The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 13, 1919, Image 7

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    - i-"v-iii'm tnmmiiiAim pr j
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FarmerJonesSyrup is Sorter
First, last and all tho timo we maintain the quality! Its
excellence) cannot be duplicated. It's wholesome, economical and delicious.
Nature hclna us. Tho enno is crrawn under our nunorvtnlon from need
chosen under dirction of our own agricultural experts. By wi exclusivo
process or manuiactura wo Keep tno
irom mo sweet juices or tno sorgnum. wo
ZSSsx include sugar syrup with an addition of corn
syrup to prevent fermentation.
Blriiyij en ill. l-iVwWaT-aT-sBB M
Send name
Tmi Foor Scott
Aildrrna 24.11 O St., Mntoln Auto nnd
She Knew a Way.
A Terrc1 Iliiute school wns trying
linnl to get u new fliiK for one of the
rooms. The children were denying
themselves candy and other luxuries
In order to bring their pennies to
school to add to the ling fund. Hut
little Pearl had not brought any.
. "My mother gets my candy for me."
she explained her delinquency, "so I
can't bring tnnt money. Hut I'll tell
you whnt I win do, teacher. I'll not
ve anything nt Sunday school next
xeck and bring that penny to put In
n our flng."-tndlaiuipolls News.
Bnby'a little dresses will Just simply
dazzle l Hod ?ross Hnll Blue is used
In the laundry Try It and see for your
self. At all good grocers, Be.
Planned a Surprise.
Aftr bring married a short time I
decided to surprise my husband with
some of iy lovely bread. So I linked
Hve loaves, whkh folt'nnd looked more
like )rlrk than bread. In n panic I
burled It, thinking that would end my
Hut next morning came Mr. Neigh
bor with n loaf of my bread which he
had plowed up In his field, and handed
It to my husband, saying It surely
came from a nowlywed, nnd we being
the only newcomer In some years I
bad to plead guilty. I can never for
got how I felt, as I certainly did sur
prise my husband. A dog had car
ried It from my hiding place to his for
future use. Chicago Tribune.
The most miserly woman In Indiana
has again turned up. She Is comfort
ably wealthy and "save at the expense
of the other fellow" Is her middle
name. The other day she went Into
the bakery nt which she usually gets
stale rolls because they cost Just half
as much as the fresh ones do. But
this day there was none. "Sorry,"
Willed tho salesgirl, "but we sold them
nil while they were still fresh."
"When you know I'm coining every
morning why can't you keep over n
dozen and let them get stale for me?"
complained the woman. Indianapolis
News. t
Man's Foot In, the Shoe.
rienry, aged nine, had tried to sneal.
into the circus free, but was put out
by the sharp-eyed ticket man.
He returned home bawling nnd told
his mother that the man had thrown
a shoe at him, nt which his mother
exclaimed: "He did!"
Henry replied: "Uh, huh, nn' an'
an' his foot wns In it, too. Balti
more Evening Sun.
KSJlLZ. 2fcs. (PtB
JJIigTrlilWHE MAV0J aVi,
mww iMEa? kw
ttaifc , ijzJ00i
rr "asr "":" ti
I fwTfw Av. Earn from $200 to $400 a month as I
I sbW UVvrfK MMZA e- seY.Bkw
(kMUli ifeSBM iVl Ul . -. EkW.
IWSSBBBBdSbv H BaSBSBBBBBVM'l fmlvllinllft lv. BaW
mi mwm .mjmmmmmw i u w -hk .ashtahm
I IbHQmHHHHw cud out this NiwW
Iv3crTTWniJL?!Hfe!Mr ad 8'Dt1 "nd ma" CJbVW
BfiftWrfflWTiBy today. r?tw
I fcV-BEye? Name y7'W
I Town State -(AaV JBl
' Aildrrna 24.11 O St., Lincoln Auto find Tractor School, Lincoln, Nebr!sfftjBjB7
Let your own
experience decide
If coffee does hurt your nerves and gen
eral health, try a change to
Ynii will find this
cious coffee-like flavor, satisfying to the
taste, and a friend to health
Truly Economical, Too
Boil for fifen minutes after boiling
Two sizes, usually
sold at 15c and 25c
Made by Postum Cereal Company
Battle Creek,
purity ana goodness wnicn como
mer Jnes
Sorghum Blend Syrup
for our new FREE Recipe Book.
Nod gnuta. without thl elgnttorei
StrupSorohuh Co. .
woui.omcn.tiumtciTi.-o. 'Uaa jXaxJUu
MmfKtvran UM OouCBme
Earn from $200 to $400 a month as
an Auto and Tractor mechanic
be your own mechanic for
motorized machinery on
your own farm. We
give you complete
net ruction In
eight weeks.
Tractor School, Lincoln, :
Big Return.
British ministry of munitions has
realized nearly $700,000,000 from the
sale of war material from tin tncks to
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County 88.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
senior partner of tho firm of F. J, Cheney
& Co., doing1 business In the City of To
ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that
said nrm will pay the sum of ONE HUN
DRED DOLLARS for any caso of Catarrh
that cannot bo cured by tho use of
Sworn to beforo me and subscribed In
my presenco, this Cth day of December.
A. D. 18S0.
(Seal) A. W. Gtcason, Notnry Public.
en Internally nnd nets through the Blood,
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Immense Drydock at Pearl Hnrbor.
Finally Completed Important
United States Naval Base.
For 73 years the United States gov
ernment officially has recognized the
strategic position of Its great Penrl
Harbor naval base, the massive dry
dock of which ofllclnlly wns opened by
Secretary of the Navy Daniels In Au
gust, writes a Honolulu correspondent
of the Portland Oregonlnn.
President Tyler In 18-12 gave formnl
notice to all European governments
that the United Stntes never would
consent to their occupying Hawaii or
establishing In any of the islands a
naval or military base through pur
chase or otherwise.
'the policy was reiterated later by
Daniel Webster when lie wns secretary
of state, by James G. Blnlno nnd by
President McKlnley.
In 1SS0 the United Stntes, through a
treaty with King Knlnknun, then ruler
of the Islands, gained the right to es
tablish what has becomo the Pearl
Harbor base.
Twelve years later tho United
States annexed the Islnnds. Two years
after that the annexation surveys were
begun for tho great drydock Just now
Scratch as Cats Can.
Two cats were nbout to havo a duel.
"Let us have an understanding be
fore we begin," said one.
"About whnt?" asked the other.
's It to ho a duel to the death, or
sj wi make It the best three lives
ou. itveT Hoys' Life.
in" estlmnto of Brown?"
ml a thief."
a rough estimate."
cereal drink of deli
Son Explains Why He Did Not
Answer Plea of Dying
Boy Contradict Story of Father, Who
Insists Spouse Tried to Kill Him
by Administering Witch
Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Anna P.obrow
ski, hands and feet hound, fatally
wounded by the blows of her hus
band Martin, lay on the Hour of her
desolate Siiiupler township home and
begged her son Theodore, seventeen, to
untie her.
Before .WNtnnt Prosecutor Poplcl
Theodore admitted he had not an
swered her plea becniw! he was
"afraid of the old man." Theodore
and his sister. Celln. fifteen, mado
formal stutements against their father,
n prisoner In the county Jail.
"And ou let your mother He thero
without helping her?" repented the
"Sure," said Theodore. "I started
to do what she asked me, but the old
man came In nnd I ran upstairs. I
was afraid of him."
Stayer Describes Death.
The remaining moments of Mrs.
Bohrowskl's life were described to Mr.
Poplel by the slayer.
"I took her In nnd tied her down
on the tloor nnd sat with her," he
said. "She asked mo: 'Martin, why
do you kill me?' I told her: That's
Just whnt you wanted to do to me;
you put the witch poison' In my bread
and tried to kill me.'
"She said she didn't, but I know she
did. Then she kept still till she
Bobrowvkl said tho witch poison
Was n decoction known In the old
country nnd used by women to poi
son their huMmntR Women can cnt
It without harm; huf If a man ents it
he becomes palsied nnd dies, ho ex
plained. Bohrnwskl said bis wife fed him the
poison nfter they had quarreled nbout
possession of $1100. He said he be
came 111.
Boy Contradicts Father.
Theodore was brought In to confront
his father. The boy. who evi
dently did not know what n sheriff
"I Ran Upstairs."
wns when Sheriff Collin visited him
had learned something of the protec
tion given by the lnw.
"You weren't sick, either," he de
clared, looking his purent In the eye.
"Mother did not have any poison, and
you know it."
A coroner's Jury nt Sumpter re
turned a verdict thnt Mrs. Bobrow
ski died from blows from a poker In
the hnnds of her husband. Tho bat
tered body wns taken to Belleville for
Investigation showed ho llvst hnd
wnBhed tho body, put on tho dend
woman's best dress, placed ner hands
across her breast and then mado his
son drive him to Detroit In quest of
a burial permit.
Got Into Trap and Delayed Armed
Man Who Wat Pur
suing. Fort Dodge, la. A wounded negro,
now under nrrest In n Cherokee hos
pital, is believed to be the man who
entered tho A. U. Woodnrd homo here,
and at whom Woodnrd fired one night.
Woodnrd wns awakened by the
sound of someone In his room nnd saw
a man standing near tho foot of tho
bed. He grabbed Ids revolver from
under tho pillow nnd fired ut tho in
truder. The thief started to run, with Wood
ard nfter him. A mouse probably
saved tho thief's life. While Wood
ard was following tho Intruder a mouse
got Into a trap In the Woodnrd Kitchen.
The noise led Woodnrd to believo
there wub nnotlior robber In the kitch
en and he hesitated long enough so
that the man made bis escape.
' . r.r"r 'IT , ii.
and MANALIN Cured Me
Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R.
No. 3, Ashland, Wis., sends
a message of cheer to the
"After following your advice
and uattifT l'eruna and Mnnalln, I
m cured of catnrrh nf the tiimr,
throat nnd tomneh, from which
1 had Buttered for nevrrnl yenra.
When I commenced taking l'e
runa I could not make my bed
without stopping to rot. Now I
Man About Town Need Not Have
Wasted His Sympathy On Seem
ingly Unsophisticated Youth.
"During the state fair," remarked
tho man nbout town, "I was riding
north on n High street car. Yes, It
wns crowded. As we approached the
Union station u gaunt youth, with
ehoo-top trousers, green suit, red neck
tie nnd unrazored lips, leaned over, as
wo stood together in the front vesti
bule, and asked me If that place up
yonder might be the depot. I assured
him thnt It wns, wondering to myself
If lie would he able to get through the
mob at the station without having his
pocket picked.
A moment Inter the youngster,
whose Innocence had so Impressed me,
explained that he wns looking for a
friend from Greenfield on the 11:40
train. "We've come over to tnke In
the cattle show at the fair grounds,"
he added.
"I prided myself on directing him
carefully as he got off the car, but wor
ried, nevertheless, when I thought
what nn easy mark he would make for
a 'sharper.'
"Instinctively I felt for my own
puree and It wns gone. My own back
would have been a more appropriate
place for that green suit." Columbus
"Pape's Cold Compound" then breaks
up a cold In a few
Relief comes Instantly. A dose taken
Tery two hours until three doses are
taken usually breaks up a severe cold
and ends all the grippe misery.
Tho very first dose opens your
elogged-up nostrils and the air pass
ages In the head, stops nose running,
relieves the headache, dullness, fever
lshness, cneezlng, soreness and stiff
ness. Don't stay stuffed-tip I Quit blowing
and snuffling I Clear your congested
head I Nothing else In tho world gives
such prompt relief as "Pope's Cold
Compound," which costs only a few
cents at any drug store. It acts with
out assistance, tastes nice, contains no
Quinine Insist upon Pope's 1 -Adv.
Young Man Proved He Appreciated Po
sition Man Who Had Missed
Train Would Be In.
"That seat Is taken 1" snapped the
stout old gentleman In the railway car
riage when tho youth sought to move
a handbag from the opposlto scat.
"My er friend will bo bnck present
ly" The youth murmured an apology and
went out, only to hang nbout the door.
Timo passed. Presently the guard
blew his whistle and the train started
to move.
With a bound tho lad was back In
tho carriage and hnd thrown the bag
on the platform.
"How doro you, sir!" gasped the old
gentleman. "What did you do thnt
"Well," said the lad, sweetly, "your
friend has evidently lost his train, and
X didn't want him to lose bis bag ns
well I" .
Name "Bayer" ia on Genuiat
Aspirin say Bayer
Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
In a "Bayer package," containing prop
er directions for Headache, Colds,
Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu
matism. Name "Bayer" means genuine
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years. Handy tin tozes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono
acetlcacldcster of Sallcyllcacld. Adv.
Tell It to Them.
"Money isn't everything in this JIfo."
Try to convince the profiteers of that,
will you?"
Nfgat asd Moimlajf.
Havm Strong, Htalthy
. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Burn, if Sore;
Irritated, Inflamed or
Granulated, use Murina
often. Ssotfaaa, Bsiraskes. Safe for
IafantorAdult. At all Druggists. Write for
freest Boot ntiiimt4io,(Mmm
Catarrh of the
Note, Throat
and Stomach.
do nil my work nnd nm In Rood
health. I rrcommrnd thin nlu
Htilo rentrdr to nil suffprlniT from
any Ulsenso of tho Btonuiclu"
Ferunn I Sold Kvrryrflier
Liquid or Titblet Form
vi-i?rzviMA. -m
SNct Contents ISFluid Drnoltml
yv. !i''ur
it frmmr.-.t PER OENT.
1 AVctfciabtelVcpaMu'wfcrAsI
Q similQUngUictooauyivcKu-. .
I ImitlhcStMnacliSMidDcjgUai
iiinrai mi nw
,, PrtvmntlniiDhtartion,
rf.,nrr.iino ana Kesuwaw
neither Oplum,Morphlnenof
Mineral. Not Narcotic
Km a
Ah .Cmmmm
i Remedy foC
NEW Tfyg!
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
saiAaaiBWifl h
IV F" V.- I J!
In all cases 01
Distemper, Pinkeye,1 Influ
enzal Colds, etc.
of all horses, brood mares, colts
stallions, u to
On their tonmio or In tho feed put
Spohu'a Liquid Compound. Glvo the
remedy to all of them, "t ictu on tho
blood and elands. It -outs the disease
by oxpolllnp tho disease germs. It wards
off the trouble no matter how thoy aro
"exposed." Absolutely freo from any
thing Injurious. A child can safely take
It. Bold by druggists, harness dealers,
or sent express paid by the manu
facturers. Special Ag-eata Wasted.
No Wear and Tear.
"Why do you always type your let
ters, old bean?"
"Saves hraln fag, dear old boy. I
Just typo 'My Darling, nnd then tap
nway nt the Jolly old X, and er well,
there you are I" Pearson's Weekly.
There if only one medicine that really
itands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Boot makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Sound Finance. ,
"Tell me, Ethel, Is It true thnt your
husband stays late every night at tho
club to play billiards for for money?"
Thero was a sob in tho nnxlouB
mother's voice ns she spoke the last
sad words. But her recently wed
daughter smiled brightly as one re
plied. "Yes, mother, but It's quite all
right. He gives me all his win
nings I"
"What I" gasped tho elder lady.
"lie always plays with Mr. Jones
next door," went on Ethel. "And Mrs.
Jones makes him glvo her all his win
nings, nnd Bho gives mo all tho money
she gets and I give her all tho monoy
I got, and so wo both havo twico as
much as we could got out of them oth
erwise." London Answers.
The moro business the auctioneer
picks up tho more he knocks down.
Quite Plain.
Trnmp (at tho door) If yer plense,
Airs. Muggi (sternly) There, thnt
II do' 1 am tired of this everlnst-
whine of "Lady, lady." I'm Just
i1ti In woman, mid
frump You lire, inadnin one of
lie plainest, I've ever seen, nn' one ol
lie honoitest to own up to It. Pear
on's Weekly.
"How much ought this blonde wis
to sell for?" "Oh, It ought to bring a
fair price."
One of New York's largest trust
companies has 1!,(X)0 employees nnd 88
For Infants nnd Children
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Thirty Years
tmi timim MMNf, Htw van rtr.
GOSHEN, IND., U. 8. A.
Located on our own premises
and used in the
Natural Mineral Water Baths
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart, Stomach, Kidney and
Liver Diseases.
Moderate charges. Address
DR. O. W. EVERETT. Mar. .
14th M Sit. Ltacola, Nsk.
m. nirf-rsiu r
412-17 PaxtoB Block. Oauia. Nk
lAceordlon, knife, side, pc, box.
lag. httn.tltchlinf, plcol edging,
all styles and sites. Pries Usl rata.
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk BoUles sod Dairy Supplies! Bj
Cuts sad Chicken door
'I SOS) Jau, S. 1QA1 V .4U.a
omaha sioux cmr
jkud uanarun ana.
r Itchina with '
Cuticura Ointmenl
ShUMM With ntinn lm.
.Jlnnit.i- ...,, OUBMrt. Itlmrn jjMfi
Baby Coughs
require treatment with m remedy .that coa
taws no opiates. Piso'a U mild but effec
tive; pleasant to take. Aak your druggbt fat
P I S O'Sl
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 45-1910.
the fif F
nX Use
y For Over
t-i r n
- mot. pin