l J Ct s(nMtJW -j -y.scewtf' jv "i r-inn ' - 1 Rt01'" ... ;. 'it jjj?g tw jE" . ii...iff. T i s"" " J jgtwigaaaa.- -yliMgy :,. 3geSSS.n, 3St,y.&rsssvs.'!te3iT,-.. .. , &yraif5?sEL "V 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Flfty-twa Weeks Each Tear Ftr Jl.5i VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MARCH 4, 1920 NUMBER 10 mini !! itsir7srcajVMriroatMji r.ai3iiTj'!;raiiT:.K;Tj.n'n7u",SHi'; nmnn mammmwm iwi osiraww.? mrnmwimwimicasrwmi I our riome Should Refledt Good Tast Council Proceedings Will Submit Fifty Mill Levy Mayor 1'ope called the Council to- to Voters of School District Kuthcr in reguHr .session or. Tucuduy nl'nninir vitli nil mnmlinrti nmcnnf nv n,.,,t 'ivi iftn,. 4i,n' ,in.,na r lesular .session in the February 3ul meeting had been ,CIl'b ,oom on Mon(,;l' with M In""" " Education met in the Commercial ii , l II wmt !!! i "-. -C To "advertise" oneself sounds like something a really refined and well-bred person would hardly care to do, and yet. even you, in countless ways, every day, do advertise yourself. In YOUR HOME, particularly, the Chairs, you offer your guests; the Rugs upon the lloors, the Tables, the Lamps, the Decorative Objects; the- Dressing Table and other appointments of your boudoir; even your kitchen range or your Kitchen Cabinet are your "publicity agents". A setting for your personal charms that is itself eloquent'in praise of you is an Artistic, Comfortable, Livable Home such "as this store is so'tmusually compe tent to create with our large and beauti ful, fairly priced assortment and our thoughtful provision of generous terms of payments. THE GRAHAM FURNITURE CO. "Wc Turn a House Into a I Ionic" uMannaMmm SHJiBminrraiHi cum m imoiesTi read and approved the application of B. A. -Sutton for permission to erect a cement composition roof building or lots 8-9-10-Hlock- C, Red Cloud wis pioaenlcd. This application was granted with the request that he er ect same with u brick front. ' J ho rcpou of S. K. v lorance was, bow present except Wocsner and with Uo:csey presiding. After the minutes of the mccling of February 2nd were read and ap proved the following bills were allowed: U. C. Heath & Co !". Ilildebrandt presented and -older p! iced on fi,.e,",''us likewise the repoit of tho committee from tho Chamber of Commerce on opening of the alley between Web ster and Cedar street below Division sheet, who lecommendcd condemna tion proceedings as the quickest and cheapest method. Tho following is the report: To The Mayor and City Council: Hod Cloud, Nebiaska. Gentlemen: ' Vo the committee appointed by tho .nTElrn L. I-'cy.-.. II. T. Jacobon . Remington Typewriter - (linn & Co Alluyn & Uacon IioUdn Music Co Mall's Outage JK II. Printing Co. -University Publishing Co (iio?g Publishing Co. Sanboin & Co. The offer of District Judge Dungan 5117 33 2 CO .! 00 2 05 9 50 ' (5 00 18 91 , 21 22 81 2 00 20 21 29 11 11 (ill 12 95 t, A t Chamber of Commerce, to look up the to address the graduating c.asa at matter of widening the alley at the Commencement for $25.00 and expen south end of Webster street to tho ses was accepted and the suggestion railroad track, to conform with said of Mits Eli'abeth Overman to take Webster street, and to report our charge of the training for the class findings to your honorable body" beg piny for 50.00 was also accepted, j leave to icport, J The following resolution oiTcrcd by We looked up the county records p0pe was unanimously adopted: Rc- and find there is only about (bur solved, by tho Red Cloud Board of property owners living on their prty--jEtlucatien that in view of the increase ' city in said district, a few of the 0r teachers' salaries for the past' other lots are owned by Red Cloud year and an added increase for the' citizens, and some by non residents,' coming year, that it is imperative so the matter of getting the owners that more money be raised by taxa to vacate said land by deed would tion. Therefore, the Board deem it cause considerable delay so much so' advisable to increase the levy to fifty it would bo impossible to take any mills on the assessed valuation of action in tegatd to paving this year. J property in the school distiict and We would suggest and recommend with this end in' view they request condemnation proceedings, then each the secretary to submit tho proposi propcity owner would get pay for tion to the electors of said distiict to the damage done their property, and i,n voted on at the coming April clcc would be just and equitable to all, tion. and in our judgment would cost the J Tho Tcachcl,s. Committee leported city much less than the benefit it nrnnnen. c.,if. ti,,ii nn,i ,n,. ommended the election of tho follow- SHU Cl.WWM.W - I B12KTtTfi- Edison Period inets Cab Grace Both Music and Home ELOQUENT OF CULTURE, WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs arc notable for their authenticy. The better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty and purity of their lines. Miss Elsie De Wolf (Amerisa's foremost designer or house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the lover of good furniture." The NEW EDISON "The Phonogmpfi'with a Soul" Sheraton, Hcpplewhitc William and Mary, Chippendale Adam,, Italian, Jacobean, Louts XIV, etc. Nor arc these Instruments beyond reach of your pocUctbook, Come In and find out how modestly they arc priced. B. H. NEWtiOUSt OPTOMETRIST and IBWULER DON'T WAIT! DONT WAIT for THE PL EA SA N T WEATHER to have that PHOTOGRAPH MADE. Our NEW METHOD of lighting makes us independent of weather conditions and we are able to make (Season's Studio GOOD WORK A T Ott Smith' Shoe Store ANY 7 1 ME. P amt 3EE DG 3ME We Would Like to have Your " i Storage Orders For Next Winter's Coal Now! Piatt Frees PC HE $ would derive from same. Respectfully submitted, R. P. WEESNER HOWARD S. FOE OEO. W. HUTCHISON Mr. Watts was present and talked paving explaining tho features of asphaltic concrete base. M. C. Sherman, Henry Wolf and Clark Stevens were appointed as Judges for the Fir.st Waul, for the geneial spring election to bo held April 0, 1020 and R. P. Wocsner and Ed Piatt as Clerks. W. C. Gilham, J. M. IJurgcss and Sam Kizcr wero ing teachers: Helen M. Reiner, mathematics, $120; Ethel J. Hilton, piincipal Sen ioi High, ?M5; Myrtle Gelwick, .science, $135; Edna Frey, normal I ttaining, $135; Helen Vance, history, $120; Eltina Rickard, commercial, $125; Mrs. II. S. Foe, cnglish, $125; Ethel Owen, music, $95; Minnie Christian, principal Juinor High, $120; Aimce Arnold, Junior High, $110; Jessie Kellogg, Junior High $110; Maurine Caldwell, 1st grade,1 $85; Anne Ranncy, 2nd grade, $85; nnmrwl nu .Tiwlfrna fti. flii Uninml Ward and Ed Garher and Miner Katliryne J Ulkc-, 3nl K$ $8 5' Sherwood as Clerks. The election, Graclc Bccz,cy Cth ?ra!Ic' f5; M,at" in the First Ward to be hold in the' jf'0"0;, pr,"ciP" ' "' . ' rat Unit nn,i t n,n s i w,.i 90J Mary Bel,c Hnsbinucr, kinder- in the Firemen's Hall. I Kartn' fS thc;nc Traut' "ssi!lt- Mayor Pope's appointment of II. C.!ant Wndercartcn, $C0. tenhnr.Kon ns Wntrr nnH T.itr),f Sn.l 'flic Committee also further rccom perintendent at a salary of $150 pet mended that all teachers should sign, month was conOrmcd by the Council. a contract by the 1st of Mny and in, Tho following claims were allowed: cae f failure to do so this election j H. C, Stephenson $150 00 bo nul1 anrt 'void aml tho Board W. A. Patltcn 130 00 would proceed to fill vacancies with-, A. Clark - 11C 00 ,out further delay. On motion the, Leo McArthur LL.LZT. 96 00 report was accepted and the teachers Lee Tmax C2 80,elected as recommended. I Bert Perry . 56 25 Board then on motion of Pope and S. R. Florance .' ' 556 71 seconded by Sherwood re-elected A.' O. C. Tecl " 35 36 T- Holtzen as superintendent at a Sam Mountford 150 00 salary of $2200. C. R". Lewis .. ,... 415.0 The resignation of the domestics A. H. McArthur r I 8 50 science teacher, Miss Ramona Schwer, J. S. Bcauchamp Piatt & Frees J Piatt & Frces..l , Ed Lyoness - 1 Claude Lyoncss , Lon Perry Cliua. Cinnamon . Chas. Barrett Jas. Mcintosh Curt Evans C. V. Dickenson Mid West Electric 6 75 30 01 381 75 1G -15 11 35 0 70 7 00 43 75 was received and accepted and Mrs. Jennie Miner Reihcr was selected to fill vacancy for the un-expircd term. We outgrow our old foolish feaw M & U Who now is cifrctid of COFF I 4 g 4 A rriiRudu Iiob been began by ShoilfT Iliilfer an I County Attorney H.H I'oo ngiiiiiHt the auto owner of this county wbo hau not prncuioil their 1920 11. . 100 00 ctMibe. J C, 1 1 n gey of (Julio Itoek whb , 47 00 the lit htuiw to appear, Monday, before 25 00 .IuiIkh R'Hiney. Suvoral more have Co. .220 40 bfvii hiuiiuioned to appear, fio tho Nat'l Refining Co. Mayer Coal Co. B. McNcny 81 CO Mierlll iiirormH um. Tho olllcers have 258 40 dfcliUd tluit Ignorance, of the law es- 150 00 cubes no inati, and that auto owners have linil auiple time to get pontod on Will Gurney went to SVlden, Knn- the mrtttur ftwl comply with the reu sas, Thursday to loolc over" tho land "'", t they intend to oe barsaius. ttoafc avor.v Buto owner ohejn this law tliUMIJJJmum.UNLiUMHi People onco wore afniicl of tho steam engine. "It will blow up" "It will jump tho track" they said. But wo nil know bettor now. Time has disproved nuiuy old fallacies. Yet, somogood people still believe tlmt coffee doesn't "agree" with them, a popular delusion encouraged by competitive products. In reality coffee is more healthful for moio people than any other beverage. It is consumed in greater volume than any other. Our coffee will delight you with its rare fragrance and flavor. Try a pound, and learn from your cup how truly good coffee is at its best. ASK FOR BATAVIA HUCO FRONTIER LOYALTY ROB ROY Coming Butternut and Paxton-Gallaghor's Farmers Union, Red Cloud Dr.W.H.McBride OKNrtmr OVER STATK.BANK v REDCLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST t y " 4ir Oitjce Over AlbrlsUfi 8 turf ' X Red Cloud Nebraskm ! I i ii As rfu A' s&hfpi.