The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 05, 1920, Image 8

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"We ought to make a hit"
AND why not? Never
were finctobtiecos
so skillfully blended!
Chesterfield.; bring you
the best of Turkish and
Domestic leaf, blended
to bring out new de
lights of flavor.
0)3H I
r i.-
Dispersion Sale
Registered Percheroits
15 Bred Mares, 4 Stallions and 2 Stallion Colts
day, Feb. 14 1
JESSW1LLARD, No 116687. black-, age 4, wt 1900. First ptiz: ard sweec
stakes at Nucleoli cotmty fair, 1918. 9
HANNIBL, No. J1233J, grjy,g6, wt 19j0. First pri" and sweepstakes
at Thav:r county lair, 19i9.
PHDRO.Mo 134382, black, age 3, wt 1950. Firt prise and sweepstakes at
Nuckolls cuuntv fair, J9JV.
ERIA, No. J37I02, black age 3, wt 1300. Also Bay and Bhci Stallion colts
2 warning mare colts, black and bay, good and growthv 2 cominp, 2 yr olds
January Weather Report
Temperature: Moan ','U do., iiiu.vl
mum (!) deg. on Iflili, iiiliilmiun '1 deg.
on 'J till.
l'loclpitttloii: Tolul 0(W Inches
Suowf.ill: Total 7 inches.
Xtiiutii'r of dajs ulcnr II, pnttly
cloudy 5. cloudy 11.
D.itei of Sleet .', I'i, III.
Prevail ng wind Dl'fCtlon X V 11
("has. S. Ludlow, Observer.
Baptist Church Notes
Siiinliiv school lit '1 p III
I'rcHc.lilug ut .'! p m. liy ltuv. Jirtiee
Kveryoue Is much impressed with
II ro I'Nht'ltiiKir.s'k'o-ptil sei
inoni mill you should come mid hear
him ami be with us in tin: Sunday
There will In a sailed meeting of the
Nebraska liaptlst. siuto convention
held in the Fhst Uaptist church tit
Lincoln. Kach uhuruh Is urged to send
at least, two incmbci.s, one liiyiiiiin, one
woman with the pastor.
9000 Miles in a Ford Truck
I ItiiML'int' it! Nine thousand tulles
for ?l"I7.:i7 tlmlV the record of a Kotd
One Ton Truck loaned with touring
and camping equipment, anil oariyli g
Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh and children
(our dousu't say how iniuiy
children), also tlieir married dainjhtir,
Mis. Aimstr.iutr, and lier husband.
On .Inly 7th lust, they loaded u I'ord
TneU not n tommy car-with n tent,
fiying pans, li-lilug tackle mid sundry
c imping equipment, climbed to thulr
seats. Mini soon left behind the city of
Ames low. i. Their trip led Ihiough
siou City, Ripid City. Wind Cave,
Hot Springs, Yellowstone National
l'.irli mid 'Jliti towns or cities, mid con
sumed approximately three months.
A record of the t-xpendituies for the
entire !)U10 mile hip showed that the
amount spent for gas-, nil mid rep.iirs
totaled just e.sactly 51'7 .'17. Can you
beat it '
-a duck 13 j ana lasu. t i yr olds. macr, wt ibUJ and 15 JU. fjominjj 4 yr old
I black' wt 1650. '1 cominp, 4 yr olds, gray and bay, wt 1950 and 1800. Bay, 6
yrsold, wt 1350 Bay 8 yrs old, wt 10 '0. Black 7 yrs old, wt 1'wO Black
h 12 yrs old, wt 19 Span of gray fi yr olds, wt 32 U.
W. L. PARR, Ruskin, Neb. f
" C'oN. Henderson and Denny, Auct. I K Bottenflold, Clerk h
Env and drink at Powell .fc Pope's
Uafe. tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowdcn spent
Thursday in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Haycfl spent the
last of tlio week with friends at Ox
foul.,. .lohn Ihunllton c-ime up from' Guide
ltoek Wednesday evening and left on
14 for Kairbury to attend ti hog sale
I Public Auction
aMMMOBafaaTininr Hggi p 1 m 1 1 wjii i n m ' il I Hi ) ill If l in Wil
onday, Feb. 9th
Fine 80 Acre Farm
V2 mile north and V mile east of Franklin, Neb.
North J2 of Northeast J4, Section 30, Township 2, Range 14. Good 7-room
house, barn 26x28, stable for 5 head of horse, machine shed, stanchion for 9
neaa or cattle; running water; Plenty ot timber; 15 acres of alfalfa; 25
of pasture. $3,000 incumberance, six per cent.
8 - Head of Horses -
Bay mare 12 yrs old, wt 1300; bay mare 7 yrs old, wt 1200; black mare 7 yrs
old, wt 1200; black mare 4 yrs old, wt 1000; 2-yr-old colt; yearling colt; bay
gelding 7 yrs old.
19 - Head of Cattle - 19
5 cows, giving milk; 7 cows, not giving milk; 7 calves from 1 to 9 months old
8 HEAD OF HOGS : 1 Sow and 7 Pigs
Farm Machinery, Feed, Etc.
Tongueless lister; disc; 2-section harrow; 2-row weeder; new McCormick mow
er: 3-inch wagon: wagon and rack: soring waeon: ton hnrrrv 9 ctc nc ,L.
HI harness; single harness; gasoline barrell; cream separator, No. 12 DeLaval; 15
tons airaira nay; cane ana airaira seed it threshed by sale date: 20 bushels
potatoes; canned fruit; HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 14 doz CHICKENS.
TERMS: 6 months at 10 per cent interest, approved security
0. L. Hayden and Thos. Britt, Auct's.
N. A. Butler, Clerk
? Franklin
Austin Bros. Lunch
Wagon on Grounds
iln""" irn
The biggest and most important
meeting of ministers ever hold in Ne
braska is scheduled for Febuiary 18,
ID. and 20, when practically every i
prencher of every evangelical church
in this state will ho in Lincoln to at
tend the stale-wide meeting of pas
tors to discuss local phases of tne
Ir.tereluirch World Movement. Invita
tions were last week mailed from
the Omaha office of the Movement I
to the 1500 protestant ministers of'
Nebraska and score. of acceptances '
inv being received by the committee
every day. The meeting is held to be'
of such importance to churches that
all the expenses of the ministers as,
far as railroad, and sleeping car fate
when necessary, are being borne by
the Intci'church World Movement and
the hope is that the different chinches1
in Lincoln will arrange to take care of
the minister.-? of their denomination
durng the conference.
While the great meeting of Ne
hraskn ministers is being held in Lin
coln, a smilar meeting of ministers
will he hold in every state capitol
throughout the United States. The Ne
braska movement is but one cog in
the groat wheel. It is the expectation
that every active minister or every
evangelical church in the entire Unit-1
ed Slates will attend one of the con
ferences during the month of Febru
ary. The Nebraska meeting is being held
with three objects in view. .First, to
ncquant Nebraska pastor. with the j
results of the groat Woild Suney
Conference held in Atlantic City on'
January 7th to 10th, 1?'20. Second, to
secure the support of the Nebraska
pastors to the local plans for Noma
lea. Third, to make preparations for,
local conferences in every county and
township in Nebra.ska. I
Forty-two of the great te'igiojs
denominations were lepreser.ted in
tlit Atlantic City conference and while
there are some of the national bodies
which have not yet affiliated them
selves with the Intel church World
Movement, individual ministers of churches will lie welcomed in the
Nebraska state-wide conference with
tne same warmtn and on tlie . same i
terms accorded the ministers of thoe
religious bodies which are already in
the Movement.
"This pastors' confcicncc will lie
one of the most notable affairs that
has ever been held in Nebraska," the!
invitations to the ministers read. "The
matters that will come before the con
ference cannot fail to be of the very
greatest interest to every pastor and
every church in America. We have
reason to believe that it will be even
more inspiring and significant than
the great Atlantic City meeting itso'f.
"Because of the nature of the pro
gram and the outstanding men who
will address the meeting, we oarnes:ly
believe the conference will mark an
epoch in the life of every attendant.
We you wi'.l let nothing inter
fere with your presence at this con
ic rence."
r.ed ears for Mile Frame A Smith
Ui-n-,. Co
John Kdwnrdt and K S. Fit went
to Superior this morning.
Glycerine Mixture Surprises
Red Cloud
The quick action of Minpln glycerine
buckthorn liiiik, etc., as mixed In Ad
ler-i-ka, is surprising. One spoonful
relieve-. ANY CASK gas on stomach or
sour stomach. Adler-i ka nuts on
BOTH upper and lower bowel and re
moves nil foul acuiimulated mat lor ,
which poisoner! stnmaeb (iiteu Ul It
KS constipation. Prevents appendici
tis. One lady reports sho has nomoie
pain in hack of head or gas on stomach
since using Adler-i-Ua. C. L. Cutting,
E. S. Gaurber
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate. Insurance, Loans, Abstracts
S Kruuencf, 177
lad. 63
Red Cloud
210 Acres
Combination stock and grain farm. 70 acres pasture,
25 acres alfalfa, balance under cultivation: cultivated land
all level except about 20 acres; live ro6m house, stable for
H head of horses, small granary, garage, silo, cow and hog
sheds, well and windmill and only 20 feet to water, about
five acres of heavy timber fenced hog tight, good orchard,
close to school, on R. F. D. and telephone, two and one-half
miles to town. 575.00 per acre.
ISO Acres
All under cultivation except about 20 acres: 80 acres
on the famous Prairie Dog valley, level as a floor and the
very best black loam alfalfa and corn ground, balance
gentle slope. Good six room house, well and windmill,
small stable, corn ctib. garage, etc. Mile and a half to
town on a perfectly level road. This is one of the choice
farms in this valley, and land of this character has sold in
the same neighborhood during the past few months from
$125 to $135 per acre. Close1 to school and on R. F. D. and
telephone. Price S100 per acre.
Possession may be had on either of these farms Maich 1, llt2, nn.t
may be bouyht on u pajniMit of S'J.hoO cash, balance up to ( nehatf ot
purchase ptice Mm eh 1. C0, and oweier will carry bads one half of the price Tor tlv yeais at (i percent. These fiunis are located in
Harlan count, Nebraska, ai d will be on the market but a short time
as owner will lent them if not sold.
At the C. E. Arnold farm, G miles north and 3 east of Cowles, C
miles south and 3 east of Blue Hill, 4 southwest of Rosemont
Tuesday, Feb, 10
Commencing at 10 o'clock sharp
Head of Stock
5 Head of Horses
Gray mare coming fi yrs old. wt 1350; black marc 7 yrs old, vt
1300; bay mare wt 1300; gray horse 4 yrs old, wt MOO; bav horse
4 yrs old, wt 1250.
8 1 Duroc Jersey Hogs
30 sows to farrow in April; 40 fall shoats: 10 barrows, wt about
180. purebred Duroc Jersey boar. , s
Farm Machinery, Etc.
McCormick binder. John Deere single-row cultivator, wagon and
hay rack. Bradley manure spreader without truck, Dain feed
grinder. 2 stacks alfalfa hay, Glenwood telephone and telephone
line right, numerous other articles.
TERMS 9 months at 10
Lunch on Grounds
J. M. and H. W, Arnold
G. G. Denny, Auct.
James McBride. Clerk.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Public Sale
As I have rented my farm and am moving away, I will sell at
public auction at my farm mile north of Cowles, Neb., on
Commencing at 12 o'clock
4Q Head of Stock 4Q
5 Head ot Horses
One team gray marcs, 3 and 4 yrs old. wt about 1550; black
mare, 8 yrs old. wt 1600: gray mare. 9 yrs old, wt 1700; brown
horse, 17 yrs old, wt 1350.
20 Head of Cattle
Polled Shorthorn bull, 2 yrs old with papers, lteadof herd; 4 milk
cows, z giving miiK, i iresn soon; 6 ;5-yr-oiu neiters. 2 with calf
by side or fresh soon; 2 2-yr-old heifers, 1 with calf by side 1
fresh in about 6 months; 10 calves.
ThcMargln of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
Insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself into n fancied
because lire has never louche I you
It doesn't follow that you're, iiiinnino
Toiiuiiow -no today, if you have
time and you better Mud time
come to the olllco and we'll write
a policy on your houso, furniture,
store or merchandise,.
Reliable Insurance
15 shoats weighing from 75 to 100 pounds, each.
Farm Machinery, Household Goods, Etc.
Disc: 3-sec harrow; lister: 2 cultivators: sulky plow; McCormick
mower; Deering rake; hay buck; stacker: stalk drill; 2 wagons
box and rack, top buggy; AUTOMOBILE; 3 h p Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine; power wood saw; power feed grinder; power wash
ing machine; power grindstone; telephone and line right; some
oats, corn, barley and alfalfa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS piano
and bench, practically new; sectional book case; library table; 3
extension tables; 8 leather scat dining chairs: rockers; kitchen
cabinet; kitchen chairs; cupboards; beds; 3 chilfoniers; 2 dressers
comooe; sewum nuicnmo; stoves;) yxiz rugs; many otnerarticlds
TERMS: $ 1 0 and under cash; 1 0 months at 10 r interest.
E. V. PAUL, Owner
G. G. Denny, Auct. Free Lunch 11:45 a. in. E. T. Foe, Clerk
Dr. R.V. Nicholson ' Dr. W.H. McBride
Oltlco Over .MbrlKlil'i Htoro
Red Cloud Nebraska
25 Head of Cattle
5 cows coming 3 yrs old; 2 cows coming 6 yrs old; 4 cows comin
5 yrs old; 2 cows, coming 4 yrs old; 5 heifers' coming 2 yrs old,
Some cf these will be fresh by day of sale, others fresh soon. 4
steers coming 2 yrs old; purebred Shorthorn bull, coming 3 vrs
2 grade Shorthorn bulls 2 yrs old; grade Shorthorn bull com'g l'yr
j4afayiiiiLS)'Ma-.v.-W-wr fcMtfe, .'4,jV.v.-. . -tw 'r.ttf.u ,-vi.-M...,arimwiwj uum'u)
f l p Mi J V