'V RED CLOUD, i NEBRASKA, CHEEP - . ? 5 W i 4 w t - V k 'J : HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! A Large Shipment of LADIES SUMMER UNDERWEAR and STRAW HATS which we ordered lost Fall for our 10c store business have just arrived and not desiring to carry these lines in sour present store same will be closed out at less than wholesale prices. On Sale Saturday, May 15th Mens, Boys, Ladies and Childrens genuine Mexican O'Oi weave Straw Hats, 50c, 60c, 75c values, choice of lot O 7C Ladies Bleached Ribbed Union Suits, sizes 34, 36, A 38, 40, $1.00 values at, each . . ftCC Ladies Gauze Vests, all sizes, at . . . , 19c Boys Mesh Union Suits ,. . 39c On the Corner E. M. k s sj js m a m k m $. m k m m w AS TOLD TO US ' w w K :fi K 8 . Hi K m m B3 33 3 JK M Bun Reed was in St. Joe Monday. Buy Itrcnd ut Powell and Topes.. See Cottiug's new line of sprint; wall pnper. L. A. Graves is visiting1 friends ;n the city." F. W. Cowdcn spent Thursday In1 Hasting?. Rev. Scliaal spent Saturday In Guide Rock. Will Robertson went to Omaha Fri day morning. Allen Tulleys of Lincoln is in the city this week. Mrs. Christy Patmorc spent Thurs day in Hastings. i Mrs. George Kailey spent Satur day in Hastings. Attorney F. J. Munday was in Guide Rock Monday. Frank Gaston spent Sunday with his wife at Hastings. Mrs. Al Holvcrson spent Friday with relatives at Blue Hill. Mrs. A. II. Kccney of Denver is the guest of Dr. Nellie Maurer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starr spent Friday with, relatives at Lincoln. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. D.'Edson spent Friday morning in Guide Rock. P. M. Whitehead wds visiting friends in the city this week. Miss Ethel Hilton spent "the .week end with her parents at Hardy. Mrs. Dave Britton returned home Friday evening from Guide Rock. Col. Cecil Mathews of Blue Hill made this office a fraternal call Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Carrol Ailes of Denver arrived in the city Monday to visit her moth er, Mrs. Clara Shcrer. Mrs. Glen Fearn returned homo Tuesday from Hastings where she hnd been visiting rclaitves. Miss Thclma Lamborn returned home Thursdny from Ayr where she hnd been visiting her sister. Miss Eunice Hoffman returned home. Saturday from Blue Hill where she had been teaching school. Miss Noln Thompson returned vo Lincoln Tuesday after spending a few days with Mrs. Lydia Hoffman. Mrs. Jnmes Peterson left Tuesday morning for Rimcrsburg, Pennsylva nia, where she will visit relatives. The Watts Construction Co., has re ceived several new auto trucks and they expect to haul asphalt with them. FREE With every 'M x Hand 30.x 3)6 inch Fisk casing wo will give An kolutei.y Frek one 81.50 tiro tool. Frame & Smith Bros. Co, ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday TOM MIX IN Desert Love Also a Mack Sennet Comedy SPEED Firt show Saturday 7t30j 2nd 9;!5 Admission 25c and 10c EGE Red Cloud Ernest Loseko wnsdowu from lnnvnlo Tuesday. W. II. Roscncrnns spent Tuesday in Blue Hill. C. W. Malone spent Tliursduy in Hastings. Father Fitzgerald spent Tucschy in Hustings. Attorney H. G. Caldwell spent Tues day in Hastings. C. L. Crnbill shipped a car of cattle to Kansas City Tuesday. Miss Allison Cowdcn nrrived home Saturday from California. Miss Belle McCallum went to Kan sas City Tuesday morning. Mrs. Win Foster of Franklin visited friends in the city this week. Dr. and Mrs. II. O. Halm of Hast ings spent Tuesday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Biekeron spout Sunday with her folks nt Orleans. Mrs. Mary Sanderson of Omaha is visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew Sala den. Bishop Bcechcr, of Hastings was in the city Sunday and held confirmation services. Mrs. Hensman of Hastings is visit ing at tile homo of Mi and Mrs. Jacob Petersen. Miss Minnie Traut of McCook spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Traut. The paving gang is laying the con crete curbing on North Webster street this week. Mrs. I. N. Sunbcrry and family of Salina, Kansas, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cramer. Miss Mary Christian will teach the kindergarten grade of the Rivcrton public schools next year. Father Fitzgerald went to Empor ia, Kansas, Friday morning to attend the funeral of a friend. Jus. Tanquary is one of the now switchmen in the local yards, having went to work Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of Superior spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson. Rev. I. W. Edson returned to Juniata Friday after spending a few days with his son, W. D. Edson and wife. Frank Gaston has purchased one of the Albright residences in the west part of the city and will move into the same. M. S. Finch returned home Thurs day evening from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he purchased a new cable for use at the oil well. M. E. Herzog, -"salesman for the Gaston Music Co,, has rented the house formerly occupied by Sam Ilea ton and will move his family into the same. George arid Bye Shepherdson, J. E. Morris, George Acnup and several others wore down from Riverton Sunday-afternoon attending tho ball game. The many fronds of Mrs. Will Hunt arc indeed pleaded to lunrn iliut bq was nwsird'id an Overland automobile in tho contest held by the Hustings Trllniuo. Dr. Warrick, Tho Speeinllst, will ineot eye, oar, nnsu and throat patients and those needing glasses tilted at Dr Dmni'rell'h ollleo Wednesday, 'May 20. Hours '.' to 0, The following Khlpped stock Sunday: Deluney Bros., two .eats of hogs to Kansas City; Win, CYiihill, two cars of hog-, to St Joe; B. F. Reed, one car ot ct'le to St .Too. ty Miss Margaret Dickson went to Stromsburg Thursday morning to take up her work in tho central office at that place, she having been transfer red there for a while. Iu order to find out tho condition of the wheat fields, Mr. I.arrick took a trip last week to Upland; Campbell and tho surrounding country and he states that about fifteen per cent of the wheat is killed-instead of forty per cent as some stated. Republican County Conven tion Held Here Tuesday The Republican Com ty Convention wub held at the court house Tuesday, tho same being called to order by tho temporary chairman, Ja. R, (illluim. Later lhiiiiiuiel Peters was elected chairman ami II. S. Foe secretary F.aeh picemct then elected one dele gate to seivc on a committee on resolu. tions and one delegate ok a committee for the selection of delegates to the state cDiivention, A number of le-olutions erc tub niltted and unanimously adopted by the conwntion. The following delegates to tho htato convention were elected: B. ,1. Peter son. H. Schmidt, Fred (ledge, .las. S. GUham, A..I. Bragg, .1. 11. Elllngor. Ira Wagoner, Dick lloppuii and Jco, Warren. The alternates are: Otto Slcjelver Jr., Jake Goll, K. S. Fltz, J. II. GUIs dorf, Hugh Hunter, W. C. Hamilton, Fred Turnure, Geo. Atnack and W. H Lectsch. Interesting talks were made by W. J.Vance,.! S. tillham. 1-2. J. Overing nnd lni Wagoner. Death Calls Marie Strobl Mrs Marie Strobl, one of tho coun ty's aged and most highly respected citizens, residing north of the city, passed to her ctci nal roward on last Friday morning at eight o'clock. Sev eral months ago she underwent an operation In a Lincoln hospital, but since that time had been unable to re gain her normal health Mario Dolezal was born In Czccho hlavia, Bohemia, March 'ir, 1S."S She was united In marriage with Joseph Kubat In iSS.'l. This union was bless ed with four children, Joseph and Von cle Kubat and Mrs .Marie Miller, the other dying In Infancy. Her husband passed away In 1802. In 18!1 she was united iu marriage with Mike Strobl. Sitrce that time she has proven heiself to be a loving and conjuuial helpmate and an affectionate mother to his three sous, Frank, Mike and Joe Strobl and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Polnlckv, who wltli one brother residing iu her native country, and a nelce at Ralston, are left to mourn her demise. Mr, Strobl answering the summons of his Master a few mouths ago. Funeral 'services were conducted from her late homo Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. L. Beebo iu charge. Inter ment was madu iu the Red Cloud ceme tery. THE CLOSE OF SCHOOL Next week marks the close of an other successful school year, the bac calaureate sermon being delivered -on Sunday evening, from the Bessc audi torium, by Rev. Bruce N. Eshclman. Tuesday afternoon was to be class day with its school prophesy, history, ..f M,n ,..ilnlintni.i.in AIlcu Vnvnn .... -.,, Trine, and tho salutatorian, Miss Sec. ?,. Saul bonds shall be payable Edvthc Zeiss, but on account of the' to the purchaser or his order at the auditorium not having been completed office of the County I reasuror of earlier it of course was impossible to, Webster countv, Nebraska, give the three school operettas, which Sec. .1. Saul bonds shall be offer were arranged for last fall, any soon- fd for sale and be sold to the highest or and now, since tho operettas aic' "ler therefor, provided that no coming so late, it is found necesary to bonds shall be sold for less than the cancel the class day program, because par value thereof with the accumulu it does not give the Seniors time to. ted interest. prepare the work and so they will put' I ho proceeds of said boms sha 1 in the time on the class play and otji- ho used for the payment of the costs er commencement preparations. of Paving District No. 2. Wednesday evening the class play Passed and adopted May 12. 120. will be given and Thursday evening is (SEAL) ED AMACK, Commencement, with District Judiro Attest: Mayor Harry S. Dungan as the orator for the occasion, when tho following will be presented with their -diplomas: Clifford D. Bradshnw, Gcsina Boom, Irene Buckles, Bernard C. -Burden, Lynn H. Bush, Alentha O. Campbell, Isa May Chaplin, Ethel P. Coon, Dor ris L. Envcart. Sumner B. Eshclman, Paul A. Throne, Elma Van Dyke, Josephine Frisbie, Elta JL Fry, Mar - vin J. Harris, Lucille C. Hurwood, iuurrisun lucvuiiKuy, ivuy iiiuuiiuuiu, E. Corrine Neuerberg, Earl W. Pat- ten, Mary Marjorie Stunkard, Blanche M. Shcrer, Verna Trine, Keua M. York and Edythe J. Zehs. Mrs Alex Smoker received word this morning that her father, Mr. McMullen who resides at Com timid. Kan,, was struck by lightning, yesterday, deuth resulting inMuutly. v FOR SALE -I model 10 touring, 1 model 17 touring, 1 model 17 Sedan Ford; 1 Ford with 1 ton truck attach ment; 2 Uulck fclxcs; I 1'nige ix; I Mitchell six; 2 now Ford 1 ton trirokf. TliisH'curs are nll'iu good repair ami priced to sell. You aro tnklng no clmnce. Frunio .t Smith Bro9. Co. A t-ppcirtl session of the city council was hell Wodnosday ufternonn, ut which tiniQ 1 ordinances weie pnssc 1. throe of which provide for tno issuing of bonds for paving districts Nos, '', '. nnd I, and the side of same. Tlin fourth is an ordinance to doflnn and punish offenses relating to tho streets of the city. They are published in an other cplumn of this Issue. Bert Stuuknid and Charles Steward attended tho pmebred Shorthorn onttlo sales of W. B. I'rilcli.nd Avoca, lowanndthe Hopley Stock Fniin nt Atlantic, Iowa. Tho sales drew a large orowd of cattle breeders unci boiiio veiy high prices were recorded. Tho Prlteh arc! offeiing nfortyfour head frolling for a total of'311800 KiiavoiaKoof SlOTtl per head Tho day following the Pilchard cule the Hopley Slock Farm bold hixtythree head of home hied and Imported Scotch Shorthorns for a total of SlU'lWft an average of S17 I per head. Charles Steward tt lengthened the Wnodburn herd bj the purchase of a 'lytmr old Seotuli hflfer with a vlilto bull calf nt toot and rebrnd to the uraud chamnlnn l;ut) ,l)ulu (luihi'i. Mr, Stunkard also pmclmiicd a Sei)tcli cow bled to the auiuu liull. BOARD OF EDUCATION Tho School Board met, in regular session on .May 3rd at tho Commer cial Club Rooms, but having no quor um they adjourned to meet May Hli, at which time nil members were pres ent, with Wcesncr presiding. The minutes of the April 5th meet ing were rend and approved. ilic following bills weio read and allowed: M. A. Albright . $ 3.f'2 G.r.o 37.71! Red Cloud Chief. Pope Bros Turnure & Sou - 1.S0' I!nn."n Laundry -....-.1. .. E. W. Stow i: .' Gurliar .. C. F. Evans . . .. JI. II. N'cwhousc .. Morhart Urn Board adjourned sine die. ...J.- I.:' -I .').! 0 y.'i 25.01 60 . ir. Pursuant to adjournment of "old Board the organization of the new Board resulted as follows: Piesidcnt Dr. Hoxsey. Vice President E. J. Overlng, Jr. Secretary C. J. Pope. Credentials and oath of ofifco of E, .j. uvering, memner elect, were re ceived and placed on file. On motion of Ovcring, seconded by Sherwood it was decided to accept the offer of tho Episcopal church for the four school lots, 'south of tho church for a consideration of $500.00 and the payment of paving tax by the purchaser. On motion of Pope, seconded by tirimes, Joe llnrta was retained as janitor of the Washington building for the full yenr at $90.00 per month for the vacation months and $100.00 per month for tho regular school year. No further business Buu'd adjourn ed to meet Monday, JunPrth. C. J. POPE, Secy. AN ORDINANCE TO ISSUE DIS TRICT PAVING BONDS OF DIS TRICT NO. 2 AND PROVIDE FOR THEIR SALE. Be It Enacted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Red Cloud, Nebraska: Sec. 1. The clerk of the City is hereby authorized and directed to procure bonds of the City of Red Gloud to be called District Paving Bonds of District No. 2. Each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of $500.00, and shall have semi-annual interest coupons attached thereto at the rate of kk per cent per annum. Said bonds shall be dated on the First day of June, 11)20, and one twentieth of said bonds shall be pay able each year thereafter with the option to pay $500.00 or any multiple thereof at anv interest paying date Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be signed in behalf of the City by tho Mayor and attested by the City Clerk under the seal of the City. The total amount of bonds issued under this or- ..AMAnMH i I UnaUCP Fltll 1)0 MU.UUIJ.UU. O. C. TEEL, Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 0.1 AN ORDINANCE TO DEFINE AND PUNISH OFFENSES RELATING TO THE STREETS OF THE CITY. Be It Enacted by -the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Red nimnl I gec j. Any person operating a tractor engine, or other engine with lugs upon tno streets ami puns m .streets paved with concrete, asphalt, or asphalt and concrete combined shall be fined in any sum not less thnn $100.00 and in addition thereto to the damages sustained. Sec. 2. Any person who operates an automobile or otner engine whiiw the City Limits with the engines un mufllcd or the cut outs unclosed shall be fined in a sum not less thnn $1.00 nor more than $25.00. Sec. 3. Any person who allows his automboile'to stand on tho ?ticets of the city outside of the portion of tho center of Webster street and along tho curb on all other streets shall bo fined in any sum not exceeding $10.00. Sec. 4. Any person washing, clean ing or repairing automobile or other vehicles on tho paved streets or pav ed alleys of the city shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $10.00. Sec. 5. Any person who empties refuse, tlop waters, ashes, or other garbage on the streets of tho city; oi who stores garbage, empty or filled barrels of oil or other material on tho streets of tho city and any implement dealer, hardware man or otner mei chant, who permits any of his ma chinery, or other merchandise to re main upon the streets or sidewalks of the city shall he fined for each of fense in a sum not to exceed $5.00. Sec. G. Tliis ordinance shall bo in force and effect on and after, its pas sago and adoption according to law. Passed and adopted -May 12, 1920. (SEAL) ED AMACK, Attest: Mayor O. C. TEEL, Clerk FARM LOANS If you want a farm loan and it is nn exceptionally good ono I can make It for you if closed soon at an at tractive rate of interest. i J. H.SBAILEY I f !& -jt;isI I vv .: IjVt a vMsS.1 .w7 i i'' !?. FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES A FDORENCE is a triple blessing - bakes, cooki and roasts and does it oabiiy aim ai tne same units, ino asnts, no smoke, no fires to poke, no dampers to regulate. No wicks, no valves. Burns kerosene. Come in and see how simply this oil stove works; how the intensely hot blue flame means more heat and less care. Let " us show you why the Florence Portable Oven with its baker's arch assures even baking, tempting pastries and well browned roasts. More Heat Less Care GEO. W. TRINE Authorized Sales Agent i wwanMRontiiffiDaiiiiiiiiiitiim Come Mitchell Jewelry Store for Your Graduating Gifts 1 Nothing Better, for Gifts than our splendid line of Ladies Wrist Watches, Fine Watches for Men, Beautiful LaValiers and Ellegant Gold Jewelry. Our fine stock will make your worry over buying a delight ful matter. Reliable Goods J. C. M ITCH LL THE JEWELER i MiwisraimmffliiiM Look For This Sign- Deer p E s M A Guarantee of HIGHEST QUALITY -Gasoline Greases SHAFFER OIL B. R COPLBY, Agt, iu Red Cloud, Nebraska T 4 to the M5 atxRight Prices - rqGK p o D U C Kerosene Lubrioating Oils & REFINING CO. M Red Cloud, Neb, i .A 'M ""