The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 28, 1919, Image 5

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    . - -v A A I
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Hnv I trend m p.mvll and Pope
Geo. Davis Is liomc fiom Colota
do. Frank Stair was in Kanan Citv
The Hod Cloud public schools will
open Monday.
Miss Mildred Fey '.vent to Guide
Kock Saturday.
State Agent 0. D. Hedge was
home the lait of the week.
Min. Churli McCoid leturned to
i her homo in Omaha Friday.
Sam Jones returned home from
Now Yoil: evening.
Allen 'Pulleys of Lincoln was in
the city the la.-t of the week
Harry Waller and family of
Cowles were in the city Sunday.
John Hrunner went to Ayr, Mon
day to work on the bridge gang.
Came mid let- our Mint's befoie pur-chii-iiiK
eNewhetp ICMis Shoe stor.
Miss Marie Lauranger went to
Guide Hock Monday to visit friends.
Miss Marvel Simpson went to
Hastings Tue.-day to visit her fath
er. M. A. Mercer is playing with the
Norton band at the county fair this
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. E-ans -left
Tuesday for Burlington Junction,
The latest style of fall shoos for
ladies, misses Hnd children at the Kills
Shoe store
Mrs. J. II. Lauber went to Super
ior Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs.
Dennis Elliot.
Chas. Palmer of Wray, Colorado,
was visiting friends in the city the
first of the week.
Father Fitzgerald left Monday
for New York City where ho will
spend a few weeks.
Lawrence Peirce is home from
Doniphari where he visited his aunt,
Mrs. Nellie Martin.
Mrs. Middloton went to David
City, Saturday to take up Institute
woik at thi place.
The Misses Helen and Marjorlc
Stunkard went to Guide Rock Fri
day to visit relatives.
Mrs. M. J. Wright of Kennard,
Nebraska, is visiting her sister-in-law,
Mrs. N. M. Green.
Howard Simpson returned .home
Monday evening, having dis
charged from the nay. tV:s '-
The Nebraska State Fah opens
Sunday and a large number from
here are planning to attend.
Mrs. E. Rakcstraw" returned' to
Hardy, Tuesday, after visiting with'
her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Lauber.
Miss Zella Taylor left Tuesday
for, Manistee, Michigan, where she
will teach school the coming year.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Crcighton left
Sunday via automobile for Minneso
ta, where they will enjoy an outing.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and
children returned from Colorado,
whore they have been for an outing.
One Day Only
Admission 50c and 28c
' i.
Attend the
After the Performance
Eat and drink at Powell A Pope's
Cafe. tf
Hhvc you examined the School shoe
at the P.IIIs Shoo store? adv
Mi-s Mablu Pope went to Cowles this
mnrnig to vi-lt friends
Miss Agne Leonard, of Iliverton
was in the city Monday.
Good nieiils good service moderate
prices Powell .v. Pope's cafe.
Mis. Till', of Lincoln is visiting her
friends In the city this week.
MNs Mildred Kite went to Superior
this, morning to visit relatives.
Gus Holmgr.iin was visiting with
friends in the city Thumlay even
ing. Don't forget the Farmers' Union
picnic at Mcl.rido's grove at Cowles
Henry Hairis and daughter of
Litchfield arc here this week visit
ing relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Edson attend
eiLthe Thayer County Fair at Desh
lcr, Wednesday.
Mrs. J. L. Iieebc and daugKer arc
visiting friends and relatives- at
Alma this week.
Miss Florence Kellogg went to Caro,
Nebr., today, where she will teach
school the ensuing year.
Marion Slawson spent tho first of
the week in the city visiting his par
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Slawson.
JnmcsC Killough, of Hugo, Colorado,
and Miss Fiuiuie MlUsch of this city
were ninnled by Rev. Ueebe Inst night.
Mrs. John Wolfe returned to her
home at Snttou today after visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sniclser.
Mrs. W. II. McKimmey spent Sat
urday with her son, Earl, at Minden
and he accompanied her home miu
day. .
Mayor P. C. Pope leturned home
fromwDcnvor Saturday. His wife re
turned home from that city Wed
nesday. Mrs. Ernest Davis and children of
Axtell are spending the week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
Mrs. A. C. Hosmer returned homo
Saturday evening from Fairfax,
Missouri, where she had been visit
ing relatives.
Lew Walters returned home tho
last of the week from McDonald,
Kansas, where he has been working
for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whitaker and
children returned Thursday night
from' Colorado, where tHcy had been
enjoying ai. outirig.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
serve ice cream and cuke at the home
of Mrs. George Pope Wednesday, Sept
3rd, from 5 to 6 p. m.
Mrs. II. G. Diederich returned .home
from Campbell, Wednesday. Her
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Glebe and baby
accompanied her home.
Will McPhcrson, the local agent
for the Deep Rock Oil Co., is now
driving a new service oil truck,
which holds 5o0 gallons of oil.
(Jive your support to the Carnival on
Friday. Aug. Siith. All amusements
will be rendered by the young people
of the Methodist church. Adm. 2.rc.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Kaley return
ed home tho first of the week from
Denver and Yellowstone Park at
which places they spent a few
Mrs A W Mudra, who had "been
visiting her mother. Mrs. K. M. Gard,
returned home today. She was lie
companletl by MUs Jessie- Goodwin of
Dr. Wnrrick. Tho Specialist, will
meet eye, ear, pose and throat patients
iiikI those needing glasses lltted al Dr.
DanieroH'h olllco Wednesday, Sept. 10.
Ho'.us 1 to r.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harper return
ed to their home at St. Joe, Tues
day after visiting here with his
father, Rev. Harper, who accompan
ied them home.
To our f armor jreadcrs: Read
the ad of the Illinois Tractor Co.,
which appeara on another page of
this paper and cut out tho coupon
and cend it to them.
Mrs. R. P. Weesner and children
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends in Superior. Mr Weesner
went down Sunday and accompanied
them homo Sunday evening.
J. E. Betz, of Wymore, Nebr.. was
here last Saturday and Sunday looking
over tho town and 'surrounding coun
try with a vlotv to locating here per
manently, Ho is a band director and
there is a movo on foot to get hi in here
to direct the band, He would like to
locate on a smnll farm close to town
and conduct a band, and orchestra and
teach music. This town needs just
such a man and he should be encourag
ed in his undertaking. St. Francis,
Kansas, Herald.
, LJJtJe Robert Reed, aged ono year
and( two months, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Reed, Jr., passed away at
Superior Monday evening after an
illness of several months duration.
The remains were brought to this
city and funeral services Were held
at the Christian church Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30, Rev. J. L. Dcebo
fti charge. Interment was made in
the. .city cemetery. The bereaved
parents and relatives havethe sym
pathy of 'their" many' f fiends!:-
Miss Martha Abel went to Kear
ney, Tuesday, to attend Institute.
Sheriff Huffer and County Attor
ney Foe were in Blue Hill Wcdncs-,
day. i
Miss Grace Harper went to River
ton Monday evening to visit rela
tives. ,
The Miti-cs Hattie and Minnie
Christian returned home Tuesday
fiom Lincoln.
Dr. and Mrs. Moianville went to
Kearney Tue-day to attend an Ad
vent meeting. '
Miss Blanche Pope went to Con-1
tral City, Wednesday, whore she .
will teach school.
Mr. Hendricks and Joe McClurc
of Blue Hill were in the city the
first of the week.
The Misses Grace and Vashti
Roubal wont to Blue 1IH1 Tuesday
to visit their sister.
Mrs. Roy Robinson of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jcrnherg.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rehn of
Campbell were the guests of Miss
Mary Christian Monday.
Emosfc Moramillo went to Am
herst Tuesday to visit his brother,
Jim Moranvillc and family.
Miss 11a Barrett and Tony Havel
went to Cowles Tuesday to visit
their friend, Miss Mabel McCoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joss-c Johnson of
Clay Center were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Garber Wednesday.
Miss Margaret Merritt returned
to her home at Blue Hill Tuesday af
ter visiting with Mrs. Henry Stab
enow. Miss Helen Miller returned to Lin
coin Tuesday after spending a few
days with her friend, Miss Greta
Harry Dewey Rutlcdgo of Inavalc
and Miss Nettie Clow, of Rivcrton,
were granted a marriage license
last week.
Come one! Come .all! Lots of en
joyment in store for you at the M. E.
Carnival on Aug liOth . You'll get
your monej's worth!
Fawn M. Crawford of Hastings
and Miss Sarah Disney of Hardy,
were united in marriage by Judge
Ranney, Monday.
Miss Jennie Campbell left Wed
nesday for Bayard, Nebraska, at
which place she will teadh school
the coming year.
Mrs. Ella Patrick and children,
who had been visiting her father,
Dr. Cook, returned to their home" at
Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, who
hntin lmnvh - la m ia kIh n 1fun T
iiuv: ucuii viaiiui mi. uiiu hub. u.
Hansen, .returned to their home, at
Filley, Wednesday.
Mrs. Pogg and son, Ben, loft the
first of the week for Oklahoma City
where they will visit their son 'and
brother, Jack Pcgg.
Mrs. John Ellcr, granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Topham, dc
parted Tuesday for her home at
Sterling, Colorado.
Miss Lois Home returned to her
home at Blue Hill, Tuesday after
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Smith.
Clyde J. Bartclson and Miss Dora
Louise Walker, both of Franklin,
were granted a marriage license
Wednesday by Judge Ranney.
The painter for tho Golden Rod
Highway Association went through
here Saturday, painting the first
color on the poles on this highwa.
Miss Harriet Peterson, who had
been visiting her sister here for the
past week, left Wednesday for Lin
coln where she will teach at the Un
ion college.
First Lieutenant Clayton Ranne.x,1
who recently returned from France,
was in the city this week, visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Ranney. He returned to Camp
Dodge, Wednesday, where he will
be discharged from the service.
NOTICE Beginning with. Aug.
1st we will develop any size film or
film pack free of charge when
prints are ordered. "When no prints
aro ordered, tho price is Cc for films
or 10c for film packs. Quick" service:
bring in your films or packs today
and get your prints tomorrow. The
price of prints remains as hereto
Established 1885, incorporated un
dor tho laws of the State of Nebras
ka, a member of tho American Fed
eration of Accredited Commercial
Schools, and the first western school
to prove that positions could be
guaranteed and secured for grad
uates. Send jfor free catalqg. Ad
dress: Grand Island) Business Col
lege, Grand Island, Nebraska, Ne
braska's Oldest, Largest and Lead
ing Business Training School.
The V,m: F. .Lewis Stock Co., who
for many years has visited our city,
opened a weeks engagement, it, their
big tent on west Fourth avenue, Mon
day evening.." Mr. bstjrls ns,ssecured
some of the 'bestttalentr arid is offering
a program Uiat Is'pleasing our people.
The opening "play ."The Higher Law,"
with "Steve's iPaP' Tuesday eteulng.
and "Tho, Law of Go'd 'artO, Afaut" last
night surpassed any thing before play,
ed in our city. One of their "i)Jg feat
ures is their high class vaudeville be.
tweeu acts. 'Several high class plajs
are bllled'fftr the balance of the week.
Saturday, Aug. 30
(iiiifliillt .
Colonel Geo. WB Hall's Trained
Animals Railroad Ci rents
Free Outside Exhibition on Show Lot at 2 and 8 p. m.
Three Farmers to Have Light
Messrs. John Hard wick, Will Norris
and Cecil McCallprosperous farmers
residing south of luavale have decid
ed to have electric light and power
Hue run from the Kiverton-lnavale
Light Co. lines to their farms. Ed
Oarber has the contract for the wiring
taf the houses and building the line.
The appeal .which the govern
ment issued early this year, urging
tho production of a largo crop of
vegetables and farm products of
all kinds, as a means of assisting
America to cheek the food famino
of tho Old World, evidently did not
fall on deaf ears in this section of
tho country. An early evldonco of
this is found in tho unusually largo
number of early entries which havo
been received by tho farm products
show to be held at Nebraska's Vic-
tory State Fair, Lincoln, Aug. 31 to
Sept. 5.
To Have Good Friends.
Tho way to have good friends Is to
be one. The formula for gnlnlng love
and service Is to forget all about your
feelf, and love and serve others. Tho
girl who is the central figure of her
thought and planning Is likely ttf be
poor in friends because she under
stands so little of the meaning of
friendship. Pennsylvania Grit
' No Microbes In High Altitudes.
(According to eminent scientists, not
a' alogle microbe exists In inountaus
Kir above the height of 2.000 feet.
ExMUratiaf BuriMMt: Vn
MnifMt, Brltliait IfMk littoMatil
You Can Economize in
. Clothed
I fMK flMKMv Ar AflU' Vf vB FV YMmV X
- Copyritlit J919
The high coft of clothes is not the
price you pay for them; it's what you get
for your money.
If the clothes don't wear, don't give
you good service, they're expensive at
any price. You can reduce the osl of
clothes by being particular about what
you get for what you spend, .,,
. '
Get all-wool fabrics and .high-class tailoring: nothing "else
wears-so well. Get good Silylea.good appearance is econ
omy. You'll get all these things here ia Hart, Schaffner &
Marx clothes; complete sktisfadion or money back.
The Hamilton-Cither Clothing Co,
The Home of Hart, Schaffner &Mrx Clothe
Hart Schaffner"& Marx .H'i