The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1919, Image 2

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. M
Hcwa of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
1 Secretary of Labor Wilson addressing the opening session of the industrial conference In Washington. 2
King nnd queen of tlio Belgluns nnd crown prince with Mayor I'eterH of Boston nnd the welcoming commit tec on
the BtcpH of the public library. 3 Confiscated beer being poured Into Lnku Michigan nt Chicago by order of Fed
eral 'budge Land Is.
Industrial Conference Begins Its
Efforts to Accomplish a
Tremendous Task.
Radical Element In the 8teel Strike
OettJna the Worst of It British
Railway Strike Ended Senate
easHock on Peace Treaty
Alarm ever flbe condition of Prcsl
at Wllaaa was considerably allayed
fcjr flm favaraMc reports Issued lust
weak by ato physicians. He was kept
quiet, ta anHe of sis protests, and was
not permitted to pay any attention to
the warn f public business awaiting
him. Ike reamlt of this treatment was
bis ateaty iBapravemcnt, though he
ssay not be able ta resume his ofllclal
daMea far aecoe time. The Inactivity
Irke bJbi greatly and Mrs. Wilson and
the aaoeorB had to exercise their In
geaotbj ta keep Wui from getting in
coauBMaJcatlea with public men.
Of causae the president could not
attend the opening of the Industrial
coafcrenoe which he had summoned,
bat M began Ha sessions, la the Pan
Aaerlaaa batldlng, with 60 delegates
present, eaaatly divided among tho
patlic, the employers and labor. Scc
retajy ef the Interior Lane was made
peraaacat ehalrmna and then the del
egates, frpHt Inta groups, got busy on
the program that should be followed.
Nataaally, tbey were swamped with
suggeetioM of an sorts and from all
porta at the country, and the job of
sifting eat the reasonable plans was a
big one, The rnlcs adopted were de
signed to preyent tho wasting of time
by extremists and cranks who might
wtaa to tatk at length on their theories,
whether radical or reactionary.
The somewhat hazy but mighty task
let for tfcta conference Is the discovery
of aooae atctnod of accomplishing In
dustrial peace, of bringing nbont an
understanding between employers and
workers, of ending or lessening strikes
and lockouts so that production may be
increased and high costs lowered.
Every group, nnd probably every Indi
vidual delegate, nas more or less defi
nite Ideas as to how all this may be nc-
ciaJI bated, and It is to he hoped the
conference can hit on tho right ones
and bring abovt their adoption.
The first plan presented to the con
ference was for nn Immediate Indus
trial truce to continue throe months,
which weak) atop all strikes nt once.
Thin was proposed hy Chairman 15a
ruch at the pnhllc group, and follows
the aekeme ndoptod In France. The
second proposition, made by Chairman
Gompere ef tho labor group, wns for
Immediate arbitration of the steel
strike by n board of six, two to be ap
pointed hy each group In the confer
ence; thin contemplated the Immcdlnto
return of the strikers to work pending
the results of the arbitration. A third
resolution, offered by Oavln McNah
of Boa Francisco, of tho public group,
was for n permanent arbitration board.
of which nil living cx-prcsldcuts shall
be members.
state authorities and staged somo riot
ous demonstrations the federal troops
were sent there in a hurry and quiet
wns nt once; restored. Gen. Leonard
Wood, commanding the central depart
ment, hastened from Omaha, whero ho
had been suppressing tho race wnr,
nnd took personal commnnd In the
steel town, lie turned his attention
immediately to the reds and a raid on
tiioir headquarters wus productive of
quantities of revolutionary matter, to
sny nothing of pins nnd ammunition.
Martial law was proclaimed und then
General Wood established n censor
ship on an news relating to raids nnd
arrests hy the military. It wns mude
clear thnt the. troops were there to pre
serve liven nnd property and not to In
terfere with the strike, but as soon as
the radicals were routed and the sol
diers were posted throughout the town
tho steel workers who wished to work
returned to the mills in greatly In
creased numbers. In tho entire Chi
cago district mnny more plants re
sumed operation, the average force be
ing perhaps CO per cent of normal.
In tho East also the authorities were
active against tho radicals, Uie most
spectacular happening being n raid nt
Welrton, W. Vn., In which 187 alleged
members of the h W. W. were seized,
marched to the public square nnd
forced to kneel and kiss the American
flag. Seven of them were held by fed
eral agents und tho rest were run ottt
ef tho town. These were nil Finns
and tho strike lender there said If It
was trao that they wcro reds organ
ised labor would not defend them.
Though the peoplo of the United
States generally have no great lovo
for tho United States Steel corpora
tion, and though Chairman Gary did
not arouse any increased sympathy for
It by his talk to the senate committee
on labor, there Is a widespread feeling
that a victory for It In this strike will
bo beneficial to the country as u whole.
what the pres'dctit will he willing to
accept, In view of his uncompromising
statements, Is unknown.
Tho Italian governmental crisis
having compelled the adjournment of
the parliament, the peace treaties with
Taxpayers of consolidated school
district No. 09, TTnnillton county, hnvo
Died petitions with the county super
intendent asking Hint the boundary
linns of six old districts from which
It wns formed ho restored. About IK)
per rent of the voters hnvc signed.
Sentiment for consolidation hns cooled
materially In this territory since a
proposition to Issue J?(0.00( bonds for
tiulldlng purposes was submitted. The
bond Issue wns defeated by an over
whelming vote.
Howard Kennedy of Omaha, former
tnemher of the state board of control,
was elected chairman of the now state
children's codo commission, which Is
aitido up of fifteen persons, eight wo
men and seven men, who will make a
study of child welfare and home nnd
K'hool surroundings In Nebraska.
The suit for n writ of mandamus to
compel Secretary of Stnte Amshcrry to
accept the petitions for a referendum
9n national prohibition, appealed from
the Lancaster district court, where the
writ wns allowed, will he heard by the
Mate supremo court during tho session
starting November 11.
Karl M. Kline or Nebraska City wns
chosen president of the American
Gennnny nnd Austria were ratified by
royal decree of King Victor Kmmnnuel j Legion of Nebraska at the first state
nnd will become effective within 15
days. All the British dominions hav
ing now ratified the German treaty, Its
ratification hy the empire Is complete.
According to dispatches from Berlin,
the threats of the supreme council to
renew the blocknde brought Germany
to terms nnd her troops In the Baltic
countries nro being withdrawn. Tho
government saves Its face by stating
thnt Gen. von der Goltz has yielded to
Its appeal.
1 Another complication In the affairs
of southern Russia Is announced.
Gen. Simon Petlurn, the Ukrainian
leader, lias declared war on General
Deniklne, the commander of the nntl
bolshevik army that is steadily fight
ing Its way up to Moscow. And at tho
same time comes word that the Rus
sian volunteer army has surprised nnd
attacked the Ukrainians, a violent bat
tle resulting. Further north tho
troops of the north Russian government
had some successes against the reds
and Admiral Kolchak reported thnt his
Siberian troops hnd recovered Tobolsk
from them. An 'interesting story from
IIcl8lngfors, Finland. Is to tho effect
that Trotzky tried to bring about tho
nrrest of Lcnlnc, hut failed und In
stead was himself placed under nrrest
In Moscow on orders of the bolshevik
The big railway strike In Great Bri
tain wns settled by n compromise
agreement, the main points of which
Work to be resumed forthwith.
On- full resumption of work, negoti
ations shall bo continued with tho un
derstanding they will bo completed be
fore December 31, 1010.
Wages will bo stabilized In the Uni
ted Kingdom nt their present level up
to September 30, 1020. Any time after
August 1, 1020, they may ho reviewed
In the light of circumstances then ex
isting. No adult railway man shall receive
less than CO shillings a week so long
ob the cost of living Is not less than
110 per cent above prewar prices.
Also, tho principle of tho '"open
shop" was maintained.
Tho American troops that have been
serving In Siberia nro beginning to
come home, nnd tho public should bo
prepared to hear all kinds of stories of
the shocking hardships these lads
think they hnvo undergone. Further
more, It Is said to be certain tluit In
vestigation Into the actions of certain
of their officers will be demanded. The
morale officer who was sent to Siberia
by the wnr department snys there Is
llttlo foundation for tho complaints
that nre sure to be mnde as soon ns
tho men nro discharged, but that will
not stop the Impending clamor.
If Sonne! Oompers and tho other
conservatives who have dominated,
and presumably still domlnnto the
Aaacrlcaa PVdcrntlon of Labor, nre
wholly sincere, they must he secretly
pleased with the developments In the
atod strike. It Is becoming more nnd
more apparent thnt tho strike was
forced and is being managed hy the
radicals who huvo been trying to gain
control ef union labor In America, nnd
there Is Increasing evidence Uint those
radicals aro going to full In both their
lnMBodtote aad their ultimate alms.
Uncle Sam Is taking a hand In the sit
uation nnd the "reds," most of whom
are foreigners la symnpthy with, if not
In actual communication with tho bol
abertkl of Europe, are finding thnt he
Is not to be trifled with. When the
radluls at Gary defied the local and
Senator Cummins says his commit
tee ou Interstate commerce Is going to
force a vote in congress on two great
labor questions compulsory arbitra
tion nnd the right of organized labor
to strike regardless of tho public wel
fare. Tills Is to be done by n fuvnruhlo
report on the Cummins railroad bill.
The measure has provisions prohibit
ing strikes nnd lockouts on thu trans
portation systems and creating n board
before which disputes between the
workers and the corporations must be
tuken for settlement. This bonrd
would have four members from each
side, and In caso of a dcudlock the
qacstlon at Issue would be referred to
a hoard of fivo named hy the president.
Mr. Cummins predicted tho senate
would approve of the nntl-strike fea
tures of the bill, despite the opposition
of tho American Federation of Labor
and tho railway brotherhoods.
The predicted deadlock In tho son
ute bocmed Inst week In n fair way to
become a reality. Little progress to
ward a vote was made and Senator
Hitchcock told Secretary Tumulty to
let the prcsldcut know there would bo
nothing concerning the treaty requir
ing his attention for some time, Tho
probable dnto of final action on the
pact has been advanced to November
10 and there Is n chance that the dead
lock will not he broken until much Int
er. The Democratic senntors who fa
vor the treaty as It stands, being nu
merous enough to defeat ratification,
seem determined to compel nt leant tho
adoption of the very mildest of reser
vations Instead of the Lodge program.
Mr. Hitchcock hns admitted the neces
sity of some sort of a compromise, but
The Italian council of ministers hna
proposed n solution of the Flume ques
tion, namely, that tho city be occupied
by regular troops pending a decision
by tho pence conference as to Its dis
position ; but this Is to be conditional
on Italy's being given tho mnndato to i
administer tho nffnlrs of tho city un
der tho League of Nntlons. The Ital
ians were greatly exercised by the re
port that their government hnd re
ceived warnings ns to Flume from both
Grent Britain and tho United States.
It Is true that Bnron Ilnrdlnge, under
secretary for foreign affairs, told Italy
that Britain was surprised thnt tho
D'AnmmzIo mnttcr was not being set
tled more speedily, but there Is nothing
to show that any such message went
from Washington. Mennwhllo D'An
ntinzlo maintains his hold on the dis
puted city nnd prepnres for wnr with
the Jugo-SlavB. Ills observers hnvo
told him the Serbs nro concentrating
In lnrge numbers, so he hns mined tho
harbor nnd placed his troops on the ,
lines of defense The Serbian ofllclnls,
on tho other hand, deny they seek hos
tilities with tho Italians or or prepar
ing for n fight. If any forco Is gather
ing to try to tnko Flumo It Is cora I
posed of volunteers.
Long lists of Germnn army and
nnvy officers accused of crimes
against the recognized rules of wnrfaro
have been prepared by Great Britain,
Franco and Belgium, nnd tho surren
der of these men for trlnl by court
mnrtlal will he demnnded of Gerronny
In accordance with the treaty. The
lists Include submarine commanders,
Zeppelin and airplane pilots, the mak
ers nnd crew of tho "Big Bertha" that
onvenllon, held nt Oimihn. Frank It.
Warner, Norfolk, was made vice
president. The secretary and treasurer
iv III he appointed by the president nt
later date.
People of Gretna, especially, tho
school hoard, were not satisfied to
wait until tho last Sunday In this
month to get hack to normal time. All
clocks In the town, except the poat
tnaster'.s and station ngent's wore
turned bnck nn hour October 13.
The fifth cutting of alfalfa hns Just
neon made on the site of tho old city
3f Superior. The postofllce huildlm:
still stands on this spot, erected 40
rears ago out of cottonwood logs. This
Is record cutting In Nuckolls county.
The fiftieth nnlvr.rsnry of the estab
lishment of tho Presbyterian church nt
reknmnh wns observed October 11 nnd
12. The church was founded Oct. 12,
1800, nnd wns the first Presbyterian
church in the stnto north of Omnhu.
Governor McKelvro has ordered an
Investigation of the Omaha riot to de
termine If any public officers there
were guilty of neglect of duty. Ralph
Wilson, a Lincoln lawyer, will bo In
chorgo of tho Investigation.
Twenty-five negro prisoners taken to
tho Nebraska penitentiary nt Lincoln
Tor safe hooping after the burning of
Mic Douglas county courthouse Sep
tember 28, hnve been returned to
All grado teachers and sovcrnl high
school teachers In Norfolk schools
tmvo petitioned the hoard of education
for higher salaries giving the cost of
living ns the cause for their demand.
i The movement to erect a new Pres
byterian church at Tekuinnh, to cost
no less than $50,000, Is well under
way, and work on the edifice Is to
start not Inter than next spring.
A bonus of $10 per month has been
voted hy thu Aurora school hoard to
ill teachers who complete the current
term In accordance with their con-'
Phil ITnll of Lincoln, formerly adju
tant general of Nebraska and colonel
of tho Nebraska National guard, has
been made n colonel In tho U. S. re
Steps have been taken to organize a
new stnte-ald highway from Albion
east through Humphrey, Leigh, Clark
ion, IIowcllB and Freirtont to Omaha.
A grent denl of Interest Is being
taken In tho Buffalo County Retail
Merchants Institute, which Is to be
held nt Kearney, October 27.
A proposition to tnko over tho
privately owned water works hy tho
city will bo voted upon by tho citizens
of York October 28.
Contractors estlmnto thnt the re
construction of tho Douglas county
court house damage by rioters will
cost Sfi(V,000.
Winter wheat Is nlrendy up In mnny
fields In the southeastern pnrt of tho
Binto and the outlook Is Indeed prom
ising. Fornmr governor Keith Ncvlllo Is
acting ns coach for tho North Platto
high school football team.
Llentenant Colonel O. C. Benedict,
piloting plnne No. 21 In tho transcon
tinental nlr race. Is the son of F. J.
Benedict of Hastings, this stnte.
Tho stnto normal board hns award
ed n contract for the construction of
a $110,000 gymnasium nt tho Chndron
Normal college.
Bids for tho construction of a dor
mitory at the Kearney Normnl nnd n
science building nt tho Peru Normnl
were rejected by tho Rtato Normnl
bonrd. Lowest bids on tho two build
ings wero $210,107. Tho hoard esti
mated the cost nt $180,000.
" Flying nt nn nltltudo of 250 feet, nn
nlrplnno driven hy John Wnmhurg
and cnrrylng Gub Rennrd, dropped to
tlin earth near Wausa. killing Warn-
Tho Nehrnskn Lutheran synod nt
the 47th annual convention nt Oiimhn
elected tho following officers for the
ensuing year: Rev. 0. 11. is. Uwls,
Kmerson, president; Charles R. Lowe.
Dakota Cltys secretary; Joseph IT,
Miller, Surprise, treasurer; Rev. G. B.
Weaver, Beatrice, statistical secre
tary; R. A. While, Wollmch, historian.
The session wus attended by over 200
Governor McKelvIe has named Octo
ber 27, the (list anniversary of tho
birth of President Theodore Roosevelt,
Americanization day when all persons
In the slate nro urged to aid In re
storing Nehrnskn to pre-war conditions
und use nil nvullnhlo influence to Im
press upon thu foreigner the necessity
of becoming citizens.
County clerks will be required to
send lists of voters to the secrolurv of
state of those participating In 'the
coining special election for delegates
to the constitutional convention tho
same as In a regular election, accord
ing to n ruling of the secrctiirv ot
More than -1,000 persons ntlcndcd
the centennial celebration nt Fort Cal
houn. Nehraskas oldest trading post.
On October 11, 1815), General Henry
Atkinson led u company of 700 sol
diers 'to tho fort, they being the first
white troops to enter the stnto.
John Pesok of Shelton won over
Jack Londos, Greek champion wrestler,
In a match at Omaha. After the bout
It was announced thnt n match be
tween Joe Steelier of Dodge nnd Ppok
may be staged In the metropolis with
In n short time.
In less thnn twenty-four hours after
the American Beet Sugar factory at
Grand Islnnd began operation gran
ulated sugar of the finest vnrletv was
being sacked and hauled to market to
help re.. eve the unprecedented scarcity
In the nation.
O. II. Gustnfson. president of the
Nebraska Farmers Union, delivered an
address iiIoiik the lines of co-operation
nnd Its advantages nt tho dedication
of the new concrete elevator of tho
Farmers' Co-operative Co. at West
Told by Mrs. Lynch From t
Own Experience.
Providence, R. I. "I wns nil ruo
down in health, was nervous, had hend-
nciios, my dock
lllllllr' 9
nehed all tho time.
I was tired nnd had
no ambition fornny
thing. I had taken
a number of modi
circs which did ma
no good. Ono day
I read about Lydia
E. rinlchnm'n Vege
table Compound and
what ithad dono for
women, bo I tried
it. My nervousness
ami kneknehn nnd
headaches disappeared. I gained in
weight nnd feel fine, so I can honestly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound to ony woman who i
Buffering as I was." Mrs. Adeunu B.
Lynch, 100 Plain St, Providence, R.L
Backache nnd nervousness are symp
toms or naturo's warnings, which in
dicate a functional disturbance or nn
unhealthy condition which often devel
ops into a more serious ailment
Women in this condition should not
continuo to drag along without help, but
profit by Mrs. Lynch's experience, and
try this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
Eound and for Hpecial ndvico write to
ydia E. Pinkham Mod.Co. , Lynn, Mass.
Y.M.G. A. Automotive School
Complete coarsen In
construction, operation and repair of antomo
blleH. trucliB und trai'iunt. Of (nterent to own
ers, dealers, salesmen, garago mid repair men.
Classes Day or Evening
Further Information Kindly given.
Write ut onee.
Y. M. C. A., 17th and Harney Sit., Omaha, Net
homlmrded Paris, tho German olllcura
who acted as. town, mnyors In Belgium burg Instantly and seriously Injuring
nnd who were responsible for deporln- nennrd. Both men resided nt AVnusa
tlons nnd cruelties, the German doc
tors who let prisoners die without at
tention, nnd the cruel German prison
camp gunrds. The United States hua
no such list, hut Is hound to Join with
the entente nntlons In demnndlng tho
extradition of the former kaiser nml
In trying hi before a special court.
and had seen service ovcrsens.
Postmaster Morgan of Plnttsmouth,
Ludl of Wnlioo and Grosvcnor of Au
rora, wcro chosen nt n meeting of
postmnstcrs nt Lincoln to present the
clnlm of the second clnsa men of Ne
braska for wage Increases nt n Joint
commission hearing on postal sularles
to be held at Kansas City.
For showing the Nehrnskn adminis
tration how to reorganize the slate de-
ptirtments under the codo hill, .T. I
Jacobs, Chicago efllclency expert,
whoso rates nre ?100 a day and ex
penses, has filed his claim for -$2,'J(K).
Tho Columbus hoard of education
authorized the closing of the city
schools on November (1 nnd 7 In order
that tho teachers may attend tho Ne
hrnskn teachers association convention
In Omaha nt that time. ,
The hoard of educntion at Buntrlco
has decided to pay. railway fares,
registration fees und full salaries to
its teachers who attend thu Nebraska
Teachers' nssoclntlon convention tit
Oinnhn November fj, (5, 7.
Frank T. Ilnniilton, fi8, president of
tho Oinnhn nnd Council Bluffs Street
Itnllwny company nnd bond of several
other large Omaha corporations, died
suddenly while aboard a U. P. train
nenr Gothenburg.
During n qunrrcl arising over tho
rctnornl of n fence Dnvld A. Hancock,
well known ranch man of northern
Nehrnskn, shot and Instantly killed
his brother, Lark In Hancock, at the
Hancock ranch near Valentine.
Itnymoiid Hnrwood, Fairfield High
School student, was quite badly hurt
as tho result of being hazed by class
mates. The guilty ones were brought
to trial and fined. -
Theodore Liddell of Bloomfleld won
first honors hi the annual Interstate
spelling contest held at Sioux City, In,
Contestants from four states partici
pated. Production of corn In Nehrnskn this
year was estimated nt 109,074.000
bushels In the October crop report of
tho U. S. bureau of crop estimates.
Klght cents n bushel for husking
corn was agreed upon by Plnttc coun
ty farmers nt n meeting nt Columbus
ns a basic price to he paid this fall.
Business men nt Norfolk have pur.
chased n $00,000 lot In thu city on
which they propose to construct a
modern hotel.
All single day cuttle receipts nt tho
South Oinnhn market were shattered
October 13 when 33,700 head wero
Orchardlstfi In the southeastern pnrt
of tho state aro gathering the largest
apple crop raised In the district In
Only nine of the 17S hogs on exhibit
nt tho stnto fair, which were found to
bo Infected with pneumonia, have died.
Tho potato crop In the western part
of tho state was heavily damaged by
the recent cold snap.
Clurksnn'H new .$35,000 munlcipnl
electric lighting plnnt Is now In op
eration. A modern nnd up-to-date play
ground hns been completed nt Ulysses
for tho llttlo folks of tho town.
Beports from tho Snlvatlon Armv
headquarters nt Omnbn nre to the ef
fect thnt but about half of Nebraska's
quota of 5512,000 home service fund
hns been raised.
Sixteen Omaha men, merchants,
professionals nnd laborers, have been
chosen as n grand jury, to consider In
dictment of those taking pnrt In the
destruction of tho Douglas county
court-house nnd tho lynching of a
Clergymen from nil parts of Ne
braska attended tho opening of the
Western Theological somlnnry nt Mid
lnnd college nt Fremont. Dr. F. II.
Knubel of Now York, president of tho
United Lutheran Church of America,
made tho principal address.
A special election Is to ho held In
Johnson county November 4 to pnss on
n bond Isstio of $230,000, which, If
voted upon favorably, will be disposed
of at par, the same to bear 5 per
cent Interest, to lift a county Indebt
edness of something like that amount
on which 7 per cent la being paid.
Wataon K. Colamam,
Patent Lawyer. Waiblnmon,
1. fl. AdvlMtand fannk trmm.
Batei reasonable. Wnheitreferoncei. Uoetterrloea.
"My hair Is coming out uTeudfully.
Do you know of any way to prevent
"No; you ought to have thought ot
that before you got murrled." San
Francisco Chronicle.
Girls! A mass of long,
thick, gleamy tresses
Let "Dnndcrlne" save your hair and
double its beauty. You can have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let It stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
or fading. Bring back lis color, vigor
and vitality.
Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful
"Danderlne" at any drug or toilet coun
ter to freshen your scalp; check dan
druff and falling hair. Your hair needs
this stimulating tonic; then Its life,
color, brightness and abundance. wlH
return Hurrv ! Adv. .
Sociologists estimate thnt among
every thousand bachelors there are 88
criminals, whereas married men pro
duce 18 per thousand.
Cutlcura Comforts Baba 8kln
When red, rough and Itching with hat
baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches ot
Cutlcura Ointment. Also make ns
now und then of that exquisitely scent
cd dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum,
ono of tho Indispensable Cutlcura
Toilet Trio. Adv.
They say the high price of shoes Is
cruised by a shortage of hides. That'a
merely ano'her profiteering skin gnmo.
" - )
Watch That Cold!
Chilla nnd colds tend to throw an
extra burden on the kidneys nnd pois
ons, that well kidneys normally throw
off, accumulnto. That may bo why
you bavo been feeling bo tired, im
tnblo and half sick since that cold.
Don't wdt for worse troubles to set
in! If you miffer constaat backache,
headaches, dizzy npells and irregular
kidney action, get a box of Doan'M
Kidney PiUa today. Doan'a are help
ing thoutnmR Ask your ncightort
A Kansas Case .. .
J. I'. rroino, reurea
fnrmer, 5th & Union
S'.h.. Oswego, Kan.,
snys: "I cuimht cold
and It Bet Hod on ray
kidneys and brought
on backache. My
back ached etendlly
nil tho tlmo and It
was so sore and tamo
I could hardly stoop.
Hhnrn nalns would
catch mo right across
my loins nnd I would
nlmost fall to tho
llnor. I wan dizzy
nnd weak and would
have to sit down. My
kklnoys acted Irregularly and at night
I had to get up threo or four times.
I used Donn's Kidney rills. Ono box
cured mo."
Get Dean's at Any Star. C0e Bos
W. N. U, LINCOLN, NO. 42-1S1