r , jm: s. . .jw-rflJ. ,u &.-. -- RED CLOUD, NEBRAfKA, CHIEF Carpenter, Son ck Co. Home Office Red Cloud, Nebraska 912 -Improved half section adjoining Oakley wilh 80 acre of wheat wnfcfcail goes to buvrr, n b.irgoin at 910.00 per aero. (TltomaH County.) 16On6 rf the finest section In Thomas county, not a pimple on it, RO&xfcr in evltivntlui, fmo two-story house of 9 rooms, big red barn wilh a Serge loft, good Ki-fcr.r-rics, chicken house and other out building. Price VSO.00 per aero.- 7,500 cash, balanco flvo yenr at 0 per cent. (Thomas , "County.) liC A fine seclhn, three miles from Campus. $12,000 worth of Im-m-ovoment. all equipped for handling caltlo' or hog, fino water system. Hfttjsn nil modem, about .100 acres in cultivation, balanco in pasture, 200 crs of due wheat, nil rocs to the buyer. This is an ideal all purpose farm and a beauty. Pr.'co 37.50 per acre. (Gove County.) 119 Half section, all fine, level land, 220 acres in cultivation, 110 ncroa in -muiture. 160 ncreii in wheat and it all goes with the place, all drilled. flood well and windmill, good Micd barn, cement chicken house and granary ior 1500 burhels. Trice 32.50 per acre. (Gove County.) 110 4S0 acre.? well improved, nice house and barn, lots of out buildings, Sjood well anil windmill. About 250 acres in cutlivation, the balance in pas ture, 200 acres of fine wheat, all goes to the buyer. This is seven miles tom Campus and in a good community. Possession any time. Price $37. 3? ner'nerc. (Gove County.) ' ,J5 Fine quarter of land two miles irom town, 120 acres in cultivation, all level, good five room house, shed barn for 12 head, good well and winmill. 40 acre? fenced in pasture, rented for this year. Price $32.50 per acre. tLogr.n County.) 203 This I- a bcnutiful half section, close to Grainficld, not a blemish on it, 200 acres in cultivation. This is strictly a German settlement. Half xg wheat. Trice $27.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.) 211 This is without doubt one, if not the best, sections of land in the loxmty, about G miles north of Grinncll, and six miles from the famous An Setus church, one of the finest in the state; 480 acres in cultivation, 300 acres in wheat, one-fourth goes to the buyer; good granary, and fine well. Price $3'J.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.) 10320 acres well located and 150 acres in wheat and 100 acres in pas ture, balance will be put to spring crop. One-third of the crop goc3 with ifta farm. Nearly new 10-room house, large barn will hold 30 head of stock, iny-mow for about 20 ton of hay, good large granary; good well and windmill and tank. Half mile to school. This farm is considered a bargain at $00.- 00 per acre on easy terms. Could give possession or the land if neccss try. This farm is well located bowtecn two good railroads and two towns; eight miles from one town and six miles from the other. (Sheridan Coun ty.) The above litt is subject to prior sale or change in price without notice. These arc just n few of our special bargains. We have cheaper land, z interested write oi come and seen us. Crpervter, Son & Co. Office Over Stae Bank, Red Cloid, Neb. COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) The Hoys and Girls Club Week will cnn tin linl.l lit Mm 1 'nlvnnil f li'nmv I !.. J ,, .WI. t.W fc.il- KIIIIVIIK.,1 .Ltlllll, 1J1II- coin, May 81 Juno 15, 1!2(). WHO MAY ATTEND The Hoy and Girl Club Wook may be attended only by boys and glr: who belong to one of the three follow ing claws: 1 Those t whom a free trip 'to the University Farm has boon award' cd for achievement in elua work. '. dllmfil wlifi linvn inmn!rilml n clvd) project with an acceptable final' report incc Juno 1, 1010. '6. Other who at the time of the Boys and Girl Club Week are work ing member of one of the Club in Nc'uraska. The Hoys and Girls office of iho Extension Service reserves the right it already. Those that db not have it should tend to it as soon as they CT33BB5ffi!am a Capital and Suiplui $ 35.000.00 w Intctejt Paid on Time Deposits NINETY-FIVE PER CENT of the world's buins is done by check FIVE PER CENT of the world's business is done by the transfer of cash. The world is progressing. Do not pay your bills tike the cliff dwellers did. Open a Checking Account THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, President Rod Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance. Cadiier Jnii--ilf (mi rv, r.f llijili I) jiotnott GuurnnU- Fund of (he Mi,tt of M'jintkn ."MUKM?1" i'"' i!VV! i' W Z'WWk, i iIMIM!" "' i"!! I.1 31! i.53 OTiUlATT i; nim ., "-, : 7X7 zmama THf OUH BATTERS SERVICE IS WI'. will be pleased to inspect your battery at any time and as often as is necessary, free of charge. Our sen ice is the expert kind, and our exncrlciicc is lalways at your disposal. Should repairs be necessary we will make them at a moderate charge. The "Exfbe" Starting and Lighting Battery is this famous "giant that lives In a box." You have heard of this battery and Its unique features It's the original Unit Seal Battery; extra powerful, easy to care for and repair. Let us explain Its features to you. Take advantage of our free service. Fs e nps p RE&A8EH.ESS . MAKE BATTERY Cxltc' "v, 30t Kttl Red Cloud Battery Service Sta'n CARL S. McARTHUR, Prop. tWMIIH-Wt VS Ml J 'M Nib.M3ki Mdiers an. I Sailors Memorial i ; 5 .. - - ' . AC'MMnTI.i: of SOO eumpoira ut iircmlnant p:itt'ltU' men from ieiy rt'Uiity nf the fitnto U (tpnnlntxj l tlio cvi-rutlvn -oiumlttif r tli.i TS'twriiKKii Mtiiioil.il Avaoi'latioti 'J us i .se! utlv i-uminliloo will with out delay Jiumllu all the dutnllH c tlio rnmpnlKii for iuIbIiik MikIh for aonng tli niMiunu'iitel Htructuro (tlhutrntua ahoso) un tha Stuto Uni. verjtlty cauipUM at Lincoln. A local continuum will he iijipolntod In ivory iUltt.v to t.ki cli;ivi;o of IIiIh ilrlvo nnil four inlnuto uponUna slll Ito clioueu to norii put tlio fuctH hofol-o tlio p.oplo. Uvoryliody In lintipcl to hol) In OiIh effort to uxuUn u nultfthlo oxiirrnon ol tlio profound olillcii tlon felt )) nil NohruuUiuiK townrtl tlio fallen Iiowu-h of tho irivnt war. Tito Memorial llulldlug will root si.000,000 mid will ho n iiint,'iiinopni atchltuctural creation. It will Incluilo a .Miinoiial Hull with tnhlctH fienrlntf nainpii of fallfn lirroon, nd nil vntnrntiH1, n Munoiun contalnlni: troplilos nnil rcllos of all wara In which Nubrnoka partlclpatod, nnil In tlio Ki-anil rotunda will ho placed ntntiicn of .N'Dbraslinnn who dlalln xulslied thomsrlves In war. The hullilliiK will alBO provide jiormaunnt iteadquartorn for tho American J.crIoii, (UniAl Army, SiianlHh War Vol arao, etc. There will ho a nUidlutn ni)U otlior Hpleudld foatnroH. Tho fllco of tho Usccutlve Committee In In the Koollne Building, Omaha to reject any or nu applications m class 2 and o. Admission for the Hoys and Girls Club Week will be only upon uic written application signed by tho- boy or girl and one of tho parents or Kuurdlan. Applications should be mad'j upon the enclosed blank pro vided for this purpose and mailed not later than Wednesday, May 12. .The following schools have contrib uted toward the jrift to Franco: Dist. Teacher Amount f) Hazel Noflbit .... $ .!J5 10 Sadiu Gouldio 8U 21 Lorrine Hanson .45 AT TIIK MHItAKY its nousocicnning' time. Jn going to tne nurary. tnrouKn yoi'r uoniea u you lintl you i.av any you oan spare, hvjng then During the month of April 1(501 vol- uwm were drawn from the hhraiv Of theso C4J1 were juvenile, U58 fiction 71 non-ilcuon ami 20 mairaz ties. The followhiK new books have ju.t neon recoived at the iibrarv: I.TUVKNILK Lost Huntersr-Altshclcr. Lords of the Wild Altshcler. Son of Quebec Altsheler. Stephen's Last Channel Ashman. Curly of tho Circle JJaiv Amos. I'irato of Jasper el'ak Aldcn. iMerry Animal Tales Uigham . Kitrlo 1'atrol of Hob's Hill Burton Surprise House Drown. David DIaizc and the Ditto Door I Dcnson. Bird Book for Children Burgess. Boy's Book of Engine Building Hoy's Book of. .submarines Collins Boy's Airplunc Bdok Collins. Boy Scout's Camp Book Cave. Tuck-me-in-stories Coomstock. Boy Scouts and other stories Da vis. 37 10 .11 12 47 CO 52 55 01 04 CO 70 75 85 00 Mil 2.00 .GO .35 .. CO Gertrude Bachcr, Elsie lcr Joyclfl Vise ..... l . Leva Shcppard Mildred Fey Eleanor Pei.'iger . Stella llindonbach Hazel- Overleese and Mildred Mercer 1.00 Clara Koohlor ... 1.85 Anna Soucck, Ethclyn Dur um 1.. 2.50 1.00 1.00 .50 1. Mrs. A. J. Gross Pearl Johnson Lillie Lcctsch Elizabeth Coplen . Vcrna "Chaplin Paulino Bodlcy Kuth Robertson Mabel Koontz Vera Watt Eckley Rev. Schrein Waring Girls Dclnnd. Adventures in Beaver Stream Camp ijugmorc. Boy Scouts in Glacier Park Eaton. Scott Burton, Forester Cheney. Kathleen's Probation Gray. Running G Fox Grogor. Jack, the young Cow-boy Grinncll Sheridan's Twins Hamp. Don Strong, Patrol Leader Hey ligcr. Little House in the Woods Hunt Ha Dutch Davs Hall. I Knino Girls nf 'f!J Knino Maid of old Manhattan Knipe. Bun, a wild rabbit Lippincott. Boy Scouts Book of stones Math 1.35. iews. 90 Book of Holidays McSpaddcn. Holiday plays for Homo and Schoo U1COU. Mr. Crow and the Whitwash Paine. Mr. Rabbit's Wedding Paine. FICTION Lookout Man Dower. Starr of tho Desert Bower. Still Jim Willsic. From Father to Son Watts. The Real Adventure Webster. The Marne Wharton. Dear Enemy Webster. ' l)Jj Conrad in Quest of his Youtli 70. Merrick. ir, 1.00 1.00 3.98 1.00 The state spelling contest was held in the Teachers' College Auditorium, Lincoln, on April 30. Thirty "six counties with sixtv six contestants competed for the state championship, The winners are as follows: WRITTEN CONTEST 1st Prize, $20 Madclin Wilcox, Otoe, County. 2nd Prize, $15 Clarence Hciden, Hamilton County. 3rd Prize, $10 Greta Baker, Ca.- county. lth Prize, $5 George Haydcn, Nuckolls, county. ORAL CONTEST 1st Prize, $20 Madulin Wilcox, Otoe, county. 2nd Prize, $15 Mary Johnson, Ce dar county. 3rd Prize, $10 Julia Kosteca, Richardson county. lth Prize, 95 Reuben Nelson, Phelps county. Tho prizes were given by the Com mercial Club who also gave a banquet in honor of the contestants. Tho summer school of the Hasting College begins, nctual class woik, Juno 10th. The registration will take plhco the preceding Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuition, Jjoard and room will be approximately, $55.00. Here's a stunt suggested by one of tho leaders in the Armenian drive: Get an ounce bottle. Fill it seven eighths full of rice. Paste on Jt a label like this: "Tho daily ration ft? 750 chihjron in one Armenian orpl anagc is -10 pounds of rice, or lc.3 than seven eighths of an ounce per day. For lack of this smnll amourt they are turning children away by il 3 thousands. Will you help? Teachers' Examinations will he g) cn on tho following dates: May 28-2D, 1920. Juno 25-20, 1920. July 30-31, 1920. The following is tho order in which! the subjects will be given: Friday Morning Arithmetic Mental Arithmetic Geography ( Spelling Grammar Friday Afternoon Rending Algebra Geometry - . Music t Saturday Morning' Penmanship Drawing ,. ' Physicology History Saturday Afternoon Theory and Art Civics Agriculture Botany Parents should get tho npplicatioi for free High School tuition for their children nnd send it in to tho County, Superintendent. Some children have Qucrrils Aumonicr. Sentimental Tommy Barrio. Rest Ghost Stories. Ranney Brubakor. Johnston of the Border Blindloss. Escape of Mrs. Trimm Cobb. Red Badge of Courage; Crane. Great Expectations Dickons. Heart of the Hills Fox. Friendship Village Gale. Toilers of the Sea Huge. Happy Ricks Kync. Thankful's Inheritance Lincoln. Breath of the Gods McCall. Wonderful Year Locke. Blind Man's Eyes Mcllarg. Pondcnnis Thackeray. Wifr of Sir Isaac Harmon Wo'Js NON-FICTION What Every Woman Knows Bar rie. French Ways and Their Meaning Wharton. Literary Pilgrimages in New Eng land Bacon. Life and Letters of Joel Chandler Ilarri". A. B. C. of Aviation Page. When Johnny Comes Marching Hume Aldrich. Our Poets of Today Cook. Keeping Physically Fit Cromc. Abraham Lincoln Drinkwater. A Labrador Doctor Grcnfell.. Through our Unknown Southwest Laut. Lifp of the Bee Maeterlinck. Yosemitc Muir. John Marshall Magrudor. Story of a Ihousj.id Year Pine Mills. Advance of English Poetry Phelps. Henry Cluy Schurz. Belgium Whitloek. Mr. Turtle's Flying Adventure Paine. Newcomers Pcattie. Northern Diamonds Pollock. Ransom of Red Chief Porter. Boy Scouts on Crusade Quirk. Wonder of war at t-eat Rolt Wheeler. Wonder of war in the Air Roit- Whcelcr. Wonder of war on Land Rolt-Wheeler. Peter and oP'.ly in Summer Rose Peter and Polly in SpringRoso Peter and Polly in Winter Rose. Peter and Polly in Autumn Rose. Roosevelt's Letters to his Children Roosevelt. Real Mother Goose Margaret Mountford Richards. Rita Ricliaru.'i. Two Little Savages Seton. Rolfe of the Woods Seton. Lone Bull's Mistake Schultz. On Tho War-path Schultz. Apank Caller of Buffalo Schultz. Treasure Island Stevenson. Elephant Stories St. Nicholas. Sea-shove Books Smith. Mystery Tales for Boys and Girls Smithe. , Adventures of Pinng, a Moro Jun gle boy Stuart. Slcpper Point Mystery Seaman. Lad, a dog Tcrhune. Blue Aunt White. Winona of Camp Karonyn Widdc mer. Winona's Way Widdemor. Boy Scouts in tho Wilderness Sco villc. , , Boy Vigilantes in Belgium Walsh, Merry-mekors Lange. Book of Bravery Garnett. Paz and Pabblc Mitchell. Ned and Nan in Holland Olmstead. Trudy and Timothy Porter. FICTION A Man for tho Ages Bachcller. Black Drop Drown. Woman in BluckBentley. Buried Alive Dennett. Roll Call Bennett. When Dear Cat Went Dry Duck. Grandmissimes Cable. Man from Glengarry Connor. Grizzly King Curwood. Crossings Churchill. Christmas eve on Lonesome Fox., Adventures in Friendship Gray son. Adventures in Contentment Gray on. Rider of the Purple Saga Grey. Lone Star Ranger Groy. . Rainbow Trail Grey. Man of tho Forest Grew Desert Gold Grey. Life and Gnbricllo Glasgow. Firecracker Jane Htiinos. Java Head Horgoslioimer. Gron Pea Pirates Kync. Green Jacket Lcn. Jaffcry Locke. Moon face London. South sea tales London. Saul Lowe. Old Oretl Changcth-Murshall. Ninety-six hours leave McKcnna. Married McKcnna. Skipper John of tho Nimbus Mc Favlano. Crark in the Bell McFarlano. Brewster's Millions McCutcheon. Amarilly of Clothes Lino Alley Maniate. Amarilly in Love Maniate. Those Fritzcnborgcrs Martin. Martio, tho unconqucrcd Norris. Saturday's Child Norris. Heart of Rachel Norriss. Yukon Trail Rainc. Tish Rinelinrt. City Treasurer's Annual Report Red Gloud, Nebr., May,l, 1920 Hon. Mnydrand City Council, Rod Cloud, Ncbr., , Gentlemen: submit statement of receipts and disbursements of my offico for tlio fiscal year from April 28, 19)), to May 1, 1920. OCCUPATION FUND Dal. April 28, 101!) $ 27.09 Receipts 3005.00 Disbursements 3032.0.0 3011.99 Bal. May 1, 1920... 20.10 WATKR FUND Dal. April 28, 1919 1021.-10 Receipts , ' 4801.14 Disbursements 5822.G0 5388.S5 433.75 Bal. May 1, 1920 WATER LEVY FUND Bal. April 28, 1919 88.G0 Receipts 700.00 Disbursements AN ORDINANCE TO ISSUE IMS. TRICT PAVING BONDS OF DIS-',, ,',,,. , 10n TKICT NO. 4 AND PROVIDE Da1, Mu 1920 FOR THEIR SALE. . I GENERAL FUND Be It Enacted by the Mayor and Bal. April 28, 1919 O. D. City Council of the City of Red Receipts Cloud, Nebraska: I ' Sec. 1. The clerk of the city is hereby authorized and directed to procure bonds of the City of Red Disbursements Cloud to be called District Paving Bonds of District No. 4. I nUB tvt.. 1 .non wfwviiut HIU p iiFil 788.00 353.G2 431.98 55.70 5088.60 5144.30 5154.89 Each of said bonds shall bo of thi denomination of $1,000.00 nnd shall 10.59 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND have semi-annual interest coupons -Bai- April 28, 1919 attached thereto at tho rate of six Receipts per cent per annum. Said bonds shall bo dated on tho First day of Juno, 1920, and one-' -. twentieth of said bonds shall be pay-, Disbursements able each year thereafter with the option to pay $1,000, or any multiple Bal. May C 1920 iiiuruoi at any interest paying (tato. bee. i. bnitl bonds shall bo signed 1010.G7 20122.34 211G3.01 19505.81 1G57.20 ELECTRIC LIGHT LEVY FUND in behalf of the Citv bv tho Mavor Wal- AP -9, 1!H9 and attested by the Citv Clerk under Receipts the seal of the City, The total amount of bonds issued under this or dinance slia'.l be $50,000.00. L.. . Sec. 3. Said bonds shall be pay- Disbursement - able to the purchaser or his order at " the office of the County Treasurer of Balance .... Webster county, Ncbaska. O... I C-.it. 1 !....! , , l. lt 1.- ri ovc. !. ouiii uuiiiia Miuu uu UlIL'l- r.,,1 Ain-i 98 1010 cd for sale and be sold to tho highest 'u1, ,Api11 28' 1J1J" bidder therefor, provided that no Receipts bonds shall be sold for less than tho1 par value thereof with the accumula-! ted interest. 3.09 1850.00 LIBRARY FUND The proceeds of said bonds shall be used for the payment of tho costs of paving District No. 4. Passed and adopted Mav 12. 1920. (SEAL) ED AMACK, Attest: Mavor O. C. TEEL, Clerk AN ORDINANCE TO ISSUE DIS TRICT PAVING BONDS OF DIS-' TRICT NO. 3 AND PROVIDE FOR THEIR SALE. I Be It Enacted bv the Mavor and City Council of the City of Red Cloud, Nebraska: ' Sec. 1. The clerk of tlio City is, hereby authorized and directed to! procure bonds of the City of Red Cloud to bo called District Paving Bonds of District No. 3. i Each of said bonds' chilli be of the denomination of $1,000.00 and shall, have semi-annual interest coupons' attached thereto at thc rate of six per cent per annum. Said bonds shall ho dated on the First day of June, 1920, and one twentieth of said bonds shall bo pav-j able each year thereafter with the' option to pay $1,000, or any multiple thereof at anv interest paying date.' Sfc. 2. Said bonds shall bo signed in behalf of the City by the Mayor, and attested by tho City Clerk under tlio seal of the City. Tho total, amount of bonds issued under this or dinance shall he $75,000.00. Sec. 3. Said bonds shall be pay able to the purchaser or Ifis order at the office of tho County Treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska. Sec. 4. Said bonds shall be offer ed for sale and be sold to the highest bidder therefor, provided that no, bonds shall be sold for less thnn tho par value thereof with the a'.cumula-J ted interest. Tho proceeds of said bonds shall ho! uesd for the payment of tho costs of Paving District No. 3. Passed and adopted May 12, 1920. (SEAL) ED AMACK, Attest: Mayor O. C. TEEL, Clerk i Disbursements Bal. May 1, 1920 SEWER FUND Bal. April 28, 19i9 Receipts . Disbursements 1853.09 1750.01 103.08 117.98 1300.00 1417.98 1002.23 355.75 1387.TG 153.00 291.7G 44.00 Bal. May 1, 1920 , 217.7G PAVING FUND NO. 1 Bal. April 28, 1919 3103.73 Receipts .. 17291.47 Disbursement 29393.20 181GG.7G Best "Close Up" of the Moon. Tin- i i vuim! up" photograph of llu- iimon uiliiKb our nightly visitor to n point In ri- u limp itiuy bo mndo on thi -cine ut t() miles to the Hii'h, The Margin of Safety Is represented; by fthe' amount of insurance you curry. Don't lull yoursolf into a" fancied security. Beciuisp lire has nover touched you il doesn't follow 'that you're. Immuno Tomorrow no today, if 'yon have time and you better find tlmo cqnie to4tho olllce taudJIwo'll write a policy ou your,! house, furniture, storu or merehandlso, -LATER MAY UK To6 LATE- O. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance Hal. May 1, 1920 222S.41 FIREMEN'S FUND Bal. April 28, 1919 301.G0 Receipts . . J 85.00 I 3,89.00 Disbursements 300.00 Bnlanco 89.G0 RECAPITULATION Occupation Fund 20.10 Water Fund -' 433.75 ' Water Levy 434.1)8 General Fund 10.59 Electric Light 5 1G57.20 E. L. Levy 103.08 Public Library 355.75 Sewer Fund . - 247.7G Paw Dist. No. 1 2228.41 Firemen's Fund ....... S9.G0 Ordinance No. Gl. 14010,00 Total $19G00.01 Registered (Warrants Oustanding Occupation Fund 571.00 Genornl Fund 1143.29 ' E. L. Levy Special 9214-.00 Paving Dist. No. 1 52987.29 Paw Dist. 2 and 3 73317.48 E. L. Levy Old. No. CI-... 14141.00 1. Total $131414.00 City Treasurer 1 m m 'When Legislators "Pair." When n legislator wishes to bo ab sent at tho time when an Important vote Is to be taken, ho finds some mem ber who Intends to vote on thu other side of tho question ami arranges a "pair" with hm.4 That Is, tho second legislator agrees to refrain f,rom vot ing, as nn accommodation to the llrst. Tho net result when neither vote 11 cast is the same as If both had voted on oppojlto sides. Both legislators can then bo absent If thoy wish without loss or gala to either side. Hlghly-Prlied Coin. The half ceut of 1700 Ic tho rarest of nil United States copper coins. Ac cording to a treatise on these obsoleto coins recently published by a Chicago numismatist, the half cent of 1700, In exemplary condlttqn, has brought na much as $400 at a public auction sale. i fc 1 ! 1