The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1919, Image 5

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    -": er..wM
Oute. Half S'lhs banish tire trouble!
Knt mid drinl; ftt Powell . Pope's
Cafe. tf
Dr. Daman!', spent Monday in Hast
Thlul Red Cross IU11 Call, Nov. 2
to 11.
.Tax. Hubatka was down from Bla
den Friday.
Alf McCall returned homo fiom
Omaha Friday.
Bruce Frame was down fiom Blue
Hill Wednesday.
Robert Newton of Inavalc was in
the city Monday.
G. J. Warren returned lomo from
Omaha Thursday. '
J. W. Mitchell of Inavalc was in
the city Saturday.
Gus Fuller has accepted a position
in the Hall Garage.
Miss Mary Belle Ilassingor spent
Saturday in Hastings.
Prof. L. Frisbic of Lincoln is visit
ing lelatives in the city.
Attorney A. M. Walters was down
from Blue Hill Tuesday.
Sam Temple returned to Kansas
City the last of the week.
Mrs. W. G. Warren returned homo
from York Fiiday evening.
Mrs. Nate Piatt wont to Cowlcs this
morning to visit her parents.
"Vancr" Magincss of Denver is vis
iting friends in the city today.
S. B. Kizer returned homo the last
of the week from a trip to Ohio.
J. W. Bogcnricf returned to his
home at Oborlin Thursday evening.
I'obt. Mitihell has reai 'n.l Lis po
s'tio.i with M:q Farmers' Union Store.
Rumor has it that Red Cloud is to
have a new Ford Agency in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gund of Blue
Hill spent Sunday with lelativc.? hero.
Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and daugh
ter, Mary, spent Saturday in Hast
ir.g;. Al Hoffman went to Blue Hill on
Monday to look after his farm inter
ests. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rickcrson
spent Sunday with relatives at 0r-4
Mrs. Chas. Garhcr is in the city
helping care for J. J. Garbor, who is
very low today.
Mrs. Alice Hornier, who sprained
her ankle in a fall last week, is able
to bo about again.
M. A. Mercer attended the Notre
Dame vs Nebraska football game at
Lincoln Saturday.
The Oil Company at Rivorton have
their derrick up and will soon com
mence drilling for oil.
Raymond Tumurc went to Mitchell
this morning whore he has accepted
a position in a bank.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chancy went to
Dunning Friday to visit their. son,
Arthur and family.
Clarence Carpenter of Scldcn, Kan
sas, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Carpenter.
E. II. Ncwhouse and Chas. Pharos
wont to Omaha Wednesday to look
after some business affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joilin G. Potter went
to Lincoln this morning to spend the
winter with their daughters.
C. W. Malone and wife of Beaver
City arc the guests of their daugh
ter, Mrs. H. C. Gellatly and family.
mit.yTO3CT3JMr,gyw ouwnm
Friday and Saturday
Tom Mix
A typical Tom Mix picture.
A Good Story with Thrills in
" Shadows of
Her Past."
Il,v HroHil tit Powell iwtd Popps
How nbout a Red Cross member
tiood iiienls good service utodei ate
pi k't'i-Powell A Pope's eitfc.
Fred Foam wont to Cowlcs Fri
day where he had a job painting.
Geo. Mutkin and A. F. Hnitwell of
Inavalc woic in the city Monday af
ternoon. John Wickstiom of Inavnta was m
the city Tuesday, looking after some
business affair.
11. F. Stoncr of Inavalo was in the
city Saturday. He expects to move to
Eads, Colorado, next month.
FOIt SAIiH-Thrt MoFiirlaud Room
lug House, modern and doing ctipticlty
business. -.1. K. IJP.TZ, Rod Cloud, Ntb
Chas. Ga'bfi leturnvjl to his home
at Mankato, Satuulay, after visiting
with his brother, J. J. Garber and
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith went to
Grand Island Fiiday where they will
spend the winter at the Soldiers'
Mrs. Herb Ludlow and daughter,
Ksther, went to Guiflc Rock Wednes
day to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas.
T. G. Hanvood arrived home Tues
day c rning from Omaha where he
spent the summer. He drove a new
Ford homo.
Miss Zclnia Wondorly returned
homo fiom Inavalc Saturday wheio
she had been visiting her sibtcr, Mrs.
James Silvcy.
The general celction to elect a del
egate to attend the state constitution
al convention will be held Tuesday,
November '1th.
Mrs. S. M. Ferguson, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. G.
Hamilton, went to Graf;on Satuulay
to visit relatives.
A band of gypsies were in town on
Wednesday morning but Marshall
Phillips ordered them to got out of
town, which they did.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Houchin returned
to their homo at Wheeler, Kansas, on
Friday evening after spending a few
days with relatives here.
Charles Richardson returned homo
Monday evening from Omaha wheic
lie recently underwent an operation
and is getting along nicely.
Judge WA. Dilwoith, of Hold-'
redgo, will hold an equity term of
district court here next week. There
arc fifteen cases on the docket.
Attorney McNcny returned home
from Bloomington the last of the
week after attending to some legal
matters at the equity cou."j.
A stock company is being organized
at Upland for the purpose of erect
ing a community building that is to
cost from $1S000 to $25000.
Frank Amack, who resides In Gar
field precinct, will soon move to
Guide Rock, where ho has accepted a
position as manager of the Farmers'
Union store.
The West Division of the M. E.
Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. E.
W. Stevens Tuesday afternoon. At
the close of the meeting a delicious
lunch was served.
C. C. Baker and wife of Salem,
Ohio, who have been visiting his
mother, Mrs. Alice Baker, left .Tues
day morning for Geneva, Nebraska,
to visit relatives.
Mrs. L. P. Albright and Mrs. M.
A. Albright accompanied the lattcr's
husband to Alma Sunday night by
automobile, returning home Monday
The Smith Center Journal states
that Ray L. Goldswoith of Inavalc
and Paulino A. Strobl of Rod Cloud
were granted a marriage license on
October 11th.
Governor McKelvje has issued a
pioclamation stating that October 27
wil be Americanization Day in Ne
braska, the event being in honor of
the late Theodore Roo.sevelt's birth
day. Tho Boaid of Directors of the
Farmers' Institute will hold a meeting
al 2 o'clock Satuulay afternoon, at
the State Bank, at Which time they
will make their plans for this year's
The masons have commenced lay
ing brick for the front of the second
story of the Bcsse Auditorium, while
E. W. Stevens has a force of men in
stalling the boiler and heating appa
ratus in tho boiler loom.
NOTICE Beginning with Aug.
1st wo will develop any size film or
film pack free of chargo when
prints aro . ordered. When no prints
are ordered, the price is fie for films
or 10c for film packs. Quick service:
bring in your films or packs today
and got your prints tomorrow. Tho
price of prints remains as hereto
The best ideas of
Master Minds
cabinet making
Seasoned Woods,
"The Hioro t futility."
Red Cloud Hastings
McKarlnnil llltlii.
For good oyc glasses and hpcus hec
Miteholl The .loweler
Road tho change nnd uewadh in the
paper this week. It may be worth
your time, uui take advantage of fotne
of I lie rare bargains offered.
Next Sunday, the new time, which
has been in effect for several months
will be discontinued and the clocks
will be sot back one hour and then
tho people will have but one time to
go by, which is easy enough.
Tho committee in charge ol me
Roosevelt Memorial Fund in this eom
miinity request that those who have
not been solicited and who deslro to
make contributions for this purpose,
leavo b.une at the (Jrico & Grimes drug
Last Fri -w afternoon 'he Hastings
H fth School football -U-Mn net tho
Lal team on the Hc'co fad and
our boys played a supeib game and
won by a score of 22 to M. The local
team will go to Alma Friday and play
the team at that place.
The surveyors arc busy surveying
the avenue south of the Congicgation
al church and also the block on main
street north of tho Auld library which
will be paved. The paving gang has
been laying curbing and gutters on
Cedar street the past few days.
Baptist Church Notes
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. nnd 7:110 p.
m. by the pastor. "
Sunday bchool at 1Q a m.
Rev. Sharp gnvo us two excellent
sermons last Sunday, nnd the attend,
ance was good.
Wo all greatly rejoice Mint Brother
Harper is again able to resume his pas
toral duties.
Tho Annual Hnby Dny Week mt
week, October 'JO to October 25, inolu
sivH. Ilaby Day Week is now an annu
al event, hence the Red Cloud Studio
nnnounees October UO to 2,1th as An
nual Baby Day Week, during which
time the Red Cloud Studio will tuko n
picture of ovory baby or babies, sing
ly, brought to tho studio nnd present
the parent with a llrst-olass poi trait
in folder, nbolutoly FREE. No red
tnpo conneoted with this. The studio
is now conducted under new manage
ment. Tan Rei Cloud Sruino
Commencing With Sat
urday, 1st show at
7:30 every day
20 and lie
For Sale
Tha MoFnrl ,nd rooming house htrlut
ly moiloin mill doing capneity btislnuss
I. E. IJEl'Z, Red i;lnud, Nebr.
"SS&iS&aVGtit vlf!T
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
SlaiiAlvivi FIHidtltlir-iltrGlrli, Funny Clotrs.Gugeoui
Equlpii, Ebllllinl Sciole Emiron-niol
Everybody Qoemt Ak Anybody
'6. You'll like
v' flit-, c,mli!nnp linnl.
,'H ing balsam. And
f um'll find that it will
.j hcnlmost instant rc
" net' to se-vevo coughs,
f J col Is and all imtutions
M ortno uron
Afl v. niwto
J Ab;w:
1 1 '-vSa'
' mnw
a J .. T. 4f!&A
y if.:. . ".. - w.w
hStii -
Mcsl Important Work of Peace
Is Welfare of People, Says
Dr. Farrand.
Coordination of All Movements to
Conserve Humanity and Prevent
Disease Is After-War Task. t
"The elllclent orgnnlrnlinn which
the American Red Cross built up to
meet the demands !
of war must not
be permitted to
slip back' Into in
activity," .said Dr.
Livingston Fur
rami, chairman of
the Central Com-
mlttic of the American Red Cross who
Is totuin; the country to place tho
propoid peace woik Mjuarely licforo
the people. Ills tour was outlined to
curr the iness.ige Into all states as a
forerunner of the Third Red Cross,
Roll Call, to be conducted from Nov.
2 to 11 for O.OOO.OUO annual member
ships and $1B 000,000.
Most Diseases Preventable.
"The war has accentuated and
hhiiipeneil our reallatlou that tin?
giealest contributing factor In disturb
ing the happiness of mankind Is the
question of physical well-being, tho
problem of health and dl.sonKo," Dr.
Fan and said. A large portion of the
dlbciKse of the world Is preventable, '
nnd the people naturally are looking
to organizations that aio able to help
and guide; that are built on Hues that
beget confidence.
"The organization best equipped for
this purpose is the American Red
Cross. States and municipalities must'
conduct this campaign and tho local
Red Cross organizations are operating j
units. For the last ten years leaders
In health work have sought an organi
zation callable of co-ordinating tho
various local activities Into a massed
movement which would produce re-'
suits. That organization Is the Red
Nursing Program Developed.
Are we not going to take advantage
of this opportunity to better humanity?
We have here an organisation that
represents every national interest;
that knows no pnrty and no creed;
that has attached to it every typo of
man, woman nnd child In the United
Slates and we propose to put this en
ergy behind the great movement to
co-ordinate and bring together these
varied Interests so far as possible.
"The biggest activity which tho Red
Cross has undertaken In this field Is
the great public nursing program.1
The entire movement for p'ubllc health
depends upon the adequate develop
ment of the i ubllc nurse."
Afternoon itt ,j:5
CvcMilnff at 8:oo
Musical Comp'y
The members of tliis compa
ny arc Real Artists Sing
ers, Dangers and talented
Musicians. They give a
high - class entertainment,
worthy of the best patron
age, and come to Red Cloud
highly recommended.
A Big Musical Treat
Everything new and novel
The different musical show
Beautiful Music
Delightful Singers
Graceful Dancers
'Admissioit-Evcning-Adults 8Sc; 'Children 25c war tax included
Afternoon " 50c; " 15c war tax included
FOR SALH Good quarter section of i
and with good iinpioveiuent, 1 milea
south of Inavale, Xuhr.. on easy terms.
Write for full description. C. F. Cath j
!i- Red Cloud, Nobr. I
pwmiMa Mixun I'STiiiniuiiraraauiiiiu aiiiiiimwT'iiiiiiTJi! i wssm mm m
Christian Church
11 a. m. Preaching Service
7 p. m. Sermon Lecture "Shall Wc Have War wirh
Tho Nuro
Trmle-Mnrk ia 111
aijn uf I'unty anu
Wm SA--m-
Wtli Rit-t'uol t4 Eucatpt3
a remarkably cIIVq-
tlvo remcuj , comprising
10 well known medlomri
pertlct of Whit 1'lno, Will
i v. Jlalm 1 1 GlltaU Ilud. lllxu
1 1 worine. Mpttthal mill T.'UCS-
li ptua co Titiiiil In very aureoftblo ai J
nrftn.ntu form. Tlui formula la tlmi
t.n'i anil proven, ah iu iuc
cuuri.n b mv uwu-uvs.
Sold by
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
B K iS r V' ft! H .' M rf-ir4PB KSfll'l 1 I B I ft ll im' Ft Vl f
5j;7TvwJ"FrJw fcJ w a' j si if vl vAn ( iHl'itt.'U H If I ' 4 HI) nUlil llll, I ! IlMHIMII Ml
v ' ill
" 'V ll I I
1 ill I 1
CnpyrlRht lll
by KuynoMi
Tulawt Lv.
K TEVER v.ns such right-hnnded-tv;o-
1 fisted sraokejoy as you puff out of a
jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert !
That's because P. A. has the quality!
Vnn ran'f innl 'vnnr fnitf Jinnnrnfnt; nnv mnrp f-hnn vnn
can get five aces out of a family deck I So, when you hit m
Drinna A1Kn4 rr,rr1tnl cinA nrnitno anr) rrot nr half or limir K- . ' '" j
earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes,
you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line 1
Prince Albert's quality alone in a class of its own,
but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive
patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you
feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words
to express your happy days sentiments ! . ,
Toppy red batti tuly red tins, handsome pound end half-pound tin
humidors nnd that clasty, practical pound cryttal tlass humidor tpith
tponye moittener top that keeps the tobacco in tuch perfect condition.
R. J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N..C.
itfw nsrmm