V RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, v CHIEF I 1 i. il tit J I W 't. v- 1 I ( -! ' J -. !-? Sure Relief O, uvwv 7 INDIGESTCM '0J v--vs ii2i- 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief Bi LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Nebraska Directory KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging linroln Photo Supply Co. (Knstrann Kodak Co.) ftept. K. 1217 O St. LWoln.Neb. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present lime for you up women ver nineteen lenrs of nse who have lind at least one year In high school to tnkr Nurses' Train ing In neneral hospital. Our graduates re In rveat demand. Address Spt. of Nnrtfi, Lincoln Sanitarium. Lincoln, Xetr. L. Stine & Sons Solicit your shipments of Hides and Furs. Returns made same Ay as arrival. High est prices guaranteed. 234 South 9tfc, Lincoln, Nebr. m SANITARIUM 3ULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and used in the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Beart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderate charges. Address DR. O.W.EVERETT. Mar. 14th ! M Sis. Lincoln, Nsb. SETTLED HIS RIVAL'S HASH Han's R-mark Could Only Be Classi fied as a Remarkable Inspira tion of Genius. Every .iinn thinks alt sorts of things about bis rival, but not every ninn Is genius enough to soy exnetly the right thing to lower his girl's opinion of the same rival. But re cently n remnrk was overheard In a downtown restaurnnt which proved that one mnn possessed thnt ability. He and his best girl were entlng when the other mnn entered the retaurant. Immediately he came to them, shook hands with the girl nnd, after being Introduced to the first man, talked n few minutes. Now, the girl had quoted this second mnn so much thnt his name to the first mnn was like the sight of n red flag. And she firmly expected a Btonny session when the Intruder left. But Instend of thnt the escort calmly went on with his eating, offering only one comment: "There's one mnn I'll never be Jealous of again." A Hard Alternative. "Bhigs Is in something of a predica ment." "What Is that?" "Up m'uit either swallow his wrath or ent his words." Three Comrades. Sentry Halt! Who goes there? Weary Yoke One friend and two mules. Loudon Answer?. v-r mm, No matter haw loiirf you liave Been a coffee Vik er, youwillfindit easy to change to Instant postum The flavor is similar. The only difference is the certainty that no harmful after effects can possibly follow. Sold by Grocers everywhere) Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Cteek. Michigan. . BULLY! If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy, take "Cascarets" t-.i""""- - Fuel grand! Cleanup Inside! Your sjstem Is filled with llTTr unil bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your hentl foggy nntl aching. Your meals are turning i Into polon nntl you can not feci right. I Don't May bilious or constipated. Feel J spienuiuiy niways ny taKing i;nscarets occasionally. They net without grip ing or Inconvenience, They never sick en you like Calomel, Knits, Oil or snsty, harsh Pills. They cost so little too Cnscarets work while you sleep. Adv. The End of the Year. "Cold embers! Did you ever hear of cold embers?" "Sure November nnd December I" Cnrtoon. Cutlcura Soothes Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dan druff nnd itching with Cutlcura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Make them your evcry-day toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, whit i hands. Adv. When man Usses a girl for tin llr.st time she tries to net so ho will think It l her first experience. AsK for FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST YEAR HILL'S CASCARAkMUININE BROM1D Standard cold remedy for 20 yesra in tablet lorra saic, sure, no opiatei breaks up a com in z noura renevca K"i " UE Honey dick ii it iaus. ino genuine dox nas a ca ktop with Mr. HUl'a picture. At All Drug Sff FRECKLES j-'v;;; IVILV RKMOVKD br Dr. IUttt OlntMat Tyr dniajsrlst or bf MkMiin AnmMi Chlcag mm. ur . n. Barry Many Tyrants. He was a high .school pupil and was Imbibing many bits of philosophy. At home he watched the women folk nnd the ways they devised for doing ns they pleased and for getting every other person to do as they wished tiiein to do. And from these he tlrew conclusions which he later voiced. "Times hove changed since my his tory was written," he told his father one night. "Then the tyrants were the men, who used to stamp around and kill nnd frighten people Into submis sion. Today the tyrants have dropped those weapons nnd use much more subtle ones tears. I think a woman who cries In order to get her own way is n bigger tyrant tlinn ever tlio.se fel lows of long ago were." Anyway, It set father to work think ing. Indlnnnpolls News. Then It Started Something. Ynnk This picture of my sweet heart saved my life one day in the battle "of the Maine. I wns wearing It over my heart and It stopped n bullet that would lmve killed me. Crank GoMi! That picture Is enough to stop n mad bull. Nebraska Awgwan. His Branch. "If you had to enlist for overseas duty again, what branch would you choose?" "The" peace delegation." 1'alnts thnt are said to be both fire nnd waterproof are made from the oil of n Miuicliurliiii benn. PEOPLE fTHM mttlt-J IB ' 1 f ? sMft Mi 81 Wk si f. x-m LiBK USB tfiWsYl -3 hi VMbW- Wa e 'ie .rv'A . -.y'MVTVs' -" -. ...?'.;4' i - I - "-,' -&.' Tlie small boy Is not much oceti pled with thoughts of bis dollies, e ept Unit he wants theui to took like thn.o worn by hh i milling mute. Whether his shiitwaNts, trousers or coats are made at home and from ma terials (hat have seen service before being beiiiealheil to him, U no con cern of his Occasionally he lakes a proud salfslaetlou In the knowledge that he Is wearing clothes thai his fa ther or uncles have worn before him, and In view of the mounting cost of Ills belongings these sources of sup ply should be considered. Very good qualities in percales, ma dras and silk aru Used for making men's shirts, but even so the wear nnd tear of laundeilng frays out collar kinds and ci ill's long before the hotly of the shhts .show any signs of wear. Tile fra.xed rulTs ami collar bands are Intolerable aid the shirts are discard ed. The son-bosomed kind are used by. thrifty mothers to make waists for their small hoys. Silk shirts are often made over into shirtwaists for girls or grnwii-iip members of the Tamlly as the small boy Is not outfitted with silks. Iteully good woolen materials stand washing as well as cottons. A suit to THE DAY OF mmjsL Nothing displaces lino and sheer while goods for the dres.s-up frocks of little girls. Tills year they are better thought of than eer, because It Is the day of sheer cottons fashion Is smil ing upon them. But always pretty cot ton frocks of fine batiste, organdie, swiss or net are among tho things that are counted on for the chlldrens party dresses. They stand unchallenged for daintiness and Tor elegance. To match up with the beauty of theho fabrics we must select fine, narrow laces, and fabric and lace are to ho set together with lino baud stitching. Then every thing Is ns it should he. In the picture, n little maid of eleven years or so wenrs a frock of tine white batiste employing nurr'ow val lace and a llttlo embroidery for Its adornment. There Is nothing unusual about It; It Is merely a lino specimen of Its kind and Is sure to meet with welcome tec ognltlon. Tho frock has a short, baby waist and a straight skirt. About the bottom of, the skirt a row of Insertion Is Joined to one of edging with a very narrow band of embroidered mvIss and lengths of insertion are let in the skirt us shown in the picture, Swiss in short panels Joined with val lace Insertion makes the little sleeveless overbodlpe finished with a lace edge. Both Insertion and edging, Joined with n narrow baud of swiss embroidery, like that on the skirt, make the neck finish and sprays of line embroidery appear on the two panels at the center of the front. Kvcry needlewoman will know that It re--quires, accurate, careful sewing to put tills little frock together In tho right way. But the result pays for tho trou ble. There Is not so much work, but It must be of iirbt quality. TJiere are simpler ways of setting tho luce and XV jF" disuse IsiiHVs CSV. T $Jm I'aHBfasrW f A r- 'ilPIHMRSHsHsHsV G . sj,s- , Ax jr so i ml N SJT- "XA. ESjrtt..j -iMd -W--! ''f Is ! iii prvonvy mer Tsrq.. - he miiile oer for the little hoy .should be lipped up and the goods In It' washed accoidlng lo the usual medio I of wiishiii-j woolens. f it shrinks a little no harm Is done. When It Is piesM'd and made up into a suit for the joimgstcr tho material Is leally as good as new. In case It has worn shln.x It should be turned, placing the) wiong side out. In ho,s' suits even mote than In grown-ups two pahs of pants for one coat Is economical. A suit Willi two pairs of pants will wear, mimic than twice as long as a suit wltlu oul.v one pair. It is not particularly' tlllliciilt lo make noju clothes. Thei pants, if cut by a iclluble pattern, aru easy. When the coat Is undertaken the lining should lie first cut and fitted,) using a simple pattern as a guide. Discarded shirts of percale ami ma dras me u-eil by ninny housewives for making apions. There Is u great va riety of patterns for the smaller apions that are needed by every wom-j an who busies herself at home wlthi housework or sewing. The skirls are' ripped up, washed and the materlalj pressed. The designers of patterns' hae seen to It that a number of prac-; tical apions are made up of several! sections of cloth and this makes itl easy to cut Iheni from other garments.' FINE CLOTHES ; batiste together. Some frocks show rows of insertion miming around tho skirt nt bitervals of six or eight Inches. This Is jiot so difficult ns it requires only straight lengths of the goods with the Insertion whipped to tho edges. Even an amateur may lie sure of tho required accuracy by following this model. j Very pretty swiss and net frocks rely upon tucks and frills of the sumo matetinls for their trimming. Tucks at rather wide Intervals above three liioli hems and frills, finished with nar row hems ut the neck nnd finishing tho short sleeves, emphasize a desired sim plicity In these frocks. Girdles and sashes of inn row ribbons seem to be long to them. Occasionally the frills aro edged with very nanow lace. These sheer frocks are to bo worn over petticoats of the same fineness, or over silk slips. Orgnndles In light colors-vary the choice nnd are used for lovely frocks. Only the first of the new offerings In party frocks for spring have arrived, hut It Is quite snfo to use them ns models to copy. Something different but nothing prettier will fob Jow them. Waists to Match Suits. . Waists in shades to mutch winter suits nro especially popular. They aro most effective when combined with contrasting colors, cither by use of narrow vestces, embroidery of floss und bends, or dainty milled collars. V.' w JL .-i i-H, ,$,;$ The largest electric sign in the world advertises WRiGLOfS on Times Square. New York City: it is 250 feet long 70 feet high. Made up of 1 7,286 electric lamps. The fountains Play, the trade mark chances, read inn alternately WRIGLEV'S SPEARMINT. DOUBLEMKNT. and JUICY FRUIT, and the Spearmen "do a turn This slfln Is seen nlchtlv by about 500.000 people from all over the world. Sealed Tight TlTTTltTTITir r ttuWiuJfmMmW J1 , Cultivate patience ; it wins. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation Invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked nnd overcome by Green's August Flower which Is a gentle laxa tive, regulates digestion both in stomach nnd intestines, clonus and sweetens the stomach and nllmcntnry canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and Impuritle.' from the blood. It Is n sovereign remedy used In many thousands of households all over the civilized world for more thnn half a century by those who hnve suffered with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pnh pltntlon, constipation and other In testinnl troubles. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Try n bottle, take no substitute. Adv. Ignorant people are born critics. YOUR COLD IS EASED AFTER THE FIRST DOSE "Pape's Cold Compound" then breaks up a cold in a few hours Belief conies Instantly. A doo taken every two hours until three doses nro taken usually breaks up a. severe cold nnd ends nil the grippe misery. Tho very first dos-o opens your clogged-up nostrils nnd the air pass ages in the head, stops nose running, relieves tho headache, dullness, fever Ishness, sneezing, soreness and stiff ness. Don't stay stuffed-up ! Quit blowing nnd snuffling! Clenr your congested head ! Nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief ns 'Tape's Cold Compound," which costs only n few cents ut nny drug store. It nets with out assistance, tastes nice, contnlns no quinine Insist upon Tape's! Adv. Hobbles, like all horses, need bridles. ' t RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To Imlf pint of water ndtl 1 at, Hny Hum, a small box of lUrl Compound, and . ot. of gljceriue. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the deaireil blinds. Any druggist enn put this up or jou can mix it at homo at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, fntled gray hair, anO will make haih hair soft and iilosnty, It will not co'or the acalp, in not sticky or I greasy, and docs not rub oil. Adv. One today Is worth two toiuoriows. Important to Mothora Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy for Infants nnd children, nnd sec that It Bears the Signature of In U80 for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Hash Is tho ghost of a square meal, "vmimm ir Night MM ' Morning ixeep Your tyesi Clean-CleiM-, HcolthV Writ Tar ffa O Car Bash Murlna Co, Chicago. UU J"T?m1 MKOT2fJl Kept Right A7 Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug Cation Soap U tha favorite forftrrior h)D. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ImoTi.indraO-1tollilrfllli Restores Color and Btautylo Cray and Faded Hair I we. mii si ooti arnircuia. I nivni Chf-n. W Itl. I'atf liociii'. W T I HINDERCORNS IImiiotm cvma. C&1.7 loutea. etc., atop all pain, tnauroa comfort to tti fret. niaLra watklnc eT. lie or mall or at Drog-I cltta. JliicoxCbcuilcai Works, J-atcnouue, N. T. Liver and Bowels - RightAlways Feel Fine There's one right way to speedily tone up the liver and Keep the bowels regular. Carter's Little I CARTERS Liver Pills never fail. Millions IITTLE IVEFt will testify that there i3 nothing so ood for bil PiEJ iousness, indigestion, headache or sal low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable. Small Pill-Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. caiilin siusl bear iIsiiIdii yytaivC INDIGESTION Caused by Asid-Stomach Millions of jirople In (act about 8 out ot 10 suffer more or lean from Indlgeatlon, acute or chronic. Nearly every caae la caused by Arlil-Stonuicli. There are other Momnch disorders Trhtcb alao are aure Blitna ot Arld-blomuch beleh InK, heartburn, bloat otter eating, food r peallne, aour. gaasy atoinach. There ar many nllinenta which, while they do not cause much dltrea In the atoinach Itself, lire, nevert'icleaa, tracenble to an acid Momnch. Amonc theae are nervousneaw, bhlouaneaa, cirrhosis of the liver, rheuma tism, Impoverlahed blood, neukneaa, Inaom nln, melancholia und a Ions train ot phys ical and mental mlaerlea that keep tha victim In mlarrnble health ear after year. The right thing to do la to attack th allmtnta at their aource get rid of the oetd atomarh. A wonderful modern remedy called EATONIC now rnnkea It eaay to do tola. One or hundred" ot thouaanda nf grateful uaera of BATONIC wrltea: "I have bean troubled with Intestinal Indlgeatlon for about nlma eara and have spent quite a aum for medicine, but without relief, After ualnsT EATONIU for a few days the gaa and pains In m bowela dlaappenred, BATONIC la Juat the remedy I needed " We have thouaanda of lettera telling of theae marveloua beneflta. Try BATONIC and joii. too, will be Juat aa enthualaatto In It pralae, lour drufslst has BATONIC. CJet a bla COc box from htm today. Ho will refund your money If you are not satisfied. E ATONIC (roRYOUR ACID-STOMACIQ i itvVff "! rS W. N. U.( LINCOLN, NO. 4--1920.