The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 07, 1920, Image 5

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Also Greatest Two Usui Comedy.
The Picture 70:: ha ire been look
ing for D. W. Griffith's
I . . . ., I -
,SKy dg! -3
M.tiJKili d I I Jrl, iPkUKCIN PSJgjUqy u J
Broken Blossoms."
Miss Boris Kenyan in
J .
M ,
9 W & & .Vi if Jf. X X ! X y. Ul .Vj :-h X I i"fii ! itvci m (fiumte
pi 10. 0 r- we 'I .V. I'lipi-'- enf-
Sirs. J. ,H. Bailey woi.t to Superior
Friday morning to vKt M'. and Mrs
Harry Waller.
l'uv. Otto Heinitz we t to Has injjs
Tuesday morning to attend the Luth
eran conference.
J. II. Bailey went to Kansas City
Friday morning to atteirl to some
y. :: m : v. y. x m rc ik : k s hj
IllV ll'M-ll it I -Ml i inp s
' Glen Foarn spent Monday "in Gu'do
Eock. .-
Father Fitzoraid spent Tuesday in
Ford Walker spnt Thursday in li"0'S matters.
Hastings. I Dave Bell went to Wray, Colouulo,
.loir Chaplin was down 1'iom Cowlcs ! Fri(la' morninfy to attend to .some
Saturday. business matters.
Will Hunt was in Guide Iio:k Mo:i- Ml' ' ori"y of Harvard was the guest
day morning.
Jim McBr:do was down frcm Cow os
Friday morning.
Mrs. J. R. Clark wont to Oxford
Monday morning.
County Attorney II. S. Fee vai in
Nelson Wednesdny.
John Mnrsh was up from ' Guido
Rock Friday opening.
Mrs. John Aubushon spent Wedne-
., day in Hastings
of his pon, B. F. Perry and wife the
last of the week.
H. Noucrborg went to G and Island
Monday to attend to some bus'noss
anc'i visit relatives.
Ester Baker and Vera Hoffman
spent Saturday with Mrs. Paul Nev-
hi'uso at Guide Rock.
I E. J. Ovcring went to Lortg Is'auJ,
Kansas, Monday morning to attrnd to
ftmc business matters.
Horace Brown left Thursday even
ing for Hemet, California whose ho
will spend the winter.
Russell Summers leturncd to Hcs1-
J. E. Morris of Riveiton .was in tha
city Friday evening.
J. L. Miller of Hastirgs spent
Thursday in the city.
Wm. White of Oxford spent Sunday inE-'' Tuesday after spending a few
with his family here. dys bore with his mother.
C. C. McConkey went to Grand Is- Mrs- Rut Gum "turned to Denver
land Wednesday morning. Thursday evening after visiting with
George Rife of Denver was in the "r sistcr, Mrs. Ed Amack.
city the first, of tho week, a , s- B Kicr !cft this moining for
Attorney" George '.vMarsMll vnVL"8 'Angeles, California where he will
down from Rim-ton Ftfday,''- , si'""! the winter with his son.
Jim Mcintosh went 'to "Omaha Sun- Mrs. W. A. Cassell of Denver spent
day to purchase some cattle. the week end in this city with her hus-
R. C. Burch was-in Garden City, band, Conductor W. A. Cassell.
Kansas the lost of the week. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Boyce left Wcrt-
J. B. Carr returned to tho Soldiers' ncsday morning for Decatur, Illinois,
Homo at Grand Island Tuesday. where they will visit their daughter.
Mrs. P. A. Wullbrandt went to Lin- Mrs. Ella R. Parker of Los Angebs,
coin Friday morning to visit relatives. Calif., arrived in the city Saturday to
A. B. Crabil! shipped one car, of visit her son, N. B. Bush", and family,
hogs to Kansas City, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush returned.
Don't forget tho foot ball game Fri- borne Thursday from a visit at Deri
day aftprndton, .Falrbury vs Red Cloud, ver and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
. Mrs. Ray Sutton wont to Oxford Henry Welsch has moved his shoo
Wednesday morning tr v'sit ro'a'i'c. repair stiop into tho Fulton buildblg
Mr. and Mrs. John Brush' of South nortlv'b'f Dickenson's blacksmith shop.
Dnkota aic visiting relative.-, in this Supt. Iloltzcn received word Tuos
city. m day stating thnt the FnJirbury High
W. L., Ilincs of Wymorc spent Sun- School foot ball team defeated Steele
day in tho city with his son, Will, and Cit jT Friday, by a score of GO to 0. The
family. Fnirbury team will pluy tho local
Floyd Turnuic spent Tuesday in team on tho Hedge field tomorrow af
Falls City looking after somo business ternocn. Fnhbury dafcatcd Superi r
matters. last year by a score of 27 to 18 and
Miss Hattio Christian went to Lin- played Hebron twice imd won loth
coin Wednesday morning to spend a g.'unes. . .
few days. I
Miss Blanch Sherer of Hastings
spent tho week end in the city with
hor mother. I
The last ball game of tho senson
me ruLidTO tell. em all. about
7St&auetu vif!T
exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudcvilla
. will be played on the Starke d'amond
'U , '. Sunday attorney , .GuWc Rack and
" Red Clud will "cross bats.
(ti:i AIbjjti Filltd nllh Ft ((If Clrlf, Fenny r.lovr.r,Eo)(ti:)
EquTpsRO, K'ltllinl Sud'o f"im ".fit
'Evcry'ioriy Coikj Ktf. nybr.riy
iu;at: : ;::::sr q; scstsi-ct c:sr tf.cisM
Eat nttd drink nt Vowel A Pppo's
Cafe. tf
Mnny re-ei'vatioiis nre being niude
for the big Uritllth plnv "Uroken Blos
soms" at the- Uoe. Auditorium
John Sorgcnson r6uincd home
Thursday evening after spending sev
eral months at his old home in Nor
way Attorney B. W. Stewart wont to
Ft. Collins and Denver Sundny even
ing to attend to sonic business nut
ter. If vouu'iint tfdnd mult! pigs of tiiu
V.ithilniler bionl, I'niin' or bend your
o (lei' nf one". Mike Mils-, 1mhhIi,
N-hr ,
Mr.". Ella Gnrrctrfon andvdnughtor,
Lnurn, went to Hatinga Tuesday
wlieio the lattei had hr ton ils re
On Thurdwy. Nov. Itli., Sinltli llrnt ,
ol bliput-inr. vill hold their uinilul
boar ii nd gilt uilo Wntcli this piipur
for add.
A. T. Walker ;iid seveial land seek
ers left Sunday morning for Syracuse,
Kansas where they will look J over tho
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson went
to York Friday morning, they being
called there by the death of her father,
C. B. Crone.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carpenter
of Scldcn, Kansas, are the paicnts of
a baby girl which arrived at their
homo Sunday.
Joo Warner, a former resident of this
city but now living in Pasadena, Calif.
wAs the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Kalcy the last of tho week.
Dr W. Guy Gillette Is located in the
mrth room of the Auditorium. Olllcc
p'mne, Ind. 80. iesidencol50. Hour';
to 12 a m., 1:30 to D p. m.
Aithur Gilbert, who has been at
tending college nt Aimcs, Iowa, ar
rived in tho city Saturday to visit his
paicnts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilboit.
Mrs. D. G. Addlcman returned to
her homo at Obcrlin, Kansas, Monday
irorning after spending n few days
with her brother, N. B. Bush and family
Chas. Barrett reports that ho has
some Sedan grass wlrch measures
eight feet high. Who can beat it? Ho
expects to exhibit it at the Farmers'
Institute. y
Tho ladies of the Episcopal Guild
will hold their second rummage sale
in tho building formerly occupied. by
tho Ellis Shoe store on October 21 to
23 inclusive.
Mrs. Nuton Hurst and daughter,
Irene, and Mrs. Bert Marco depaitcd
Thursday evening for Twin Fall,
Idaho after spending a few days with
Dr. Hurst and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Rickcrson ic
turncd to their homo at Chillicothe,
Missouri, Monday morning after
spending a few days with their s"n,
Ifnrvoy Rickcrson and wife.
The Lutheran church will hold reg
ular services next Sunday morning at
10:30 o'clock. All services will bo held
at tho Advent church. Tho fcivicoo
will be held in English. Everybody is
J. C. and C. II. Wilson of Innvale
left tho first of tho week f r Winches
ter, Virginia, whore they will visit
Tr'ntives and friends. Claude Duval
accompanied them as far as Jancs
ville, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller stopped
off in the city tho Inst of tho week and
spent a few days with friends while
enrouto from Elkhart, Indiara to Sn
Diego, California where they wi'l
make their future homo.
Claudo Emigh, who has been resid
ing in Chicago for several yenrs,
stopped off in the city the first of the
week and spent a few days with boy
hood friends. Ho was enrouto to Cal
ifornia where ho will make his future
Willu Gather's new book "Youth and
the llrllit Medusii" Is now on sale at
Cutting's drug store.
Rev. W. A. Tyler of Crete will preach
1 1 the Congregational church next Sun
dny morning and evening. You aro
invited to hear htm.
W. O. Meudeiiliull, of Aurora, bus
leased I ho building formerly occupied
by tho Hills Shoo Store and will open
a vuluMtlzliig plant us soon as bis fix
tures nrrlvo. Ills hrotlior-in-lnvv, Mr.
Dunham, Is planning to move to this
eity t'to first of the year. The llrm
will be known n.s Mendenliall .t Dun
hum Motion Pictures o Pope
The only motion pictures ever taken
of l'ope UeneiUut will be shown at the
Hesse Auditorium, Sunday afternoon
and evening
At the annual meeting of the Web
ster County Farmers Union Associa
tion held in this city Saturday after
noon tho present officers, I. B. Wag
oner, president and John Ryan, sec
retary and treasurer were re-elected
for the ensuing year. ,
Chas. G. Clark arrived in the city
Tuesday morning from Denver and
has taken tho position with this office
which Mike Quiglcy formerly oc
cupied. Mr. Clark's homo is in Win
chester, Illinois and ho has had some
twenty years cxpprionco at tho print
ing game.
M. K. Quigloy who has bean cm
ployed in this office the past year re
signed his position and loft Saturday
morning for Gordon. Ho has no (de
finite plans of where ho will locate but
will travel around some first. Tho
Chief with his many friends hope thnt
ho will find a position suitable to him.
Tho Burlington is having consider
able troublo keeping tho water out of
the cassion of the new coal shed. Work
has been hold up for the past two
weeks in nn effort to get pumps largo
enough to keep the water pumped out.
Mr. W. S. Perry, Master Carpenter
from Lincoln for tho Burlington, ar
rived in the city Wednesday morning
and will spend tho balanco of tho week
instnlliftg pumps which will handle the
water as quick as it runs in.
Orders for Piano, Tuning
Should he left prnmpllv nt tbf Gust,
on Music Sfgri', A. h. VuMon hero joon.
Tho Executive Committee of the lna
vale Library Association decided at a
meeting held Monday evening to open
the Reading Room Wednesday even
ing, October 13. Tho building just
west of tho present post office has
been secured for tho Library and
Mrs. Guy Barker will bo the Librarian.
A traveling library set has been re
ceived from the Stato Library Com
mission. . A small number of books
have already been given to the Asso
ciation as a nucleus for n permanent
library. Those who 'arc interested in
the success of tho library can mater
ially assist by tho donation of good
books. Those who have signed mem
bership cards for tho Association and
who have not paid their dues should
hand the same to the secretary-treasurer,
Rev. Schoficld, at once. All
who have not yet joined tho Library
Association arc invited to support the
library by joining tho Association.
The dues are 25 cents per month. The
Reading Room still needs to complete
its furnishing, comfortable chairs,
pictures for the walls and magazines
for the reading tables. Bring your
magazines to tho Reading Room when
you have read them and share them
with your neighbors. An arrange
ment has been made whereby patrons
of the Innvale Library can draw
books from tho library in Red Cloud
through the Inavalc library. For fur
ther information sec the Librarian.
Wednesday the men of Inavalc
staged a Pick and Shovel Bee at the
1 MnMmrliet: plmrnll. rinfvvnpn twWltV
md twenty-five men came with shov
els and teams and attacked the dht
under tho church. Before night mo3t
of tho excavating for the new base
ment had been completed. The woik
will bo finished Thursday and imme
diately after that the remainder of
the foundation will bo lnid. Within
the net week or two invitations will
be isued to all who which end of a
hammer should drive a nail to meet
for a "pound parly," to pound nails
into the addidtion that is to be built
on the south side of tho church. The
ladies brought cheer and encourage
ment to the men at work Wednesday
in tho shape of n bountiful dinner
served at noon and lunch served in
the middle of the afternoon.
10:30 Sunday School
7:00 Union Christian Endeavor
10:00 Preaching '
Theme Three Lies
i 11:00 Sunday School
10:30 Sunday School
11:30 Preaching
Thome Three Lies
7:30 Preaching
Theme The Reasonableness of Religion.
7 Investment
The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
is having an unprecedented demand for more Telephones and Long
Distance Service, and to provide the facilities required is offering
to tho investing public ?GOO,000.00 of its common stock at par,
$100.00 per share, in amounts to suit Ihc purchaser.
Smco the year 1909 the Compnny has pnid -KJ eongcculhc
quarterly dividend on thia stock at the rate of
7 Per Cent Per Annum
This is net to the stockholders ns it is free from Nebraska state,
county and eity taxes and Normnl Federal Income Tax, which
means a saving of at least 2Vj per ccntiovcr money loaned on
notes or invested in other taxable securities.
Tho issuance of this slock and regulation of tho Company's
rates arc under tho supervision and control of tho Nebraska Stato
Railway Commission, assuring protection of stockholders' interests.
Tho continuous growth of the Company, a satisfied public, con
tented and happy employes and skillful management by well known
successful Nebraska business men, guarantee tho safety of tho in
vestment. 7 per cent is a good rato of interest, and a check for "$17.D0for
every $1,000.00 of stock you hold is mailed to your address every
thrco months in July, October, January and April.
You may send check with your order for stock and tho certi
ficate for samo will be sent to you direct, or send tho name of your
bank to which the certificate will bo sent and you can pay for it
when received.
If further information is desired sec Mr. Geo. J. Warren, Lo
cal Manager at Red Cloud, or address
Sheriff's Sale
Notlro In hereby islven, tlmt under and liy
virtue of nn Order of Snlo Ismicd from tho
oillcoof Pdlth I.. McKclKlinn Clerk' of tho
District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District,
within find for Wobstcr county, Nchrnskn,
upon a decree In nn notion pcndlni;, therein,
wherein Honiara McNony Is I'lnlntlll', nnd
nualiiHt Cnrrlo PrViOtnl. Defendants, t Bhnll
oiler for nnlo nt public vonduc, according to
tho tcrinH of Bnld decree to tho highest bidder
forensh In Imiid. nt tho south door of tho
Ctfurt house, nt Hod Cloud, In snld Webster
county, Nebraska, (that being tho building
wherein tho Inst term of said court wns hold,
en) on tho Mtli dny of October A. D. 1UJ0 at 2
o'clock r. M., of Bald dny, tho following do
Bcrlbtd property, towlt:
Tho undivided ono Klxth Interest of lloldlo
Kry and Gladys Fry Sutton In nnd to tho
South half of tho Houlhcnst Quarter of Sect
ion !l, Township I, Itnngo II, In Webster
County, Ncbrnskn, hubjoct to tho life tstnto
ol Cnrrlo Fry.
(liven under my hnnd thls'Jlst day of Sep
tember A. 1, 1!0.
FUANJC Ill&I-'l'KIt Hhcrlir.
DF; R. E. GflfflP
PHONES ) OlT.ce 76-M
IND. Reiidence 190-Y
' Office 2 Blocks North ol Fireman'i I lall
A full line of '
Attention! Ansco Cameras
AmateiirS ! Films Paper, and Chemicals
Nothing Better
Here is. a
message of
. on the Market
,We have Kodak Albums
White Pencils, Art Corners
and other supplies lor the
Ovor Smith's
-Shoo Store-
The Gleason Studio
Farm Power In Simplest FormA simple, de
pendable machine requiring least repair and adjustment
is the most economical and easiest to handle thus it is
the one that is becoming the leader in the tractor field.
Tho WalllS 1$ 12 yean old and has stood the test of time. It has been tried
on thousands oi farms all over the world. It is sold by a company established
half a century-known for its integrity and square business dealings,
When considering the cost of a tractor don't overlook these important points
POWER, ASSESSIBILITYVand SIMPLICITY. The principal-element is the
life of the tractor, plus the upkeep during its ilie. ,,f ,
Descriptive illustreted circular on ic-queit, ot better ttill, COME IN AND SEE IT.
Sutton & Shipman
Mr. and Mrs.
i Phone, Store Ind. 1 58, Res, 93
The Chief is the Home of Quality Job Printing
"-, i