RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i "-ji ESi E3 EG Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate; Insurance, Loans, Abstracts PHONFS I 0(r,ce' Red 33, ,wJ' 63 I HONES J ReUcnee 77 Red Cloud Nebraoka SEEING IS BELIEVING I have just returned from an inspection trip of nortwest crn Kansas, driving by auto to Decatur, Rawlins, Chey enne, Sherman. Wallace, Greeley. Witchita. Logan, Sheri dan, Thomas and Norton Counties, stopping at many places and driving the country around the town. 1 have found some real bargains in wheat and stock farms, wheat going from 20 to 10 bushels the acre, land ranging in price from S12 per acre, up, with easy terms and small payment down. The -average renter in this county can handle a half section of this land. If you arc interested see me at once and make arrange ments to go and look this land over, for land values are advancing and the bargains I now have may soon be gone, GEO. W. HUTCHSON. 3E HE 3ME d:: The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects lor it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES :: SALVATION ARMY NEWS Omnlin, July 28. "Ahl for the poor, the unforlunnte, nnd the derelict of Nebraska's most Isolated sections ns well as for urban communities is assured with the com pletion of County Advisory Hoard or ganizations," says Earl C. Jcffiey, Chief Divisional Program Diicctor, who has headquarter in Dos Moines. The formation of Advisory Hoards in every county in the htntc,' made up of influential citizens, such as com pose the Webster county Advisory Hoard, of which, E. S. Garbcr' is Chairman, gives assurance that men and women who know actual condi tions and individual needs in each community will make suggestions to Salvation Army officers, looking to tho improvement of conditions and the re lief of individuals. "As these suggestions will be acted upon immediately by a Special Offi cer from Divisional headquarters, if there is no resident officer, this an nouncement means that there is now a sympathetic connection between tho individuals of this and every other county in tho state, with the several institutions, service bureaus, and de partments devoted to the sixteen major activities of the Army," says Mr. Jeffrey. Each Hoard in the state is making a study in its county of poverty, un employment, juvenile delinquency, missing persons, illegitimacy, mater nity, hospitals, prison work, pauper- ! ism, Americanization, Childrcns Homes and work among returning sol- , dicrs and sailors. The Salvation Army is prepared to offer a specific remedy, alleviation, or advice in cases arising from those problems: Members of the Advisory Board in Webster county arc: E. S. Garbcr, Ed A mack, E. G. Caldwell, Clms. Plntt, W. IJ. Smith, A. H. McArthur, Howard Voo, F. J. Munday, Fred Turnurc. 3HE 3EJ!iSSEE3M;J!;2 Base Bail Sunday p. m. hpur ill H-.,m wmmmmtszr? Vi aiCTC7JP3SAXI Kr"f tviJJv" " ATJrttao;-" vvf '. vu AKUti l1 J'UiMHHQm JfwieL SL axuwvi nmtt ai uit for Highest Possible Quality at Lowest Possible Price T f I Not Merely a New; Name , But a New Cigarette THERE was room at the top for a new and better cigarette. And Spurs were made to fit in right there! Spur s decidedly new blend makes the Orient's choicest tobaccos and America's finest tobaccos yield more ridiness, aroma and mildness than you thought a cigarette could have. A new method of rolling (crimped, not pasted) makes Spur's good .tobacco taste last longer. Spur is "class" all through-r-even to the smart "brown-and' silver" package, triplcwrapping, that keeps I Spurs fresh and fragrant. If you're fed up jwith ordinary cigarettes, Spurs will give' i . Kv you a fresh start. Liggett 6? Myers Tobacco Co. IP your dcilct cannot mpply you, tend u 2,00, and tvcitiillbs ptened lo lend rou, by prepaid pirc;) poit. a cirton of 200 Spur Clg cttei 110 package!) AJJrciu UGGETT ex MYERS TOUACCO CO. ii j JViH Atcnue New Yerft City y- ' I rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Roil Cloud, NebrnsltBL "JLISmSD EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'oMcillce nt lied ( loud. Nob as Becoud Clasi Matter A. H McAIlTHUn, Editor and Owner fit! ONLY im:moukatic paim:k in WUIISTHK COUNTY cfnc ifEVK J I. 17-4 G N & U S t I B i ijiivc:i liina u rjw i ui 0 OQX PFfcfiH OF AGGEPTANG Democratic Candidate Would Enter League, Immediately Ratify Treaty and State In terpretation of Covenant. SAYS "BACK TO THE NORMAL" MEANS REACTION Failure to Enforce Prohibition Is Worse Than Law'a Violation De clares Present Congress Has Not Passed a Single Constructive Law, but Has Spent Time and Millions In Seeking to Make America's Military Triumph an Odious Chapter In His tory Favors Repeat of War Taxes, Criminal Prosecution of Profiteers, More Adequate Supervision of Rail reads, a National Budget 8ystem, and Woman Suffrage. Hero Is n summary of tho speech of Governor .Tallies M. Cot, Demo cratic candidate for president, nt the notification ceremonies nt Day ton : League of Kutlu(s. Would enter !n league, Immediately ratify the i Haty and state our interpretation . f the covenant In reservations ns ,i matter of fjonil faith and ns a nintter of- precaution iignlust any i iisundersstandlnK In the future. The Interpretation to clearly show the league Is' not nu alliance had that Its basic purpose Is peace and not controversy. Domestic Problems. Would re peal war taxes; reduce federal taxation; KUj,'ests, in place of ex n'ss profits tax, substitution of vol ume of business tax. Profiteering. Promises pcnnllr.n t.m under the criminal law. Labor. Stimulate Amcrlcanlza i mi. Writ of Injunction should not I" abused. No necessity now for ilm drastic laws of war dnys; v'uttr.untco of free speech ; recogni tion of tho rli;lits of tho principle of co lectlvc bargaining. Child life of tho nation should bo conserved r Agriculture. Federal government should sponsor iirrrleulturo and food production. Fanner should bo nm ply coy'pensated for ills work. Favors municipal markets. Regu lation of cold storage. Would In crease area of tillable land. ' National Prosperity. Objcctlvo should be deci eased tenuntry nnd stimulation of homo ownership. Food Supply. More ndequnto su pervlsion of railroads; utilization of waterways. Flnnnclnl nnd Commercial. Ex tols federal reserve net nnd mer chant marine. Would extend fa cilities for exchange and credit nnd stimulate foreign trade. National Budget. Favors a na tional budget syf-lem. Would re duce armament expenditures on entering lengtto of nations. Republican Ungcncroslty. Repub licans failed to recognize that America had snved the world or to appreciate the struggles and sac rifices of those who, In arms or Industry, helped 'win tho war. Present Congress has not passed a single constructive law, hut spent time and millions In seeking to make military triumph an odious chapter In history. Mexican Situation. Wo hnvo neither lust for their domain nor disposition to disturb their rights. Disabled Soldlors. Pledges Im mediate efforts to provldo vocation al training nnd favors employment of disabled soldlors of World Wnr by Federal Hoard to supervise the. rehabilitation of disabled soldiers. Prohibition. "Any candidate for tho presidency who says ho does not Intend to enforce tho law Is moro unworthy than the law vio lator." Woman Suffrage. Strongly fa vored. Official Responsibility. Opposed to "government by party;" pledges bervlce to the people ns n whole. IJducntion. Federal governmont should not encroach on Hical con trol, but rather should create an enlarged public Interest. Campaign Contributions. No narrow dividing lino between tho legltlmnto and tho Illegitimate, underlying purposo only determin ing. Industrial Pence. We want a chango from the world of yester dny, from tho old Industrial Vorld. Wo nre nt tho "forks of tho road." So-called "return to tho nonnnl" mentis "reactlonlsm." fK2HB3!2!&2SaS2E3S&&25S i - THE NEW ARE HERE IKespp eBmeam&r Oloth Graft Ball GaTie Sunday afternoon , R. C. vs Inavale-rSlarke's M w i tit "1 s K AmAWIfin'n I A!M.V I Inlltnn IUlnl..f. PI t niucina a Licauuig vtuiuea matters BEAUTIFUL MODELS AND FAARSCS All PRICED as LOW as Conditions Permit FALL HATS Gordon & Keiths $3.50 - $4 - $5 - $6 - $7 to $12 Not too early to think of FALL CLOTHING We are at Your Service Cowden - Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Post Office Red Cloud. Nebraska II i2Si2Mm5xsmEir?ximxj&m 2--V vn nntr a ' tv 7F KTK2CZS . Vx" d hJUi 'Qtr S nh oawmasueMSJi otunAJirsmassaisyrt r-trxxfKr-j-onrrr.-rrnrnnrrrrrnrTrTVI PRICES THE SAP2E Adults 25c Children 10c TONIGHT The Devils Trail Tile World in Motion Also THE WHIRLWIND FRIDAY and SATURDAY When Bonds Are Loosed A 6-reeLSpecial Starring Miss Dixie Lee The Greatest 2-reei COMEDY ever made will also be shown Friday and Saturday. A treat for kiddies COMING MONDAY When Bear Cat Went Dry vniuiMH A Picnic? When planning your outing, picnic or fun-festival bear in mind that we can furnish you any item on the lunch menudelicious eats of all kinds. The fact that it comes from our store is a guar antee that it is pure and fresh. Hot Weather Eats Then, loo, during these, hot days when your ambition and appetite is not up to normal, you find in our store nany dainty morsals that will tempt you fiesh fruit, dainty cookie?, wafers, and canned goods of the highest quality. P. A. Wnllbrandt Groceries and Queensware yJVA"v,.vAVJ.VAVAv.v.v-.v,Jvvv-v' Mr. .and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING i Phone, Store Ind. 1 50, Res, xi J ED CLOUD, NEB irvvvwvw,uwAiVVVwVr"Ar.v.v,vvvv vnV.'.v.vwwwywrt . 4 b.lPr! ' ' . r -vtmms' -( -" ' "