" ! I ' VW 1 ' H r 1 3V BID CLOUD, klBlAilA) CHIEF ,jj,. ,p, ( -., ' 4f '' !: f; I 45 Blocks More Paving ' i a meeting of tlieollv e tiinclll witsbl il i WeMilosrhiy evening of lust unfit nt , iiili ;l1me nit mdlti.ineu who pnf(i VI 1(lloj for nil nd.MHoniil forty. live ' -cfh of Dating. The district Is- 'VnbM'or". trmt north finm end of ir.-sui)i-)tnwnimit nt tlm library to tin: . traits. I t.'eitnr-lref)t unilh fruni end of piivo iitiit'ifrtw being constructed lothoclly I mils.. I Vwhrd street fiom Ciithnlle chinch corner U DIvNItin ti'tavt, thelit: unst uAV'lllilf hlOuk, tllHIK! "Olltll tO Welh' li s'n'ist, (juvbiioilli of trucks) t heucts attr Webster -tiet, thence fcotilh r I lie "city limits. Walnut htri'Ot from Fotnih Avenue II Miliar uiiniM) Miuth thionblo.'ks o First at on tie. Cherry trt.,i,l south from Koiirllt ave nue (Lincoln msIiooI eonici) to KJrst hvrniir. tliciino oiiht lliioc. blocUs to Si urrd stieH. Nlmh uvfinit' between Webster iiml Olur .streets Kilhtli iivoiiuh between WebMer and Walnut -.iifl.-t-. -I'vi-ntli avenue bi-t vyon Sevwtrd and .alnutM reels. Slvlh ur.illti.. Imfivm.M S.ivuijt fiiiil , ' """" "I ai n ii l sweets. r'lfth avenue butweuu Webster himI A.tlnut tieets. rMarraKffi,twara -tr,taimu.aiiifj"yUA marTnxvim Mmm FOR SPRING New Spring Caps are Mere ALL SHADES OF COLORS $2 SO HATS To ALL the NEW BLOCKS at 1 i $3 $3.S0 $4 $5 $6.50 $7.50 1 1 See Us First for all I I Spring Apparel! - Cowden - Kaley Clothing Co- ' ALWAYS RELIABLE 'j ssa!M5mmftrm'izjto .u'ihtrjar i. i t .iciairEsraa'umramiffliiiHJiiisia Carpenter, Home Office Red 312--lmprovrtl half taction adjoining Oakley with SO acres of wheal .hich nil tJoes to buyer, a baigain at ? 10.00 per acre. (Thomas County) filfih One of the finest sections in '(0 acres in culthatiui, fine two-story house of 1) rooms, big red barn witli j. large loft, good ginneries, chicken house and other out buildings. I'ricc N40.00 pur acre. $7,r0() cash, balance five years at C pur cent. (Thomas County.) 1JG A fine sccli n, thlec miles from Campus. ?12,000 worth of im provnments, all equipped ffor handling cattle or hogs, line water system. House all modem, about S00 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, 200 acres of line wheat, .i.l goes to the buyer. This is an itlcal all purpose farm and a beauty. Price $:)7.r0 per" acie. (Gove County.) 110 Hair -ection. all line, level land, 220 acres in cultivation, 110 acres In pasture, 100 acres in wheat ami it all goes with tho place, all drilled. iootl well anil windmill, good shed barn, cement chicken house ami granary for 1500 binhels. Price 32.fi0 per acre. (Gove County.) 110180 ucico well improved, nice house and bnrn, lots of ut buildings, cootl well and windmill. About 250 acres in cutlivation. tho balance in ims- ture, 200 ticies ot line wheat, all goes to the buyer. This is seven miles from Canipuit arid in a good community. Possession any time. Price $37. 00 per acre. (Govo County.) 45 Fine quarter of land two miles from town, 120 acres in cultivation, all level, good five loom house, shed barn for 12 head, good well antl winmill. 40 acres fenced 'n pasture, rented for this year. Price $32.50 per acre. (Logan County.) 20B This i ti beautiful half section, close to (Jrainfield, not a blemish on it, 2C0 acios in cultivation. This is strictly a German settlement. Half us Vheut.' Price 27.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.) 2M This is without doubt one, if not the best, sections of land in tho county, about C miles north of Grinncll, ami six miles from the famous An gelus church, one of tho finest in the state: 480 acres in cultivation. 300 acres in wheat, one-fourth goes to the rrue iSiii.nu per i.crc. (Sheridan County.) " 10320 ucies veil located and 1D0 acres in wheat and 100 acres in pas ture, balance, will be put to spring crop. One-third of the crop goes with the farm. Nearly new lU-room house, large barn will hold 30 head of stock, hay-mow for about 20 ton of hay, good largo granary, good well and windmill and tanl;. Half mile to school. This farm is consitletcd a bargain at ?G0. 00 per aeic on easy terms. Could give possession of tho land if necess ary. 'Jliis farm is well located bewteen two good railroads and two towns; tfight milts from one town and six miles from the other. (Sheridan Coun ty.) The nbove Jitt ic subject to prior sale or change in price without notice. Thee, are just a fow of our special bargains. We Imvo cheaper land, if Interested write oi come and seen us. Carpenter, Son & Co. Office Oyer Stete Bqnkj, , Red Cloud. Neb. ' Tlilnl nrf nun from allay buck of Vesne.t"Mitore. loU'dlmit street. Tim p.tvftiient on Webster street Is to bu Ililit. ff ft wide; Hint on Kifih nvonne I fiUW'i'ii Wi-littcr mid ( t 1 ir sf reels (imrih of Auditorium) U to 1 1 foily fee' !'. an' tli" ii'iiiiiiiiili-r i t 1 I tVtl' V S'X f"' 'I'll" lnlvt'lll- ineutwlll usU fni bids on c nn nt mil i siibnltli: concrete Weather Report for February -Teiupernturo: Mi'iiti i tb'g: tinixl mum fi'i dog on III li; mlolmiiu 10 deg on 15, 'i I itnd L'lilh. I'rcclpitittltiu: T'H'tl 0.78 Inoliet.. Snowfall: Tntnl 8 tenths inch Number of iluyr. -Clear 11, partly cloudy 8. isloudy 10 I'iui'iiMIiik wind N V It) days. Rainfall htlloo .Inn 1, 0 91 inch Ohio, ri Ludlow, (Jbsi'rvfi' Church of the Brethren Suudity .School ID a. in. l'ltjiu-hirig at II a. tu. WhIcoiiii! to uvurybody. Como in d woihip with us. Ittiv. II. N H-uiKi.UAN.'l'itst. r Oltick ,i3iz. rii( Mack itpt'H of (iiiluoa have lonj,', a';y iialr. mid tholr l'ur is used for nufi'.i nnd capes. !i? w Son & Co. Cloud, Nebraska Thomas county, not a pimple on it, buyer; good granary, and fine well. I R0AD 1 SIM PFM0 R0VvAL LINE IN A DEMOCRACY "Roads nulc the World Not Klncs or Congresses, Not Courts,, Nor Ccn- ctablc3 or Scldtcrb." ' In an argument for fjnod rnntli pomio wIho man, wlKmc name has been lint, niado iihc of (lie following: "lloadi rult the world not l:lni, nor con. 'KrcsscH, nor courts, nor constables, not ships nor soldlciN. The road l the only royal line lirn deniooracy, tlio only legislature that never ehiumot, ,the only court that never sltvpa the only army that never quits the first aid to the redemption of anj nation, the exodus from Htngiuitlmi In any so ciety, the call from savnKery in uny tribe, the high priest of prosperity, after the order of Melchlsedec, with out beKlnninj; of days or t?iid of life. The road Is umpire. In every war, and when the new map Is made, it simply pushes m Its grunt campaign of help, hope, brotherhood, efficiency and pence." I The value of good roads may bo better understood when It Is known that the average cost to farmer .of tho United States to transport produce to market Is more than 23 cents per ton per mile. These llgurcs do not In clude tliu cost of Jirenkngu of harness or vehicles. Tho cost per ton per mile over hard-surfaced roads Is less than half the present average. GAINER BY IMPROVED ROADS Careful Analysis Showo Greatest Gain Over Precent Conditions la Man on Branch Road. The development of sentiment for Issuing bonds to build pennuncj.t roads has brought to the surface many questions which require careful con sideration and demand clearly stated and convincing replies. Of these, the one recurring most frequently Is: "What advantage is there in u bond Is sue for the farmer who lives several miles from one of the Improved roads?" ( ; At llrst glance It would seem that the man living directly upon the Im proved rond obtains the greatest -benefits, but careful analysis proves that the greatest gain over present condi tions Is the man on the side rond. With the limited road and bridge funds usually available In any town hhlp and the necessity of keeping the main highways at least In passable condition, little or nothing Is left for working upon tho less traveled roads. As repair expense practically ceases when permanent roads arc built, the road nnd bridge funds formerly spent on main' roads will bu released 'for use. upon the side roads. v In addition, money spent upon these side roads will go live times as far, or-do live limes as much work, as Soil Road in North Carolina. when It was spent upon the roads where heavy travel ipilekly wiped out every trace of the Improvement. A reasonable amount of road and bridge money used In ditching and drngglug side roads will place them In condition to carry the comparatively light tralllc that passes over them "to the main highway. The man on tho side rond will have, in place of a continuous haul through the mud from fttrm to town, a much-Improved surface from farm to the main highway and a high ly Improved rond, maintained at much less expense to the township or coun ty, the remainder of tho way to his town or market. Farm Engineering. Drag After Rain. Drag tho rond as soon after every rain as possible, but not when the mud Is In such a condition as to slick to tho drag. Attention to Road Drag. If wo would pay more attention to tho road drag, we would have better roads. Powder for Cabbage Worms. For cabbage worms: Mix ono part of fresh Persian Insect powder with four parts pf alr-slakcd lime, and dust It on tho plants at regular intervals, Don't Pay to Scrimp. It doesn't pny to go to tho expenso of cows, stables, land, utensils, etc., for dairy work, then scrimp tho cows. Don't Use Whip. Don't use tho whip too freely mi a horaetliat shies. Patience und Uluo atiss will do better. t &( "7V."f 1 1 J A JWP A P-,., I Making His i Way ti il h By VICTOR REDCLIPFE t b&Q&&b&&&&Kv&frha,&i,& Z .. .-... - - - ' - -"w----t (Copyrlsht, l)H ,y thi. Veotim Kuva paper Union.) "Vou will give her upV "Xeverl Less now than ever. I'uele Itctihen, do not cross me In the desire and duty ofjny life. Within a mouth I.ols Newton has Inst her father, who has left her penniless and hoiutlesv. She I'm the only woman I ever loved. I have made her my wife. Surely " Tin I" Old Ituiiben Morely ro.-e to his feet, pulsating with fury. Ills trembling linger pointed to the door, his eyes glared. "(Jul" he shouted, and his lists clenched. "Out of my heart, out of my home forever!" Walton Illalr bowed bis head In silence, lie hurried Ids stops to escape the anathemas hurled after him by his seltlsh, Irrational relative. The dis missal month penury. It was sweet and soothing tho sol ace he received from the bride of an hour. The very fact of his grent sac rifice of homo, position, heirship, 'en deared him double fold to the modest, unassuming girl who was ready and willing to go hungry, rootless, accept the heaviest burdens of toll so that she had him by her side. Iteuhen Morely, though now recov wltb his Independent nephew. As to I.ols, no claims of preference held her to her nalle village. Her aunt cared for them In her rumble way during the week that they devoted to mapping out their future. Walton had no trade or profession but he had done some clerical work for bis uncle and was capable of tilling the po-ltlon of the average olllce clerk. There was an old friend of his dead father nani"d John Allen, who operated n large m:in ufact.irlng plant at a town called I.ui ton. Walton left I.oN with h.r aunt, to be roooivo.il at I.tmton with full eon-lderatloii and the kindly tender of a position In the bookkeeping depart ment of the givut works. Just as Walton was looking iirout'd for modest llv'ng quarter-, nt a crltl e.il moment ho saved the two little ililldren of the wealthy uuuiufticlurcr from sure death In an initoniohll-' -lr-oident, bill sustained the serious in Jury of a broken arm, and the attend ing surgeon told him that be would not be able to use his right band for a year to come. "I have sent for your wife on my own initiative," Mr. Allen told Wal ton, as he lay under hospital care. "I have also planned to show my lasting gratitude toward you In a way that cannot offend your sense of the fitness of things. You have probably noticed that Utile oasis of house and garden at the edge of the mill site. It was where I and my family passed the happiest year of our lives. I am going to llv up the place and rent It to you nt a nominal price." "Mut I shall be unable to pay for It," remonstmtnl Walton. "So? Hardly. Vou may not be In a condition to do any olllce work but. If you will accept It, you shall become our night watchman. Ten to live you make hourly rounds of the signal boxes and see that all Is safe. And If I do not mistake, that charming little wife of yours will not he too proud to sit In the timekeeper's olllce at seven, twelve, one and live and keep tab on the Inoomlnirs and outgoings of the workmen." "Oh, this Is Ideal:" exuberated I.ols. when two weeks later they wore In stalled In the home John Allen had so generously provided. It was In the onohnutlnz garden surrounding the house that they passed many hours of tho day. restoring Its former brightness as far as they could. Mr. Allen died and they lost a good friend but his snn-In-law, who suoeooded to the btisl no.ss, accepted the old provision made for the Illnlrs as a sort of obligation of Junior, and for the years the happy and fomented married pair remained on duty In their respective positions. A little golden haired cherub canio to (hem rind the pretty bonus bei'amo a haven of delight when Dorothy was old enough to get around. It was just after her fourth birthday when there was a enlllMoii tin the trolley line that ran directly past the house. Several were Injured, among them nu old man who with the others was carried Into the Hlalr home, which afforded the nearest shelter. It was found that ho wiib only stunned. When ho recovered consciousness ho was lying on a couch and little Dorothy, whose father and mother were away at the lime, was fanning him and looking startled, but snllrltouH. "Who nre you? x Whoso hottso Is this?" The old man almost frightened Dorothy by starting up suddenly and fixing bis eyes upon n framed photo graph on the wall. "Who are you?" lie asked more gently, scanning tho child's face closely. "I am Dorothy IJInlr," replied the little one, "mid mamma and papa are away, and that picture you stare at so Is Uncle ItPiibon, who Is going to come und sou mo some day, papa says " "lie has come already, dear child !" pronounced Heubon Morely In broken tones, nnd ho wiib holding the Htllo one on bis lap when Walton IJInlr' en tered tilt room. Reuben Morloy, though now recov ered, still lingered, nnd when ho wont oa his way It was nil arranged that they were to come to his home and stny thorn ponunpently and cheer the life of thn lonely old man with sunshlaB of tCBtle.rue'ss.and loe. MiMitiicnraronim mzm ETftS iilb &S3 For those who are interested and want to buy land in the most beautiful farming country east of the Rocky mountains. Soil is a deep black loam and very powerful in growing grain of all hinds. We have quarters, half sections, sections and. any amount of land you wish in one body. Prices range from-$22. 50, $25, $30, $35, $40. Improved and unimproved. Roads to the market from all this land are good, as we have farm after farm along both sides of the,' Golden Belt Highway. Plenty of good water can be gotten on an average of 40 feet. We invite you to investigate who we are, by writing or phoning any business man in Hays, Kan. The Real Estate Firm of Schsitz & Betz, Red Cloud ARE OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES Talk witk tlieai regarding the FREE TRIPS to SEE this Land 5) 1 ? jibs M. i&. v iSi &' 4 1 4i - .- Mays, vfflracfi;M'i!in,i m", ' i ,.' i v urii-vM : u mum Notice of Referee's Sale. In the District fonrt nt Webster foamy NolirusUi. C'onruil Itassor. I.ora K:issii'. M;itll,l;i Salmi fii. .Icilui IS. K.iIiuIlii, Kdunnl Iittsstr, Kiiiurn Itassir. John U:ikcr. Ilat'l Kas,tr. Veimili-a llulcoiuli, John lloli'oiuh. Hi my Itassur, I'lalnilirv vs Albert l,'hlensiurcr. Henry llhlenspfrtscr, Allien Uhli.nsicr.mr. Jr., Vtionlta llrtiss (nee. Veronica I'liloniperutr). Walter L'hlen sjierer. KilunnUMilenspermr, Krtrin t'lilen hperiser, Helen L hlcii.ericr, etemlantH Hy slrtue ol nu onler i( tliu HMrlct Court of Wt Inter Coutity, Nebrasun LMteiedon tho 11th day ot Kcbriinrr 1U4) in an aetlon there pinillnii wherein tho nhovu iiamcil partlt wero plaliillirs anil (lereiiiliints, dlreettin; in an lteftrto la sutd action to sull Thu .Son) Kast (innrter of Seetlon Cluhteen (IS) li Touushlp'luu tJ) InKaiiiiu'li-ti (It);, Web-.tt" County. Nebraska. MJTU :, U hert by j;lti that 1 ulll on tlioTlitli. day ot Maieh l!U0, a twoo'elock of said day. at the front door o thu Court lluii.se, la Ited Cloud, W'elnte Count), NebirtsUa, sell s.tld renl cstuteat pub lleauetlou to tho hlHliet bidder lor eash 'I'erius ot Milo ID tier cent eash day of Hale. au baliiiii c.i'Ji w lien bale I j eoiillrmed aud dec ready for delivery. Altr.vet of title furnish cd ptu (Mincer. Hitttil this 11th. day of February l'J.U I 'red M turer, 1". J. Munday, Uefertt Attorney. IX THK HOLY LAND W. T. Massey, noteil Dritish Jour nalist, nor recording the Prince of Wales Tour through Canada and the United States, for tho London Dailj. Telegraph, of London. ISmrlaml. wn- Qflicial War Correspondent with thr English Army Under General Allcn by which wrested the Holy Land and Syria from the Turks. When telling of his cperlences, he says -that he "used a Ford In many a journey from Ileorsheba to Jerusa lem ar.tl to Nazareth, Damascus and Alepp," and that "in Allenby's final push, this trusty old car took me mere than 4,000 miles in six weeks and I believe within one year it trav eled over .'10,000 miles in a country where roads are few, antl these the worst in tho world." "In the Sinai country it is yvery sandy and it is quite a common sight to see a Ford running along with two rolls of wire netting secured to the foot boards. When the car gets to a place where the sand is impassable, the driver unrolls tho netting over the roadway and thus an easily pass able wire road is constructed; in fact in some parts of the country per manent wire roads have been made and over these the car runs along easily antl smoothly, at thirty miles an hour." Mr. Masov also stated that tho Ford played no small part in helping .1 r. i isnv ni.sn hulluii ui:il liiui Sua rfif-r" "to deliver tho Holy Land and Syria hi th-mrv,il,,oot ten dollars 0aol. of from tho Turks" and that his "old w.M.f. '"J10!1"1 "r ft,l0us"ntl hilars 1080" Ford was the most wonderful."11" l bo tnU jml1 fon commencing car in the war." So highly does ho' " f u uny debt uro con regard the merits of tho Ford ear ir"T?' ,mA ."" """ fi,mru of etock gard the merits of tho Ford ear at he has asked permission to ad-' ., - ,, -r, i f iM ess the mon of the Ford factory. io make Ford cars, to tell them" experiences and thank them for that dress Whc h's experiences their good work in building such reliable motor cars. Ho expects o Visit the ford factory on the day tho Prince of Wales visits Windsor. yi mi sai underlies these farms aridr I :Pk S, &? Kansas h w u iiffiMramiriuv.' wwrixmrniiiaaawBattB a Notice o Referee's Saie. In the District i. ourt of Webster County Nebraslia. ' Conrad ltassir. I.ora Itn.sM-r, Matilda Salad en. John II. aladeu, IMtvard Itas.scr, Kiiiiiin Kaiser, John Hawser. Hael Itasser, Veronica Holeoinb, John Holeoiub, Henry Itakhcr, l'lalutlirn. Vrl Albert UhleiispcrKer, Henry IJhleusperKer, Albert t'lilcnsiiertter, Jr., Veronica Ilnis (nee. Veronica tbleiuperKcr), Walter Uh- loimperuer, Hdwanl Uhleiisperuer, Krwlu tJlileusperKtr, Helen Uhliiiiaiicrer, Mary linger. William M. 1,'iulley, Ollvo l.ludley, Ada 1'rey. Charles Krey, Kiunia Trey, Jaiob Kriy, UlaraSoiiiiiierhalder, Albert Somiiier. talder, Lena Harris, Archto Harris. Walter Uthsur, Anna Knsser, Ilenjnnilne Itasser, ilnul Passer, William Itithser, Arllo Ittusii1 lii'fendaiitb. Ily lrtueof an order Of the District Cour if W'elwter County, Nt-lintktiuuttrcd on the Ith. day of robruary Vjii In an action them ticmlliit; u herein tho alioo named parties veru philntlirH and defendantH dlreetlii!; mo isltofenolOMtl l.ulSlxtecn (Hi) lllock thlr y One Clli, Ited Cloud, Webster County, No irasUa, NOTICi: Is hereby kIvoii that I ulll hi tho llilli. day ol March iui),aloiioo'eluck iftialdday, at the front door of tho Court louse In KedCoud, Wulistur County. No 'iraslca. st II bald rt al estate at public auction o the hli;ht'Hl bidder for eash. Terms ol s:ilo 0 percent cuili on day of salo nnd balauco ahh when salul.s continued und deed ready for delivery. Abstract of title furnbdied pin chaser. Dated this Hth.diyof I'eluuary IDA). I'red Mnurcr. K. ti. Caldwell, Kcteree. Attorniy. Notice of Referee's Sale. Notice Is hereby ulven that under and by virtue of uu order made and entered In tho dlsitriot court of Webster county, Nebraska, on thu lltlulaj of February, liW.lunn action therein peiidiiu; wherein William V. Miller, Is pliUiUlll'und Alcna l.ambctnl. arc. defend nnt8, fomaluot tho following described real eMuto situated nu follow!?: North Half (NK) d tho Northwest tiuar. tor (NWi',)otrJoctlon Woven (11) In Town ship I'our (I), North, UniiRO Nino (8) West 0 1. M. W'ebHtor County, Nebraska, tho iiudcrHlKiicd referee duly appointed ,y said court In said action, will, on tho 31st di(y ot March, 11)33 nt 1:30 V. M. of Standard Tliuti of said day nt IIIuu HID, NobruRkn, In Bald county of Wolwtor at tho South frontdoor of Corner .tKrahm'rt Kitrngoou tho main street running cost and west In Uluo Hill, Ncbrn.i. ka, sell aforesaid real eatato to thu highest bidder for cauh. Bald Bale will bo hold open ono hour. A du posit ol ten pur cent of tho purchase prloo will bu required on tho day ot sale and tho balance to bo paid whoa the Kale Is continu ed. Dated this 'Jolli day of February, I'ji), Fred K, Maurcr Itoferee. F. J. Munday, Attorney for linliitltr. Amendment to the Constitution of the Farmers' Villon Co-operative Asso ciation o? Red Cloud, Nebraska Article 5. -Tho amount of ounllnl TtT..?STt "l , tr'l0? ,H,,rt """ " Jf'r"" U" lU ,t8 pi4r va,uo h been puld to tho trtmaurer. ,, rml , ()1 ' ffn"X'l M 1' "' Vi10.'" I resident JOHN M RYAN, Secretary OiioKfr" TU D-ILi. MUaUty Job rr?ntmg W. w& m h O rl C3 t'1 t'l ,&&& ' Ti' 3 X i t ) I J 1! y .rW' V TV V, ' Wi "i..-.fl I- i J.U If IV ,J ,' ,",'''$,ywvt. 'Jfcv. itr - '.' . . . wn.Vl-''"'3 ' , UU-f-JUXi"'-' 1jwwrirWSaiVifaTWtIBflWWMWWwr cag?Taaipmfig.j i -.-.-., ... , fIvii T,j -W ,fr,!W-' "" " ' w.ww. r .iM'. -mk