M , UV", t w. M PL,- ?,' ; i t $h" V-'-; . ) , !.f.- RED CLOUD FARMERS' INSTITUTE r J CANNED AND DRIED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Mm. Geerge Hummel, Superintendent Best canned pears 50 S"J e3 p.6"- :.:..:::;::. :bo r,r .... j poernes , , ,50 Best canned blackberries , 60 Be canned plums 50 Best canned apples '.'.i'.!'.'. !50 Best canned grapes 50 Best canned diemes 50 Best canned beans ; 50 5!5 c"""e'icJ? BO Best canned peas en Best canned tomatoes ','.',', 50 Best canned carrots ',',', jo Best canned beets 50 Best dried com 60 . , . . GIRLS' CLUB "e"n"a" M -, ' 1 -a- : w 'W-00 cash $2.00 cash - ....w. vl mule o UVM.-XM91UK rucKe riour, or One sack of FriBble's Breakfast Food will be given to cmenng oreaa irom Amboy Flour. 1st 2nd .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 given to each lady or girl 85. Canning. Special premium as suggested below awarded of """-fr ijointa .1 Kl - Best of: .50 .25 1 ... ..i. k. atf-'u.i'G - . .. in.jiMiHwni.viDKanA inf. vri T V W 4'i 1'Jt AM. U, M I! 1. 2. 3. 31. 5. . 7. 8. fl. ao 11 12 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT ' Frank Cowden and Supt. Holtzen, Rural and Town School Paradt. Mrs. Branson Stewart, Superintendent Class A, and Class B. MlSK MinniA Chriflfinn. Kiinnrlnfnn4vnf PI a.. r . Have exhibit brought in not later than December 6, Saturday. Announce ment in the paper will bo made as to whore the exhibits aro to be taken. ; GENERAL DIRECTIONS of the cardboard to be exhibited in-a vertfeal position. Mark on the back of theeboard the class ahrJtnumbcr of the exhibit for which the work la entered. Matte the district number) the number of grades in the school and the number of pupils in the school. In mounting the work, paste on the top edge only, and write near the bottom and on the underside on the piece of work the name, age and grade of the child. Also the teacher's name and address. Judging The exhibit will bo judged upon the arrangement, general appearance, quality, variety and educational value'of the work. The judgos will also take into consideration whether or not the work is representative of the whole school of only a fow of the pupils. ' RURAL SCHOOL EXHIBIT CLASS A. Best exhibit by school with less than ten pupils, three cards . .$1.00 Best exhibit by school with less than fifteen pupils, four cards 1.06 Best exhibit by school with more than fifteen pupils, 5-10 cards, according to size of school 1.00 Best exhibit by rural hieh school 1 fWi MMn r m m " . . . . . . -------..-.. .ww WW Nvv&r enough cards should be sent to give each pupil a caanae to have one piece of his work exhibited. The above number of cards is sue- .gCSteU. Ktggggygtj0ggg School Exhibit by Subjects: Best card of writing by any school 50 Best card of arithmetic by any school 50 Best card of language by any school 60 Best card of history by any school ,.,,. ' .50 Best card of physiology by any school 50 Best -card of geography by any school 50 Bost card of composition by any school 50 Best card of agriculture by any school B0 13. Beat card of nature study by any school 50 14. Best card of work showing special days by any schools 50 15. Best card of photos showing school activities and improvements .50 16. Best card 0 bcginners"frce hand work Ijy any school 50 17. Best cai-d of pencil drawing by any school 60 18. Best card of ink drawing by any school 50 19. Best card of water color work by any school 50 20. Best card of crayola work by any school '.50 21. Best card of letters with addressed envelopes 50 22v Best exhibit of sewing by any school 50 "23. Best exhibit of relief maps by any school 50 EXHIBIT BY SCHOOL, ROOM OR INDIVIDUAL CLASS B. 24. Best specimen of hand work by Kindergarten 50 25. Best speciment of hand work by 1st grade 50 26. Best specimen of hand work by 2nd grade 50 27. Best booklet by Kindergarten 50 28. Best booklet by 1st or 2nd or 3rd grade 50 29. Best booklet by 4th, 5th or 6th grade 50 30. Best Clay modeling by Kindergarten 50 31. Besb Clay modeling by 1st and 2nd grade . . ., 50 "32. Best specimen of writing by 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade 50 33. Best specimen of writing by 5th, 6th, 7th grade 50 "34. Best specimen of writing by 8th grade 50 35. Best pencil drawing by 3rd, 4th, 5th grade 60 36. Best pencil drawing By 6th ,7th, 8th grade 50 37. Best piece of weaving by 6th, or 6th grade 50 38. Best piece of weaving by 3rd or 4th grade 50 39. Best piece of weaving by 1st or 2nd grade 50 40. Best good Eng. poster by 1st or 2nd grade 50 .41. Best good Eng. poster by 3rd or 4th grade 50 42. Best good Eng. poster by 5th or 6th grade '. .50 -43. Best good Eng. poster by 7th or 8th grade 50 44. Best good Eng. poster by H. S. student . . . ." 50 45. Best map of Nebraska by grade student 50 46. Best map of U. S. by grade student 50 Best specimen of basketry by grade student 50 Best card of 5 drawings in physiology by grade student 50 Be6t card of 5 drawings in physiology by grade students 50 Best specimen of written Arithmetic work showing analysis lft-4th grades inclusive 50 Best specimen of written Arithmeticuwork showing analysis 5th to 8th grades inclusive "' 152. Best specimen of lunguage work 2nd or 3rd or 4th 50 53. Best specimen of language work 5th or 6th i . . .50 54. Best original storv bv 7 or 8 or 0th .50 Best short story by 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, students 50 Best domestic cience-note book by 7th, 8th or 9th grade stu- lleAte ............................ tlU Best illustrated book of costume design of suitable clothing for different types by 0th grade student 50 Best original Latin composition 50 Best poster showing use of Latin words in advertisement 50 Best collection of mounted leaves and seeds by student 50 Best prepared biology uoto book . : v. 50 Best card of nature work bv student 50 Best set of 5 quantitative experiments in physics 50 Best composition on lower forms of animal life, with illustrations '. . 50 Bost written aiticlc on II. S. discipline bv Normal Trainers . . .50 Best written aiticlc on rural.' scheol discipline by Norma! Trainers ,. R0 Best thcfiiH of not more tte)R 200 words on Americanization by civic fctuient .....-... r.'... .50 Bost article of not more tha 200 words on sanitation 50 Best specimen of typewriting by student 50 Bast specimen of shorthai4 p. etudcat CO Host set of hoakkecnine . . '. .50 Best English theme by current event by 11 or 12 50 Best bread and meat board by 5th or 6th grade 50 Best picture frame by 5th grade .50 Best thread and needle "board 5tn grade 50 Best single joint by 7th grado r-. 50 Best single joint by 8th grade 50 Best collection (not less than five) by 7th - 50 79. Best collection (not less than five) any grade .50 SO. Best collection of plates in Mechanical drawing (not less than five) 50 81. Best collection (not less than five) by 8th grade 50 82. Best ainsle Diece of 'furniture by any arade .50 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK JH AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS-CLASS C. Tomatoes Stringbcans Pcbb Corn Beets Cherries Apricots Strawborrics Raspberries M. Cooking and baking. Special premium awarded on points as suggested below 60 .25 l dozen oatmeal caokies ... 1 dozen spice cooties Wf t s W'--iT- t dozen muffins " liHRfKIWI! 'ft- I dozen baking powder biscuits WT " tr Loaf nut bread f ZY? w -w Loaf white yeast bread imwwiW ryfny- Loaf cake VH w" Layer cake '' " ' " v 87: Best loaf of bread made by Amboy Milling Co. flour 3.00 2.00 The Amboy Milling Co., will give a sack of Pancake Flour to each one entering bread from this flour. 88. Corn. Special premium awarded on points as suggested below o'J & Best ten ears white corn Best ten ears yellow corn Under each group of the premium list the boy or girl making tha molt points will be awarded a special premium. 1st premium will count 5 points, 2nd. . . . points. Tho boy or girl scoring tha most points in all classes of Club work will receive a special premium. VWWtfWWWWWVWWWWftfrV IF ITS Building Material 41. 48. 49. T.O. 01. 05. 06. 07. T8. 09. 60. 61. 62, 63. 64. 36. 57. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 2nd ! .50 .50 .50 .50 u: .25 .25 .25 .25 ,25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .Ho .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .26 .25 .25 .25 .25 or. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 WE HAVE IT (flalone-Gellatly Go. vuwvwuwwwuuwuwvuuw Have You a Mortgage On Your Farm? r , tl0 yu knw that you will 9 f py It whin It f th$9 w li yea tr not iur yea eta pty k wKm dae, tte ytuorUia yaa wiM bttU to rtaew k, r baf row e!uwKtt the tin? if you aft cartaia yoti caa bor row UawHoia, do y kaaw what iattmt yew will aT la pay? WooM . yea like to hare a LOAN AT SIX PER CENT INTEREST, NO COMMISSION, thai weuM eataad erat a ptried of ihirty.thrce yean rl ye wealed it, or epaaatl at aay ! II 10 cowe Sa aad here a talk with rae. I Raaraaant Peters Joint Stock Land Bank of Omaha All Leant ara Haete, UneTar tha Suaarvlslan ! tha Faderal Farm Lean aaral, antraanU. f. Treaawry The Peter joiat Stoak Lead Baak dee aot requite the borrower to tab Kf iVe (or iteck ia tha baak, the borrower aawaiee aa liability other Uaa that repietented by hi Bote aad raertf tee, the borrower doe aot hare to joia aa ' aMoeiatioa to ehttia a loaa ia the Peters Joiat Stock Lead Baak, I hare atraady takea tome aad am ready to lake more application (or cloia oa or before Much I. 1920. Better atatt aaw aad aot lake aay chaace o( a chaata ia r.t... SIX PER CENT. NO COMMISSION. Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate Insurance, Loans, Abstracts phones j JJSjja- Raal Claw Ntbraaka WWWWWWWWWVWWVWWW Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB E. S. Gsxrber Wall Paper, PainU, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Caaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures "Quality" Job Printing ThelHargln of Safety. Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because Are I) as never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, if 'you have time and you better And time come to the oflice and we'll writo ti policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C.TEEL R.eli&.ble Insurtvnce Amon'i best pal is his smote 4& XL Dr.W.H.McBride OKNTIHT OVER STATE BANK ... . REDCLOUD NEBRASKA 38. Gardeaiag S Beat boa of 6: Carta beats ;. Canaia .16 rV l r 7fiTV "r -' - '. v t' y-t rr 7TVHV " '' y-" f-y-" ' i j.....,-.. f j V FaraniM " While Oslo ' Real OaioM : Best' Pumpkin Host Rnufuth SI C.j J ui iv ,34. Sewing. Special premiums as suggested below awarded on '-'. points GO -, " Sewing bag Morning cap . i Hemstitched towel . Bungalow apron " ". " ' Kimona nightgown '" ' Patching (1 each, hemmed and overhan'ded) Darning (1 each, straight, diagonal, and three cornered tear) .25 feEii 10c Buya "Century" That Sea Sheet Muaio rpBN cents traya the world'abesk ' X sheet music in the Century Ed ition. Written exactly as the master minas conceived them printed on tne oesi 01 paper, minx or buytnf- ior oniy iuc sucn lamous roajier- I pieces as: wi. pott n4 P.UMI I -S&U nmm aVai akaaa i kaaaraaaaMaadM ,aaaiacaaaarra laaaii mJ ammmmmmmV Baraw aBBm am ammmmmmmm H aiiiiiiiB ammammmmmmmmm ' BBBVaaaaBBaa t J aBaaaaaaBBB BBaVaBlf &M BBBBBBBBT LaaBBBBBBBBBBBk BBBbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 4V " ammmmmmKJBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs "Knew we'd get together" -Ches. Field i it TTE field. RE'S where the particular smoker meets the particular smoke Chester- i. '. Particular is right! Not only do we use the four choicest varieties of Turkish to bacco Xanthl, Gavalla, Smyrna and Sam- soun but to these we add the rich, sun ripened leavcs'of specially choice Domestic; tobacco. v Fine as these tobaccos arc, it's the ex clusive process by which they are blended that gives to Chesterfields that VMttifyinj body, that mcllQW richneta which makes a smoke mean something. , Chesterfields certainty o satisfy as no other cigaretta has satisfied you before and to top it off, they are packed in a gUw ine paper package that preserve for you all of that delicious flavor. " 7 aVaVeBBBBBT raBBBai r i n bbbbbbbW HS fcffjcettujtAj,h4&( terfi esteriie a A.ia aw s n Sold by Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist W&f&A 20 for 20 cents -and the blend can't be copied bbbH ' e BBH IW K9JL SE2!!? W9i:rafsSWt j I 1 J l !f . rt ' ' f "T " 4,.-,