t Jt ti t i I r it .r fa . HUtO l.lnnoln VOLUME 48 y Jf if rfj on Columbia Records The greatest dance organizations in the country mako records for Columbia exclusively. They play all the best and latest dances with such perfect rhythm that they are sure to make your dances a success. 1. V, . K H J. C. MITCHELL THE JEWELER COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and COLUMBIA RECORDS Work That Satisfies i Whether you have a Portrait made, or. bring us a film tq finish or enlq-rge, our aim is to . PLEASE YOU We zv ant Your Work in all lines of the photograph business and you will find our zvork SA TISFIES Over Smith's Shoe Store- The V.:iMI!limil!ii!:MMM The Big fl1)i4"l7' 'n order to measure up to VftUCllty the demands of the buying public of today any piece of merchandise must give satisfaction in every way. If it does not t is stricken from the list of desireable merchandise The goods we handle possess this QUALITY Service is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give you wants very prompt and careful attention. Price you consider that pur merchandise is the best the market affords. You are protected not only by our years of successful grocery experience, but also by our guarantee of your satisfaction. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Qucensware lhe Latest Jazzes One-steps Fox-tfrots Waltzes by the . . . Greatest Dance Organizations "1 Gleason Studio Three The service we tender our patrons, even to the 'kiddies' The price is figured as low as it it is possible to make it when (iiimrnnrrririnrriiiiiiiiiiriMiwtriiioMPirim'iMiiiiiiffiniiiiiiMiiWiriiMia A Newspaper That elves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 13, 1920 Besse Auditorium Leased , We have been iufm inert thiit Mossrs G L. Atkins nnrt Wilton Atkins of O iiahn have, signed a loit.se on the It 'sse Auditorium, tlie same to tnkc cll'eol June llrst. Mr. G. L. Atkins will bu In charge A vuriert line of on tertiiininent will be ottered to the pub bliu, including motion pictures., vaude ville and high grade road shows. Calf Club Holds Drawing The Webster County Ciilf Ulub, en eourngod by the success It attained lust year, will continue Its activities during tlio coming yetir. Tlio Club drawing and social and business meet ing was held Friday afternoon. A dinner given by the local business men and Commercial Club, and served by tlie ladies of the lire-thorn church, was enjoyed by the members of the Club and their friends. L. 1 Fribble one ot the state agricul tural workers delivered a very inter esting and instructive address, on agricultural, topics Chus. Steward talked "Shorthorns" and Frnnk Mean discussed the good points of tlio "Here fords". The "llusiness Men's Pedigree" was the subject of E. ,1. Overlng's ad dress. Owing to other pressing duties con nected with his olllec, County Ageut Fausch, was unable to furnish us with oillcial data of the drawing. This in formation will be printed in our next IlLIIII ' ,.: -i Attention Buddies! A meeting has been called by the temporary oilicers of Red Cloud Post 'JUS of the American Legion for this evening a S bells in thul. 0 0. F. hull. As some thirty exsoldierssignert a peti tion some time ago asking the state department grant a chatter to them and the charter is in the hands of the temporary oilicers. The temporary oulcors now state that if tl o t-N-Mild-ieri do not want a local organization' here they will bend tho charter back to the state department and the'tmtttur will be dropped forever as far as they arc personally liitotested. It you want a good live post in this city attend the meeting Lj nite. Defeated in First Game One big event in the minds of the buso ball funs whs the first game of tho season, played at the Starke bail park Sunday afternoon, when tlie local team crossed ba'ts with tlio ltlverton boys. The result of the game was n victory for ltlverton, til seoro being six to three. 1111 Downs was on tho mound for the locals while Fggleston was adorn ed with tho mask and catchers mit throughout tho game. One versed in this popular game could readily see, th.it lack of team practice was the direct cause of deleat for our boys. However they rallied in the ninth Inning, securing their three tallies at that time. Considering the fact that some of the merchants of this city went to con siderable expense in furnishing tlio uniforms, it is to bo hoped that the boys will have regulnr practice, in order that Hed Cloud may liavo n ball team that will be u credit to our town. Tho management states that a regular program of practice will be scheduled for the future. N They will play the leturn game at ltlverton Sunday afternoon. Miss .Mabel Ilailcy and Miss Kthel Waller wore Superior visitors Satur day nnd Sundny. In, order to do his part in cleaning up this city, while cleaning and wow ing his yard, Ed Gnrbcr ran tho lawn mower t-o fast that it got hot and burned tho handle out tho mower Wednesday morning. , Early Sunday morning Marshal Thillips made a raid on tho bunk car near tlio roundhouse and found sov oral of the railroad boys enjoying a poker game. Tlio Marshal arrested fivo of them who were fined ?10 a piece by Judge 'Burden. School Entertainments Pleases Large Audience "The Drownlo Dand" Tlie new auditorium was again tho center of atti action on last Friday evening when the llrst five grades from tlie Lincoln school gave their part of tin tlitee big inmie.ilH for the week. Tin- little people made all tholr arti ficial (lowers and decorations which enhanced the colorful scenery of tlie wood-, the setting of their play "The Brownie liatid". The Fairy Queen. Elizabeth Mizer; Fairy Piincss. Kllz'iboth Pyle; lleth Cnibtll, as Pauline, the lender of tho picnic crowd; and Marian Piatt, as Jennie, took the principal parts for thu girls. Charles Klrtil. Hubert Beezley and Wlllanl Ellison were tlio outstanding characters for the boys. Tlie dancing of the Wood-Nymphs would rival the Vernon I'astleV rhapso dies. Tlie beautiful costumes of tlio Battel Hies-, the lively action songs of the WVe Wees, the swarthy looks of the Uyjisy Maidens, therein! hooting of the Owls Htid the backgiound form ed by the Browulu Hand, all blended into a beautifully coloied picture of childhood at play. Their singing, for childish voiceH, was splendid. The teachers who trnined those grail, es must have surely reaped their re. ward for their untiring efforts, by this time, from all the spontaneously glow hig remarks of t lie public; on nil sides. It thcte plays, mu to be rated on the deuic-s of good, better, best, you siitely want to see them all and judge for youself if tins were not of tho su perlative degree "Paulino" The High School play on Tuesday evening was all that everyone antici pated. Tlie .Misses Owen, Overman and Cra bill are all to lie highly complimented in their ell'orn at training so large a o istu of young people Tho caste of sixteen characters were taken by Uttuy Koou, Virginia Tate, Mitrcelht Stockman, Krtythe Zeiss, Blanche Sherer, Leona Broakey, How ard Kaley, Hay Mountford, llowntd Fiisbie, Furl Patten, Sumner IMiel. man, Haloid Doyle, Eugene Bush, Lynn iush, Morrison McConkey nnd Fred Gordon. There were full chorus", es of plcnicers jmd villagers to coin nloto the scene. Howard Fiisbie, the Landlord of the Dalles Inn was giving a party for his daughter Pauline. While the party is on seveial otliois arrive at the Inn j Fabor, the New York .Journalist, by Howard Kaley; Slmdy his colored valet, Bay Mountford; Professor, mid.' die ngod and very queer, Earl Patten; Chilkoot Ike, from tlni.cold Klondike, Sumner Esholinan. The Village P!iy-' siclan, Eugene Bush; Mother, Leona Breakey; Sorrow, Borrow, Morrow j three bums Lynn Bush, Morrison Me- i McConkey and Fred Ooidon. I Tho professor Is tin early preceptor) to Tuber nnd enjoys his vacation with , his erst-whlle pupil. Faber In Ids orl- j giual manner greets his early teacher. Three insurgent spies, rtUgui&f-d us t tramps, mako theniielves at homu while the professor sleeps, on, all uti-, mindful of his stolon possessions. The meditations of Chilkoot ike are Inter, rupted by Chickle, Cnllte becomes sus. plolous. Shady gels Into all kinds of trouble. Kuben appears much to the. delight of Cutlie. Kloml I ells foi tunes. Paulino Is unhappy over the absence of the Village Physician, who is a very ' busy man. An insurrection has arisen and a company of Grenadiers has been order ed out. Tho stais and stripes are not forgotten. Tho Village Physician .. I ..I. .,. .11, l.,,.. 1.1. ..oil. I iuuaua iUiiK euuiinii iu uiauiunu iimwiui- ing, aspirations, hopes and regrets ' ,. Chlckie displays authority ov I"1"77 """" "" , , ,1 7, : . or, who becomes It larlous; lifs flattery , !, . . , n in hi i fa IV to control Culo and he is order- ... ., r ,i. if ...i.ii. .Hr... r .. ...1.1..1. tU .ll..Mt...wl 1.1, f.'..ll. OU UW1IJ IU I 111'. BUWIIU 111 HIU IIUI Klliv.il ends Ins love-making. a wuioweii mouier, wiiu nor uiiio f A 0 Iowa t0 rcceive Rlld chaper. son, making her wuv buck to tho old! ' . , , a. ' homestead, tarries thnt the child may " lo shipment of purebred Short rest; both fall asloep; Uncle Joe fiuds J horn cows. "Pi Give Our Jewelry for Graduation Recount your own treasures that your heart holds dear a Watch, a Pin, a Ring and you will give lasting presents to those of whom you are fond. JEWELRY is the thing to give Our store is the place to buy it, because you can absolutely depend upon the Quality, Style and price of any piece you buy from us. Your Satisfaction or Your Money Back! B.H.Newhouse wciouj Jeweler and tafflinnr CREAM! YES! We Buy Cream, and lots of it. We arc and always have been paying "Top Market" for it and shall continue to do so. You may rest assured that when you bring your cream, to THE UNION you get the prevailing market price for it. Competition That's what we like. We enjoy good, fair and square competition we welcome it. Competition is the very life of trade. Without it the farmer would be in doubt whether he was getting value received. With it he has only to consult the other fellow's quotations and then he knows that he is receiving honest treatment. Credentials We have 'em. Every ono connected with our cream department has. The law requires that any one who buys and tests cream must have a cer ' tificate. and the only way to abtain one is to pass the required examination. Investigation will re veal this certificate on exhibition in our test room Fair Dealing! Ask any one of our patrons about our prices and tests and see if they are satisfied. A continued patronage of approximately 350 cream customers is pretty fair evidence that we are treating our patrons right and meeting competition on a fair business basis, Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" MiafflnmraiM his "Young Missus" and also finds out that Shady Is his grandson, 1 A reception is given by Cassady nnd Ilcuben brings word that the insurrect ion is queued, I Faber returns with a "scoop" on the . . . .. . ,. , . n , ' . . , news and to find that lovo and happl- ..,r..i ,i,. 'noss crown an eventful dHy. Curtis Steward-left Sunday morning NUMDER 20 Optometrist Ncbrska ! ! 1 , E. S. GaLrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed! Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures .i ! rv- v- wv I W 4 f YT f