RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t 3 11 m i Iwl ) !;; i i 3 i n is m t IK V t ir THE 1920 RED CLOUD Chautauqua JULY 25 to JULY 31 Inclusive WILL BE A PERSONAL ASSET TO YOU AS WELL AS A COMMUNITY ASSET BECAUSE OF ITS World Wide Reach Calcutta, IndieDr. S. Bose TO TtfE Philippine Islands-Royd String Band Russian Women-Mme. Selivanoua TO American Indians-Princess Neawana FROM Farm Philosophy-Bob Seeds TO World Aff airs-Gov. Brumbaugh . fr'6m National Interests-Cong. R. Johnson ro ' - iThe Mcmtj Makersf'-HazelDopheide JBlCUiM. -.' MILANO SEXTET. New York EDRtiftllARKE CO., Chicago : i IVII mil BLAND'S ORCHESTRA, Everywhere W U1V THE TEMPLE CHOIR, Chicago '-. , a - v v r ICEUM ARTS TRIO, Des Moines ' TO THE Junior Chautauqua "Modern Crusaders" ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. c"UilLISUKD EVERY THURSDAY entered In the I'ostoftlce at lied Cloud, Neb as Hccond Class Matter A. U. McAUTHUll, Editor aud Owner CUB ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAl'CIl IN WKHHTKll COUNTY A Complete Program "MIDLAND QUALITY" You Owe it to Yourself and Your Family as well as the Community TO BUY SEASON TICKETS AND SAVfe' MONEY Be Prepared to Buy Your Season Tickets When Called-Upon Supt. A. T. Holtzen, Local Mgr. OUR BATTERY SERVICE IS FREE WE will be pleased to Inspect your battery at any time and us often as is necessary, free of charge. Our service is the expert kind, and our experience is laiwuys ut your disposal. Should repairs be necessary we will make them nt a moderate charge. 0 The "Exfbe" Starting and Lighting Battery Is the famous "giant that lives In a box." You have heard of this Jtaittcry and Its unique features it's tho original Unit Seal Battery; extra powerful, easy to care for and repair. Let us explain Its features to you. Take advantage of our free service. Red Cloud Battery Service Sta'n CARL S. MeARTHUR, Prop. REGARDLESS F'MAKE FLATTERY JExtbe m ilv t. "BE AMERICANS TOGETHER" The imperative necessity of today In an eniphasin upon bacretl rights or property as opposed to tho wild orgy of radicalism, nationalism and anar chy, which is sweeping the land nnd threatening to destioy every industry, every farm and every homo. That there can be no other end to present tendencies if they remain unchecked, might as well be faced first as last, and there should be no further trif ling in the matter. " " - The right to individual property ownership, honestly accumulated and legitimately conserved, has always been a fundamental American princi ple. That principle is now being savagely attacked fiom a variety of angles, and it seems incredible that the American people as a whole have not yet awakened to this supremo danger," which underlies nil the up heavals we are now witnessing in this country. " ..- A home-owning nation is a strong nation, but unless individual properry rights nre eternally safeguarded, no home will be safe. When capital is destroyed, labor will have gone to its doom. Captains in industry are as es sential as skill in labor, and when either disappears, life for the other will not be possible. Instead of joining in the hue and cry of these chaotic times, against all investment, all industry and nil prop erty ownership, the imperative call of the hour is for the protection of these sacred rights, without whose preserva tion no republic can endure and no people can prosper. We cannot declare too strongly that the sole and adequate remedy for the consequences of prostration is for everybody to go to work nnd keep at work. No investigation of our present ills and no suggested remedy for their cure will ever get us anywhere--no matter though it cost into the millions which is not honest enough to rec ognize that when idleness increases, morals go down. By tremendous strides the working hours of Ameri can efficiency hasr decreased propor tionately; people who howl for ol'sls hour day and a five day ,weeK, Have lost sight of the highest conception pf human service; and if modern, ener gies were as vigorously applied to do ing work as they are to avoiding it, most of our reconstruction problems would vanish and the future could be faced without fear. The 'keynote of the hour, whether we face our national problems qr con sider our national blessings, is found in a single sentence We Must All Be Americans Together Oliver Wilson, Pnst Worth v Master. National Grange, Teoria, 111. Rev. .1. L. Rcebo Abandons Pulpit And Joins Jacknl Chorus In glaring black headlines last Thursday's issue of the New Ncbras kan, received on Saturday, proclnims the above, and in further commenting on his mission to stir up discord and unrest, has the following to say: "In his desperate efforts to annex Nebraska to soviet rule and turn if over, bound nnd gagged to a crowd similar to the one thnt has had control in North Dakota during the last four years, A. C. Townley has commenced the work of getting his speakers into the field and assigning territory that they will bo expected to cover, there spreading the doctrine of discord and unrest. "The newest addition to tho Town ley jackal chorus, at least tho newest to report is Rev. J. L. Beebe of Red Cloud, erstwhile of Harlan county, where he held forth as n county judge. Rev. Mr. Beebo has been given an as signment and already he Is in the short grass country of tho western and Northwestern portions of the state, where he will bo given his try out during most of July. "Rev. Mr. Beebo is a socialist and docs not deny it. Out in Webster county, where he is best known he is looked upon and frequently referred to ns one of tho most formidable adver saries of safe and sane government. Right at this time ho Is loudly pro claiming that Candidate Wray, the Nonpartisan League candidate should be elected governor of Nebraska. "Coming to Red Cloud from Harlan county, where he was prominent on account of his radicalism, he was in stalled as pastor of the Union church. Like a new broom, for a. time he made n clean sweep and upon numerous oc casions he was a sort of a spbkesman for the business men of the city at divers functions. "During the progress of the war, Rev. Mr. Beebe took time off and criti cised the government and conformed to the most socialistic standards. For this reason and for others, Red Cloud business men lost confidence in him, but he did not seem to realize it. Ho thought he was a politician and with this idea in mind, made tho race for tho legislature, only to be defeated. "Following his defeat in the politi cal arena, Rev. Mr. Beebe became en thusiastically patriotic and loyal. He turned his back on his old socialistic friends nnd went into war work and as a reward was appointed deputy food commissioner for Webster coun-tv. "The war over, Rev. Mr. Beebe joined the Farmers' Union. He re newed the presentation of his social istic contentions and further alienated himself from the business men and tho business interests of Red Cloud, until now, when they have quit him cold. , "Rev. Mr. Beebe is an orator ofcon siderbale ability and in his addresses, plays upon the laboring man as the victim of big business,' apparently seeking to work upon the passions nnd prejudices of those who listen to him." Notice to Property Owners in Paving District No. 1 4 All persons owning property In Pav ing District No 1 nre hereby notified thnt unless the paving n&SPRfttnenl levl ed ngRlnst. their property fa paid on or before July 28. 1920. bonds will be ! sued by thn city for the camo payable in 20 v ars from their Issue ED. AMAOK. Mayor O O.TEEL, City Clerk MBBJMato l Mil i i in in i T c saaBBaaaBSBaVBaHBH K422 111 I lllllll 111 tyr$! pssBBassB i r r 4 It 's Here! Your copy of EDISON and MUSIC The book that takes you into the realm of fine furniture. The illustrations show you everything; the articles tell you every thing you want to know about the Edison period cabinets. The Beat In Period Furniture has been worked into these 17 ezquiiite models. French. Eng hsh and Italian design si f are faithfully perpetu ated. Every New Edi son phonograph is en cased in one of these cabinets. , Endorsed by Authorities No lew furniture authority than Mbi Eltie dcWolfa vouche for the authenticity of Editon period cabinet. Step in for this book and read what the amy about them. Aak ua aboat our" Badget Plan, which Sad the purchase L riea of the New Edieoa. E. H. NEWHOUSE -id ,-4ia-l.v(-1 '-m stUeeutr" - Dp. t E. GAJIIP GfllROPRflCTOH IND. PHONE 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North ol Fiteman't Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA E. S. Grber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed! Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures ifjJVpfMvMvvvMrJvvjvwv Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Store Ind. 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB I'WW.VAWAWV.VV.V.V.W.'.VAV.V, fe iCl ""l.i !C? VXs H 1 1 iB i .. rera - GIVING YOUR FRIENDS A BOOST Suppose you be a booster for that friend of yours. You have lots of opportunities to say n good word for some friend and you neglect it for one of two reasons you either don't think in time, or you are jealous of your friend. Mighty small of you, either way. Just a word from you may be re sponsible for that friend's gaining a high position in the world, for good words stick. Be big. enough to do it. Don't withold the good words just because yqu fear your friend may boost ahead of you. If this is the sort of feeling you have for that friend there is not much doubt but what he will- get ahead of you, foryou are stunting your own growth. You nre not broad enough for .the big The really big man is never afraid of others beating him out. Ho knows ho intends to work so energetically and study so hard that ho will get somewhero as fast ns he is ready. So why worry? Only the little fellow, unsure of himself, is nfrnid to give credit where it is due. Booster, BuckUn, Mo. Notice To Creditors- jntlio bounty Court o( Wobntir County, Ncbrnska In tho mutter ol tho rqtntoof Chnrlrinl niin, PcccabPil. Creditors ol unlit cstiuo l tnko notice, that Uio time llmlloil for itrexcntntloii nnd llllnK ol clulma uisulnst wUl dstnto Is Noveuu berlSth IMO,iiiiiUor tho. payment nldtbtfl Is December 12th 10-'), that I will hit at tho coun ty co mt room In said county on tho IDth day of Aueuit. IdiU to examine, hear ami allow all claims iluly HU1 which nrd a ilrst or second Hut upon fcald estate, and on tho 13th day of November lli'iO, to examine, hear, allow and adjust all claims and objections of general creditors duly men. Date. ISftlll) , County Juiluo, ik A - l " f. d this Hth day ol July, 1011., Yi It HiV .-.- 1.1 Mfl. Lyflin'Hoflmnn spent Th'urs- uujr it uowu5oi I 'j. I j?ff, lfaBBBBBTa jS r"1SK I If rBaHaBBa Jet. v- $LLR -MBBBfc K .0l9iBk. SSBBBBBbV TURKISH ODOMESTtcmyHE BLEND S)JHB CIQAHJtTTfS --yKSWBDBBL aSBVBBVBVBVBWtfWajflnBMKafln HBBKaHO Jus compare Camels with any ciga- UHk rette in the world at any price! ..JBBBYBaBBPBlt. Camels told everywhere In scientifically sealed amWLWS j3HP aaj Mt paekateaofSOdtarelteafor 30 cents; or ten pack- saasmmWsm JLLLW iBBbV bIbHI ate (.300 cigarettes) in a glaasine papet'Covered Sfl" H Hfafaa JaflBBBBVW tHT W atrongly recommend this carton for E LLT ML V home office supply or when you BW jjF Jaa. B " R. J. REYNOLDS TOD ACCO CO.. Wlntton-Salem.N.C.W H .aW aaam BBHBBBlBBHBYBBBffBrtY. afJBMBSaBaaBL. swsmsm -M Z H ''LVaBtaBlBBBBa BD H mtt fijaf BH "USHbbT awt tsvat HBm 0&aaaaaWtsKaaa9sW m "aBBWaalBSBBSSaBffcw . . .'W "aBSBBBBlkSBa ,"-,'. . " . ' ' BM H 1 Bl " '; ;: wwul. ' " , " "HK-aaaaBBi ' , J.'.. J It's dollars to doughnuts- no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will .sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight! Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they, leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga retty odor! juJiiv A i a v ! '.3.i i t