ptflh D I trirt L f8'" T J Ul. Dcfarlmc,lt of Agriculture roa.ls in thc next few the Fifth District, I am pleased to, that it crippled its efficiency and in. proper regulation gives t lii0.?"?0'nt0n,y..Confldonccby tCrfeml with thc ficrvice il ught' ncient and prompt ervic years under thc public ef- tlfnmnt snrvion fnv ivincnn. to render thc farmers of the nation. ab'c rates, that may settle the qucs- I favor the Government Land Bank tion of ownership. If, however, I shall oppose any effort to limit Its ( they fail to do that, then public service. I shall attempt to sccuio ownership in some form must be the question, ishing the payment Zf ::i u'.i'0," ? r pr.cscni .owncra' ln vicw of the commercial and social life of thc na v..,., ,,. v... v.,v,h uviuui wui;i- increasing value ol farm lands in this .tion. expenses. vnne urging tnn ana stute, to secure a larger lire of credit, economy upon the people, Congress I believe in the Federal Reserve should not capitalize their expenses Banking system, and shall oppose any for profit. Economy should begin at efforts to so centralize its control that home in Congress. ' , it will be under the domiraticn of any I shall urge and support measures class or set of financiers in any for the repeal of war taxes, and to ' particular locality. prcent wose wno should bear a just' The Government is in honor bound measure or taxes passing it on in in- to use all iiiiiKiiiK eicur my position on nucs tions of vital interest to them: I fnor a budget System. Economy in Government business is vital, aud as a first step in this direct'on I shnll . I . . I -- w-. jit. iuiwiio 1U1 VUlllb inirouuce ana support legislation abDl- which will enable thc tenant farmer' whirl, l mnof ,.i(i f u ... i of mileage to, to become a land owner and also en- faic and prosperity of thc industrial rael- Increasing value of farm lands in this'.tion, I favor improvement of internal waterways to relieve the raihoad congestion and give cheaper trans portation for farm products. An American merchant marine, which will insure sufficlont ships at tidewater ports to carry our exports and insure nn inprnfiatnry fAMirm wn.tt- l.. un reasonable mentis to knon' j..- .. . . . . creased prices to the consumer who it, hnnAa t . Mut,. u pa-i 'rouucis 0I l "cwry and farm, is already bears his full share of tho Reserve Bank nor the Treasury Dc-'S t0 th ProsPerity of the na' DUrdctL 'partment should do any act or makel ' War is the most hideous calamity any ruling tending to discredit these! l avor adjusted compensation for that ha3 ever afflicted the" human' bonds or depress their value. When a exservice men; also that they should race. Hence, I favor a League of call is made for retirement of bonds, i1 8ven Preference in settlement of Nations to maintain the peace of the those in the hands of the original , publlc ,ands ond m tnc purchasing of world. j holders should be given preference 8tatc land3' Bnd extended credit to While affiliating with the Demo- and should be retired at par. ( enable them to become home owners, cratic Party, I am not blindly parti-1 i Mlevc ln tht rl ht of ,abor Liberal and efficient provision should san. Men of all parties, in the main,'organlze Md to bargaIn collectively, ibe ade for the rehabiUtation and are patriotic. Hence, I shall support through representatives of their ownlvoca!i?nal ducan- To -meet the every measure without regard to choosing. Both employer and em- Prvi8lon for compensation, .Great what party sponsors it, or who may ploye5 8hould faithfully and fully B"Uinn(i ' other dbbtor nation3 hitroduce it, that promises or has in perform all the terms and conditions fhou,d be comPecd meet their 3n it the hope to make peace perpetual of the bargain 80 made ln lotter and terest wm on credits extended, and war forever impossible. BDirit. I bolieve that lhor nhnnid and the 16'000 war, multl-millionairea , I am opposed to any measure which exhaust every means of counsel, con- ??.uld ? quIred to m . iAkkMkM aMI..A. 1 - -lift,- A...fy ... W fhAla avIia akltH.l -km& mL. t i iirviiuwa muveromi miuiary training ciliation and voluntary arbitration be- , " " vms. ine pnms-i or which tends to foster and perpetu- torQ resorting to its right to strike I compensation should be ' ate a military spirit in the nation. wh!ch Bhould not denied lt when a' given immediate attention by Con- mediate consideration, and shall support measures to bring relief to thc producers of meat animals, as rec ommended by the Federal Trade Commission, and to curb thc greed of thc Packers Combine. Having seen the marketing of our wheat and its control passing into thc an The most important subject con- 0ti., ,-- ft ,mo Ajjfi0 Bress- fronting fhe lawmaker is to furnish which are clearly intolerable, have , cxtend my most hearty cnKratu nn adequate method of storing and faUed. I am in favor of the exten- latlons to c women of this district marketing tho food products from our sion of the princjpieg 0f democracy, and state upon the ratificaton of te ' they have labored so earnestly. I am for the strict enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment, and all legislation enacted to make its pro visions and purpose effective. Immediate steps should be taken to stop profiteering and to punish tho , piofiteer by the rigid enforcement of farms. I shall give this question im- into 1he field of indugtry, and equitable system of profit sharing. I am opposed to child labor. I believe in legislation which will protect women in industries and se cure for them equal wages with men for similar work. I am in hearty accord with the six hands of speculators, I shall suppoit plonks put forth by the National Lea-' nt amf f th are not any.meawre to prevent gambling in BJe of Women Voters, and will give .su(Ticicnt( to provide a remedy for the i. r it..rr r !. is t t.li thorn tnv iinnnnlifii'rl ennnnrt r . . . ' oricrinnto and aunnort some measure1 I " opposed to thc Escn Cum- proiding a system of local storage nns bill: -First, because I believe- thbi for grain,.the. control of such grain to Government should have rataincd he.kfept,in tho farmer's hands, so that control of the railroads for a five he way realize a legitimate profit for year period of time during .pence to tiiavMt-nritirf Ami tii nnsiimir ninv ht demonstrate how , efficient that con- able", to obtain it without paying for.trl would he when the sole purpose r'j;" ye,aTf - v-j j i-4.-- Was to Sflt-vn thn nnhliV inatpjid of Pathies all SdSrar ss; i- iiis.sfr.vis. foodstuffs. If it becomes necessary to PPse giving legislative rec:gnit:on make such measures effective, I be- and sanction to a physical valuation lievc public ownership of terminal and of the railroads which includes thc ti.n,T fnniHMoo qt,niiiH ho omnlnvoil W'atered stock and fictitious valuation as the last and final remedy. I shall injected into the properties during the tnct, and I shall count myself debtor favor legislation which will remove era of high finance; third, because I, to every citizen who loves his country from the farmer the handicap he has oppose the principle of the Govern- d believes in her institutions, so long endured, so that he may safely ment guaranteeing a profit to the I am for America first. I cherish proceed with his program for co- Private owners of any enterprise. the i fine gold of he history. I believe operative marketing of his products,' The railroads having been return-, ln J!er dc.stl"y? m her place among the and the consumer may organize and ed, however, to private ownership,' natl0ns,j m her ulca,s; lho Powcr oe meet him half way. these" owners should be put upon pro- ' TZBiJjX I?am opposed to thc false economy nation and give notice that the qucs-1 .r ' .....,...j practiced by the last Congress, which tion of the future ownership rests so: reduced the appropriations asked with them. If their conduct of these , evil, new laws should be enacted that will. 4 (J I am for free speech,) freedom of thc press and the right of . men to peaceably assemble. " , I have lived among you for forty- My interest, my sym T possess is here. I islation which may touch your vital interest. "r I shall be tho servant and repre sentative of all the people of this dis- world. HARRY S. DUNGAN. The Office of County Judge Heretofore Thb Chief ,hs taken no partjn thu contest between candidates for County Judge on the Nou-Partlsan ticket The people of NebfBhkti saw fit to divorce this nfllsc, hb well as the office otCouuty Superintendent of schools, .fec-m. politics, and this is a good law and whs passed in order that tho best qualified persons, regaidless of party should fill these offices. Holding these views as we do, we are umazed at the violation of the spirit and Intent of this law by B. W. Stew art, one of the candidates "for the office of couuty judge, by appealing dlreotly to the republican voters of WelfUcr County. We believe that the voters of the county will resent this method In at tempting to sooure his election. This is tho first-time that the Chief has over seen an nppoal in print for the vlolut ion of tho spirit of the Non PuiUmiu law, mid no other candidate on tho Non-Partisan tir-ket('ln thu i-ounty or htate, so far as we Know, lias mane Mich nu npial.' B. V Stowart lift otod ns Deputy I 1 County Trenmror (or Mimetliiug ovtr I n year, hut at, prevnt i not tilling this position. WO would sugetNi 10 tho voters to eotiipaif hln u-ooid In thlaolllee, wlt)i the leeoul ol A. I). Uanuey.oiir present Couuty Judge, and upon rulleetlnn thereon to iceleet Judge Ranney by a good majority on November 'Jd. When You Tear YOUR CLOTHES Think of Frank R. Hughes Cleaning -. Dyeing - Repairing Phones f1 SZ Red Cloud, Nebr. We Call and Deliver We Pay Return Charges' on Out of-Town Work" ji n Commercial Proposal. . A West Dallas widow soys the latest proposal she lias received was from an Oak Cliff art student, who said he was painting the picture of a sea nymph and wunted a wife who would poso for him In the Trinity river.Dullas NtVw. THE WALLIS AMERICA'S FOREMOST TRACTOR Farm Power in Simplest Form A simple, de pendable machine requiring least repair and adjustment is the most economical and easiest lo handle thus it is the one that is becoming the leader in the tractor field. The Wnllis h 12 yvars old and has stood the test of time. It has been tried on thousands ol farms all over the world. It is sold by a company established half a century -known for its integrity and square business dealings, When considering the cost of a tractor don't overlook these important points FUEL, LUBRICATION, UPKEEP, SPEED, WEIGHT, DURABILITY POWER, ASSESSIBILITY and SIMPLICI TY. The principal element Is the life of the tractor, plus the upkeep during its lite. Deicriplive illmlietrd circular on toquett, or belter mil, COME IN AND SEE IT. Sutton & Shipman AUTHORIZED AGENTS QARAQK RED CLOUD, NEB i ,&,lf&&'W. . Mv.te a(Uac i. - .( V- r m , '. rfU.jaM7i,jyf"riri T V .tfW. Ub.Mrf$nMiit "f iOW4 V m - - . . . wVtmmmvwWkgMfiy'' t-St-II41. .3L.12 I- JVlBfrl-. w