I ir r- , r&,tivm w RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF - i I n b. l '.r-xjfc, I?- t b . ,V. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 200 years GOLD MEDAL TJaar Ifm Oil has enabled suffcrlnc human ity to withstand attacks of kidney, livor, bladder and stomach troubles end nil diseases couucctcd with tlio urinary organs, and to build up and restart to health organs weakened by disease. These most important organs muflt he watched, because they filter end purify the blood: unless they do their work you aro doomed. Wcnrincss, sleeplessness, nervous tics", despondency, backache, stomach tronble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago all warn you of trnublo witli your kidneys. GOLD MIODATj Haarlem Oil Capsules aro tho remedy Syrup Purify Absolute purity-with all its own virtuea-is one Rood reason why wo know you will llko Farmer Jones Sorghum Dleuil Rrrnp one ones label and Always wipe tho mud olT your shoes before Kicking n gciilluiniin. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Stop n minute nnd think what 11 means to say that "Green's August Flower has been n household remedy All over the civilized world for more thnn half a century." No higher praise is possible nnd no better remedy can ho found for constipation, Intcstlnnl troubles, torpid liver nnd the depress ed feeling that accompanies sucli dis orders. It is most vnluable for In dlrostien 'or nervous dyspepsln and liver trouble, coming up of food, pal httntlon of heart, and many other symptoms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you. It is n gentle laxative. Ask your druggist. Sold In all civilized countries. Adv. WAR RECORD OF LEVIATHAN Monster Transport Carried Thousands of Soldiers to French Ports. Many The giant transport Leviathan, fol lowing her arrival In New York har bor with Gen. Pershing nnd troops of tho First division, brought to a close her Important service In helping win the war. The hlg ship, after being refitted for passenger service, is to be turned back to tho United States ship ping hoard, the agency which seized It wicn the United States entered the war. While tho future of the ship Is unccrtulu. It Is reported thnt she will be unsigned to American passen ger trade between New York and Liverpool, with possible extension In the future of a service toIInmhurg. The Leviathan, formerly the Vnter land, the second largest ship In tho world, was Interned In New York by the Germans In 1014. She was "wil fully damaged" to the extent of more thnn ?1.000.000. After being recon ditioned by American engineers, she wns assigned ns n transport, nnd during nnd since the war made 11) round trips on the Atlantic, carrying a total of 185.500 soldiers, of whom WL321 were carried overseas through submarine Infested seas. She was al ways a mark for U-boats, but her speed nnd the armament with which she was equipped saved her. The Union of South Africa Is pro ducing 19,500,000 pounds of butter n year and 4.2(50,000 pounds of cheese. (TniHiniiSSiaaHX ntnm mm mmt mt Umt n aMMHaMXI More Economical Than Coffee Better for Health , and Costs Less Instant Postum A table drink made "quick as a wink" by placing a spoonful in a cup, then adding hot water, and sugar and cream to taste. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Mad by Postum Cereal Company Battle Creek, Mich. Sold by Grocer and General Store No Raise in Price you need. Tnlco three or four every day Tho healing oil soaks into tho cells nnd lining of tho kidneys nnd drives out tho uolsons. New lifo nnd health will surely follow. When your normal vigor has been restored coutlnuc treatment for a while to keep yourself in condi tion and prevent a return of tho dLs case. Don't wait until you nro incapable of fighting. Start taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsulen today. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money if you are not satisfied with results. Hut bo sure to get the origlnnl imported GOLD MEDAL nnd accept no substitutes. In three sizes. Scaled packages. At all drug otorcs. you can depend upon it. RrmebJones V Sorghum Blend syrup Mado by an excloalra process which tnalcas It wholMom. economical and dollcloas from cane grown In oar own Hold. . W" rtuAam without thi ilmtuil New Recipe Book Sent FREE THI FOIIT SCOTT SORCHUM SYRUP CO. tyruAA JtuCj a CK.ttiuLumcn.KANtAtnrr.i'O. . ff - ' ( . Huu u. w tkMI. Km. . (ltd 11m ll.ull. Ark. JTUAV11i NuolJcmnracCtmi'Cot.MerniD ( . A pretty girl is an opportunity nil young men like to embrace. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local dlsenso greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore roqulrcN constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho Sys. tern. HALL'S CATARUII MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. $100.00 for any cane of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE falls to euro. DrugglBts TCc. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio. It would take 127,000 spiders to pro iluco 1 pound of web. For true blue, uso Ited Cross Ball Blue. Snowy-whlto clothes will bo sure to result. Try it and you will al ways use It. All good grocers hnvo it. HALEY'S COMET 61 YEARS AGO Is Same Terrific Wanderer in Space That Has Appeared Down the Ages. The world wns up nil night Septem ber 12, 1010. Haley's comet blazed across tho roof of tho world. Tills "great comet," whoso revolution oc cupied 1202 years, was first seen In Au gust, 1858. by a gcntlcmnn In Altona, but Haley's comet, named after tho astronomer who calculated Its prog ress, Is the same terrific wanderer In depths of spneo that lias appeared down the ages, and to which succes sive nnnies have been given Heln's comet, DonutPs comet, etc. From tho records of history It seems that tho comet nppears to foretell some world disaster. It appeared before the. fall of Jerusalem under Titus; In the reign of Louis the Debonair, 8.17, nnd tho king died shortly nfter; It appeared boforo tho death of Caesar, 'IS B. C. Again it appeared three years after tho capture of Constantinople by tho Turks, 1450. It appeared In 1801. Just before tho Civil war, and In 1010, bo fore tho great war. What is n comet? It Is a member of tho solar republic a hlrsuto star, a vagabond orb, that travels at almost Incalculable speed, whose tall Is fifty five million miles long who approach es tho sun, not to be consumed In It but to draw from that radiant source tho energy necessnry for Its future travels in the unknown nbysses of tho firmament. It has its own orhlt which It follows. What mind dnre follow that? I WSIUM ! WBW. I IMPROVED UNirORM INTERNATIONAL SIINWSuM Lesson ny itrcv. i it. I'Vmv.vnnt. d. d Teacher of UiikIIhIi Hlblo In Ilm Mood llll)lo Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1918, U'mlrrn Nwnpipr Union) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 26 A LESSOR IN TRUST. I.KPSON TKXT-Mntt. 14.I2-M. (JOl.DKN TRXT-I belluvo; help thou nilno imebllef. Mark 9:24. ADDITIONAL MATtnilAts-.Mark 5:2J 21: 35-41. Luke 17MS-J3 ritlMAHY TOIMC- lk'l In Hie storm. JUNIOR. TOPIC-Jesus comes lo the help of hi illBclplcs. INTRHMKDIATi: TOTlC--llelp when most needed. SKNIOIt AND ADULT TOPIC-An ever-present helper. Tlio stnrin-tov&od dNclple" on tlio cn at iili:lit Is nn ('.viiiiiplo of tho MrtiKKllnp followers of the Lord In tho diirkticRi of the present nee, as they arc tosxed hy the tempests of the evil one. I. The Disciples on the Storm. tossed Sea (vv. U2.M). 1. They were sent across the sen by Christ (v. '2'2). Doiihtless his reason for this was lo keep thorn from en tanglement In the movements of tlio people to iniike him klnx. for In John 0:1-1, 15 It Is shown that the people were fo excited hy the feeding of the five thousand that they were aliout to make hhn kins hy force. TIioukIi they were somewhat timvlllliiR to go, It wns n mercy for him to constrain them. 2. Christ dismissed the multitude (v. 22). This may he taken as typical of his rejection of the nation whoso rulers hud already rejected him. 8. Christ praying alone In the moun tain (v 2.'l). Temptation to earthly honor and power had come to hlui, therefore ho went to the Father In prayer for relief and strength. Tho need of prayer Is greatest at such times. While his prayer was In part for himself, yet It was for his disciples. According to Murk 0:48, ho snw from tho mountain top the disciples tolling on the storm-tossed sen. We nro nev er out of his sight ns we struggle against the storms of life, and he ever lives to mnke Intercession for as. II. Jesus Walking on the Sea (rr. 25-27). 1. It wns In the fourth watch of the night (v. 25). He did not come to them Immediately, hut waited till al most dawn. It was, however, the darkest port of the night, and physi cal dnnger wns great, but their per plexity of mind was greater. They knew that tho Lord had sent them, hut why should they be In such strnltB If he sent them? A stormy sen Is no cvldencs that we nre not In the Lord's appointed way. The disciples' concern should be to obey the commnnds of the Lord, being assured that -while do ing his will ho will protect them. 2. The disciples alarmed at his com ing (v. 20). It wns tho coming of their best friend to deliver them from dnnger. He comes to us today In such ways thnt sometimes we nre affrighted. 3. .lesus' words of comfort nnd good cheer (v. 27). In the midst of their distress they henrd the Master's words, "Tie of good cheer; It Is I, be not nfrnld." This changed their fear Into Joy. III. Peter's Venture and Fallura (.vv. 28-33). As soon ns Peter recognized the voice of Jesus' he cried, "Bid mo come to thee on the water." Jesus said, "Come." Peter obeyed, and for a time ho walked upon the waves without sinking. Ills simple faith linked him with divine power and he was upheld ; but ns soon ns he took his eyes off his Lord mid considered the raging sea ho began to sink. If we will but keep our eyes on the Lord Instead of the waves we can outride the storms of life. When Peter began to sink, he did the sensible thing ; he cried to the Lord for help. Jesus renched forth his hand nnd saved him. He has never lost one who honestly cried for help, yiicn Jesus entered tho ship tho wind ceased. Tho people worshiped him as the Son of God. No ship can go down with Jesus on board. Hath Not Where to Lay His Head. People aro to bo pitied who have no homo. John Howard Payne In Paris, homeless nnd miserable, uttered tho milvnrunl Innfrln,. it ,1... I.. ... I y - ....(,,,, , lllu nullum ncuri when In n cold and dreary garret he wrote tno words or "Home, Sweet Home." There aro many people In tho world who aro driven from pillar to post, nnd who can say of no spot on enrth, "This Is my home." Think par ticularly of him who had come from his Father's House to this Inhospitable earth and who said, "The foxes hnvo holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay hi i head." Sublime Sentiment "Beware," said Lavater, "of hlra who hates tho laugh of a child." "I love God and llttlo children," was tho simple yet sublime sentiment of Hich ter. Mrs. Slgourney. Tho Heart of the Believer. Tho heart of tho believer Is the homo of God. Tho church of tho Lord Jesus Is his holy teniplo. Ho dwells hero by his Holy Spirit, nnd makes known through tho church, to the prin cipalities and the powers In tho heav enly" places', his manifold wisdom. This Is a superlative honor. It brings with a supreme obligation. One Thing at a Tlmt. Tho shortest way to do many thlngi Is to do only one thing at a time. CclL ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Namo "Daycr" is on Genuino Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Ilnycr Tablets of Aspirin" In n "Itayer package." containing prop er directions for Colds, Pain, Head ache. Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Kheu mutism. Namo "Itnyer" means genuino Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few rents. Aspirin Is trndo mark of Hnyer Manufacture of Mono acctlcacldester of Salleyllcacld. Adv. Greater Than Trafalgar. Trafalgar was the last great fight of sailing vessels and a lilting close to a heroic era In the history of navnl war, for It gave Knglnnil the mastery of the seas. Long boforo this, how ever, there occurred the greatest event In the history of sailing vessels the departure from .Spain of the Santn Mnrla, with the Nina and the Piiitu the epoch-making Hcut of Columbus. S.O. If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, or sour, gassy stomach nlwnys trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fer menting food In tho bowels. Poisonous matter clogged In tho In testines, lnstend of being cast out of tho Bystcra Is re-absorbed Into tho blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissues It causes congestion nnd that dull, throbbing, Blckculng head ache. Oascarets Immediately elennso tho atomach, rcmovo tho sour, undigested food nnd fou gases, tuko tho excess bllo from tho liver nnd carry out all the constipated wnsto matter and poi sons In tho bowels. A Cnscnrct tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work whllo you sleep. Adv. Tho happiness that you vainly seek the world over, Is. all tho tlmo within you, nestled close to your own henrt. jHonesit Advertisings r I HIS is a topic we all hear now-a-days because so many people are inclined to? A exaggerate. Yet has any physician told you that we claimed unreasonable remedial properties for Fletcher's Castoria? Just ask them. We won't answer it ourselves, we know what the answer will be. That it has all the virtues to-day that was claimed for it in its early days is to be found in its increased use, the recommendation by prominent physicians, and our assurance that its standard will be maintained. ( Imitations are to be found in some stores and only because of the Castoria tnat Mr. Eetcher created. But it is not the genuine Castoria that Mr. Fletcher Honestly advertised, Honestly placed before the publio and from which he Honestly, expects to receive his reward.. .fto j BJot ftmtentt lBTluid Pact ii rnnnr.-n PER CENT. AtMihfe1MaratioafbrAs- L jmiiniindthcTnnd bvRetfuU i I iinothcStoaaffaandPq8 TheretylTomoUn$DitW nurr tne md BestCow neither 6plttfn,MorpUnc Mineral. Not kaboow. JaWfr,fflfirMM"IKg""'"M I .fnfitlDcme(fylbr. ConstipationandDiarrhf1 ILm 'pprlfihness and Y:ir Sleep jesnllmitherefraiMnW JicSInuteSiiaattMOt fltoCnrrAtmCoiwa NEWJfuw Exact Copy of Wrapfffc 5 c a package 5 c a package 5 c a package THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! Encircling Movements. He You look cold. Shall I take ofl my coat nnd put It around you? She Why tnko It off? Children Qajiff dai fTrnf $St Special Care of Baby That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would . be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Tour Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must 1m pre pared with even greater care than Baby's food. 4 Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving t your aiiinz child anything but a medicine especially prepared for In fants and Children? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily pre pared for grown-ups. MOTHEBS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVEBY S0THE0F FLETCHER'S CA8T0RU GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the ' w ws 2Lv&!Mi, mJ .AW THB e.NTAUW COMANV. NBW VORK CITV. before the war during the war NOW TO CHINE A COLD 8TOVK Quick anil Ban Umm E-Z STOVE POLISH utaay uat uraay to Bkine MABTU MAKHN. CHICAGO l .J Cry For Signature of iijjpi A