RED OLOUD, r NEBRASKA, CHEEP - i . V 1 t X '- .... H v BESSE AUDITORIUM TONIGHT MISS MOLLY KING . IN u "SUSPENSE" Pathe Weekly Comedy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, "The Girl of The Sea" The thrill of a life time. Also FATTY ARBUCKLE SUNDAY ONLY MISS DOROTHY PHILLIPS IN "The Right to Happiness" And The Big Christy Comedy Also Notion Pictures of Pope Benedict When You Tear YOUR CLOTHES Think of Frank R. Hughes Cleaning - Dyeing - Repairing Phones SS t Red Cloud, Nebr. We Call and Deliver We Pay Return Charges on Out of-Town Work w AS TOLD TO US at v FSB8BBBH-I , ,iBuy Bread at Powell andopes. $Ed Burrva up from Guide Rock itFriday. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell fc Pope's cafe 1 UMrs. R. C. Minter spent Thursday r.... . -j. . ? in Hastings. Tt Mrs. Marshall in Hastings. Finch spent Friday accepted a Chas. McElhaney has position at the depot. - Will West of Republican City spint Saturday in the city. State Agent, 0. D. Hedge, was home the first of the 'week, Wm. Reeves of Republican City was in the city Satuulay. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Button spent Sunday with relatives at Holdregc. Mrs. Ray Sutton returned liome Sat urday morning from Oxford where she had been visiting relatives. y. a. uramora, wno is nring on the Oberlin branch, spent( Sunday, in me city witn nis wue and family. . .. t i. If .you want good male pigs of the Pathfinder breed, come or send your order at onceMike Bliss, Iuavale, Nebr. Mesdames W. A. Sherwood and E.1 A. Creighton went to Omaha Sunday morning to spend a few days with friends. Mrs. Wm. Gurney of Lincoln ar rived in the city Sunday evening to vi,sit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Solcman. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts of Ina vale spent Sunday with friends in tht3 city. H. E. Culbeitson, master mechanic for the Burlington from McCook, was in the city Friday attending to com pany business. Arthur Gilbert" went ' to Lincoln Thursday where he will attend college this winter. Chas. Smelser of Helena, Montana, is visiting his brothers, George and Frank Smelser. 4 Mrs. F. G. Turnure vent to Lin coln Friday morning to spend a few days with friends Mrs. Laird Potter and baby went to Hardy Sunday to spend a few days with her parents. Mrs. Bernice Shod of Grand Island is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Etherton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson of Cheyenne, Wyoming arc visiting their parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. McQuiston of Repub lican City spent Sunday in the city with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sun berry, and family. Mrs. Claude Garrow of St. Joe ar rived in the city Fiday morning to visit her parents, Mr.-and Mrs. George Clauson and other relatives. Mrs. M. C. Sherman went to Hast ings Thursday to have her eyes ex amined. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Bernard McNeny. The following shipped stock to Kan sis City Sunday morning'. Delaney Bros., one car of hogs; A. B. Crabill, one car of hogs, and J. E. Yost, one car of cattle.. Mrs. Fred Fordice went .to Kansas City Saturday where she intends to make her future home. L. 'A. Graves returned to Denver Monday morning after spending a week' with friends here. Mrs. J. W. Houck left Thursday morning for Coffeyville, Kansas wfiere she will visit' her parents. Paul White of Lebanon arrived Jn the city Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T W. White. pMfl'hnd Mrs. Bruce Robinsonof Su cperior, spent' Sunday with his parents, Mr. andMrs."C;'D. Robinson. Dr. W. H. McBride nr.d family autocd to Beaver City Friday aCtsr noon, they being called there by the serious illness of his father, Robert McBride, vwho passed away Saturday. The deceased was, 81 years old and burial was made at McPherson, Kan. Attorney,, L, H. Blackledge, of Red Cloud was'cdliing on Riverton friends Wednesday in the interests of bis can didacy for District Judge. He is only representative from this sldo of the district, a fact yhich taken in con nection with his abundant qualification for the position should give him eveiy vote' from, here'. Rfvertoh Review." ' 1 tK) . ' ', mrfjlKAT HOME EXPECT ..YOU rULntTO TELL. 'EM ALL, AboUT; ceitie," THc2Sc:ar4&ar m EihiliratiRg BHrUtqut; VaudtvHIa MitUirt FllUsilti rrtttOlrU. Fw Clct Jewess I sslsiHi filllHl Kill f silraaaiat MIIES' flME MATJRK'EWEIY WEEXIAY Everybody Ckoofti Aak Anybody Eat and drink at Powell & Pope's Cafo. tf Bruce Frame was in Bird City, Kns. this week. Dr. R. P. Hoxscy was in Cowics Wednesday. , Louie Vnvricka was down from Blue Hill Tuesday. Mrs. Ben McFarlund spent Wednes day in Hastings. E. H. Ncwhousc was in Cowics Tuesday morning. "Mrs. Andrew Snlnden spent Wed nesday in Hastings. Noal Pylo went to St. Joe Sunday morning to visit his parents. Commissioner James Hubatka of Bladen was in town Tuesday. Miss Carrie Holsworth arrived in the city Monday to visit friends. Mrs. Frank Peterson and Miss Mary Peterson spent Tuesday in Hastings. Mrs. Henry Clauson went to River ton Tuesday morning to visit friends. Mrs. Ernest Barrett went to .Den ver Monday evening to visit her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives in the city. A baby boy ariivcd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isadoio Broault Friday morning. A baby boy arrived at the homo of Mi. and Mrs. Clare Wolfe on Wcdncs day morning.. Mrs. Roy Cramer wont to -Woodruff, Kansas, Wednesday morning to visit her sister who is ill. Wllla Gather's new book" Youth and tlio Ilrluht Medusa" Is now on sale nt Cottinjf's drug Aturc. Tiie Red Cloud Farmers Institute premium books have arrived and arc ready for distribution. B. J. Ncwlon of Omaha was in the city Monday evening between tiains while enrouto to Riverton. Any person having article to Jnnute for t lo tiplsoopal (5uill UumuiHge Sulu please notify Mri I'uul l'opo. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Butler of Hastings spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shepherd of McCook spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson. Grant Christy and son returned home Saturday from Falls City where they bad been plastering a new store building. W. E. Luke, formerly Burlington agent at Inavalo, but now of Bloom ing ton, spent Tuesday with friends in the city. Miss Lucy Hurst of Houston, Texas arrived in the city Tuesday morning and is a guest at the home of Mrs. E. U. Overman. Will Hanson and Will Pegg Ire turned home Saturday night fiom North Dakota where they had been working during harvest. i Bud McCunc of Kearney spent Sun day in the city with his father, Henry McCunc, who returned home with him and will visit a few days. Chapter Y. P. E. 0. met Monday evening with Mrst II. C. Letson, as hostess. The first program for the year's work was taken up. Several of the former university students of this city are planning on attending the Nebraska vs Notre Dame foot ball game at Lincoln Sat urday. Many out of town folks have ar ranged to visit Red Cloud both Satur day arfd Sunday to witness "The Girl of The Sea" and "The Right To Happiness" at the Besse Auditorium. The Malonc-Gellatly Lumber Co., have purchased the lots south of Hol ton Letson's residence and will erect two new modern dwelling houses. Workmen arc now excavating for the basements. On Tuesday night of last week the Martin hardware and the Ed Funke store, at Blue Hill, were entered by burglars and at the hardware store they took several rifles and shotguns while at the latter storo they obtained some silk goods and cigars. Mrs. C. V. Boyle, nee Marthena Le Maire, and Miss Helen LeMaire, of Burlington, Iowa, cousins of Miss Elizabeth Overman, arrived in the city Sunday morning to remain until after the Overman-Nellums wedding, nnd are the guests of Dr. and Mrs.-Robt. Damcrell. , Thursday afternoon Mr. Farley of Franklin county, drove a Scripps Booth automobile, which he purchased of Homer Fetty last summer, to this city and Sheriff Huffer took charge 'of the same as it belonged to the Triangle Motor Co.of Chicago. John S. Little,! of Omaha, special agent for the com pany drove tKe"car back. .The Stoekhofdofa, of the Farmers Independent Telephone Co., held their annual meeting at;' the court ' house Saturday afternoon. The present direc tors excepting J.'H. Ellingcr were re elected, 'George ''Amack was elected to fill his place. The Board was instruct cd to see what could bo done about reorganizing the" 'ftanfus fanner's ljnes running into the" farmers' 'Inde pendent .exchange and make Okie- ootn- WEBSTER COUNTY STOCK JUDGING TEAM Nebraska's Champion Junior Stock Judging Team, which hails from Web ster county and composed of Alfred Fringer, Lawrence Menns, and Lylo Ashby, will leave Saturday morning, October 1G, for Atlantn, Georgia, to compete with twenty State Champion Teams, at the International Judgirg Contost, October 19 to 22. $1200.00 in prize money is offered besides seven free trips to the Eng lish Royal Show, held at London, England. While at Atlanta, the boys will be cared for nt the International Club camp, and entertained by the Rotary Club of Atlanta. The route in going to Atlnntn is as follows: Red Cloud to St. Joseph, Kan Fas City, St. Louis, Evansville, Nash ville, and Chattanooga, to Atlanta, and coming back by way of Atlantn to Birmingham, Memphis, Springfield and Kansas City to Red Cloud. This trip will take the boys through Mis souri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. JUNIOR CLUB WORK AT FARMERS' INSTITUTE Tuesday, October 2G, 10 a. m. Judging Contest. Each High School in the county will be represented with a Judging Team of 3 members. All Calf and Pig Club members arc eligible to enter the Contest for Individual prizes. Each contestant will bo required to judge a class of horses, class of cattle, and class of hogs, -1 animals in a class. Prof. II. B. Pier of Lincoln, will be the Judge. 2 P. M. Demonstration Contest. : P. M. Judging Pig Club Pigs. Each Calf Club and Pig Club in the county will bo represented by a Dem onstration team, to give a demonstra tion. L. I. Frisbie ol Lincoln will tie t'.e judge. Thursday, October 28, 10 A. M. Judging, Hereford calves by Robt., Mouspcl"of Cambridge. 1:30 Public Auction of 32 Hereford Calf Club heifers. Col. Ed Sncll, auctioneer. Write for catalogue. Friday, October 20, 10 A. M. Judg ing Shorthorn Calf Club calves. Ash ton C. Shallcnbcrger, of Alma, judge. 2:30 P. M. Public Auction of 32 Shorthorn Calf Club heifers. Col. H. S, Duncan, auctioneer. Write for catalogue. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. BDJlMlimM & H School Days Arc again at hand and with thorn come the usual cares and worries for mother hustling to get the kiddies off to school each morning. Sometimes in the haste other household duties arc forgotten, preparations for the noonday meal forgotten, But don't let that worry you phone us your wants or have the "kids" stop in and give us your order and it will re ceive the same careful attention as if you had personally made the purchase. GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU IF YOU DESIRE QUALITY AND SERVICE P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware vyMmiiraiTMiimiiiM WWVVbVVVVV.VV.V. ; If a Car is Worth Driving I it is Worth Building . t I A Garage .... See us for Up-to-date Garage Designs. Kansas Pickups t Slnitlifounty J i John Snow and wife spent Sunday at the Cbas. Arbuckle Home. M Mrs. Ethel Slonlker visited the week ntTnt the Guy Norton home. 9 Fay Upp and family wore Sunday visitors with Mrs. Upp'sparenth, D. K. Grewell's. Misses Tholma nnd Lois Laningan were entertained at tho Earl Abbott home Sundity. Mr. and Mrs. Rose nnd family of Mnnknto spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Jame6 Spurrier. Otto Shipmnn and family of Guide Itoek nud E. E. Spurrier and wife ate tiundav dinner at James Graham's. Jim Vnnuc, Ernest Brown, Frank Million and Dau Petersou went to Kausas City aud bought them each a carload of cattle to feed. Corn is good throughout this county and there will tea good deal of cattle fed. POLITICAL advertisement; :': The Malone-Gellatly Co. WUWUVirtMV.VV.VWV A i s mmmmmmmmm a uh ijne 0 Attention! Ansco Cameras Amateurs! Films, Paper, and Chemicals V Nothing Better Here ts a iTll "0 message interest ?? on the .Market l We have Kodak Albums White Pencils, Art Corners and other supplies lor the Amatur. Over Smith's Shoo Store- The Gleason Studio Then and Now NINE YEARS ago, A. D. Rnnuey, as candidate for the ofllce of County JudKe, agnlust Judgo I. W. Edson, said: "If this ofllce is a good thing pass it along. If uot, don't shoulder It upon one man for life". N.ow, after NINE YEARS in the ofllee, he seomlngly has forgotten his old slogan and asks for a life torm, pleading that he has no other business to turn to. Isn't it now time for a change? "Dont shoulder thU ofllce upon Judge Ran. ney for life," but vote for B. W. STEWART 4UMTI Ul .IWtlt UO HIT IHff WIT If UICAM ' P00? out of Wnt g The W. C T. U. will meet with Mrs. Frank Smith next Wednesday after, noon at 230. SherTir's Sale Notlco 1b hereby given, that under and by virtue otnn Order ot Sale Issuod from the olllceof Ddlth L. McKcIghan Clork ol the District Court ot the Tenth. Judicial District, within and lor Webster county, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action pending, therein, wherein Bernard McNeny li Flalntlir, and against Carrlo Fry, etal. Defendant!, I ihall offer tor sole at public vendue, according to the terms ot said decree to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the south'door of the Courthouse, at Red Cloud, In said Webster county, Nebraska, (that being tho building whereld the last term ol said court ttoh hold., en) on tho 20th day of October A. D. 1920 at 1 o'clock P. M., ot said, day, the following do scribed property, towlt:,. The undivided Ono sixth Interott ot Gbldlti Pry and Gladys Fry SultorTIn and to the South ball ol the Southeast Quarter of Boct ton 8, Township 1, Uango tl, In Webster County, Nebraska, subject to thelifo citato Sljriarrle'Fry. '" 1 Given under my hand this 2lst day ol Sep tcroberiA. D., JU20. ,v u , FUANK IIUFFEK Sheriff. THE WALLIS AMERICA'S FOREMOST TRACTOR Farm Power in Simplest For,m A simple, de pendable machine requiring least repair and adjustment is the most economical and easiest to handle thus it is the one that is becoming the leader in the tractor field. The Wallts is 12 years old and has stood the test of time. It has been tried on thousands of farms all over the world. It is sold by a company established half a century known for its integrity and square business dealings, When considering the cost of a tractor don't overlook these important points FUEL, LUBRICATION, UPKEEP, SPEED, WEIGHT, DURABILITY POWER, ASSESSIBILITY and SIMPLICITY. The principal element Is the life of the tractor, plus the upkeep during its lile. ' '' ' Descriptive illuilteted circulsr on roqueit, ot better still, COME IN AND SEE IT. Sutton & Shipman AUTHORIZED AGENTS QAKAQE RED CLOUD. NEB INWVJVJJVJVJVJVJVJVJJVJVJ i' ED. oo: nd Mrs. AMACK v UNDERTAKING t 6 Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB rVWVVWSfVtfWVWWWVWVWNrtftflWtftfVW The Chief is the Home of Quality Job Printing t '$$(