if A'-' If I h it s i WB ftocVM "ViTy - 4A .' JrasT . j" r w '?' ra- -" sW"-..-.f A'WJTl WJ . IBiaS-ife-SXH 13 BP'w4!iggSg A Itafspaper That flWw The News Flfty-tno Weeks Each Year For J2 O'J VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. AUGUST 12. 1020 NUMBER 33 j"' 'lnnli Are You Going 1 To I Buy ft A 1 Wedding 1 Gift? MHRMannHiBnEimHHMi y F SO WHY NOT come in and see our useful and beautiful lines of first class silverware, casseroles and cut glass? Something to have for a lifetime and to be apprec iated as long as you live. We have purchased the BEST merchandise the market affords and you are assured of reliable wares. We have jus I received so we fiinc engvaved wedding rings J. C MOCfiEiLiLi Columbia Grnfonolas The Jeweler Columbia Records I OLn nr- iian mnE. McGuire-Jernberg Tlio Albert McUulre homo on Wal- nut Creek whs the ssetie of 11 wedding. Friday evening at eight o'clock, whet) his sister, Miss Hose MeOuIro became the bride of Carl F. Jernberg. Uev. J. M. Bales performed the ceremony. Immediate relatives of the bridal party and Mr. and Mir. Oliver Powell nnd Miss Lucile Robinson were present Both these young people are well known in this vicinity, having practic ally spent all of their lives in our midst, during which time they have made h large circle of friends who will wish them a long, happy, prosperous wedd ed life. They will bo nt home to their many friends in Akron, Colorado, Mr. Jern berg Holding a position there with the Burlington Railroad. mi.uyazurTvrirrrvia!rtrrjacrtliavta.vivmjtMrrTn Yfi YAH W'W Favsr. r.lnss wavlanansftin yUj.&.&jji a a. reasonable prices IIlCFfR? rules here. But at that the M, &Jk&ife&' & o price is a secondary consicier Bgsasggagggsgnsa at;on vritfi us Quality First All The Time! 0 I The Gleason Studio To Secure State Poultry Show The Chamber of Commerce hold a mceing Tuesday evening at which timo they passed a resolution to be sent to the Nebraska State Kallwny Commission at Lincoln protesting against the freight tMtosand passenger faro increase which will be made by tlio U. S. Railway Board. County Agent Fauseh was present and asked the Club to take under con sideration the matter of securing the Nebraska Statu Poultry Show which wi'.l bo held in lanuary. Mr. Fauseh was appointed chairman of a commit tee and will wrih and olfer the asso ciation a bid for the securing of the show for this city. Mr. Fnuseh stated that an ollleer of the association was hero recently, and he stated that the s'llo pavilion would make an ideal placn I ii- the shoiv as It. was largj enough to servo tlio purpose, The poultry fi o- SCHOOL BOARD I'KOCEKDINGS August 11, 1920 At a special called meeting of the , .School Board called by Pros. Hoxsey, for the purpose of taking some action on meeting the payment of paving tax on school district property. AH members present except Ovcring. On motion, the tax of S53-15.71, less 80125 tax on lots 1!), 20, 21, 22, it was decided to pay in cash out of the present fund now in hands of the District Treasurer. Motion made and carried that Elins Goble lie appointed janitor of the Lincoln school building at a salary of $80 per month for the school year of nine months. On motion, J. II. Kellogg was elect ed teacher of agriculture, manual training and athletics nt a salary of $1200 nor year. KARM BUREAU TOUR Plans are being laid for a tour that is different from the tours held in tlw past. Two farms will be visited and the Live Stock insneeted. In addi tion to the inspection of stock, wo Have secured Prof. Howard Gramlich, Head of the Animal Husbandry de partment, University of Lincoln, Ne braska, two vorv able sneakers, who .will give Judging demonstrations and talks. Tuesday, August 17, is the date and we will meet at the farm of Clarence Johnston at 1: V,0 p. m. This farm is I miles south nnd 1 U mites wni-.L Vfif Guide Rock, or 8 milen cast of the Red Cloud river bridge on the south side of the river. Those coming from a distance, will find plenty of shade to eat their dinner at Mr. Johnston'.-. Mr. Johiitm and his partner, J. V. Auld, are e-tabli-'hing one of the bc-t herds of Scotch Shorthorn Cattle in ii. ...,.,. im...:.. .,n., ..:ii i... ;,. , IIIVJ kilLt illl'Il IMlblU Mill I'V IM n!RH Why Not Jewelry The Appreciated Gift A PPRECIATED because in Jewelry you can always find something that will exact ly please the taste of the recipitent. m Whelher you want lo make it a token of sincere affection, or a remembrance of some courtesy shown, or a substantial reward for a service for which you can pay in no other way your requirements may be served here. B. H. Newhouse Kcd ciouj Jeweler and Optometrist m,fsua tT3S2Z3sEXBS222Sl!Zia5 1 Over Smith's -Shoe Store-- wis unit those who are interested m at specuid. Prof, drnmliuh will kuo a b w and bettor Red CI md should. Judging d.'tn.m-trntion and a talk on g.-t busy and eo.opr.ie with Jlr.lf cattle Mr. Johnston is Web V, , . ii , ., MtCi county s biggest Pure Bred Iuch i.i securing the show for Un-.fHjjep of Du.oc hogs. The. o v. ill e'.ty, as i: will yive the people of south- he on exhibition, und other thiny. of eru N-bniska i chuice to eo tint Let interest will Ik-, individual hoghou c-, sweet clover pa -t ure. do-', etc. - 2nd Stop. Starke's Ilolstciu farm, 3:30 p. m. Their farm is 1 milenoith and o' miles west of Guide Ro-k or 'I miles cast of Red Cloud. Starke's bivtiU of poultry in tliii .slate. Jaines A. Burden Called ONE HUN EKED NcPHAIL have been manufactured. Y-EARS Janii's A. Burden, who for a iniuiler of j ears has conducted a mercantile establishment m thin city, and oile of onr elderly ami highly tospectod ei'i- zi-ns passed to his eternal reward on Ui i r. .....,., I Iiolstein farm is owned by Chins and Win. Starke . W m. Roberts is their herdsman. They have established tho gr.eate.st herd of Iiolstein cattle in Nebraska. Starke's own ' u in Pietcrtie Kon- . i mum i '"T'lTrar.,iyfifnTi-,,Tir"lrrri-it n i iiiii iimiii m nwtMvrnrm l m THE 1 . BROWN BEAR PHI Special Fountain Service Saturday and Sunday TUITI FRUITI ICE CREAM Also CHOCOLATE and VANILLA A REAL TREAT JUST COME IN-SIT DOWN-GIVE US YOUR ORDER We Know You Will Come Back Again "THE BROWN BEAR" Quality 9ervrc9 i .. I , i. r. ...I OUUKUH Ull I mill I ll'ivivii- iwii Muii lay inorning, after an extended t iga 2(, Uto champion cow of Nebras lea. This cow holds the record on milk and butter. Xo cow lias ever. held a record on both milk and butter. In establishing this record, this cowt Supercedes the Molstein cow Lti mny, owned by the University of Nebraska, whoso record is 2G.G02 lbs. of milk. ut, in and tho Jersey cow Mermaids Fancy Wnv .-n,,,l 1.. 11 C Vminir rif I.in- 11(1 ill "-M "" '. - "'""-'.. ," coin, whose record was i.ioo.m id. oi ' iiulter in one year. The "loduct of Mr. Starke's cow when placed on the market sold for $1100.00. Reside being a great pro ducer, Konigan is a splendid Individ- ( ual. She wiu Grand champion cov.' at the New York State Fair in 1910. I Pietertje Homestead Ormsby 2d, ' tho 4 year old cow purchased by m iiiing their hoinu near Bladen. Be Starke's from 13. A. Schrocdcr for was united In mttiriiicrn in Annn R .$5000.00, Will be Oil exhibition. r n..i,i.n.. n -.a mn-. n , ii c Mr- JI- - Iwntson will give Lockhait, Oct. J3, 183.) lie acted as ( iTlMlffInjr ,i,,m0nst ration and a talk iixsisiiuii, rjsuuHsiur in me iiuuu'ii tjjp ijairv iiulustry. ollleddurlngClevoland'sifdiiilnistratlonl Tlris will lie a real treat to inspect and when President Harrison took tho ' those two great herds and hear .Mr. 0'ialr he. was made postmaster at 'b1 ! 0rwnch anl Mv'pAnQriT en. In 181MI ho was elected Clerk of the County Agricultural Agent District Court of Webster countv nnd Illness While in poor health for smue time past Mr. Burden continued to at tend to his duties at the store, until tho'tlrst of lait week when ho was con fined to his home. Although denied the use of his lowei limbs -being compelled to go about a wheel olmir, he boro a smile a , Kind, pleasant word lor every one wnicli Hi itscllbliould lie an examp.u for those better titled for llfu'h battles. He will indeed bo greatly missed by every one in tho eoniiuuuity The deceased was born in Pljmouth, Indiana, August IM, 1833 Ilo'with his parents came to this comity in 1S77, PIANOS McPhail Pianos are built of the best material and along lines of proven correctness by workmen of long ex pedience. The men who build McPhails are not boys or. cheap drifting labor, but are men who have grown gray in the service of the House of McPhail. McPhail workmen take pride in the pianos which they are building and the result of their pride and skill is the McPhail piano, musically and mechanic ally correct. Come in our store and hear a McPhail piano before you purchase an instrument for your home. a on 55 PHONE 35 Cleanliness was re-eleoted In 1D0O Upon retiring A Big Treat in Store for the iruui mis iniiee ne eiigagcu in tue nier-i cintilc business bore. For a number I Children of years he efficiently presided as Just- Tho most startling and entei tabling Ice of the Peaco. . of nil two reel comedies comes to the He leaves to mourn his demise a IJesso 'Auditorium Friday and Satiir-I Wifp. tWO SOnS. Dari'el and Hi-l-mml of ' dnw nf llitc ivnnlr. 'IMin llllr, nf Mm nli'.t.. .. . '.. , ' . ------"""--,".,.....-..".. - :-. I IU P If Hill lltWM n tl llnt lxu irinuLla Hha In IIA....U 'IM.,. 'M.,..nnrtml -.,.l !,.- wi.. ,.,, ...... w... ..Mhiiivi,i.iin, w-9o ii id 13 yvcr iiiw j. i ill i au ill uun mu lllingsworthof Long Bonoh, California, chief ciit-un in the plav Is Mrs. Joe Also three brothors, John of Ivatisas Mnrtln tho famous monkey actor. City, William of Campbell and Frank of Arapahoe Funeral services were WWWWYWWWVWAVWWVAVWVW Base Burner Users! j The committee in charge arc cireu- conducted luting advortlhing matter announcing Tuesday afternoon, at three o'clock, the Jl3rd annlveibary celebration which during which time tho business houses , will bo hold at Lmbanon, Kansas, Aug olosed In respect to tho deceased. hist 10 to 21, Inclusive Ball games ovcrv afternoon, and otheramusHinents FOUSALB Tlirno 1017 model Ford are scheduled. Curtis Friday, who at touring curs, one 1017 Ford roadster, ono time was employed In tho Cottiug guaranteed in No, I condition, priced drug Htoro, will bo thero with his aero 9300 and 83.10. Also now Ford sedan, I plane and malio exhibitions and carry coupe and truck. Hurry If you want ' passengers each day. Bead the add them. FRAME & SMITH BI103. CO whtoh appears In this issue. i We have a car ofbase burner size Cerrilos Anthracite now on the road. Base burner coal will be hard to get this year. ORDER NOW. The Malone-Gcilatly Co vvrtwwwwwrvvvflvwl