The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1919, Image 10

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, $
"$fafiw$m', '9w
Closing Out Sale I
Dry Goods
You must see these goods in order to
appreciate the values we arc offering.
This is our regular stock of merchan
dise and are priced at less than the
present day wholesale costs. It's an
opportunity you can't afford to miss.
While They Last 15c to $1.50
Special Prices ,on 'All
Mina Taylor Dresses
M A. Albright
In the County fTonrt of Webster Count)
In tliu mutter of the eslntrof Kaiinln.Slrny-
i.i m-i xum ii. i
i iiomniuui .N(;nr:i-.Kii. 10 it 1 1 parsons uiu r
(it'll In Rnlil r-Hltiti't iTC'llitiH Hint IicIm tiikt
notice, Hint Hubert Now Inn lin flli'il Ml )ft I
Hon nlli'Ultm Hint I'niuili Sinner u rfiliiinl
nml liilinliltnnt of Wclntir ottiitv, Nclirmi
t,n,ilji'l liiloMntoln snlili (iiinly tuiil Stutoun
or n lo lit tin1 ;!0lh ilnv Hi Niivcilil)ir. WOJ.
Ii'.tvlni! ni lur Mile ninl onlj liclr nt Inw
Alinilii N.pwlon. 'I Wilt :ild iti relent illc(
m lod In fi col the following dcnTllicil rm
estate. tow It: UiuNoi'lli-wtt-i iiitirtcr iNVi,i
el i(cli)ii lucnty Lliilit (iHi t(iu'iiHlili two (it.
norm in raiiKU tncivo u.'i. west oi tiiuutli r.
.M.. 'Webster County, Ncl.rinUiit Hint jour
I'ClllliiiHT Is one nl thcjiclrn at law o the
iilHiM'tiaiiicil Aliram Nuvton, nml Hie owner
ol mi ttiidlvlileil one third of Hie above, do
srrlhcd real estate, mid iiraylnu fur a decree
harrlnu i latins. Hint Mild deee It lit died Inle
slate; that no application fnradiiilnlsirntloit
Iiiih hc(u ma Ic, and thecttateof said deced
ent has not liien adiiilnWterul In the .State ol
Ndraska, and that tliuhelr at law of said
ikccdent as herein xet forth shall he dicreeil
to hu the oner In fn simple of the ulmvo
ilcicrlhcil real estate, vlilrli litis liuui pet for
hearliiKon thu llthday of Oitobur. A. 1). liiio
itt 10 o'clock A.M.
Dated ut llvil Uloud. INehraska. this lath
day of Sopti'inber, llll'J.
Cenll county Judge.
I J. Mm id ay, Attorney.
BiiirjiM.rainTOinanraisa'iw.swi'PiiHii m w rw aw niwisn mwTjnre'
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93
fltIlinin'1ini,ll'!l!.l1IXI!linnilTinnriimimnnnnm!nini'r!mnmrniii'iimriimmmiimiiiri'irimitmtmTnnnnrii,ninmimim a.nm.inn... ....
- .....,,,, ,MM , iuuauijiuiMiiiiu1Hhitu.iu,i,uuiullulllulUiuailUillliiail.lUlliiUl4II.Ull4iUill.Uiul.iUiilliaWlliUlail!illliri.llUllll
Christian Church
11 a. m. Preaching Service
7 p. rrt. Sermon Lecture .: '
Boar and Gilt Sale
Held under cover at farm 1 24 miles northeast of Superior and 2Vz
miles southwest of Nora, Nebraska, on
Tuesday, October 21
Sale will commence mt 1 p. m.
30 Boars and IO Gilts
All Immune
The Boars are mostly by High Sensation, 3 are by Great Orion Sen
sation. The Gilts are all by High Sensation.
In presenting this offering we feel that they will meet with your hearty
approval. They are the tall, long, stretchy kind and stand on the best
of straight legs and feet, have high backs. Come and look them ove
and have dinner with us. Wc will appreciate your presence whether
you buy or not.
Write for Catalogue
CARL DAY, Nora, Nebr.
A. W. Thompson and W. C. Henderson, Aucts. John Yung, Clerk
Farm at fluetion!
At Inavale, Neb., Postponed to
Friday, October 17th
See Bills for Particulars
R. C. Burch, Inavale, Nebr.
In The District Couit of Webster
County, Nebraska.
The County of Webster,
IIURh W. Gulliford, Lucy Gulliforfl,
his wife, Eleanor H. Kunsenmiller,
Kunsentnillor, her husband,
real name unknown, Samuel E.
Nixon, Mary Nixon, his wife, John
If. 1'cttibono, Margaret l'ettibone,
his wife, John G. Forason, Rebec
ca M. Fergason, his wife, George
L. Gullifoni, Mtfc. George L. Gulli
ford, his wife, real nnmc un
known, Arthur L. Mitchell, Annie
L. Mitchell, his wife. William
Seward Garber, Freddie Garbor, his
wife, real name unknown, Lyra C.
Garber Anderson, S. A. Anderson,
her husband, real name unknown,
Mattio M. Wicderanders, Bernard
Wicderandcrs, her husband, Flora
E. Woods. Oscar Tec!, Mary Tool,
his wife, George II. Ovcring, T. W.
Thornburg, real name unknown,
Henry G. Kochlcr, and the spouses
of each of the said named defend
ants, and the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives of each of said defend
ants, unknown claimants and un
known owners who have or claim
any estate or interest in Lots G, 111,
14, ir, 10, 17. 18, II). 20, 21, and 22
in Block 27 City of Bed Cloud, Ne
braska, and Lots 0. 8, 9, 10, 20, 21,
22. 2!5 and 21 in Block 28 City of
Bed Cloud, Nebraska, and all per
sons claiming any interest of any
kind in said real estate or any part
Hugh W. GuUifonl. Lucy Gulliford,
his wife, Eleanor H. Kunsenmiller,
Kunsenmiller, her husband,
real name unknown. Samuel Nixon,
Mary Nixon, his wife. John H. Petti
bone, Margaret Pcttibone, his wife,
John G. Fcrgason, Rebecca M. Fer
gason, his wife, George L. Gulliford.
Mrs. Georce L. Gulliford. his wife.
real name unknown, Arthur L Mitch
ell. Annie L. Mitchell, his wife, Lyra
O. Garber Anderson, S. A. Ander.-'on,
her husband, real name unknown,
William Seward Garber. Freddie
Garbor, his wife, real name unknown,
Mattic M. Wicderanders. Bernard
Wiederantlcrs. her husband, Flora E.
Woods. '1. W. Thornburg, real name
unknown. Henry G. Kochlcr. non-resident
defendants and the spouses of
each of the said named defendants,
and the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives of
each of said defendants, unknown
claimants and unknown owners who
have or claim any estate or interest
in lots G. 13, 14, 15. 1G, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21 and 22 in Block 27 Citv of Red
Cloud, Nebraska, and Lots f. 8. 9, 10,
20, 21, 22. 23 and 21 in block 28 City'
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, and all per
sons claiming any interest of any
kind in said real estate or anv part
thereof will take notice that on thn
26 day of August, 1919, the County ot
WnllQtnt nltiinfiff lmA: tllnA M
. . iibiii iii:ii;iii, uicil ix pe
tition in the district court of Wph;r.r
County, Nebraska, against them, the
object and prayer of which is to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lot 6 in Block 27 Citv of Red
tioud, xveuraska, for the year of 1891
and for each and every succeeding
year thereafter to nml innlmlirwr ti,n
ear of 1918 amounting to the aggre
gate sum of $155.13; to foreclose a
tax lion for delinquent taxes against
L6ts 13 and 14 in Block 27 City of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year of
1891 and for each and every succeed
ing year thereafter to and including
the year of 1918 amounting to the
aggregate sum of S2G9.34; to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lots 15 and 10 in Block 27
City of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the
year of 1893 and for each and every
succeeding year thereafter to and in
cluding the year of 1918 amounting
to the aggregate sum of 200.01; to
foreclose a tax lien for delinquent
taxes ugainst Lot 17 in Block 27 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year
of 1891 and for each and every suc
ceeding year thereafter to and includ
ing the year of 1918 amounting to the
aggregate sum of $110.49; to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lots 18 and 19 in Block 27
City of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for thu
year of 1892 and for ench and every
succeeding year thereafter to and in
cluding the year of 1918 amounting
to the aggregate sum of $208,23; to
foreclose a tax lien for delinquent
taxes against Lot 20 in Block 27 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year
of 189G and for each und every succeed
ing year thereafter to and including
the year of 1918 amounting to the
nggregato sum of $105.37; to fore
close a tax lien for delinquent taxes
against Lots 21 and 22 in Block 27
City of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for tho
yor of 1892 and for (tach and every
succeeding vear thereiifter to and In.
eluding the year of 11)18 amounting
to the aggregate sum of $287.03: to
foreclose a tax lien for delinquent
tuxes against Lot 6 in Block 28 City
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, for the year
of 1891 and for each and every "suc
ceeding year thereafter to and inc'.ud
ing the year of 1918 amounting to tho
aggregate sum of $152.21; to fore
close a tnx lien for delinquent taxes
against Lot 8 in Block 28 City of
Re I Cloud, Nebraska, for the year of
1891 and for each and every succeed
ing year thereafter to and including
the ear of 1918 amounting to the ag
gregate sum of SI 12.13: to fimwinvn
a tax lien for delinquent taxes against'
i.ois v ana w in uiock 25 City of Bed
Cloud, Nebraska', for the year of 1894
and for each and every succeeding
year thereafter to and including the
year of 1918 amounting to the aggre
gate sum of $395.90; to foreclose a
ta' lien for delinquent taxes against
Lots 20, 21. 22. 23. and '! In Hind.-
28 City of Red Cloud. Nebraska, for
the year of 1893 and for each and k
every succeeding year thereafter to ' t!
and including the year of 1918 apiount '
inic io me aggregate sum ol $194.00
which said tax liens are a first lien
upon the above described real estate.
Plaintiff asks for an accounting
for the amount due it; that the same
may be decreed a first lien and that
the said real estate may bo sold to
satisfy said amount and costs of suit,
and such other relief as equity may
grant. .
All of the above named non-resident
and unknown defendants are required
to anawer said petition on or before !
tl.; 17 day of November, 1919.
Bated September 29th, 1919.
By Howard S. Foe,
County Attorney.
Get Another 4000 Miles
Out of Your Old Tires
It may look pretty bad. The tread may be gone. But if the
fabric is sound we can rebuild it. A tire without a tread is
worth only the price of old rubber. But when we build on a
genuine Dry Cure tread it's worth you know what a tire sells for.
wiwii .a-'
LUMP 11-75
w On German Soil,
i - i w
WcathcrTsHcrcl 0tdt&t NOW
JUlone-Gellatly Go. I
' - hi
In the city Square of Treves, Ger-I
many, Iicuiliiuurters of the allied mili
tary forces, mi ancient cross surmount
,el u)ommicut nmrlcs the city's center
of lrjHJ. For this reason American
Red Cross olllelnl.s converted It, as
shovn,'jy this picture, Into a directory
of all ,Pel Cross activities In the city.
' Dally Thought
He lives who dies to win a lasting
SlWITfl BROS'. 26th SAIiE
Pure Bred Poland Chinas
Will be held at the home farm 2 miles southeast of Cadams
and 9 miles northeast of Superior, Nebr., on
Wednesday, October 22, 1919
60 Head: 40 Boars and 20 Gilts
We are offering another bunch of big growthy pigs. They have had
lots of exercise and have been fed right to do you the most goocT.
Some new blood has been added for an outcross.
Come spend the day with us and get your dinner.
Sale under tent at 1 p. m. Free Lunch at Noon
Write for Cataloge
SMITH BROS., Superior, Nebr.
A. W. Thompson and W. C. Henderson, Aucts. John Yung, Clerk.
' r ;
- . .
x fur ,.-
the national
joy smoke
makes a whale
of a cigarette!
Copvr'chi ill) lr
H.J. Id'yiiwi rnluccoCo
. .....j .J A.uif..
siv?. ,.
'Y'OU certainly get yours when you lay your"smokecard9 on the table,
X call for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a
makin's cigarette ! You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count
of your smokestunts ! Why, you njver dreamd of the sport that lies
awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it's P. A. for the
' iif vTU?
Talk about flnvor! Man. man. vnu haven't rat tho listen of hnlf vrmr iSaaSSSfc
- - . T .,.F . nw- .... . ,... vn. kk.. " '".
Omrl...nom- ttnt II ..,-... Imnn. mkol rnlllnn 'nm ..rllli 13 A nnn n fr. .... BKJTVvi ' "
tiiiu inuLui iz-i (iiiiii i iiii ni iu kv wwiiul i liiiiiil' ciii w i l i m. . l.i u imi nil viiin v-' -
contentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of
Prince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process that
cuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. your smokesong in a makin's ciga
rette will outlast any phonograph record you over heard ! Prince Albert
i9 a cinch to roll. I's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pall
Prince Albert upsets any notion you evqr had as to how delightful a
jimmy pipe can be ! It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke
pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation
to the joys of smoking.
Awniling ynut anvn, you'll
tindtoppv red Imu, tidy red
lint, handtome pound and
half pound tin humidors
and that classy, practical
pound crystal (last humidor
with tponir molstnner top
that keep Pnnro Albert in
tuch psrfoct condition I
m r .?
uUMM jfiJ.C
- Ar"fct
-r -g