The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 04, 1920, Image 9

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t - ay - a'
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i u
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from dnigglsU
who arc constantly In direct touch with
the public, there ta one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild nnd healing
fnflupiic? of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is
oon realized. It stands the highest for
Us rcmarLble record of success.
An eiRraining pbrsician for one of the
prominent Life Iiurancc Companies, in
an interview on e subject, made the as
tonl.liing statemt that one reason why
o many applicants for insurance are re
fected ia ticcHiift kidney trouble is so
common to the .American people, and the
urge majority t thoee whose applica
tions arc declirld do not even suspect
that they have "he diEcase. It i on sale
at nil drug stops in bottles of two rtzea,
neaium atid la'go.
Houter, if you wish first to test this
weat preparation send ten cunts to Dr
Kilmer & Co , Binghamton, N. Y for a
ample bottle. When writing je sure and
mention this )apcr. Adv.
"The Challenge
He A khs Is tho language of love
She D'uumy. Iloston 'Crntit-crlpt.
Tel't How to Open Cleaned Nostrils
and End HeacMDofds.
You feel fine in n tow moments,
tour cold in head or ?ntnrrh will be
gone. Your clogged nostrils will open.
The nlr passages of vonr Imnrt will
tlcar nnd you can brenthe freely. No
liore dullness, headache; no hawking,
Inlltillng, mttCOtlS tllschnrfrpa nt- ftrv.
ess; no struggling for breath at
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a
little of tills fragrant, antiseptic
treani In your nostrils, let It penetrate
through every sir passage of the head ;
oot ho and heal the swollen, Inflamed
mucous mimbrane, and relief conies
It Is jnsr what every cold and ca
tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay
tued-up nnd miserable. Adv.
Mr. Carnegie's Advice.
"In considerable fear," said n bank
r, "I once consulted Mr. Carnegie
about a new venture. The business
looked as If It ought to be profitable.
There seelned to bo n public need pt
It. Still there was some risk Involved,
nnd I wns afraid.
"Hut Mr. Carnegie laughed at my
"'If It Is n good thing plunge In,' he
a!d. 'Fear Is old womanish. Pear la
what keeps untold millions from mak
ing fortunes. When Ilcnjamln Frank
lin thought of starting n newspaper In
I'hlladelphla his mother, greatly
alarmed, tried to dissuade him. She
pointed out that there were already
two newspapers In America.' "
Might Have Been Worse.
The man who sometimes spoke his
thoughts ultitid had been more con
cerned with the things of the world
thnn with things spiritual. One day
by chance his hand fell upon a book
containing the catechism of a certain
Protestant church, and he was soon
earnestly engaged In lending the Ten
Commandments. For some time he
pondered over the "Thou shnlts" and
Thou shult nots," which had been for
gotten almost since childhood. Then,
laying down the book vjh a u'h, he
kiuttered :
"Well, I've never UiJled snybody,
inywny." Exchange.
The Reao-,
"Press agents rarr? go Into bank
ruptcy." "No woijr. Their lie-abilities
are also their assets."
mt "l
Hard Work, Tires
muscles and nerves .
land then to -whip them
With coffee, with, its
drug caffeine, makes
a bad matter worse .
is a drink for workers
that contains no dru.
but furnishes a finely fla
vored beverage, full-bodied
and robust, pleasin& to
former coffee .drinKers
SWosizes At grocers
Usualjy sold toit BS&15
' TTadby
Postum Cereal 0 Eflttla G-srMich
Hurry! A few cents will save your
hair and double Its
A little "lJandcrine" cools, elennscs
nnd makes the feverish, Itchy scalp
soft and pliable; then this stimulating
tonic penetiates to the famished hair
toots, revitalizing and Invigorating ev
ery hair in the head, thus stopping tho
hair falling out, getting thlu, scraggly
or failing.
After a few application of "Dander
Ino" you seldom find a fallen hair or n
particle of dandruff, besides every hair
shows more life, vigor, brightness, color
and thickness.
A few cents buys n bottle of de
lightful "Danderlne" at any drug or
toilet counter. Adv.
Sampling the Cellar Stock.
"Has Hill changed much since he got
out of the army?"
"Not much. He still spends a great
deal of his time In a dugout." The
Home Sector.
But "Diamond Dyes" Made Her Faded,
Shabby, Old Garments
Like New.'
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use "Diamond Dyas," guaranteed to
give a new. rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods dresses,
blouse, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers everything !
Direction Book In pnekage tells how
to diamond dye over any color. To
match any mntcrlal. hnve denier show
you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv,
Nothing Left.
Ituggcd little Tom Ilrovvn had becu
committed to juvenile hall, where he
was Immediately given a bath, clean
clothes, had his hair washed and cut
short. Ills old clothes were burned.
As his adenoids Interfered seriously
with his breathing they were removed.
When he had recovered from the op
eration the matron noticed that there
was an unusunlly big and dlsllgurlng
wart at the end of his thumb.
"Tom," sho said, "I'll see that this
wart Is removed today."
A look of absolute qMsgust spread
over Tom's face. "Gosh l" he exclaim
ed. "Don't you let n fellow keep any
thing here?" Harper's Magazine.
Consolation for Mother.
Jack went to the bathing beach one
day with his father and mother, the
Inttor being very stout. He went In
bathing with the other boys and after
he had again Joined his parents he told
them of the fun ho had hud, adding
that tho boys had made a lot of fun
over a big fat woman they had seen In
bathing at a distance. Then ho added,
consolingly: "Hut you bet I didn't
tell them you were my mother."
Lucky Accident.
Mrs. Tow ne "How did you sleep
last night?" Townu (father of twins)
"Accidentally." ,
Happiness Is something n fellow hns
to earn for himself; no ono else cuu
hand It to blm.
'Sav'-'"' ' " JSSAmmmwJWmmmW' W9mmmmWt
MOTMliUS owo a rising vote or
thanks to the resourceful and In
genious creators of children's clothes
this spring. Flist. because these
clothes me so simple uud pretty, uipl
next, because they are so well made,
liven a fastidious needlewoman can
content herself with ready-made clothes
for her children. Hut If tho ready
made things are higher-priced than
suits her, then she can copy them at
home, buying nmterlnls from the mer
chants near her and gratefully follow
ing the lead of skillful and keen
designers who spend their tlmo think
ing up ways for making children's
clothes. One would have to be n born
genius to outdo them, and why tnko
the responsibility of designing as well
ns sewing nt home?
The little maid In tho neighborhood
of twelve yenrs anil her smaller sis
ter of eight, or thereabout shown In
the picture above And themselves
dressed in perfect tnsto. Nothing
Straws in the
NO one has been nble to Ilguro out
Just why It Is that women take to
millinery that anticipates spring and
no ono can doubt that they do wear It.
With charming audacity n few straw
hats courageously mnko their appear
ance nlong with January thaws In the
coldest sections of the country and In
tho South they enter, to remain. It Is
tho tourist's millinery the resort hnts
probably that entice evn tho stny-nt-homes
Into discarding their midwinter
headwear and donning something that
has n promise of spring In It.
Spring millinery Is a survival of the
fittest among tho many nnd dlverso
styles that appear at tho winter re
sorts, with the addition of models In
which variations the uso of mate
rials appear. Already tho seal of ai
proviil Is set on he lints that nppear
In tho group pictured above hats of
the simpler sort, having, with ono ex
ception, soft outlines. AH of them, but
tho wldo-brluinied model, may bo
placed In the class of street hnts and
this ono Is to bo Included In tho list of
"pnstlmo hats" thoso glorified sport
hnts of gay and beautiful colors and
lino materials. This particular example
Is mudo of alternating rows of nnrrow
falllo ribbon nnd n braid, In light green,
with a pin-wheel rosette of tho ribbon
for adornment. It Is faced with white
tagnl andraay bo worn with sport
clothes or other summer apparel.
In tho dark hat, with feather orna
ment at tho sldo, there Is a splendid
example of hair-cloth mlllluery. The
I : xJii I
KA'M'mm?f;;L " '
more unusual than chnmbrny was se-
looted for these delightful frocks and
both of them employ n pretty, old
tlmey finish In overlapping points of
white cotton, mnde by folding and sow
ing down strips of white material.
It might be of any or the durable cot
ton fabrics lnwn, bntlste, percale, or
Peter Pan cloth nccordlng to the de
gree of daintiness or durability that
the maker may have In mind.
The dress for tho older girl Is n
straight-lined model with kimono
sleees, nnd little signs of needlework
embellish It. Tho narrow belt 01 black
patent leather must not be overlooked.
The other dross hns n long blouse nnd
11 little bow of black ribbon nt tho
throat. Elbow sleeves belong to both,
and, Judging from their millinery,
these two children nro considered to
be quite dressed up In tho simplest of.
frocks. This Idea Is borne 'out by
their footwear.
Spring Winds
band about the crown shows cello
phane over white ribbon and tho hand
some feather ornament seems to havo
been crentcd for this lint. Tho soft
Breton sailor mndo of loops of braid
and georgette crepo Is n lovely lint and
undertakes to outshine tho plain band
ed sailor of brilliant strnw which If
perfectly suro of holding Its own.
u4s &
Many Wraps Are White.
For southern wear many of tho
wraps being prepared by tho specialty
shops follow tho modo of tho old ttmo
French capo known as tho "vlslte."
This was a oualnt. long, nnrrow affair
gathered up about tho neck. This model
was followed out ut ono plnco In white
velvet gathered to n band of crmluo
nnd lined with pomegrnnnto red crepe
do chine. Whlto wraps are, by tho
wny, being exploited much for th
Florldn resorts. So nro tho black ones.
Both depend for their beauty largely
on vivid linings of orango and citron
nnd rose and henna.
Belts Little Used.
The voguo for bolts Is decidedly on
the wane. A belted effect Is given,
however, by clover cut, nnd much in
genuity U exercised in this direction
A Story I Sickness and Suffering Ith Final Ectnra to HelU
It irlll do yon good to read It
No matter how long nor how much you havo
nfferod, do not glvo up hopo. Do not decldo
thero Is no help for you. Thoro Is. Make up
your mind to got well. You can. Thoro Is a
remedy In which you may placo full rollanco
as did Mrs. Itozalla Kania of 39 Silver Street,
New Britain, Conn. This J9 what sho saya:
"I had cramps for thrco ycaro and thought I
would ncvor bo any bettor. I could not cat
without distress. Slept with my mouth open
and could hardly breatho. No mcdiclno holpcd
mo. I had catarrh of tho stomach. Now I
hnvo no cramps and nm feeling woll nnd
healthy. I wish every suffering person would
take PE-RU-NA."
Catarrh effects tho mucous membranes In
anv nrenn nr nnrt. Pn.1IIT.MA l,v rnm, inline
thn dltrnsllnn ntnl nlillnr nllmlnntlnn
and nourishment to tho sick nnd lnllamcd membranoa and health
For coughs, colds, catarrh nnd catarrhal conditions conernlly,
PE-RU-NA Is rccommonded. If you nro sick, do not wait nnd suffor.
Tho sooner you begin using Dr. Hartman's well-known PE-RU-NA.
tho Booncr you may expect to bo woll and strong nnd In full possession
of your health. A bottlo of PE-RU-NA la tho finest cmcrgoncy, roady-to-tako
remedy to havo In tho houso. It la fourtcoa ouncea of ora
ventlon and protection.
Sold everywhere, la tablet or liquid form.
The Reason. rTT"" " T '
"You look depressed this morning." CutlClH& SoSiD
"Yes ; when I went to look at my m T 1 T1 1
private stock this morning I fouml Hie VClVet 1 OUCll
I was out of spirits." Haltlmoro fl
Amcr,cin ror the akin
The fact that his wife uses a llttlo jSoip 2Sc, Ointment 25 and 50c, Tlw2Sc
powder Is no excuse for n man's com- .
Ing home shot. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 9-1920.
ThoMsandssHappy Housewives
in- 11FF7rvii
.'"V jI. tV 'jSiXLm'H
Kir i) St
- i
arc helping their husbands to prosper are clad'
they encourased them to
own 3Vi nnvlnff rent
could reach prosperity and Independence by buying en easy Urate.
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre
land similar to that which through many years hai ylla"4 trm !
to 48 buahla of whaat to tho aero. Hundreds o( tarmera in Weatem
Canada have raised ernrn in a slnctn imuik ornrth mnrh ,ka.i.nt
cost of their land. Willi such crops come prosperity, independence, mol
tomes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make (or happylmnfr
Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying
are sources of income
schools, rural telephone, etc.. Rive vou the
opportunities of a new land with the con
veniences of old settled districts.
For Illustrated literature, map, description of
loom 4, Bee Bldg., Omahi, Net.
i Canadian Oovcrnment Agent '
Colorado Community, in Existence
Mora Than a Century, la Now to
Have Institution.
The little Spiinlbh town of San
Luis, tho county seat of Costilla coun
ty, Colo., In tho lower cud of tho vul
ley, will welcome Its first bank when
tho State bank of San Luis opens Its
doors for business. This llttlo town
Is more than ono hundred yenrs old,
and wns ono of the farthest outposts
of Spanish settlement thnt followed
the northward push of tho Spanish
residents of Snnta Fo and vicinity.
Kor nearly fifty years before tho
first contingent of Americans, under
command of Ren. Fiank Baldwin, now
a resident of Denver, arrived over La
Votn pass and established tho mllltnry
posts of Ft. Garland, San Luis had
been a nourishing llttlo settlement
surrounded by highly developed farms
In tho hist few yen is tho progres
and development of the town nn
community has been more rnpld, until
now the town Is considered to bo largo
enough to need n bank. Tho ma
jority of tho residents of tho vicinity
nro Spanish-speaking people of tho old
school, polished, courteous, energetic
and prosperous. Some of tho wealth
iest men of tho valley aro to bo found
In tho town and Its closo environs.
An hour lost In the morning hns to
be run after ull day.
If you would know n man study his
Infirmities rather thnn his virtues.
H i
The Sweet Cereal Flavor of
is not produced by adding
sugar to this blend o wheim
and molted barley:
The sweetness is due to' ac
tual drain suor. self-devel"
oped oy the processing and
kong baking ot this great r food!
"Theres a Reason" &r Grape-Nuts
inmt. . it, .. ..i t-i...a
or StrnnKlcs In Htiilllonn. brood maron, coltn anil nil othera
Is inttHt (Instructive. Tho norm ciiUHintr UlMease must b
rrmnvvil from tho body of tho nnlnml. To provent th
troublo tlio Hiimo must be lonp.
.siMiiiN-.s msrmiiMHi compound
will do hoth euro tho Blclt 11 ml prevent Uioho "expoBea"
from lmvltiK tho discuse. Sold by your ilruRKlst. 6O0 an 4, por hotllo.
MMMIN .tllMMCAL, CO., Slfrn., Gonlicn, I nil., V. S. A.
i Virion,
.?. tafb if r-siwJiT f AAabWvnUal
iiTi"i w Pt"Tiai -A lH fc'lLj' I 3&
a v. 2rrr?smrvmvvTin uacih
-v niM' Jiir-w. j.
- i "-twjirt"rwirii i II aiiu . "-jsi
do where Ihev ennlri miV hni n .tu
nnH rpHurA nc gt iiunM .,..... ..
second only to Brain growing and stock mitac
Invention of Englishman Has Proved
Its Practical Value In a Num
ber of Towns,
Ono of tho most rcmarknblo mo
chines In the world has just been In
vented by un Englishman, W. P. Iloyle.
It converts dust Into cash or, more
correctly speaking, It extracts what 1
worth saving from rubbish and pre
pares it for redistribution. Cinders
aro washed, dust Is converted Into fer
tilizer, tins nro cleaned, nnd paper
nnd' rags aro sorted. Another bit of
mnchlnery used In this wonderful "re
fuso recovery plant" denls with clink
ers, turning them Into molded con
creto block's for building. It has been
proved that every hundred tona of.
waste produce $100, and slnco a town
of 75,000 Inhabitants discards about
one hundred tons of rubbish dally ono
can easily work out tho municipal
revenue that such a plant would pro
duce. Not u few towns In the United
Kingdom hnvo nlrendy Installed
Hoylo rubbish converting plant Aber
deen In ono day collected $3,000 wortn
of discarded bottles, n week's Jam-jar
collection In tho city of Sheffield real
ized $G00, while Glasgow estimates
that one year's conversion of lta rub
blsh will bring In $20,000.
Tho worst thing a man can do hi ta
do something his friends are suro bo
would never do.
The surest sign that a man has be
gun to succeed Is when his rivals beglo
knocking him.