1X0 CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OBV 0i '. , X I E. S. Geurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures Dp. E. CHIME CjHHOPRftGTOR PHONES Office 76.M 1ND. ) Re.idence 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North ol Fireman' t lall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Let Us Figure on Your Job Printing THE SUPERIOR HERD J. DEE SHANK Will sell at the farm, two and one-half miles south-east of Superior, Nebraska, on , Wednesday, November 3, 1920, At 1:30 P. M. 13 Poland China Spring Boars. Sired by TALKER 19 Poland Spriug Gilts, sired by TALKER 4 Poland Spring Boars by Reliable Clansman, by The Clansman 12 Big Stretchy Fall Gilts by Master A and Jewel's Image At the Topeka Free Fair. Topeka, Kan., 1919. Talker won 1st place in Junior Pig class and also in the Futurity At the-Nuckells County Fair. Nelson, Neb., 1920, 1 won 1st Junior Yearling and Grand Champion on Talker; 1st Senior Pig on a son of Talker; 1st Senior Yearling and Grand Champion Sow; 1st Senior Sow Pig; 1st on Boar and five of his get; 2nd on young herd. WRITE FOR CATALOG . SMITH BROTHERS ANNUAL BOAR SALE We will hold our 28th sale of Poland Chinas at the farm of Curtis Smith: one-half mile north of Cadams. Neb., and nine and one-half miles north-east of Superior Wants Workers Brigadier Andrews of the Salvation Army today issued a call for volunteer workers to assist in putting over tho Salvation Army program for 1920. He snid in brief: "While to insuio a succcsful cam paign it would be necessary for the Salvation Army to hire a piofessional campaign man to supervise and direct the campaign in each county, such supervision would cost us many thous ands of dollars and wo do not feel that wc can afford to so organize our work. So volunteer workers who will come to the Advisory Board In this county will save the (lay. While our budget of $220,000 is very small computed with last year, we arc convinced that we will bo called upon for a groat deal more work than in former years. In creasing illegitimacy is crowding our Rescue Homo to its greatest capacity. While wc do not anticipate hard times the period of readjustment is upon us and wc want to be prepared to admin' ister to the wants of the people when' ever called upon. If you have had ex pcriencc in former campaigns I car nestly request your aid in this woik." Tho ndvipory hoard of this county is composed of: E. S. Garber, E. G. Caldwell, W. B. Smith, Howard Foe, Fred Turnure, E. Amaclc, Chas. Piatt, A. B. Mc Arthur, F. J. Mundny. CZECH WITH A SCOTCH NAME on Thursday. November 4, 1920 50 Head 40 Toppy Spring Boars and 10 Fine Spring Gilts all cholera immuned. The offering has been raised with lots of exercise, not overfed or overfat, but fed with a view to further useful ness and well grown and ready to do you good. We can supply you with new blood. Come end bring the boys and spend the day with us whether you wish to buy or not. Sele Under Tent at 1 P. M. Free Lunch at Noon Write for Calalog. A. W, Thompson, W. C. Hendersen, Ira Von Farrell, SMITH BROS., Superior, Neb. Auctioneers John Yung, Clerk Sheriffs Sale Notice is hereby xtvon, Hint under and by virtue of nn Order ol Snlo Issued lrom tho olllcoof Udlth j. McKcliihnn Clerk of the District Court ol tho Tenth Judicial District, within and (or Webster county, Nebraska, upon a decrco In an action pending, therein, wherein Dcrnard McNcny Is l'lalntlll, and agalnstCarrlorrv. ct at. Defendants, 1 shall oiler for sal o at public vendue, according to tho terms of said decrco to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, at tho south door of tho Court Iioubo, at Hed Cloud, In Bald Webster county, Nebraska, (that being tho building wherein tho last term of Raid court was hold en) on tho 2fith day of October A. I). 11)20 at 2 o'clock I'. M., of said day, tho following do scribed property, towlt: Tho undivided ono sixth Interest of (Joldlo Fry and Gladys Fry Sutton In and to tho South half of tho Southeast Quarter of Sect ion 3, Township t, Itnngo 11, In Webster County, Nebraska, subject to tho llfo cstato of Carrie Fry. Given under my hand this 21st day ol Sep tember A. V., 1020. FItANK UUFFKU Hhorlir. The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because Are has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, It you have time and you better find time come to the office and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance fc 5W& ts i TURKISH &DOMESTlcml tlCAIHTTI I i It's dollars to doughnuts no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight 1 Camels mellow-mildness will certainly .appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delightl Go the limit with Camels 1 They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga rs icny uuuii Just compare Camels with any ciga rette m the world at any price Cameln are 10W every where in scientifically aealed (inaum ui v -irei! or ju centa; or fen p.clt ale 300 cllarettoi) in a ftlaaafne paper-covered carton. We itronily recommend thie carton for the home or office aupply or when you trarel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CCWInston-Salem, N. C. ' 'WSJ 'Uf M'j, . '. - , rvs. v . Editor of New York Hlae Lldu De. ecended From Rob Roy's t Clansmen. If ITnrry Lauder wore to rend thnt n MncGreKor wns one of the lenders of Czccho-.SIovnkinn thought In America he would doubtless conclude that the printer ninn hud plod the typo. Just the same It's it fnct tluti the patronymic of It. C. Grcr, cdltoi of tho New York Ituhemlnn dally, 1 litis Lldu, Is nothing le.s thnn n Czechoslovak remnant of MucGrcgor. And the answer Is thnt one of tho editor's liveliest ancestors was an ad venturous Scot of tho great Itob Roy's clnn who, found his way to Bohemia and stayed there. The real Bohemia of New York, (pilte unknown to tho pallid Bohemi ans who criticize life from tho eleva tion of a Greenwich village table d'hote, lies In the Seventies, between Second avenue and the East river. Since the wnr IN Inhabitants call themselves Czecho-Slnvnkhtus. Editor Grogr, whose forefathers for got to hand him down a Scotch accent, and who wouldn't know how to say "Hoot, monl" either In Scotch or Czecho-Slovuk, Is a son of a renowned Bohemian patriot who served for GO year as a parliamentary representa tive of his people in the legMature of their Au&tro-IIungnrlan oppressors. The editor hlmelf Is a profound stu dent of International affairs and Is looked upon as a sago by the 700,000 Czecho-Slovaklans In America. New York Sun. .Ki t . - - i vt - - v. .A '"yfrffft FEWER GOLDEN WEDDINGS Late Marriages and the Divorce Courts Reduce the Number of These Anniversaries. More and more Infrequently with tho succeeding years do we read of tho ob servance of the golden wedding anni versary. Memory recnlls the time when such celebrations were of fre'quent oc currence; when the sons and dnugh- , tors, grandchildren and often great grandchildren gathered to honor nnd felicitate those who had shared the Joys and sorrows of two-score-ten years and invoke heaven's blessing upon them as they continued hand in hnnd tho Journey toward life's Bunsct. This lnfroquency may bo duo In a measure to the present custom of mnr tying at n Inter age thnn wns tho rulo several generations ago nnd to tho fnct thnt we of the present seem to fall earlier under the hand of tho grim reaper than did our sturdier ancestors. But to the divorce' evil may be accred ited the greater part of tho blame. Tho present-day marrlngo Is too often has tily contracted, the parties thereto fall to weigh carefully tho responsi bilities of married life, and tho most trivial differences sometimes lead to separation. The number of couples who live to round out fifty years of matrimonial companionship becomes ever smaller nnd smaller. What Delayed Auntie. Aunt Martha, in town with her daughter, who had to bo operated upon, was having her first tnsto of urban life. To whllo away her time she "hired out" as a cook. Tho first Saturday night sho was at work her employer sent her to make some pur chases. Slip was hours returning nnd na tho dlstnnco was short, her employ er grew rather anxious about her. Sho enmo In nbout 11:20. "Where on earth have you been, Aunt Martha?" was tho question that greeted her. Still showing plainly signs of men tal stress, she snld: "Lawdy, ma'am, I been trying to find a place to get across dnt street downtown. I stood on do corner half an hour waiting for nil dem street wagons to get by, but dey kept er comln'. Den I walked up dnt side of de street, but nil do cor ners1 wuz Just nllke. I couldn't get across, so I Jos' waited till all dern things went home, nnd den I coma here as fns' ns I could." Vote for RE-ELECTION of V 4 -Jeml YH-U f2amWl & SmWWWW J CHIEF JUSTICE Andrew M. Morrissey "The political parties have made no nominations for Chief Justice. Tho Chief Justice Is not elected as a party candidate, but his name will be found with other Judicial Candidates, and school officers on a separate ballot. . "We favor the re-election of Chief Justice Morrissey because we believe In the law designed to take the courts out of politics and to elect Judnes because of their qualifications. "Six years au when he became Chief Justice the court was about three years behind. Today the court Is as nearly up with Its work as It Is practicable for a supreme court to be. Credit for this Is not wholly duo to the Chief Justice, but other member of the court who have contributed to this result give full credit to Chief Justice Morrissey for his share In Ita accomplishment. "He has executive ability that gets reeults. He enjoys the friendship and cp.opsratlon of his associates. He haa the respect and confidence of the lawyers who have business In the Supreme Court. He haa helpsd to clear away many technicalities of the Uw, Law-breakers have been brought te Justice and honest men enjoy the protection of the courts. To The Voters of the 10th Judicial District: As my court work will prevent mc from making a personal campaign I take this means of informing you of my desire for a second term as one of the Dis trict Judges of this District. I have served as a Judge for one year now and have showed what kind of a Judge I am, My elec tion to a second term will be no experiment. You know what kind of a Judge you will get. I believe my work entitles mo to a second term. In addition to this I am the only candidate from the west end of the District. I take great pride in being in a position to help enforce the laws that my father. C. J. Dilworth. by four years hard work as district attorney, in a dis trict that extended from the Missouri river to the Colorado state line, helped to establish and maintain a home. I have lived in Nobraska since 1870 and I have the utmost pleasure in the fact that those who have known me longest and best are, without a single ex ception, for me in this contest. Also, that my home people endorsed me strong in the primaries, Phelps county giving me a majority, and that too, after an active canvas by my competitors and none by my self. I have but one ambition, and that is to be . elected as one of the Judges of this district, and so wind up my active life, and to conduct such office that I, my friends and my children can have pride in my official career. I desire this office as an endorsement and will appreciate your vote at the coming election. A straight party vote will not count in electing the ju diciary. You should mark on the ballot prepared for judiciary candidates, your selection. You will find my name there. 1 Respectfully, WILLIAM A. DILWORTH, Holdrege, Neb. To The Voters of Webster County; I am n osndldato for County Jude on tho Non-Iartis,tu Judiciary Ticket. I havo always been atllllatod with tho Republican party. My opponent, Mr. Ranney, has always been u Democrat. "Judge Rauncy has always voted for, contributed to and fought for Democratic candi dates. Ho has 6ervcd thirteen years as an ofllclal for Webster county. Two terms as Couuty Attorney, and four torm9 and an extra year as County Judge, is surely all that even a Democrat Is entitled to in a Re publican county. I graduated from tho Nebraska University, College of Law" In 1IU1. Hots practiced law In all its liranohes, including Probate Matters for nine years and am thoroughly qualified and competent to fill this otllce As a candidato for Couuty Judge I will appreciate your support. I solicit your vote, B W. STEWART. IMIllllllMMlim We Are Now Ready to Do Your Vulcanizing We have leased the building formerly occu pied by the Ellis Shoe Store and have install ed a new Modern Vulcanizing Plant of the Haywood make. Bring in your Tires or In ner Tubes and give us a trial and we will do the work in a satisfactory manner. We also carry a complete line of Tires, Inner Tubes And Accessories. Work Guaranteed. Give us a Trial. u THE RED CLOUD TIRE CO. Mendenhall & Dunham . , l.?tiv -,f ..I"'."'."": - ..V "if you are In doubt about new to on Chief Justice, ask your Oil 'j dua."--unc0in TriMn .