yyg ;4, J4i- f'l & S tirf THE RED CLOUD CHIEF X4 Cloud. Ntraak , PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY atered In the I'ottonico At Red Cloud. Neb m Second Cliww Mutter A.'B. MoARTHUR, Editor nml Owner TUB ONLY DKMUCKATiU I'APKK IN WEIISTKK COUNTY Advertising Rates Foreign, por column Inch 15c Lrfcal, " " 10 A. 2i Boys to Raise Baby Beef A chance how to successfully feed cattle and nt the same tlmo make money, is ottered boys nnd girls who join Uaby Reef clubs formed uuder the direction of the College of Agriculture Extension service .Scores of boys nnd girls made big money last summer as Members of Pig Clubs. Walter Briggs, a Seward county boy, sold his pigs for $5,000, and in addition took several hundred dollars in prize money, forty live fair ribbons, three trophies and a direr medal. Any Nebraska boy or girl over 10 and under 19 years old January 1, 1019, is eligible to join a Baby Beef olub. Write the Exteusion Servioc, College of Agriculture, Lin coln, for detailed information. October Weather Report Mean 50 deg., maxi minimum 18 deg on Temperature: nnm 00 on 1st., 98th. Peeclpltation: Total 1.98 inches. Snowfall: Trace. Number of days clear in, partly cloudy 3, cloudy 13. Dates of frost Light 0 and 7th, kill. ng 0 and 10th. Dates of Thunderstorms 8 and 15th. Prevailing wind Direction N W 0 days. Rainfall since Jan. 1st, 30.GG inches, Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer Soldiers & Sailors Appointed Washington, D. O., Oct. 25. Sixty five former soldiers and sailors have been appointed supervisors for the Fourteenth Decennial Census, accord lug to nn announcement issued today by Mio Unread of tho Census. "Tlio Census Huieau was particular ly glad whenever it totiud a former service man for tho job of supervisor," announced Dlroctoi of the Census Sum L. Roger " Most of thu applicants who qualified, however, woro men of more inutuiu use and oT broader expe rience than the majority of soldiers and sailors." Tin cu women appear on tho list of supervisors, one having been appointed to serve in the State of Now York, ono ,n Texas and one in Nevada. This is the fiist tlmo in tho history of tho Census Bureau that women have been selected to fill these positions. Of the 372 supervisors chosen approx imately, 100 are lawyers. Kx-sorvicc men come next in numbers, and edi tors rank third with more than forty appointments. Farmers are represent ed with about 25, while educators, numbering about SO, run the farmers a close race. Several physicians have undertaken the task of collecting Uncle Sam's sta tistics, likewise a great many business men. Each supervisor appointed had to undergo rigid tests as to his fitness for the position, especial stress having been laid on character and experience. "No man was appointed a supervisor for the Fourteenth Census," said Mr. Rogers, "until every possible guaran tee was given as to his ability and honesty. Character was at all times the leading and predominating consid eration with the Census Ilureau in every appointment made." Substitute fer Leather. Unwoven cotton dipped In vmriow rotations and then compressed la neJd to make an excellent eubstltttte for leather. m m FURS Character and Quality My line of Fur will prove a Real Benefit to the Buyer assuring satisfaction and comfort to the buyer. ' I urge you to come and see this line, comparing its merit as to VRLUE d; STYLE The styles have been selected for their comfort and styles. Have Scarfs, Capes andStolls in Neck pieces. The Muffs are in different shapes, but all good styles. Mrs. BARBARA PHAR$S m e ? 4WWWWWWWVWWWAWA IF ITS Building Material WE HAVE IT Ittalone-Gellatly Go. vftw.vAAAv.v.vv.AAvAv.VJFVArt Farm Bureau Note- - SPECIALIST IN MARKETING Mr. Geo. Boomer of Lincoln, Ne braska, a specialist in marketing from the Department of Rural Economics, will be in the county for thrco days, November 171819 nt the follow ing places: Monday, November 17th, Afternoon at two High Schools. Night, Clover ton, District No. 25, Blndcn. Tuesday, November 18th, afternoon at two High Schools. Night, High land District, No. 10, Bludcn. Wednesday, November 19th, after noon, Ecklcy Achievement Day, dist rict No. 90, Guide Rock. Night, Pleas ant Prairie, District No. 41, Inavalc. Mr. Roomer has been in the county on former occasions and talked to High Schools and at Community Meetings. He is a good lecturer and has a very interesting subject, be sides talking on ..Community Welfare, he touches upon marketing. f The marketing question interests everyone, and in the past, consider able time, money, etc., has been spent advocating making two blades of grass .grow where one formerly grew, raising more live stock and more grain, and when this was done, over production was the result and tho ' t ttom fell out of the market." FARMERS' INSTITUTE The Farmers' Institute at R.ed Clcud which is an annual affair, will be held on December 8 to 12. All com mittees are busy making arrange ments for the biggest Institute ever held. $1200.00 of Premium money .'. offered. Premium lists will go tp, hn printers this week. Write for one. Prorrara will appear latev. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agpnt. Delphian Society Entertained The first social event of the Del phian Society, an "At Home," was held at the home of the president, Mrs. W. A. Sherwood, on November 6th, when seventy-five guests were received by the officers, Mrs. W. A.' Sherwood, Mrs. C. H. Potter and Mrs. C. J. Piatt. Tho following well pre pared and excellently rendered pro gram was received with much enthu siasm and applause: Duet Miserere from II Trovatorc, Miss Trine and Mrs. Crcighton. Reading The Necklace, Miss Eliz abeth Overman. Vocal Solo "The Americans Come," Miss Greta Turnurc. Address Democracy, Kate Upson Clark. Violin Solo Meditation, Faucionor, Cradle Song, Ilrahm,. Miss Ethel Owen.' "" Reading "The Suburbanite, Miss Helen Lemon. , . ,J' Vocal Solo -Group t from-, -Tcnny-ron's "Maud," Miss Elizabeth Over man. ' ' " Piano Solo "If I Wcic A Bird," Miss Verna Trine. Mrs. Kato Upson Clark of New York was the guest of honor. Mrs. Clarke is a very gifted and noted writer and orator as well as a charm ing woman, and tho Delphian mem bers thoroughly appreciated the laro opportunity and privilege of meeting and conversing with her. Site congrat ulated the 'women of Red Cloud on having a Woman's Club that had adopted such a splendid course of study as the Delphian Course, from which .she was sure the members would derive much pleasure and prof it. She expressed her views on the woman of today, woman suffrago and strongly .urged those present to be non-partisan, to understand the is-1 sue and to vote for the candidate of character. She is a brilliant speaker with a wonderful memory and a de lightful senee of humor. Following'the progrm, refreshments were served in the dining room. Choc olate waB poured by Mrs. F. G. Tur nure and Mrs. E.-A. Crcighton, assist ed by Mrs. Ege and Mrs. Ellis and served by Helen McNcny, Margaret Piatt, Virginia Auld and Opal Wces ner. The house was beautifully 'dec orated; yellow chrysanthemums were used in tho living rooms and Amer ican Beauty roses in the dining room. The' credit for the "success of the oc casion is due to the very efficient committee, composed of Mrs. B. E. McFarland, chairman; Mesdamos E. M. Ego, Fred Miller, B. W. Stewart, F. G. Turnure and S. C. Ellis. wa awaaMaw" ' ' . . .-.,... &? ' SaaaaaaaaaaaBatlKiM"f m -immmmmtmm MfL aaaaHaIHMilif LrT w .mmm.'mBMiaMmmjjr jta-i--byi. ti V :. t ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjBijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjimBaaW" AVMVKWmtS aLHissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss TflfcklEB ixVVJaaaaaaaaalaakJHaHalBa T- Lm- ( m w M mans A best pal is his smoke rgS 9 v . s' i ."i . tLet,s give 'em our smoke5 Ches. Field ? A real smoke Chesterfield. The choicest of expensive aromatic Turkish tobaccos the finest of sun-ripened Domestic leaf, blended" by an original and exclusive method that can't be imitated. In the blending of these costly tobaccos,; our' experts have brought out a new flavor and a mellow richness surpassing that of anyr cigarette you ever smoked. m Chesterfields sure do satisfy; not in flavor: alone, but in value, in quality, even in their superior moisture-proof wrapping that keeps them firm and fresh always. You want "satisfy" that's sure. You get it only ia Chesterfields. Jf"&&CAc&Cyb mggf j-zj .r- 'it aik.3&.: Tr1 Tr1 T H Izi&j. A til ,MtfJM, AZ jfftk . S&&r A- Wf ?''. VJ' -rt 4lT fJ M : JkdlJ&W A tN WT ? -Ly vX A a- Lir -V nt frTMf-' -JT2: Z r jftL 20 for 20 cents and the Mend can't be copied m tfi' -! 'Zf 8 .T 7. 'M mmrAKu YW!rO - rf'CN . ... ;--0tUt' J 5K? rfw i k j - r vvv-v "Ik. VT SVVW l Ut l.""4Jv i. "JVV. ;i'sji;.Tifc. Kw 4KKllli.77i VA' SXil.T; 5S iu.i'"' teZZ1'. Coming to Mankato Dr. Doran A Specialist, Not in Name Only, But by Experience of Almost a Quarter of a Century. Does Not Use The Knife Will Give Free Consulta tion on Wednesday, Q 5 At November w the Commercial Hotel from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m One Day Only Thay Coma Many Hllaa to Saa Hla. D' 4rtftWVVU'rfVJ'.VJJV.VAVAVA-AVV.VUWAVlAPU Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING ! Phone, Ind. Store 158,'Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB, MffMIWVANVMWVMVVfMWJWWWWVW X Hnnniiiinmin Christian Church Sunday, November 16 11 a. m. Preaching Service 6:30 p. m. C. E. Service Report of the York cnovenlion 7 p. m. Sermon Lecture "The House of Morgan." Startling facts about your own Country Hear them TheMariln of Safety Is represented by the amount of insuraucc you carry. Don't lull yourself into n fancied security. Decausp flro lias nover touched you it doesn't follow that joii'roiinimuio Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find tlmo OQtne to tho otlioe and we'll wiito n policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY H13 TOO LATFJ- O. CTEEL R.elickble Insurance R. DORAN is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery, and is li censed by the State of Kansas He vis its professionally the more important towns and cities, and offers to all who call on this trip consultation and ex amination free, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to hla method of coming to your nearest city to see patients, he gives all the stole people an opportu nity to obtain the best that medical science can offer right at home. He does not operate for chronio appendi citis, gall btones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit many wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, 'liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, lcidnov. bladder, bed-wetting, catarrh, lotr 'ulcort and rectal ail ments. If you have been ailing for any length o'f time iiiui do not get any better, do not fall to call, as Improper measures rather than disease aio very-often tha cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that oxamlnn Hon on this trip will b FRUH, and that his treatment Is diiruiouU Marncd 1 idles must como with their husbands, and children, with their paronts, Addiess: Medinal l.aboiatory nT 1)15. DOItAN, .W.'W IKMnn moeli, Minneapolis, Minn. land at Auction 3 AT 0 Hill City, Graham County Kansas November IQth to 14th The Graham County Land Co., of Hill City, Kansas, will hold a l'uhllo Auction of land in Graham County, Kansas, on November 10th to 14th. This land is located CO miles west and Ho miles s6uth of Red Cloud, and CBn be easily reached In onedialf day by auto. Hill City is the County seat of Gra ham County, and tho Solomon River runs through the county east and west, with a number of spring creeks underlayed with good pure sheet water for domestic purposes, at shallow depth, This Is not n short grass country, but Blue Stein grass predominate. Somu of the land to bo sold Is on the Solomon river bottom, somo on creeks, and other Is level tractor land. Attend this Sale and take your choice Land values range from 925 fo 990 ror tho host well improved farms. Don't forget thedute, November 10th Attend this sale. Good terms ato offered on all sales, and good accommodations nt rnnsonable prices for all prospective buyers. For further particulars, communicate with 6rahaim County Land Company HILL CITY, KANSAS Local representative Gco.W. Hutchison, Red Cloud, Neb, i t i-.L , u .' K