The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 13, 1919, Image 5

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!Wayflower Photoplay CorporaHoTi Presents
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Merry Glide Club
Thursday Evening
November 20th
Masonic Jfall
1L. L. L
S geo.m.cohan
, V Jafrf lit Uay If
A photoplay with an amasing soul. All that is fine, all that is
sorrowful, all that allures in the act of living, pictured in vivid
1 scenes that thrill, startIeor inspire. One screen entertainment
you will never forget. Come live a life in an hour.
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday
November 17, 18 end 19
hi i ui uuu :i m:n t tim uu i! mu : i:n mm ui u uiiiini uui m inuu n n u n : mi mi m n :i : ::i i nn mi uti 1 1 ninu: ;r nnnini nim ti i n i;
lliiv KroHil tit l'owqll mill Poppn
J. E. Uctz spent Tuesday in Super
ior. .
J. K. Yost spent Tuesday in Guido
Dr. Lollar went lo Grand Island
Hurry KoRcstor spent Saturday in
Tathcr Fitzgerald spent Sunday at
Geo. Corner Nvds down from lilue
mil Tuesday.
Ralph Hunter was down from Ina
vale Tuesday.
Morris Groat was down from Tn
avalc Tuesday.
Ed Ihirr of Guide Rock was in the
city Wednesday.
Paid Newhousc was dowyi from DIuo
Hill on Tuesday.
Will McPhcrson wont to Omaha or.
Wednesday to attend a meeting of the
agents of the Deep Rock Oil Co.
Friday and Saturday
Gladys Brockwell
Sunshine Comedy
in Society '
Saturday Only
First Show at 7 o'clock
Eat and drink nt Powell & Pope's
Cafe, tf
Mrs. D. G. Britton spent Saturday
in Hltic Hill.
P. W. Cowdcn went to Lincoln-' on
Tuesday morning.
V. M. Kiekards of Franklin spent
Friday in the city.
For good eyt glnsscs and sjioes see
Mituholl The .low.dor
Ernest Campbell of Alma spent
Tuesday in the city.
Frank Starr shipped a car of mules
to Grand Island Tuesday.
Lowell Robbing returned homo from
Wymoro Saturday evening.
Attorney A. M. Walters was down
from Blue Hill Wednesday.
Good meals good service moderate
prices Powell it Popo's cafe.
Lee McArthur returned home Sat
urday evening from St. Joe.
Ernest Moranvillc went to Mankato,
Kansas the first of the week.
Miss Laura Hedge of lnavnlc spent
the weekend with her mother.
Vcrn Huff has accepted a position
with the Graham Furniture Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Edson attended
the celebration at Ir.avale Friday.
Harold Moranville went to Man
kato, Kansas, the first of the week.
Lee Trueact spent the last of the
week with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Check.
Mrs. Hassinger spent the weekend
with her daughter, Mrs. Hill, at Hast
Miss Christine Caldwell went to Or
leans Saturday where she will teach
school. '
Harry Barlow of Palisade is visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
A. T. Walker returned home the
last of the week from a trip to Tulsa,
Col. J. H. Ellinger was in Guide
Rock Tuesday where he cried Levi
Yost's sale.
Will West and daughter of Repub
lican (Jily spent Sunday with his moth
er in this city.
Mrs. Jns. Silvcy of Inavalc spent
Sunday withher parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. D. Wonderly.
Carl Rademacher and Henry Stein
krugcr of Bloomington spent Tues
day in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Frame liavo
rorted the Dr. Cross residence and arc
moving into same.
DTho Wntts Construction Co., have
commenced laying the concrete baso
for the puvlng.
The State Fire Inspector was in
the city- Friday inspecting the busi
ness houses of this city.
Mr. and Mis. J. H. Bailey went to
Omaha Sunday evening where 'she will
receive treatment at a hospital.
Chas. Funk returned to Superior on
Saturday after spending a few days
with his sister, Mrs. Nettie Hummel.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller of
Cowlcs spent the Weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Baileyl
Mrs. Ford of Stamford arrived Yn
the city Saturday to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Luther Crablll and family.
Lew Brakcy returned home Sun
day morning from Bird City, Kan
sas, where he purchased a carload of
The masons have completed thd
brick walls of the sale pavilion and
arc laying the stone cornice of the
Mrs. Morrison returned to her home
at Superior Saturday after spending
a few days with her Bister, Mrs. W.
G. Warren.
C. M. Smith has purchased the Jas.
McGuirc property in the cast part of
the city and will take possession the
first of March.
Henry McCur.e returned" home Sat
urday evening from Kearney where
he was sneridinc the week with his
son, Bud, and family.
The steel girders for the roof of
the auditorium were unloaded this,
week by Curt Evans who has the
contract for putting them up.
Messrs. and Mesdamcs F. W. Cow
dcn, W. A. Sherwood, E. A. Crcigh
ton, Dave and Bert Ka'.cy attended a
party at Superior Tuesday.
County Agent Fausch and Rev. J.
L. Bcebc will speak at a farmers'
meeting tonight at the Rickard school
house north of Guide Rock.
Ralph Newhousc who is playing in
the Roach Orchestra at Hastings
spent Monday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. II. Newhousc. ' '
Herman A. Plant?, of Ayr andMiss
Christina A. Krugcr of Adams coun
ty were 'granted j n m'a'rYiago, license
by Judge Ranney on Tuesday.-. ., ' '
Mrs. N. B; Bush, Miss Anna Schaf
for and Earl Patten attended the
Christian Endeavor State Convention
at York the last ol the week.
Owing to tlie blizzard Monday in
the eastern part of Colorado and the
western part of this state passenger
train No. 1G did not arrive until eight
o'clock in the evening.
FOU SALE First olass vulcanizing
out lit, Huh or Gollne. Priced to
soil. Write for full particulars
Western Vulcunlzinir Co , Hastings,
Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will
meet eye, ear, nose und throat patients
and those needing glasses fitted at Dr.
Damerell's otllce Tuesday, Nov. 25,
Hours 2 to G.
FOR SALE Good quarter section of
and with good improvements, 4 inilea
soutli of Inavale, Nebr.. on easy terms
Write for full description. C. P. Cath.
jr Red Cloud, Nebr.
'Father Fitzgerald informed us last
week that two-thirds of the indebted
ness of the Sacred Heart had been
raised and is well pleased that tho
people arc giving generously.
Joe Crow returned homo from Re
publican City Saturday morniiig after
spending a few days looking after
the improvements that arc being
made- on the farm lie ban lenlcd.
Owing to the had weather Saturday
the Beck & Bojcr furniture .-nl wax
postponed until Saturday afternoon,
November 15th, commencing at 2
o'clock, at which time the remainder
of the stock will ho diposcd of at auc
tion prices.
Delbert Paul, tho ton months old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Rasser,
passed away at their home Monday
morning. The funeral services were
hold Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Copo
conducted the last rites after which
interment was made in the city cemetery.
Suppose Farmers Strike
The farmers keep their houdn when
all others fly off the track. We a9k
city workers to ponder a moment what
might happen It the farmers should do
what the workers aro doing demand
log shorter hours and higher pay. The
farmers are their own bosses so they
would not hare to quarrel with any
body. They could hold out on strlkB
until they got good and ready, for thejr
can feed themselves.
You working city fellows, suppose
for a moment that the farmer adopted
the eight-hour day. It would cut down
production at least, half. Suppose they
also set a price on their labor and their
products based on an 8-bour basic
scale. 'Where would yon get your
food? Only the .rich could boy It at
all, for the price would bo prohibitive
to men on strike. If tho cost of living
is too high now, bow will lessen pro.
duction affect it? How will increased
cost of production bring prices down?
You live now because the farmer lias
rouo on producing, working nearer
sixteen hours a day than eight hours,
You can buy food because farmers
lnvo not gone on strike, have not ceas
ed to produce, have not cornered tho
tnarkot and said, '-we demand so much
for our products or we won't work."
If you city workers expect the farm
ers to go nn feeding you at the old
price, jou have got to get back to work
at the old wage and make it possible
for tho fnrmer to buy cheaper so he
can produeo cheaper. This is not a
one-sided game. It takes two to play
it, and if you city fellows quit, don't
gut sore if you go hungry soon. Either
the fanner must do as yon aro doing,
shorten the hours and demand hiuhor
pay, or eiM; you must luiigtiieii me
hoin-4 and, piotluce more iwthoui inoie
p'ay. , :.
The farmers have boon patient with
you. When they lose their patience,
Ionic out. You have already tnlum
their help If they quit, ton, who is
going to feed yon ? What city work
ers havo in common with farmer is
not so much political as economic.
What me you going to do about it?
Successful Farmer.
h order to do this you must
have good bedding the soft downy
kind that permits you to rest every muscle
Many an old bed can be made as comfort
able as a new one with the addition of
a good spring, mattress and bedding
Our line of MATTRESSES is the most complete.
There is one, at a price that will please you, and
cvey one of them a real value. IJust tell us about
the amount you wish to invest in a mattress and wc
can quickly solve the problem for you. We have
just received a large shipment of mattresses, which
affords you an opportunity to select the kind you
want and at the price you wish to'pay. Come in
and see what we have to offer you
Graham Furniture Company
"The Store of Quality."
Wc deliver free oj charge to any part oj the city or in country
A New O O A 00 Or
Guaranteed Repair $3.22
A few dollars will put that old tire
in shape to give you many more miles
Free Service -:- Free Air
I Admission 20 and lie j
wh nn iii" ii m wmmsmxmm mm
I am ready to make you a farm
loan in any amount and at tho low
est rato of interest.
It is a we'.l known and conceded
fuct that I car. set you a loan with
absolutely no delay for inspection or
otherwise. All that i,s required is
nn abstract of title nnd your money is
ready for you. Office opposite tho E.
G. Caldwell law office.
For Sale
The McFarland rooming house strict
ly modern and doing capacity business
-J. E. BETZ, Red Uloud, Nbr.
this soothinir. heat
ing balsam. And
you'll find that it will
clvo almost instant re
lief to severe coughs,
colds and all irritations
of tho bron
chial tubes.
Tho Nurte
Trfcle-Mrk U the
Itfn of I'urlty and
Will Mcilktl ul EtulrpUi
is a remarkably effee-
tiitn nmntt nitvtnttcirrr
tho well known medicinal
nronertlcii of Whlto l'inc. Wll.l
Cherry. Halm of (lilcaJ Uuila. IllooU
IlooL Cilvcerlne. Menthol uml Kuril-
lyritUH combined In very nurceablu anil
aromatic inrni. i no lormuiu is nine
triei una proven. An iuo lor
cliltarcn ua lor crowu-upt.
Sold by
Chas. L. Cotting
The niggist
.1 i. . .... . i
,tll IHU'jt hi I. i t
uiiiiiu race II is
Ki.i.; 'Xirnc-Jp' .
id I
.li.ei.. omlllo
Whither We Are Flying.
Tho point In space toward which tho
sun with Its planets Is voyaging at
tho rate of a million miles a day now
lies directly overhead enrly In the eve
ning. Tho exact location of this point
has not boon Anally determined, but
It lies somewhere In the neighborhood
of the brilliant stnr Vega. Do you feel
that you are shooting upward, head
first, about 25 times as fast as a can-nonball?
In the District Court of
Wtbrtcr County, Nebraska.
Conrad Itauer, J-ora Itauer, Matilda Sain
den, John li. (3'aladen, Edward Hahser, Hiuuia
Kilmer, John Itauer, llar.el Hasser. Veronica
llokoiiil), John llolroinli, Henry Hatacr,
Albert UlileiiKiHTgiT, Henry llliltiii(;rgtr,
Albert Ulilenspergcr. Jr.. Veronica llrum
(nee. Veronica Uhlcnspergcr), Walter Uli
'fiiipcrKtr, Knvln Ulilcnvperiser, Helen l.'li
leiiMpcrifer, Defendants
Kadi of the above named defendant!) Mill
take notice that on the 10th. day ol Novciu
berlUll), tho above named plnlntlirn tiled
their petition In tho District Court of Web
Kter County, Ncbnmka, ngnlnut unld defend.
antH, tho object nnd prayer of which Ik to
secure n decree of wWd court conllriulnu the
littcrcatH and respective Hhnres of tho vnrl
ousplnlntlirflninl defendants In mid to thu
North KaM Quarter of Section Kluhtccn K)
In Township Two ('.'), Norlh of ItniiKo Ten
(10), Wcstolithoiith. P.M. In WebHtcr County
NctiniHkn mid for a partition of Mild real
cstntonnionu tho various pliilutlirtt mid de
fcndnutHlnnccordniu'owltli their respective
Interests nnd shnrcK therein nnd It muiio cmi
not bo equitably divided nnd partitioned
then that kald real" (statu bo sold under an
order ol said court nnd tho proceeds thereof
divided muoiiK tho parties aecorillim to their
rcspcctlvo Interests nnd for such other nnd
further relief as may ho Just nnd eiultnble.
You nre required to answer snld petition on
or before tho J2ud dny of December 1'IIU.
Dated this 10th, dny of November 1UIH,
Conrad Itnsker, l.orsi Itnsser, Mutlldn Hnla
den. John II, Unladen, Kd ward l!mser. I' inniii
KahMir, John Uawier, llnel linger, Veronica
llolromb,,)olin lloicoiub. lUnry
lly I'rcd Mnurcr, Thulr Attorney.
pw-r:"-H lis uronoid
TIERE'S a real treat! Come
in some day this week and
enjoy a Columbia entertain
ment. Choose from the new dance
music, popular songs, favorite operas
and orchestral and band selections.
Hear your favorites. Then you
will know why you should have a
Columbia Grafonola.
Jeweler mad Optician.
Scotch and Scotch Topped
Shorthorn Cattle
Alma, Neb., Monday, November 24th
At 9ale Barn 2:00 p. nt. ,
40 loti tell, including my hetd bull, BARON CROWN, a white Scotch 3 yetr
old, that should head tome good herd. 6 young built horn 8 to 17 monthi old. 20
cowi, 7 with calve Ly tide, 13 heifen from 7 moqthi to long yearling!. Have
ranted my farm and will tell everything. All cattle tuberculin tetted.
W. H. FURSE, Alma, Neb.
A. W, Tliompion and C. S. Gatkel, Auctioneer!. Write for Catalogue
i nc ruLiva TO tell em all about
Exhilaraling Burlesque; Vaudeville
SIei !) FlllidllhPillrQlrli,FunnrClont,Coftioui
tqulpiit, Brillltnt Senile Eoltonmtnt
o everybody Cons; Ask Anybody
"Qood Stickers."
Tlioro nro snmo jinu'tlcnl "ninko
plilfts" for iiiticlliiKi. Tho whlto of nt
ejjg will bo fouml quite as Kood foi
8ou1Iiik letters. Anntlinr Bubstltttto It
it cold boiled potato rubbed over tin
paper. . hM!!