RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, 'in mm i i OHIEf IWW atJgVTIBIW WIHUM tf3MM1U'itVWJtoiayWrMtrfF'JwWMiWlil THE COUNTY'S POPULATION Tho following furnislicd by the De partment of Comnicrco Bureau of the Census, Washington, gives Webster county's preliminary announcement of population, subject to correction, as per the Kouilcenth census: 1020 1010 1900 Count 11,010 3 10,022 12,008 I BnJui Deavei Cfwtc 422 MO Cat 'in .on ! ,tii m i Co h Product ' Itvluiling Cowloa i ' VII me 803 Kim Creole M0 m Ga- Hold .;)2 -ill I Glenwood Prc- icinct, Inclu- , , ding Blndcn t Village 808 1,0 1 Guide Hock Pre cinct, Includ ing Guide Hock Village OP 1,272 Iluimopy ,'lfifl 577 Inuvnlc-, t I D10 G12 Line 220 20-t Oak Creek 082 GSR ' Pleasant Hill i -2ii orn Pol-'dam Pro ' cinct, Including Blue Hill VH-hre- , , 1,286 1,20B Hod Cloud Pro- ' ,1 rir. t, Inelud- . in j," Kl Cloud , '" City-, 2,104 4 2,829 Stillwater - G80 674 Walnut Crook I 1 .'170 .139 i Wiu'on Village 155 -19 1 Blue Hill Vil- ' Inge 72G 761 Covvles Village 220 Guide Bock Vil- -, ' Gil GOO , Bed Cloud City 1 1,856 1.G8G i.i.i m 481 ftro 413 .174 4G2 789 J)97 UTjI 500 322 717 037 1..V7S 2,258 829 .'575 823 41G 1,551 pcooooo5orcaccococosoBrii l X The Strang 8 Guest r TqI lie Ladles and Gentlemen. Electors ti Vtbstcr I'otwty, Nebraskiu As ii uutiiTUtiito for thqntllco of Coun ty Judge, I solicit your support regard less nt party alllUutlou I have no other Im-iiiess of any kind, and havo ben and expect to iluvotu tny time and thought to tho duties of tho olllce Uie-elected She county court has otlglnal and exclusive jui is lictlun in nil matters of probato and in many instances compli cated lot: til questions arise, -and it saves time and money to got them settled right, in the tlit Instance, without ap pcaN or further litigation. Veiy few enses have bi'on appealed from tint county eouit iluiing my ti-nn of ollloe, and that icenr-d speaks for it suit, 1 h'U lUHhlug no claim to sopor lor legal acumen or intulligeiice, liiit 1 have been milting an earnest effort to anivo at a just deoMon lit every ease that has been trit'd in my eoutt, ami I invito iiircstfeatliiti of my record by thoe'eetor of tho county. 1 have given you my bokt ondeavoi to expedite bushiest", and togi-te.Ute- settled and rinsed, and the' property .unsigned to thoke who ur entitled to Ml, in the shortest pogslbhi time, and with only neutusKry e;;pcna, and if re- e'eeted to this ollloi my tlmu and at- Unit 'ii will be demoted exclusively to tlio ( 'tiiduct of lt tt'air, and I ro 1 t ''ully solicit tho vote uud Support ! t l ly (piHlified elector. A. 1). RANNEY. Baptist Church Notes Preaching at 11 n. in. Sunday School at 10 n. m The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mis. X. .M. Green Kiidny aftei noon at S::iO Supper will he sorved Irotn r to 8 to which you are invited, 1 Tho Study Uentor meets in Blue Hill ut'Jtt. m., liedCloud'ion. in., and in Guide Roolc at 1 p. m., October 0th. EtUft Ducker, Couuty Superluteudent. X By PERCIVAl. BROOKS cccoocooo.'vocceociK;& i'O IDK VV'iii in N" Jin;.! I'mmi "Coiiir lnmio. ' wioti' Walter Imnn'ii inily loving wife. "We im mm-; mt mind n to your fullim- In IwN tprlnjt tliltign they are good rnouglj n they arc, n long tin we ni to gether." -. "Dinti little Tvomnii!" ctittiitiil tliu ,.rpelplnt of the letter and lilt lirnr: nttrtiKHl nnil lioTue. peor it It v'n wined a line iirrhonlnjt haven at ihn: iiliiiiienl, Hard as Nellie nnd he litul iv-u-lv-l mi the llttlr ten acre pntrli of grnutnl lit the limit- of Weston, Ibe.v, wiiutil up at the end of in-cry year hi debt. Tlit'.v hud rnouah to rut and tlmi uni nhntit nil. There were two little elill. , (li-en. however, l-'nther and inolluT did not mind wearing old ineinli-1 clothes, hut they deplored their In ahlllty to dresa their rhlldren as tlioi of their nulithbor were uttlred. "If wo only had a little capltnl t.i Invest In feillller and the mnehln-T? to do real fiinnlntr. I wouldn't rn'l the kliiK my hrnther," Walter had erted strenunusl,v. "Why, tin- M MltmipK nnd rocks routed nut and it our given to prrpnrlng the hun! foi real eiiltlvntlon, and I'd show von resitltV But they never .vet had the money or tlw time to carry nut Walter's plan. It vvns ccrtnlnly practicable, for otln ers with tnonvjind ninde grand uc eeses. S. Imrdeticd with debt and (he prospect aheiul more forlorn and unpromising tlnn over, Waller hml held a serious eoiHiiltntlon with Nellie. "I l:now no trade." lie confi-sed, "The elty Is probably crowded with Just such unnceesful and disappoint, od fellows as myself, but It must offer some opportunities to a willing man." lie hud come to Alton, n tbrlvln; little elty. to tr.y his luelc. Threi week entnesi effort to peiire vvi.r'; weni ror prnnieniiv nntnins. lie grew hnnicHlck for the wife and tlu llttlii mies." He prole o to Nellie. Tim fiimwer In hi let'er doeldidhlm. Ill spent two hour nt du-k trollIn; nhpiit the streelH thinking It all nvei; and lleehled Jo s'nrt bark for hotnij the next morn'ne. There enme a slight sprinkle of rain and. as he wore lit i best suit of clothing, Walter stepped baelc Into the entrance of n hroa doorway Just alxive a fnshlonable re. taurant. "Supper rooms' uptalr." Ikj read on an Illuminating globe and It made him think- of home, for hN prn ender for the day had been light. ITo had hut two dollars In his pocket and vvns saying of thnt, for It would take hlm only, two-thirds of the way home. As Walter stood under shelter n inhldle-nged pian, opulence provnlllir; in dress, ninnner nnd ornnment, cniinj down 'the stairs, glanced nlong tlm street, then Into tho lower restaurant and then chanced to take Walter Willi In his vision. Ho wore n light oven coat of peculiar pattern and this hi removed as ho re-entered the areh wny, half halted, studied Walter close ly and then approached him. "Young nitui," he spoke, "have you the time anil Inclination to partnko of a very princely supper?" "Why."' replied Walter, smiling at tho oddity of the circumstance, "I scarcely mulerrtnnd you." "Very well. Some friend1! nro gathered for n little banquet: othert expected have not nrrlved. We urn Just thirteen ns It Is, nnd the super' stltlous ones won't sit down until we have filled' the fourteenth chair." "I shall he glad to be at your serv ice," said Walter simply, nnd a few minutes later found hlnielf one of n party of men who suggested rellne incut nnd wealth. He who had Invited him' spoke un occnslonnl word to hlm, but Walter did not Intrude upon the general conversation. "Such a meal 1" he toltl Nellie after, ward, and nld It to himself. Tor two hours, as a truly hungry man. Walter reveled nt n table of luxury nnd plenty. He thanked the man who hml Invited hlm when the repast was over and came down to the street alone like a man In a dream, lie started nt once tor bis nnnrmng bouse, iinir way d.Avn the block, Just ahead of hlm. a man acting smplrlmisly stopped from a thirl; alley. The rout he wore at once tittraeted the intention or Walter. It was the one be had noticed on hli recent friendly ho-t. In n flush Wal ter decided that the lurkor had stolen the garment and had slipped out the rear way with It. "Just a lulnule. my friend." ho spoke, hurrying to tho man nnd si Iv't; him by the collar. "Stplen prnpi rty, eh?" But the slick ihlef evaded de tention by slipping out of the' nnd dirhingi nwuy. Vnl'- returned to tlm hnmpiet to tell his story. Thc owner of tho coat cMltcdly rummaged the garment, tovenHn.' n lnre package of-papers. "ily ft'ind. you have done me a vast orvw . That pneknfce hold over ten UuV 'd dolbirs In negotiant bonds, Wli. I can 1 do for jm to r I i j' your di'lremc ami honesty V" "I nid a little money to pay part of my wny home m my wife and chil dren," teplled Walter fiankly. "Wife and chlldien? That sounds Interesting to a lonely old bachelor. Come, sit down and tell me about II." And because ho of opulence vvns whole-hearted nnd sympathetic, and because Walter told tho truth In his Blmple story, when ho left tho city Walter carried with him stifilclcnt to carry out nil his cherished farming plnns, with his new friend uu Inter ested friend for life. , ' ' - .' i i j i . - i I ' . . - . 11 i . a 'f swxtjfls . fmmK-- v mysnvm ms&X'wzp r ...i3BMr :MM . Vr Uj Mm m 1 IWv5iftS J1 Shepherd sang, S J She suddon.y (Tpc'&Jp hLf P-ft- i"L'l- AWOS "In the Gloaming." RP&3 A sloi,',cd sinin' WaaCWVi3 TWr4 I' Ii '!,?!' "".', r3)'''Wr Mood on tlm .incTo fSSa Sl tw, P her song, fM Y& KafifeUxS kli M fai 1kJ jfj -rr ar wn iaui Brf i at mm f,i wam tmu . ., -a -u mi r-r- iip mnf i- iklt mt im i j. j - il ,l- toaaFwP ifiici&tcitiy sa vsii4JdS & Vwa 3oovsv2s' & 3 J bv watching her lip. I :rf Miss Detsy Lunc Shepherd, funious concert sopruno,' has made this test 185 times. 1S5 public audiences, in 185 cities, have heard her compare her voice with its Ui Crt.ation by the New -Edison. No one, out of tt total of more than 100,000 lis teners, has been able to tell when Miss Shepherd vassinin:!. nd when the New Edison except 4,000 similar tests of direct comparison, made by over fifty other celebrated vocal ists and instrumentalisLG, have given this same result. The New Edison is'pcrfect realism achieved ! J40Ujt riMto lf?T f S?P? 4 kk? & JvW V && Tell us and we'll show you how all its emotional . power is Re-CREATED by the New Edison VkT Ls it the soulful iolin? a mellow con tralto? the scintillating ilute? a sweet, soothing tenor? that draws the quickest emotional response from you. Let us play your favorite voice or instru ment in a new kind of Realism Test. See whether you are touched by the Re- T5CNF oALsi &Z J. n .IB i1 v v jSLJ "The Phonograph with a Soul" Perfect realism is your one vehicle to the inner joys of music which you crave. " Mr. Edison spent llireu million dollnrs in the re search work which gave the New Kclison perfect realism. He dit tliis in order thnt the phono graph might transcend its former limitations nnd (here. we quote Mr. Edison's own words), "hring into every American home, music so real istic and so perfect in its rendition n to he nn unending source of benefit nnd pleasure' The instruments which proved this perfect real- Ckeatkd music in the same way 'that you are touched by the living music. We' want to show you that' the New' Edison Re-Cueates all the vital power in all music. Remember what, to ask favorites" Realism Test! for- "personal FnrcfW JUSLer l.iE -x- J"k N ism in Miss Shepherd's 185 tests were all exact duplicates of the original Official Laboratory Model on which Mr. Edison spent his three million dollars. You can also have nn exact duplicate of this three million dollar original. We have if in our store, and guuiantee it to he capable of sus taining the same test of direct comparison. Important Practical Detail Our Cudgel Plan brings your New Edison for immediate enjoyment without asking for immediate payment. Ask about it when you coaie in to hear the "Personal Fuvor lies" Itcidisiii Test. Authorized Edison Dealer Red Cloud, Neb. E. ft MEWHOUSE, September , Weather Report Temiicintuie: Mean 60 deg.,' maxi mum t7 deg on 10th, minimum 27 deg on -'iOth. lMouipitation- Totul 1 20 inches ' -Uleur partly Number of days elmidy 1, cloudy I Puteb of liost -Light 20, killing fWlh I'lvvniling wind-Diroetlon .' W in ilny. Ihiinfnll mkci .Inn 1. 17 I'O luebes. Chith 5 Ludlow, Observer. 'TTf'"', 1MM MM 3JSG 1' nt N (.i wit I il I-I I Si. i I , IS The RSargln or Sa?(iy 1 represented by the ivmduiit of insurance' yon carry ' 1) m'L lull yourself into r fancied scctuity. Hoeause lire hus never louohed you it liiiusu't follow that jou'reliuuuinB Tomorrow -no today, if you Imve tune und you ho'tter llnd time to the olllce nnd we'll write u policy on your house, furniture, frtore or morehnndiho, -LATEU MAY HE TOO LATE- O. C. T E EL R.eliev.ble Insuracnce or t in Kansas Pickups Slinth a ji , Vt Lull lllxi lllllli . p. lit illnllt;, well Mtrritts. i King nnd family spent Smidiiv his biother, teo. Rill, und wife. try Uho,dfof CurllnvUl. Illinois e vihitiug his Hunt. Mis. lu. K. i ' I ner. uity Uominlstonor K. C. Spurrier itisiiotiug busUieii in Smith Cent-1 U vvbgIc. j K. pmrrlr 'tys h l Living to era littl Uronchtt- to.t, In other j .i l'bmly n Font. .it.- rnnilignn Iim jron -hsiek to niipoiinty to rumo 'bU wo 1; ,Ur.1.ra,f.ii,Ur ' :r. J)?, K.V, NlCilOlSOIl l:'J)t auIIOUV. VMLU JH pUiCHMf, - ,.. - 3LdeE The Price of Lumber and building material is so much Ipss than it has been and the prospects for it ftoirtg much lower is eo slight that yte feel justiJicd in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES I d 1 r rii ii in in t ii rn if m mwmumm mmm ninMkwmn is i l f-'lH l"tmm i -M m pwi.r -. wt p . . .WW.- ft, A " -"'" " " Mi. .. .i i- l"-m .ii.i i issr E, Gerber .i,d Mr. Jl'. a. 8turrhi v. l). S. Terry, flf MeCpok. Nbro will bo heto Siilurduy to begin n vnl meeting at the I'.iwnoe chnruli. ill Stones, Jess (lieen and wife, II, purrler and wife nnd Karl Abbott wifo were among those fiom this vu nltv who went to Smith Center last JThursdiij to hear Governor Allen and Hays 13. White speak. lt r v 1. B an DENTIST ? oi'lti over A11irl);lit,fcVioru Red Cloud Ncbrnskn Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST OVr.H STATE BANK RUDCLOUD NEBRASKA Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish picture; framing (Work Guaranteed) 1 Electrical Goods of all Kinds i Will Wire- Your House And Furnish You. with Fixtures --i tiMi.