The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1919, Image 2

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    f (p
Iff, MlBftAIKA, Olllf
Have You a Mortgage
On Your Farm?
r am, f you knaw that ymu will
ma amla tm pay It whan It la na T
yo are not ture you can pay it when due, tie you certain you will t able
to rtnew it, or borrow elsewhere at the time? K you are certain you can bor
row cliewhere, do you know what intereit you will haye to pay Would
you like lo have a LOAN AT SIX PER CENT INTEREST, NO
COMMISSION, that would extend over a period of thirty-three yean il you
wanted it, or optional at any time? If o come in and have a talk with me.
I Represent
Peters Joint Stock Land Bank of Omaha
All Loan are Hade Under the Supervision of the
Federal Farm Loan Board, Bureau U. S. Treasury
The Peteri Joint Stock Land Bank doei not require -tha borrower lo sub
cribs for stock in the bank, the borrower suumet no Lability other than that
represented by hi Bote and mortgage, the borrower doei not have lo join an
awodatioa lo obtain a loan ia the Paten Joint Stock Land Bank,
1 have already taken tome and am ready lo lake more application! for doting
on or before March I, 1920. Better iltit now and nottake any chance of a
change in ratti. SIX PER CENT. NO COMMISSION.
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate. Insurance. Loans, Abstracts
nunwrc I Office, Red 33. Ind, 63 Red Cloud
PHONES Rei deoce 1 77 Nebraska
X4 ClousL Nabrmaka
Catered In the roat office at Hcd Cloud, Neb
as Beoond Class Matter'
A. B. McARTflUR, Editor arid OwfUir
Advertising R.ates
Foreign, per column Inch 15c
Local, " " " 10 A 12
Intcrchttrch World Movement
n C
Character and Quality
My line of Fur will prove a Real Benefit to the
Buyer assuring satisfaction and
comfort to the buyer.
I urge you to come and see this
line, comparing its merit as to
The styles have been selected for their
comfort and style. Have -
Scarfs, Cape andStolls
in Neck pieces. The Muffs are in
different shapes, but all good styles.
Lincoln has been selected ns the
meet in jr place for the State Training
conference of the Interchurch World
Movement for Nebraska. The confer
ence will be held December 3, 4 and 6.
Announcement of this was made to
day by H. R. Best, field secretary of
the Interchurch World Movement for
Nebraska and Iowa.
Two hundred and fifty church lead
ers, delegates from every county and
representing practically every denom
ination in the state, are expected to
attend. The object of the meeting is
to bring together religious leaders
of every county, to confer with refer
ence to plnns in this state for promot
ing church co-operation and for tak
ing part in the nationwide campaign
planned by the Interchurch World
Addresses will be delivered by a
team of six leaders of national repu
tation on various phases of the Inter
church program. The conference has
been desci ibed in advance as a "fchool
of Christian leadership," but in point
of fact the leaders of the meeting de
clare thnt they expect to get as much
instruction, particularly on state
plans and conditions, as they impart.
Hence the rule of the conference will
be fifteen minute addresses, followed
by forty-five minute discussions.
The members of the State Commit
tee in charge of this State Confer
ence arc: Rev. W. E. J. Gratz, Rev.
L. D. Young, Rev. R. M. Batlgc-i', Rev.
W. S. Woodburn, Dr. W. T. Elmore,
Rev. W. S. Tool, Lincoln. Nebraska,
Judge John N. Drydcn, Kearney, Ne
braska, Rev. Thco. Foxworthv. Cen
tral City, Rev. C. C. Dobbs, Aurora,
uev. w. O. Jones, York and Rev. C,
F. Sandahl, Omaha, Nebraska.
Other members of the State Com
mittee arc yet to be named.
The meeting at Lincoln is one of a
series of such conferences to be held
in every state in the Union by Decem
ber 20th. By that time it is expected
that 10,000 religious leaders through
out the country will have become thor
oughly conversant with the aim8 and
plans of this Movement for Protes
tant co-operation and will bo able to
Bpcak authoritatively upon it in every
county of the United States.
Tho object of the Movement is to
provide an organization tluough
which tho various Protestant churches
of the North American continent for
a similar movement has boon started
in Canada can co-operate to their
mutual advantngo. always looking to
tho ultimate ideal of trie Christlan
ization of the world. t
As a first step the Interchurch
Movement is engaged on a number of
careful surveys of religious, social
and economic conditions throughout
the world, county by county and city
by city in the United States and coun
try by country abroad. By these means
the facts of the situation and the ac
tual religious needs of the world will
be revealed.
The results of the surveys will be
collected and budgeted in terms of
men and money. The anticipating
denominations will then be naked to
determine by mutual agreement their
individual share of responsibility for
world evangelization, and a united
appeal will be made by the churches,
each to its own constituency, for tho
resources in men and money that are
ronuired. .... , ,
Denominations which have already
made a recent financial appeal will
share in the other aspects of the In
terchurch Movement and will have at
their disposal its machinery for co
ordinating their expenditure so ns to
eliminate waste and duplication. The
surveys have already snown wnai an
enormous economy of time, money
and human service might be achieved
through a proper coordination of their
efforts by the various churches.
All tho participating denominations
will loin in the spiritual program of
the Movement. The present sc'ea of
state conferences are to be followed
by scctionnl and local conferences
through which the spiritual message
of the Interchurch Movement. will be
carried to towns, villages and individ
ual churches.
Tho Interchurch Movement, which
watt started in December last year, Js
now endorsed by more than seventy
denominational and interdenomina
tional boards and agencies. It has also
received the official endorsement of
the Judicatories, or highest legislat
ive bodies, of at least ten denomina
tions. By the spring, whi,ch will see the
culmination of the Interchurch cam
paign for co-operative protestantism,
it is confidently expected that the
vnct majority of the 25,000,000 Prot
estant church members in the country
will be officially represented in the
Mowmcnt a body of public opinion
which must exerciic a powerful influ
ence in any moral issue that may
About Sciences and Religions.
Tlio philosophical sciences deal with
the general principles, laws or causes
that furnish the rational explanation
of anything; the rationale by which
tlit facts of any region of knowledge
are explained. The phrase is UMed
more particularly In reference to the
Rtudy of natural philosophy or phys
ics. Empirical methods nre tnose
of observation. It Is n science that
grows out of experience. Such n sci
entist is versed, or skilled, In collect
ing facts and from those facts gener
alizations nro made. There are hun
dreds of religions.
LatnaraVa Hftntfwrttfeif.
In one account of the life of Lo
nardo da Vlncl we read a curious
atory about the great innn's handwrit
ing. It seem 8 that It resembled char
ncters In Hebrew or Arabic, for h
used his left hand and wrote from
right to left of the page, Instead of
from left to right, as we do todny.
Ond of Da Vinci's letters could, there
fore, only be read by holding it up be
fore n mirror. , I
Domestic Cat Distinct 8pecles.
The Egyptian cnt seemed to hnvo a
good claim to the honor of being th
ancestor of the domestic cnt, both on
account of lis tapering tall and size.
In which It bears a great similarity to
the domestic cat. But peculiarities
which were discovered In Its dentition
were sufficient to remove Its claim. So
it seems best to consider the domes
tic cat a distinct species.
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
Olllco Over Albright's Store
Red Cloud Nebraska
Building Material
? !
JVlalone-Gellatly Go.
3 E
Bach Fur Co.
it means
Highest ruling Market Prices
Honest grading of the sizes
The most liberal assortment made
Courteous treatment, square and right
Prompt returns and sound advice
As to the Market's fall or rise.
Ask for our pries list. It will open your eyes as to what
Raw Furs are worth these days. Do not dispose
of a single skin before you have had our valuation.
Bach Fur Company
American Raw Furs
108-110 West Austin Ave,,
Direct rep resentation New York, London, Paris, Leipzig
Mr. and Mrs. .
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB
Greatest Phonograph Value
Quick I Read this through and
grasp this extraordinary opportunity
today I This remarkable offer is the
result of Mr. Edison's expressed wish
to see a phonograph in every home
in the U. S. A.
He has given his consent to this
Free Trial of the Amberola in your
home. There arc absolutely no
"strings" to this offer. You do not
have to pay or promise to pay one
cent in connection with this Free Trial.
You are not placed under the slight
est obligation.
Come to our store today or tomor
row, pick out your Amberola and a
dozen Amberol Records. We will
deliver thern promptly to your home.
Let the Amberola entertain you for
three days ample time for careful
judgment and comparison. At the
end of the three days' Free Trial if you
do not want the Amberola we will
call for it and thank you for giving
the Amberola this trial. If you do
want it, wc will arrange terms of
payment to suit you. 3
How can AmbcroTn dealers afford to give
these Free Trials? Because in the over
whelming majority of these Free Trials,
people never want to part with the Amberola I
Edison's great inventive brain has made
the Amberola so superior to ordinary phono
graphs and "talking machines" that in those
three days of Free Trial it sings its way
into peoples' hearts and homes forever!
Numbers of people will instantly avail
themselves of this Free Trial offer. If you
do not act at once we may have to put you
on a waiting list. So let ui hear from
you right away I
Yes YOU!.
aatA. , 4TOII
Licensed Edison Dealer
Red Cloud, Nebraska
I M-
W '
0 .'
Try The 'Ad Route' to Success
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