The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1919, Image 7

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Friday and Saturday
The Last
Presented by
William Farnum
Zane Grey s
Famous and Romantic
L'Oo- lie
First Show Saturday at
seven o'clock, sharp
Other days seven-thirty
X 5"
Ent and drink nt I'owell .t
the sicfc
Mv?. Chas. IJarrctt is on
list this week.
Harry Waller was down fiom
Cowlcs Monday.
E. R. Slawson returned home fiom
Oamha Monday.
Everett Hean was down from Ina
valc Tuesday afternoon.
Hood meals pood tcrviuc moderate
prices Powell it l'opo's oafe.
Miss Eltina Rickard spent the week
end with her folks at Orleans,
Fred Carnahan of Hastings spent
Thanksgiving with friends here.
Rev. J. L. Beehc returned homo
fiom Chicago the last of the week.
Mrs. J. A. Uradfoid and children
spent the last of the week in Hast
ings. Clyde Lcroy Dick and Alice Barnes
were married Saturday hy Judge Kan
Attorney McNcny went to Nelson
Tuesday morning to attend the dist
rict court.
We will have n car of oats aud corn
Koon. Leave your order now. Fniin
era Union Elevator.
J. O. llutler has rented the Fogel
building and will move his harness
bhop into the same,
Will llobcitsou Is spending tlio duy
in oiqiui lur.
I I'so tlio gre it ejrg tonic, "More Hgg"
sold by (J. b. Cutting.
I Cail Jernboix of Akion, Colo., Is In
the dty Ulting his patents
Mrs. John Aruell was u piisxenfjor to
HoldiedKe, Wedtifsdny morning. She
will visit lcltitives theio.
'J'lio riirinuiH I'nlou Elevator will
have it ear of out!) and corn within a
fow iluys. "I'lionc hi your onler now
Mr. and Mti. Hruco Robinson of
Supen'or spent Thanksgiving with his
patents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Robin
son. W. L. Wccsncr expects to leave the
last of the month for California,
wlicie lie will spend tlio balance of the
.Miss Anna Gilliam, who is teaching
hdiool at Aurora, spent Thanksgiving
with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Wm. McEride and Hoboit IJlack
Icdgo returned to Lincoln Sunday nf-
, ter spending Thankgiviiig with their
parents here.
I Chas. Starr left Thursday evening
for Fott Moigan, Coloiado, wheic he
will look up a location pieparatory to
moving there.
I Mis. Urnlo of Cumpboll and son
' Clmtles of Oiimlm visited with their
duuu'hter anil sister, Mis. Joe MeCitl
1 11111 and futility, this woek.
I Attorney and Mrs. L. II. Ehtcklcdgo
left Wednesday moining for Denver
where she will spend some time in
hopes of improving her health.
FOR SALE- Good quarter section of
and with L'ood iuiDiovenients, 1 nillea
1 .south of luuvale, N' on easy terms
Wiito for full deseitpllon.-C. F. Catli
ir Red Cloud, Nobr.
Miss Virginia Tate of Taikio, Mis
souri, arrived in the city Sunday to
visit her giandpaicnts, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Christian, and attend school heie
the balance of the school year.
Wm. White returned from Omaha
Wednesday night. Mrs. White, who
recently underwent an operation in
that elty, is improving rapidly, but she
will not lettirn homo until next weik.
Mrs. M. K Quigley and daughters
arrived in the city Tuesday morning
fiom Denver to join her husband and
they will make their home in the Hunt
residence noith of the Firemans' hall.
New Columbia Records are on sale
the lOih and 201 h of every month. The
Christmas records have an Ived. Conic
in and hear these tine soleutions. J.
(J. Mitchell The Jeweler, Columbia
Gntfouolas and Recouls.
Alvtn Pope, aged about 90 years pass
ed to bis eternal toward, Tuesday
nittht, at the homo of his son, C. J.
l'ope. Funeral services will bo eon
ducted on Friday afternoon, at 3:30.
A complete obituary will bo published
in our next lisuo.
The anxiety of the people in this vi
cinity regaiding the ooal situation was
slightly lelioved when It was learned
that Mayor I'opo had taken a hand In
the Hlfiiirand appoluted n committee,
composed of Messis W. A. Sherwood,
K. G. Caldwell and C, A. Herilck, to
look alter tlio wants of the people
They have secured the rolcase of some
of the coal in the local rallioud yards
and wilt Issue permits to those who
must have fuel.
Red Cloud, Nobr.
Dec. 1, 19ID.
Hoard met in tegular session with
all members present.
Minutes of previous meeting, No
vember 8ul, lead ami upproved.
The following bills were rend and
allowed :
A. T. Holtzen .
C. T. Dickenson
Grice & Grimes .
C. L. Cotting '-.. - ..
Turnurc & Son - ..
Floyd Pope
On motion it was decided
. 2.0U
- 22.11
.- C.15
.- 9.05
... 1.00
not o
lenso the Agricultural School Farm
to the Commercial Club lor aviation
4, 1 -.! C...-.I TT..U..A. .!?
iso uy niuiiuu ouii. jiuiii-u ..
autltoiizcd to dispose of some old
desks and hooks for the best price
possible and leport wimc at a latct
Tlio Huilding and Giounds Commtt
teo made ropoit in the matter of put
ting up flag poles for the different
school buildings and by agi cement
the Uoaid postponed action.
The Uoaid leconsidered their action
of November 3id lclative to the holi
day vacation of one week and decided
to have two weeks vacation from the
22nd of December to the Gilt of Janu-
Uoaid then adjourned to meet next
regular session, Monday, January
C. J. TOPE, Scc'y.
November Weather Report
Temperature: Mean 47 deg , maxi
mum .". deg. on 17, 22, 21rd, minimum
4 below eio on IlOth. On the lttli of
Miss Schwcr, the Domestic Scicnco November lOlu it was 2 below Zero,
teacher, spent Thanksgiving with her only tlatos of cro in November since
folks at Hebron.
Miss Helen Rickard of Orleans
spent Thanksgiving in the city with
her sister, Miss Eltina.
Frank Wntkins arrived in the city
the last of the week from Wyoming
to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Denno.
Precipitation: Total 2.80 inches.
Snowfall: Total 7 Inches.
Number of dajs-Clear 10, partly
cloudy 5, cloudv Uth.
Prevailing wind Direction N W 11
Rainfall since Jan. 1, M.lO inches.
Chas. S. Ludlow, Ousel ver.
Baptist Church Notes
Pleaching nt 'I p in.
Sunday school 10 h. in.
The Rev. liniLV IMiulman will preach
nt the churoh at 1 p m next
Sunday, hinging conducted by ins.
Kathriue lMiclinan.
These afternoon meetings nto in
ei easing In interest and attendance as
a very large number were present last
Sunday afternoon
Itev. Harper is iuite indisposed again
this week
Do You Knw A Better Christmas Gift?
Muuy a man or woman rcniembois
that Christians, many years ago, when
The Youth 'o Coin pan Ion was for the
first time numbered among the family
gifts; and How, long after many nnother
present was broken or lost or discard
ed, the paper continued week after
week to oll'er Its Measure of stories and
counsel und inexhaustible entertain
me nt.
TodnyThe Companion brings into
the homo that same zest of expectancy
that you felt when you were In your
eager youth and when you watchcd'so
Impatiently for tlio postman's coining
every Thursday. Would It not be,
worth while to kIvo to some one . qf
your friends or to a fumllj tlutt same
Christmas plensure?
Ily oideilng befoie Christmas the
new Mibscilber will get the opening
chapter of Charles It. 11 awes' splendid
seiinl of the Maine coast, The Sou of a
"fieiitleman Bom."
New subscribers for 11)20 will receive:
1. The Youth's Companion .12 Issues
in 1020
O 11 ....Uw. nnM.i Iflln (canau
. XIII I I'llircilllliu fmljr Ifiv nauiiii
It. The Companion Home Calendar for,
All tho above for S2 .10.
4. McCall's Magalne for 1020, $1 the
monthly fashion authority. Both pub
lications for only S2.t:.
Commonwealth ave. it St. Paul St.,
Boston, Mass.
HAVING purchased the Peterson Garage
and taken posession of the same the un
dersigned are now prepared to give prompt
and careful attention to the wants of the
automobile owners of Red Cloud and vicinity
We have secured the exclusive agency for
the Ford car in the Red Cloud territory.
All Ford orders will receive careful attention
anddelivery made as soon as possible.
The Fordson Tractor will also be included
in our line. Delivery can be made promptly.-
A full line of Ford and Fordson supplies
will at all times be carried in stock.
Your business is solicited and every effort
will be made to please.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
The workmen are busy laying the
roofing on the sale paviltm ana also
putting in windows.
The School Board has consolidated
the High School grades with the Jun
ior High school, thus savmg fuel by
not having to heat the Junior High
School building.
.In the District Court of
Web.ster County, Nebraska.
Conrad ltnsscr, I.ura llabaer, Matilda Snla
den, John Il.SiUatlen, Edward Hanger, Kninia
HusHcr, John Hasscr, I laid Unsser, Veronica
Iloli'omli, John Itolcotub, Henry ltnsscr,
i I'lnlntlirs.
Albert UhtennperKur, Henry UhleimperRor,
Albert UlilciiHpcriicr, Jr., Vuronlin, llruRH
nee. veronica uiuenHpcruerj, waiter un
lonspcrKcr, Hrwlii UliloiiHpcrgcr, Helen t'li
Kach of thonboNO named defendants will
tiK.0 notice that on tho lilth. day of Nociu"
bur 1UIU, tlio aboo named plulntlirn (lied
thtlrpttltlimln tho District Court of W b
Htur County, Nebraska, axalnst nld defend
ant, theobjert antj irnjer of which Is to
secure a decree of Hald court conilrinliiR tho
liitorcsts and iespectlo shares of tho nrl
oiiHplnlntlirsnnddcfcndiuithlii aud to the
North KnHUiuarUr of ,cciloti KlKhteon (IH)
In Township Two (i), North of Hnimo 'lea
(10), WcKtoMhoCth. T. M. In Webster County,
Nebraska nail for a partition of nald real
estate iiinoni; tlmnrlous pliilnllirB and de
fendantRlnaicordiineowith their rcsptctUe
IntertxlH and sharcN therein aud If kiuiui eun
not bo eiiuilnbly divided and partitioned
then that xnld real istate be hold under an
order of said eourt aud the proceeds thereof
divided aiuoiiK tho parties according to tlitlr
respectHolnlcrestK and for Nuch other and
further relief oh may ho Just and equitable.
You aro required to answer Raid petition on
or before tho'JJnd day of December HMD.
Dated this 10th. duy of November IBID.
Conrad Master, l,ora Kassor, Matilda Unla
den, Joliu II. Haladtn, ICdward HuaticrjjKinnia
Hauler, John Hatwer, llarol Ilntwor, tfcroolca
Uolc.oiub, John Itolcotub, Henry Hasier,
W0 cZ5fie Phonodmph of ;;JM:
iMJ Marvelous Tone 0$M
LI r0URT"H m
rw 17. --
'Z. L'S
1 Hy riti Maurer, Their H
rHEN friends come in for an evening
nt- rnrds. die latest music on the
VITANOLA is a pleasing diversion that all will enjoy.
If you have not heard the VITANOLA, the Phonograph
of Marvelous Tone, by all means come to our store
and have us play it for you. The VITANOLA'S
wonderfully life like productions will prove a revelation.
. $100-$135 $175 $200 $225 $350 - " . .
i A TrmMmSk
mm :.v
llnmV f
:rv v w
ipsa m&BEseeem
The House of Quality
Red Cloud
Plays ALL Records - Natural as Life
-'" s
the national
joy smoke
makes a whale
of a cigarette!
H.J. ltrynold.Tiili.ucu Co.
FOU certainly get youra when you lay your smokecards on the table,
call for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a
makin's cigarette! You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count
of your smok'estunts! lVhy, you never dreamed of the sport that lies
awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it's P. A. for the
packing I
Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half your
smokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for your
contentment! And, bad: of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of
Prince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process that
cuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. your smokesong 'in a makin's ciga
rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard ! Prince Albert
is a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pall
Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a
jimmy pipe can be ! It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke
pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation
to the joys of smoking.
Awnttlnt your v.o, jrov't
(indtoppv rrri bait, tidy red
fin, handtome pound and
half pound tin humidor
and that clasay, practical
pound crystal i lata humidoi
with aponfo nwlatener top
that keep Prince Albert lJ
ucl ptrfrct condition I
jWIUKi.' '"""v
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
OMlco 0 er Albright's Htoro
Red Cloud Nebraska
Exhilarating BwlMqiM; VindtwHrt
f till Wim FIIMcItt rrMf WfU, FmiNMM.ferftMi
w.ftyMhr ! A3M.OPAlli
. I am ready to make you a farm
loan in any amount and at the low
est rate of interest.
It is a wo'.l known and conceded
fact that I can get you a loan with
absolutely no delay for inspection or
otherwise. All that is required is
an abstract of title and your money is
ready for you. Office opposite tho E.
G. Caldwell law office.
For Sale
The MoFarland rooming house strict
ly modern tad doing capacity business
Olothlng Co.
w Pifi Ypw 8Wrin
hmmi m tmm wnnvnioj
c -i ,-- -. 'w-.V
' 1
."n. 'a
, 'i