RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP . r.i ! i r t L www ;v i 'Bread Winner MmiJ7ttxfta W C A, 4 tv Jsnn JM &acuimviwM!assd3M2vS2 WUWZSsV Standing the strain WHEN j-ou give the playclothcs problem the careful consuloratinti it deserve you invariably buy only such i;nrmcuts jou believe will stand the strain (if strenuous play. At i-ach step in the making of "bread Winner" play clothes this strain is considered. ICach irnriiicnt is reinforced where there is any considerable strain upon it, each garment is finished to (he last detail of buttons, buttonholes and seams with the necessary care to withstand this strain. You can buy our playclollics bearing the label "Bread "Winner" with the positive assurance that you have purchased a garment that will absolutely satisfy. Made under the most sanitary conditions, for tiny tots in creepers up to boys of eight and girls of six. Come into our children's washwear department and let us show you our fidl line of sturdy garments. Mrs. Barbara Phares tot anm9rmKMrmmrwm V.W i Building Material of every description and at prices that are in keeping with quality : The Malosie-Gellatly Co. : VWWWrrtrtVAVAV.V.VVVAV Philip H. Fuller Candidate for District Judge Born in Ohio 44 years ago, A resident of Hastings 33 yeais. Graduate Hastings High School. Attended t h e State University. Practiced Law 1 7 years. Member of the firm of Tibbets, Morey and Fuller. VOTE FOR FULLER Milo D. King Candidate for District Judge Tenth Judicial District of Nebraska Bom in Elkhart County, Indiana, in 11100 Admitted to the Bar in 1886. Opened office in Minden in 18(17, where I have practiced law ever since. County Judge two terms. County Attorney two terms. Now serving fourth term as City Attorney of Minden, Nebr. Primaries April 20 Will Appreciate Your Vote lO The voters OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT There are two judges to be elected for this district at the coming election. I am a candidate for one of the places. I was appointed as one oj." . the judges, to fill the vacancy resulting from Judge Dorsey's elevation to the Supremo Court commission last September, and desire to con tinue in such position for a full term. 1 have shown what kind of a. judge I am. If you do not already know, investigate, and if I am found worthy, I will appreciate your vote. W. A. DIIAYORTII, Iloldrege, Neb. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. c'UIiLISHED BVEKY THURSDAY Entered In the PoMolllro nt llcil Cloud. Neb nt Hecond Class Matter A. Ii. McAKTHUK, Kilitor ami O.vno rC ONliY DKMOCUATIO I'AI'UIt IN WKIISTliU COUNTY Political Announcements Commissioner Dist- 4 I liotoby iiiitiouiici1 uijht'M libit cmitlU diitc. for ri'.nouihmtinn for County Comml'-.loM'r of District M. 1, tit tlio primary. Apt II 'JO. lif-'o. Miljji-et to tin will of tlio Republican vutrn of Woh. htcr Countv. M II. THOMAS I hereby iitinmimic myself usituiilhU iliite for iioiiiinnlkin to tlio ollltv of Coitntv C'omtiilssitmor frnm Hit: 1th Commissioner District, .subject to I lie decision of tlio Uepubllcau voters lit tlio Primary election on A pi II '20th. H. 11 CKOWBM,. 1 hereby announce myself as iicuntlt date for notiiitiution to tho otllue of County Comuilsslotier from the -Ith Uommitsioticr District, subject to the decision of tlio Republican voters at the I'rliniti" election on April c. it msi: For Clerk of District Court I hoieby announce inyselfjus a cantil- date, for the nomination tor Cleric oi the District Court, at t: e primary, April 'Jo ID'Ji). subject to the will of the Democratic voters of Webster futility. IHUTll Ii. M IvMNIlA. I hereby announce no self as a cantl i date, for the noinimit lop lor Hern oi the Disttiet Court, at the I'fiinaty, April 'JO, 1J0. subject to the will of the Republican voteisof Webster con tu ly. CI, AHA MrMILLAN For County Judge 1 hereby announce myself as a caudi late far the olllco of County .1 mine at the primary April 'Jolh. lti'J". subject to tin will of the electors of Webster County. A. D. KANNK County Representative 1 hereliy announce myself as acandi date lor Uepresentat've of' 'Ve'.-biet eunut, subject to tne wt ' c f tic l;e. uiibt'iOtt.t 7oetii ia the Pr'a.sry Klaci inn on April 'j .!( Cll S. Ill XT Kit BA1TIST CHURCH NOTES Prcacliinfir at 11 a, m., by Ilcv. V. M. Hari'cr. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Four minute talk on Now World Movement by a layman Tlio wcu'liut for tho last few weeks has been very trying, especially on Sundays, nut don't fet tho impress ion that it las stormtd out tho ser vices for it has not. Kcgardlcss of the wcath'T, "Smile" that's tho style. Flies are attracted less by far by vineyr.r thin by honey. Let i. bo in harmony wiUt the season I taking on' now life., Rcfoliilions Of Sorrow And Kcrct We, the members of Rod Cloud Delphian Chapter, take this means of expressing our sorrow and regret at the death of our sister Delphian, Miss Eliza Cotting. She was a lady of rare intellectual ability, sweet and pleasing personality, whom to know was to love. Wo extend to those most dear to her our deepest sym pathy. In our mutual loss we hum bly bow to Him who doetli all things well. MRS. CLARA E. SMITH MRS. ALICE POPE Committee vwrtrwftfvwwwwwjwv Mr. and Mrs. 4 ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING I J Phone, Inch Store 1 58, Res, 93 i KVA'.SW.V.V.W.VAV.V.W. RED CLOUD, NEB 5 ."AVI Mn!W'i.wre Capital and 'Surplus $35,000.00 0 Interest Paid on Time Deposits A WORTHY IDEAL Lincoln iid: "I will be prepared and when my opportnnily comes I will be ready'1 T-O THE YOUNG MEN 'OF TODAY - I1IS BANK, offers facilities to help tnem pre pare for the time when their opportunity atrivrj. But you must do your part hy depositing regularly a portion of your earning, We will guard it for you, pay you interest pn it and when the lime comes that you need it we will have Tt ready for you. Prepare for the opportunity, it may come any day and you should be rr jdy. Wert Stevens and Will Pegg went to Republican City Monday evening where they will do some plumbing for Joe Crow. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Motance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier ?loitt Umiraitttnt lij Hit JhporVot Oiimunltf J-'umt i.j iht stutt of .Ytbriitla ii i i iiimhiii .t.t. i i . , ......... .. i W ' " ' i' ''i: wiw (I'm. j.u;iiiiai mi .'u .... -'iiriij-Hi's'"! Ei',MiiiiiinniTniiniLLiiimar .: laiJiiiiiniiiiaiiiiiniiiiiisiBiia MniBMMWM"aMHIIianaai!?BaMBaM"l"BliaBliaMHHHaaaaa'"1 1 JMS- I Gilbert M. Hit Senator 20tli District I heteby iinnoitnco myself ii-iu'iindi. dute for Senator of the t'Otli Ht'iitttoriHl illstiiot, suhject to the will of the Demount! its voters, at the Prinuirv election op April 20, l'J'.'O. Your sup port will be appreciated. ALF Mr CALL. Farm Bureau Notes "homes Homes are the foundation of a na tion. With clean, attractive, pure( homes, the youth becomes strong, up-i ll(,ilV, 1IUUU1UU.V v.l.v..... ....j. ra that will make the home a better place in which to live and a structure that will protect life and health from undue exposure to the elements. If the dwelling is to be really a home, it must Le more than a place to eat and sleep. It must be for the mature, a haven of rest from vexations, inci dent to bread-winning and other seri ous duties of life. For the young, aj retreat for the solution of life's prob lems. Inspiration to better living must be there, incentive to strive dili-l gently for the highest ideals; and to attain these ends not only must the physical needs f the family be sup plied moderately well, but tho home must be attractive. The foundation of this attractive ness is love among the members of the household, combined with a right moral and mental attitude. This attitude may lie greatly alter ed by changed surroundings. Beauty in every. form, lias an influence for! good. Forms of beauty differ great-. !y in their effect on persons. Children especially wonderfully affected for good or ill, by their suroundings. Tho greatest influences are probably sel dom realized at the time they arc exerted. A Homo and its surroundings must bo attractive in order to be most up lifting to the family, visitors and passers hy. Farmsteads especially need atten tion, in order to secure satisfactory conditions. The farm homo and the farm business aro. so, clopcly related, that the fwecchs of the latter i.i re flected in the appearance of the for mer, Tho dwelling is tho hoadquarters of the farm businetw. ChoveS"aro done boCoro bvoakfast and after sup per, tho utock need close attention, certain farm wed aro kept in tho I hoimo, the hired mnn sleopB thero, and i the women folks take care , of the poultry, thus, it i ossential that tho house bo ,vmmauly close to the other buililinK. HKN11Y IX. PAUSCH, County Agricultural Anent KOKSALK-M tons alfalfa Imv In htui'.k, 15 yuutii! luM'set, unri 2 Mt harness Call after buliool liuur.-ile9ti Wdguiifr. D TO VOTERS IN THE emocratic Primaries ON APRIL 20: The Four Candidates for delegatc-at-large to the Democratic national convention, 'pledged to support Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock for president, arc: SOPHUS NEBLE, Omaha BERNARD McNENY, Red Cloud KEITH NEVILLE, North Platte ASHTON C. SHALLENBERGER, Alma Friends of Senator Hitchcock throughout the state should vote for all four. The Hitchcock candidates for delegate from the Fifth Congressional District are: JOHN L. CLEARY, Grand Island GEORGE MARSHALL, Riverton v Friends of Senator Hitchcock in the Fifth District should vote for both these candidates. The campaign to nominate Senator Hitchcock for president will be greatly as sisted by the re-election of Arthur F. Mullen for national committeeman. If you favor Hitchcock for president place a cross X before the names of all persons mentioned above. Women voters as well as men are entitled to vote for all these candidates. JOHN H. MITHEN, President Hitchcock for President Club. chcock. The Biggest Vote You Ever Cas,r: 9 i Why? WAl'SK. II-1 YOU CAST THAT VOTK WILL NAMtt JT Til.. I RESIDENT OF THE UNLTJP) ST. Of all the many candidates in the iu iii is the only one who has refused tl.. tion from politicians who has declii -nounce himself as a contestant who his hopes and aspirations in the ha; fellow citizens. I. TOUT, NEXT IKS. .. ', Persh- nomina- l to an- lias loft '. i of his JOHN J. PERSHING For President " Tji spite of this the Perslmig-for-Prosident sentiment has spread throughout the United States with unparalleled rapidity. The reasons are simple. Pershing- is: The one candidate on whom all factions cau unite. - The one candidate who has DEMONSTRATED his ability to handle a,, Presidential-size job. The one candidate frho is fitted to solve the internathmal problvi.s which remain as this country's liei-itau'e of the World War. The "ie candidate wliothrouphout the coufusion of war, kept Us head level and did his work quietly and qtiiekly yet so well that his enemies have found no loophole lor eiiticism. The one candidate who is a business man, but not a rich mnn: a diplo mat, but not an "internationalist"; a statesman, but not-a dreunu-t a fight er, but not a militarist; a leader, but not a politician. The Nation wants .Pershing. Let Nebraska uovminatePershii and the rest of this country will name hini at the national convention and '-ct him next November bv the biggeM majority evc-jr given ii .Presidential :.ididate. NEBRASKA MUST NOT FAIL. Do your part by going to i'-.o polls Tuesday, April 120, and voting for Pershinff of Nebraska for President This ndvertiscmont paid for by the subscriptions of Nebraska citizens. D f-0 I . , "I -V ' t I