ray cloud, webiaiia, chief WW "Il ' "Jcaiij nipu,t p ' "hi muiuimiii i & IF 4 sh! .? 4 .M m tl I ti ll -.1 J u -! 'j (W &&$&& AuurtiiVfPtx 28H85 a r " ''nr - . Vfe: '' mteryLU6 3CMAS GIFTS raja Articles that ore used THAT WILL BE every dny in the yeor APPRECIATED Nay be found in abundance in our store Articles that will please tho entire family A large line to select from-a wide range pricou-investigate before you purchase V wish to ( all your attention to our display of f'inc Silvnwart. It's fit for a king. See it. GEO. W. TRINE ?. mt&javxmmA am I JMWK.'ili'itfj. 'i hi, ' mi - i' , n J" ' fl' mt J ,k 'J.-I. W f Yx AM T mas iioodies i 'rlfil-i.'iyl .i...i.. .i. .,... .,. .... . . . 1 iW'j' j- retiui'ccl iu preparing your Xmas Dinner may bo had at our store. iit We : specialize in good things "to cat. AN eliUNDANCn OF XMAS CANPl-S AND NUTS. P LAC II YOUR ORDJiR NOW ''amy China is an Aroriate Xmas Giji P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Qucensware TOi,.M..!1,ri.MMim!w;,.,i w ,,,., i; ,.lt, r!tiumuiiwu!.:xim-:ituu:!nmKniHiuutmummnmttti:cM3 itrirFmr .TU Mm Open Till 900 p. ui. Next ll'eeh Here Are Some PRACTICAL ENTS ior Women at w iv fs, ni Tfti S PRES W jL IG SAVINGS Instead of wailing till it is too late for Christmas we have lowered the prices to the very bottom NOW. Those wishing to supply a year's wearing apparel will save big money to buy now. Coats 20 to 335 off Suits 20 to 335 off Dresses are all Reduced GIVE ' Furs, Bathrobes and Kimonas WOLBACH & BRACH HASTINGS, NEB. 3EIEE 111 gmir rjl uomraaes ' Three crvro r ZA1DKE E. DALCOM Z i hfZif&y CprrttM, irjf, fcjr iim, YTmHtn Kew, 1hr- nor hr MtJtors for tli listtij nt firefly Mil Daif., at ! Ihnt rtuiiiliif of y(mc mfi rrlItit nt Woohiw or it lcJnliy who rnlliil jtk tj'nrly (iHM hT otiffi n wfk. ' I m l n lUtm has tier pick of h t'r fnlr buM'li," (ufVfHf lur jkh-fill- l(!iicKj,'ifi fuihif Co IiIm nlirtili;r, '"J")n' r nil IJkljr yoinis MUtfff. unit It woiilij lie ii ir"liy imitlciilnr lil wlio coiiMn'i Ijo milted wllli hoiiiv of the rrowil." "Wlili-h oik- flu you favor?" viim propoiiiulo, "TJiiit' not for mo lo miy," rcplli'tl .Mr. Iulc. "I've iilvvnyH fullowcd (Im; tilllKlfilc wHIl mv clilliln'ii Hint ulicn tlicy K't rcmly to lwiv tln liotm m-st I won't liili-ifcri', Mini I won't Ih'kIii with oiir ouiii;(Kt. Of fnuro Vitl Vonl n Is the Ix't off of tin Krout). IIIh fulher left III til ii nciil llttlo furm. Tlii'ii youn .S'i'tl r.rmllcy h K'ttliiK u KM)i mil.'iry nt tln Ktnplro plimt. "Anil flint Wriion ft-llow?" JmIiii Dnlc Mliouk Ills IicikI diilihiiis ly. "iV ymi," lu mmwcri'il, "llcrt Vfi'iion Is n line youiiK niiiii, I If'.s Miinrler tlnni tin1 oIIh-ih, mill Kort of luoro rclliii'il, liit Ih-'s liiiioly Kliirifil In tlu lnw, inn) nil lilx irositrtK urn Miiynliunl. Mclwu'ti youiiinl im, Minn fnor IiIm, I ililnk. I ! iltii poolry Mini InlkH It, mill xHh It Into the iiiIiiiIk of tlii' ;lrls lii knows until (licy'ro nil jM'titliniMit. Wi'll, I'vu ot my own nf fnliH to look nftcr, mnl I must let Minn nltciiil tA lu-rx. Vmt know the lilt; i'iikc lrmi(jlit iiKiilnst nu' by Si'tli l.o'r In nliout ri'tiily for rouit." "Vi"s, I Imvo hi'iinl It conn's up next week. Tliluk MMi'n unliu; to win It?" "ViTiimi HiiyM ho. Ilo Miys It nil ili jh'ImIh on ii piomllili' Haw In tlii' Hover rlalni. It'H pii'lty liaril to tlilnk I may low every foot of linnl I'i tolli'il ho luinl to kcI, Just Ix'niun' my fSithcr for (,'ot to ri'Cinl a cli'iiHi1 ili'i'il "0 yi'ars iiKo. Mnlii't I paid tin' liiM-s mnl Ihm'ii In poHsi'Hslou all theiM' yi'iirH? Don't Dover know lit Ih leaning on a nii'iisly it'ttlfni;liiH trk'k to illspox sens nil'? Wi'll, I'm trusting to tin Hiiiiirtnes.s of joiiii Vcruon to kicp inn In poMHi'Mhlon of my lauil, anil I know ln will do Ills best for me. The. other Hide Ih trying to jret a ilelny." ICaeli line of the three youut; men nmiieil was uejl known mid liked In the I'liiuniuulty. Val Worden was a meat, Hti'lipplui.' I'lllow. niaiily uppenr Iiik mid hiiiiilHonie, with uiiiHi'les of Iron and a fearless and cuiillileiil-lienr-lug. When lie eiime to'.see .Minn ho walked ten inllex, "I reckon I'd heller get a pedome ter and keep Irnck of the odd Ihou Hiiuil tulles I've got to tramp to een give .Minn a hint of how much I like lier." he told Unidley, with whom mid Vernon he was on the very best terms, although tacitly they were rivals. "Well, I don't nee much clianco for m.vself." iieknouleilgcd Ned. "I'lict Is, Val. wo don't htnnil iiiitih show with Vcruon In the Held, 1 can't help ml miring Mini, lie Ih certainly an smart lis they miikiv them." "He's a I'liie fellow mid a genuine frleiul," ihchircd Worden, "and the best mini Vtlus!" Vol was welcomed on Saturday eve .tilngs, nad imiile It a point to pilch In mid help In the heavy work about the Dale phlce. He no more minded the long tramp his coming Involved limn If h' were a professional Hprlnter. Ilradley. who was a nalural-horii me chanic, won the old farmer's good will hv deftly putting his harvester and oilier vehicles In order. Vernon, outside of dividing his fund of Informa tion wlih the fnnillv. did all the hard sums for Hie children. "Word, n nil feet. I'.niilte.v all bunds. Vciiion nil bruins," wiih the tcr,. wnj In wliii Ii Minn's sinter epressed her cMlmnlo of the three Miltors, One Sal urdaj afternoon Vernon was In his nf. lice when Worden, wh.o happened to In In town for his regular uill on Mlna dropped In and shortly after ward Itraillcy followed suit, They were chatting familiarly when Vernon's clerk rushed Into their presence, pule and cNclied, "Oh, Mr. Vernon," he panted, "Seth Dover Is In town mid he's wild with drink, anil lie's bragging that he'll IK Mr. Dale so he'll make him postpone I ho case Monday till he can get Homo more witnesses ho needs. He's got a crowd of rowdies with him " "I'll see that Mr. Dale Is kept safe out of that rullliin's way," announced Worden, mid made a bolt for the door, never doubting that ho could outdis tance the rioters. i "And I'll have no boisterous hood, hints uhmnliig, Mlna," said ltruillcy stanchly, mid started out to Intercept the cnim.v. Vernon's slime was to perfect the case so near to a hearing, lie was glad when he learned that the nimble feel hud coin eyed it warning In time to Mr. Dale, and (hat Urudley with his deft hands had met mid beaten hack the dlsordetl.v crowd, He was gladder still us with a sense or rare eontldcnce he went over the ease lie was working on. lie felt sure h6 would stteecml, Which he did, and he saved Mr. Pule his property. And Minn, right In Mi( court room, crying with Joy throw liir arms around Ids neck ami kissed hint. "'That nettles It," observed Worden, "and he deserves her." "And she surely will he very happy," lidded Ilradley, "and what more can you mid I usU?" I Farm Bureau Notes dK alno oif(:4'rl i iV-j Or-a1' o 'ir i-how. This wuc von by Ntr'-vn U-wgnl on ,Ai 7'lr , t, c A'i "i rir.rrer on 'JtlaxyV 'it rr, " CJs m- oivhij) Caif Club femrtta. OVKKlXfj OIVE8 I'KI.KS . Geo. H. Ovrif, Coonry Sirveor, . Uo gave Mom unumiMl ptt ri iKft Ton lcr Mile. Vauyhr. ICAin, r,Uum, first prilte on .75 Ton Mutt, en Herofordii. In Group 1, Fhorthornis Marjor. ; lunkard won on Z.I'J Ton MHos. In (.roup 2, Walter Vance, Gaide Itock, C.42 Ton Mole. Group 8, Alfred Frtu vr, Guide Hock, 7.10 Ton Mile. HK.N'KY 11. FAUSCII, County Agricultural Ayent. Vorld's Seed Emporium. London Ik still the world'? chief em porium of the .pimI trade. 1 if I 1 rFEOTima2 BiQo A 7017 aaa ?& ACAc gl W 131 H V I In the District Court of Webster County, Nebraska. In tlK-Miitlt" of (lie A p. 1 iluill'itiuf I I.. Jbubf. OlilUM TO fliutiilhtrnf 'r. fur 1 1- f SHOW CAUSE t-ii't loMllltial l.ntnte ) Nmvoii this Jiuli day of Noveiubor HIH, itiUimiiiLMiiiiieon for licarlnu nj'on tlie "tl 11011. iiiiilironlli.ol 1. 1 fir-i-fjf. Ailiiilntiini or of lliv litiite of Kni llouxf, itct'tfiiml, liriijliutortilliiiiictowll the tollowliudt (rlliwlrciil i-ntntt- of the wild i;?r.i Houso, 'tj-ccitBttl, : roiinnt'iKlinrat tin,-.Vorth Caol ronurof Ilo-North U'ont iuitrturof Mt-ction Two, In I om iMlilp ( uiu. North of Ithiwc I'wcU t , Wiikt of thu (fin I'. SI. riinaliu Hume Miuilt to the Ixiiuiilary line of tho Jicf.uli- llcnn Valloy Itii'lro'd Oniiiflfi). tlibiiie miiiIIi tvi'Hl nloiiu said line JW f el. tlaiuo North to tho Town line butween Town Uiieanil'lno, thuact' liis.nloni; until line 'JOCi fit to place of In-itliiiiln. Weliitcr 1 uiity, Ni'hruHka, r 'i Miiitlclvnt itnioiiot thereof to juj the, lilitu mnl i)i( iinriiiinoiiiitlim ti nhoiit RMJ, for Hie retixni Unit tlicrelnol pa nnth r niiiIIi lent iiinoniit of pi.rNininl iiroperly in liolmniWoItlii iIiiilaN;riiir J. I.. lu-ebc. mIoiikIiiic toinl'tcKtatc of h.ti.l Itra Home 'IJHIJ KUllI lIl'lllNllllottCll MKflllltt Mltll istatt, ilowitiutitiiuil ciiHtKof nilmluliOiitiloa, It Im llmrefore onlerul Unit all iumomi In- r. stiKl In M.-ttil cxtuli- ttp)i.ar l.cforo the tin ! irt.liUtd.lilittt at (.'haiiiliiiK, In HiijiIIiivh. I VilaiiisCimii.y, N lirukliii, on the I'llh day of 'itnuary IU-M, in the hour of lino ircloek I'. J 'd.tOHhoiv canso If any there lie why a I'tUNi-Nlioiihl not ho uranUil to mtl.t J. I,, iit-elic, iiilinliitHtrntor to w-ll so much of Hie' H.ove ilct,trll)ulimil I slate of MM ilmttont I iixshall lie iieccMiiry to p.iy said iKhix ami I XIIM-I. I nil further orilirtil that a coiy of this ntcrhcurvid upon all p rsoitH Inturesttd in naM iitiatc liy i-huhIiik Hiukiiiiiu to hu pul. UhIic.I unco a week for four hik cinslvti wicks ! In Hid It I'd Cloiul chief, a Ii-kiiI itewspitpir I rliilnliiml ptilillxhul in Mild WelistirCoiiu iy. NeliniNka. lIAIHtVS. DCNHAN .Inilnuol the Hhtrlit Court. I!, it. ( .tlihiell, Attorney. HTHIS is the time of year you should A make a special visit to our slore and see the beautiful slock we are show ing for gifts. A Splendid Line of First Class JEWELRY for cvciy one at home. Our Eeatiful CUT ,GLASS and SILVERWARE is the talk of the town. Come to our store now, while the lines are complete. YOU ARE WELCOME. iweler I V WilTPUml OntJrJa sa lTJlJl A s& a&jajJLj J u ttjt See Our Line of Beautiful COLUMBIA GRAFANOLAS 'iritm-.trwtMt.xTiMmna nunxiLmuvniajMm-n W&zufri 1, :.. 7' 1 .1 . f; -1 1 . . iu '. j v, .i, i Any Auto Tire .cbae- Half -Soled h Any SizeThe large ones as well as the I small ones-WE HALF-SOLE THEM ALL I COST ONE HALF AS MUCH GUARANTEED SOOO MILES THE'RE PUNCYURE PROOF Let Us Examine Your Titos R. C. Sutton's Service Station tmramiTriM YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT GRAHAM'S Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets The present that will save yourwife or mother many steps every day. Rockers All kinds. The gift that meets with the approval of all they last. Piano and Floor Lamps Many Beautiful Models mm 'yjCutS&S6 vv?v sZ'i-MZ&MizYY A I)'i". YM'1 -W:'::!Jftp' J Jii&T-m-gci ;' 1 ' :. ?; t?m . I ri, Z- ir" i"L 'X" -" JTSS? rvsTii 14 V f rT " v I 3N ri&rZn V( C Xt V"in &&'; era ' v- 1 m R w GO CARTS There is nothing that will bring so much joy to the heart of th little girl as a doll cart Our Doll Carts are an ex act model of the large carts, will be the pride and joy of the little girl. Davenports A wonderful selection. This week we are giv ing a dandy mattress with each davenport. Cedar Chests Just hits the spot. A fine gift for sister or the sweetheart. Rugs A selection seldom seen, at right prices. Many other gifts may be found in our store. Ui 1E TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME I The Graham Furniture Company M Red Cloud, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska J ) . i-i ! l r