BBD CLOUD, M1BKAIXA, OHIBF ( SPECIAL SESSION GOVERNOR M'KELVIE RE DY TO PUT CODE INTO FORCE xa. K5T TO KEEP WELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WOLVES OF THE SEA Secretaries Announced When Court Paued Upon Referendum Petition, Declaring It Void Cabinet Mem bers, Promoted from Preoldont Po sition, Receive $5,000 Yearly. rATeupooihUfFERUNA Tine Tines Dr BOTH HOUSES PASS RESOLUTION WITHOUT DISSENT. fc V RATIFIES SUFFRAGE 0 By RANDALL PARRISH & CHAPTER XIX. 13 Laying tho Trap. Our first Job wns executed much more easily tlmn I lind anticipated. We cnught Manuel Bound nslccp, und LoVero lind sinewy hands nt hls'lhront before tlio fellow could grasp n weapon. The narrowness of the state room prevented my taking much pnrt In the affair, but the mulatto needed uo help, as ho dragged tho cursing Spaniard from 1iIh bunk to the deck and throttled him savagely. Indeed ho would havo' killed tho fellow had I not Interfered and twisted his hands loose, leaving Estovan barely con hcIous. A blanket ripped Into strips Bcrvcd to bind him securely enough for tho present, but I thought It best to lock tho door, and keep the key In my own pocket. LoVero would have knifed him even ns ho lay thcro help less, but for my threat and Insistence. Onco back In tho cabin my eyes dis tinguished tho frightened faco of tho steward peering forth ut us from out tho dark of tho passago leading for ward. "Oomo here, Gunsaules," I said sternly. "Step lively, lad; thero's noth ing for you to fenr. Scnor Estada has been killed during tho night, and wo novo Just captured his murderer," I explained. "There Is reason to bcllovo thlB act was pnrt of a conspiracy to seize tho chip In connection with thoso fellows amidships. Does that pnssngo lend to their quarters?" "It did once, scnor, but now there Is n closed door of oak, studded with Iron, not only locked, but barred on this side. There nre but two keys ono for tho captain and tho other for him who commands tho buccaneers." I stood thcro a moment, considering this Information. Tho only way the mutineers could reach tho cabin then would bo from tho" deck, descending through the companion. So long as they remained unawnro of tho capturo of Manuel there was Uttlo danger of their taking such action. "Very well, steward," I said. "You go on about your work ns though noth ing had happened. If any word of this affair gets to tho crow, or to thoso f el Iowb forward, I'll hold you responsi ble. You are not to leave this cabin without my permission, nor speak to anyone. LoVerc." Tho mulatto faced mo respectfully enough, and I had n feeling ho would oboy orders, largely because ho daro wt rebel. "They will bo wondering why yon are not on deck. It will bo better for you to tako chnrgo of tho watch at onco, and keep tho men busy. Itcllove Watklns at tho wheel and send tho man down to mo. Ho can chooso tho fellows who will stick better than you could, and then can clrculato among them without arousing suspicion." Watklns soon shuffled down the steps, no whipped off his cap and stood waiting. I put my hand on hla shoulder. "Tom," I said soberly, "wo are In tho nania boat, and understand each other. The chanco has come for both of us, If we play the cards right. LlBten whllo I tell you the situation, and what I plan doing." I told It briefly, wasting no words, yet relating every fact. Ho listened 9 eagerly, but without Interruption un til tho end. "What do you make of It?" I asked. "About what you do, sir. I knew there was something of tho kind going on some of tho men forward nro In on it. You've got tho ring-leader." "Manuel, you mean. Who did ho count on for help In fho forecastle?" "Cochose, and a handful of others, niggers and Spaniards, mostly. They meant to pull the affair oft cither to day or tonight Your plan gives us a fair chanco, sir. A dozen good men on deck might do tho business." "But nro. thcro a dozen aboard to bo trusted?1 "Well, yes sir. I rather think thero are. I'd eay that in both watches there's nmybo fourteen to bo relied on." "In my watch thero's JoneB, Har wood and Slmms, cither English or Welsh. Thcy'ro nil right. Then there's a nigger named Sam; Schmltt, a Copyrloht, by A. C. Mcuiurg & Co. thoso arms In tho nick here, and be ready for business tho rest will bo dono In a hurry. I'll wait here ior your report." At tho very best Watklns could scarcely perform tho task assigned him In less than nn hour. Tho success or failure of our effort depended en tirely upon taking these fellows by complete surprise. If it came -to nn open fight our cause wna hopeless, for that would mean fourteen or fifteen men unarmed, pitted ngnlnst over n hundred thoroughly equipped nnd trained fighters. Only by confining them below, with hatches battened down, nnd a carronado trained upon them, would wo bo safe. I sat whero I could watch tho stairs, and tho cntlro forwnrd part of the cabin. Gunsaules lowered tho table, and begun preparing tho morning meal. Finally ho announced break fast. "Suppose you rap on tho lady's door yonder, and nsk If eho will Join me. Say your message Is from Senor Gates." She came at once and seated herself opposite me, and we spoke of tho weather whllo Gunsaules served. Ho wns still hovering about, but my nnx Icty to havo n word with her alono caused mo to send him to attend Cap tain Sanchez. Wo waited until ho dis appeared within tho after stateroom, bearing a tray ; then her eyes sudden ly lifted to mine, filled with questioning. "Tell mo what has happened?" She breathed eagerly. "I heard tho nolso of a strugglo out here, and voices con versing. Why nro you nlone?" I leaned over to speak In as low a tone as possible. And I told her tho situation In detail and my plans. Sho sat silently gazing nt mo ncross tho table, her parted lips trembling to M faintest possibility of nny cntmnc aft, except through nsslstanco from this side. As I returned to tho cabin, Gunsaules came out of tho cnptaln'i room nnd crossed the deck. At slghl of me he stopped Instantly. "Gunsaules," I said, "you nro to ro main In this cnbln until I glvo th word. Tho Indy hero has n pistol, and orders to shoot If you attempt M cither cuter this passttgc, or approach tho door of Munucl'B stateroom. How did you And Sanchez?" EXTRAORDINARY SESSION HAS PASSED INTO HISTORY Members of the House Take the Op portunlty to Express Themselves When the Final Moment Arrived Senate Ratifies Resolution Early In tho Session, Lincoln. By tho unanimous consent of both houses, tho Nobraska legisla ture, In extraordinary session assem bled, placed Its approval upon tho I Joint rcsolutii u tatifying tho amend- wmm- tliiC I innrnririlk JNVIlSAiRHHsl fK2ShgrjrT ment to tho national constitution for bidding congress or any state of tho union to abridge tho rights of suffrago to women. Tho houso of representatives gave its approval to tho resolution In tho closing hours of tho session, the sen ato having passod upon tho matter two days previously. Many members took tho opportunity to express their appreciation of tho prlvllego tho extra session afforded them, of being among thoso upon whom tho honor devolved, several saying that It was tho proud est moment of their lives to Bharo In tho work of passing equal suffrago along to tho mothers and daughters of tho nation, which had shown by tholr untiring efforts and devotion to tho nation's cause during tho trying period of tho great war that they aro entitled to share equally with men in the ffalrs of state. Allen of Gago county, a member of tho session In 1013, who voted to kill tho bill at that ttmo, was tho first member to rlsa when the house pro pared to vote. Ho said Uiat people's vlows had changed and so had ho, arid that ho wished to ho tho first to voto aye. Hardin of Harlan said ho was voting yes for tho third and last tlmo To celebrate tho ratification moving pictures wore taken in the h6use when I thnt lirnnnh tvno vnMnir. An hnltr Intnr. tho signing of the bill by Governor Mc Kelvle In tho Benato chamber, with tho ofQers of the houso and scnato and n group of suffrago enthusiasts sur rounding him, was enacted beforo a dim machine. After tho result of tho roll call was announced tho suffrago workoiB and . members of tho houso engaged In a 1 handshaking and mutual congratula- "Sitting up In his bunk, scnor, nnd able to eat." "Docs he know what la occurring o board?" "No, scnor. Ho questioned mo, but I only told him everything was all right, so fnr." In my heart I believed the fellow deliberately lied, but thcro was no op. portunlty to question him further, for at that moment the door of tho com. panlon opened and a mlscellaneoui group of men thronged down the ' stairs. Thpy were a rough hairy lot, I hero and thero n sturdy English coun tenance meeting my gaze, but tho faces wcro largely foreign, with thoso of two negroes conspicuous. "Twelve here, sir; I couldn't get Hnrwood down from the forctop," said Watklns. "And thcro aro others below who will Join us?" VYcs, sir; six more I count on." "Which means lads, that with Har wood, Senor LoVero, and. myself, wo'll total twenty-ono In this shindy. Now I'll tell you what la up. WatklnB gave you somo of It no doubt, but r word from me will make It clearer. I'm no pirate; I'm nn English sailor, Bhang hied. Estada named mo first officer because I understand navigation." I stopped speaking, staring at ono of the f nccs before me ; all at once It nppenred familiar. "What Is your name, my man?" "Jim Carter, sir." "You were on the Sinbad, threo yenrs ago?" "I was that, Mister Oarlyle," ho an sworcd grinning. "I know'd you the mlnuto I cum down yere." "Then that is all I need say on that lino. Hero's one of your mates, lads, i1irh tvIII vnnnh tr mn "Knxv. nn T'vn h.M i.i om nil nf vmi in tho ! tlons. A few minutes later Chairman ' ' r.T .... .! Imt.nA AnmnlttAA rtn OH WVliUUU Ui. UIU UUUOU IUU1UHHUU v. enrolled bins ana Lincoln. Governor McKclvIe, fol lowing a decision of tho district court holding tho codo referendum petition to bo void, will Immediately enforco tho codo bill. To this end he has an nounced tho appointment of tho fol lowing as secrotarles of departments: Flnanco Philip F. Bross. Agriculture Leo A. Stuhr. Tiado and Commerco J. E. Hart. Labor Frank A. Konnedy. 1'ubllo Works Ooorgo E. Johnson, Public Welfare II. H. Antics. Tho govornor explains In hla an nouncement that In nearly overy case theso secretaries who will draw $5,000 a year salary, havo been promotod from positions they now hold under the stato administration. In somo Instances tho secretaries will perform tho duties they aro now performing In addition to tho duties of secretary of their department. This will save ono salary. Tho subjects over which tho vari ous departments have administrate authority aro as follows: Finance Business system, uniform ity, accounting, reporting, purchasing, budget, taxation. Agriculture Foods, drugs, dairy nnd oils, live stock, health and sanitation, hog chojera, tubcrculoBls, stallion reg istration; markets anu manteiing, agricultural statistics, publicity, stato development, gamo and fish. Trade and Commerce Banking, in surance, flro commission, bluo sky. Labor Workman's compensation, freo employment bureau, welfaro of workers, child labor, health and safety regulations, inspections, Industrial sta tistics. Public works Highways, stato aid, bridges, automobllo licenses, Irriga tion, water power, drainage. Public Welfaro Health, contagious diseases, communlcablo diseases, san itation, examining boards, physicians and surgeons, osteopathy and osteo Western Union TWO pathlc physIclanB, chiropractic, den tists, nurses, pharmacy, optometry, embalmcrs, veterinary medicine, vital XMizPT-J: - BSgtaiSmllla Has Never Been Down Sick Since Taking PERUNA Read this letter from Mr. Robt. Wlnnick, Grass Rango, Montana. "In 1900 I was out In Kansas running n tltiexhlnjr engine and tho thrcehing crow hna to sleep out of doors. One of the crew brought n Fernnn Almanne to the engine ono day and I was feeling very 111 from alceplng ant. I decided to Rlre I'cninn a trial and sent for a bottle of Pn runa and a box of Poruna Tab lets, which straightened sis out in. a hurry, "I havo nerer been down slek trice that time. I do not take any other medicine except Po runa, 1 always keep It on hand. If I grot my feet wot, get a cold, feel chilly, or a little bad, I al ways tuke Peruun. People should not wait until they are down sick and then take ft, but should keen It on hand like I do and when they feel bad. they should use it." Recommended for Catarrhal inflammation of every description. HS KodakFinishing Expert work. Prompt return. Special mail order department We pay return postace. Write for price list The Robort Dempster Co., Box 1138, Omaha, Neb. Creamery and Cream Station Supplies MUk Bottles and Dairy Supplies. Erg Cases and Chicken Coops KENNEDY A PARSONS CO. 1309 Jones Sb 1901 E. 4th St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY "Tell Me What Has Happened' an unasked question. Before she could frame this In words, the door to the companion opened, and Watklns de scended the stairs. At sight of her he whipped off his cap. "You may speak freely," I said. "This Is tho young lady I told you about, and of courso sho Is with us. Only talk low." "Yes, sir," using a hoarso whisper, nnd fastening his gaze on me. "It's all right, sir." CHAPTER XX. mt 'V The Deck la Ours. I hod tho noxt step carefully out lined In my own mind, nnd yet I hesi tated n moment, glancing Into tho two faces beforo me, with a sudden reali zation of what the contemplated ac tion would mean to nil of us, If by any chanco It should fall of success. I managed to speak cheerfully, putting a ring of conlldcnco Into my voice. "Then tho sooner wo act tho better. Watklns, havo LoVero order theso niea Dutchman, with his partner, whoso nnmo I don't know, nnd two Frcnchlcs, Ravel nnd ricrre. That makes eight, ulno counting myself. Then In tho starboard watch I'd pick out Jim Car ter nnd Joo Cole, two Swedes, Carl Hon and Ole Ilnllln, and another nig ger. Then thero nro n couplo of Finns who ought to bo with us, but I can't talk their lingo. That would glvo us sixteen out of thirty, nnd It's qulto likely somo of tho others would take n hand with us, If they thought It was safe. I haven't nny uso though, sir, for Francois LeVcre. There ain't a worso scamp nboard. "I know thnt," I admitted, "but ho bad to bo used." "And what Is my part now?" "This Is ray watch bolow, and It will bo best for mo to keep ott tho deck until all Is prepared. You sound theso men and get them together; wako up tho ones In tho starboard watch you feel sure ore all right, and havo them 'lip quietly on deck. Then we'll get Samo DOai you uro yriMiUL-JO uu i uoaru. l,ucx nas given us a cnauco iu mako a break, nnd get away. Captain Sanchez Is wounded and helpless. Pedro Estnda Is dead, and I've got Manuel locked In that stateroom. His cut-throats nro all below, and now all we'vo got to do Is clap on the hatch and keep them there. Now, what I want to know Is are you fellows with me?" Watklns answered up promptly; then Carter; tho others joining In with less heartiness, the different accents revealing their nationalities. I knew sailors well enough to feel assured they would follow their leaders once tho gamo started. "That's good enough ; now we've g o to hit hard and quick,, inus. xnere are six men on deck who ore not with us. Watklns will take care of them with thoso fellows I don't assign to other work. Jones, you and Carter make straight for the forecastle and don't lot anyone corno up tho scuttle. One of you had better drop down below, and prevent any of those lads from unbarring tho door leading amidships. Who Is tho best for that Jobr "Let Carlson do It" "All right Carlson It Is then. You Frenchmen, and tho two negroes, your part will be to ship the main hatch. Do a quick Job, nnd clamp It down tight." "I'll come down to you Carlson, as soon as wo havo tho deck. It ought not to tako moro than flvo minutes to handle thoso lnds, and Blow around a carronade. Watklns, you and Carter hand out tho cutlasses from tho rack ; you boys will handlo thoso better than firearms. Good; now aro you all ready?" Thcro was a low murmur of voices, tho faces watching mo showing their Increasing excitement and eagerness. Our llttlo talk had served to arouso their confidence In my leadership, and with gleaming weapons In their hnnds they became self-reliant volunteers. aft. Let him say that Scnor Estada wishes them to break out somo stores onco turned looso my greatest dlfil engrossed and Chairman Harris of tho 'sonato com mittoo appeared togothcr with tho en rolled suffrago bill for Speaker Dalby and Chief Clerk Hitchcock to sign, as the last pleco or legislative business of the sessiou. Ad the speaker an nounced the fact that tho bill was signed the members broko Into ap .plauso which lasted for several min utes. A motion to adjourn sine dlo was held In abeyanco while Mrs. W. E. Barkloy, lato stato presldont of the stato suffrage association and In chargo of tho legislative work, ad dressed tho houso. She recited a part of an ode to democracy. Sho said the session had tho thanks of every suffra gist in the state, and the women of Nebraska were glad to have tho oppor tunity to express their appreciation of the act which placed Nebraska on rec ord as one of tho necessary states to ratify tho enfranchisement of all women of the United States. As a reprosontative of tho association she dcalrod to thank them for their abso lute, splondid courtesy, co-operation and respect shown. It might not seem necessary to do this, as It was to have been expected, but It was so full hearted and splendid that It should not go unrecognized. Sho thought it simply a forewarning of tho help and comradoshlp that would como when all were equal citizens In all respocts. Sho desired to havo tho members who might go to tho constitutional convention know that tho women de sired to soe In tho document produced no qualification of sex. Tho women desired this because they wanted tho ballot through tho special act of tho mon of their own state and not owe all to tho men of tho nation. , Mrs. Barkloy said that no greater happiness can como to a humau being than to espouso a great cause and bo alllod In tho work that brought con tact with tho splondid men and women who lovo It. Bad Sickness Caused by Acid-Stomach statistics, maternity homes, child wcl- Ay 'lSriS:; fare. Charities and correction, par- ' kinds of elcknens and mlierjr It causes o , ' . . , tho llvfi It literally wrecks they would dons and paroles. I ruara nKnlnut It ns carefully as they do In announcing, the appointment of ( .sajn-t au..di y piue. unow.n bIx secretaries Governor McKclvIe t PHns 0f indigestion: distressing, painful made tho following statement: i Ai&Y-hEZi- your "It has been my opinion that the stomach feels this way you should lose n UHIO 111 1UIWMK I. w -. - '- ' serious conequences nre almost suro to roi low, such us Intestinal fermentation, auto intoxication. Impairment of the entire ner vous system, headnche, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver: sometimes even catarrh of the stomach and Intestinal ulcers and cancer. If you are not feellnir rluht, boo If It Isn t eld-stomach that Is the cause of your III health, Take EATONIC. the wonderful mod- rn stomach remedy. BATONIO Tablet quickly and surely relievo tho pain, bloat, belchlnir, and heartburn that Indicate acid stomach. Make the stomach stronfr. clean and sweet. By Iteeplnit the stomach In healthy condition so that you can get full strength from your food, your general health steadily Improves Results are marvelously quick. Just try KATONIC and you will bo as enthusiastic as the thousands who havo used It and who say thoy never dreamed anything could bring such 'nry,0"",".t:rt So get a big EO.cent box of KA.TONIO from your druggist todny. If not satlsfac tory return It nnd he will refund your money,. In the lazaret. Thoy need bo here only long enough for us to distribute these nrniB among them, and for mo to speak a word of Instruction to them." "But havo I no part? Is thero no way In which I can help?" asked tho girl. "You have your pistol? Then re moln here. I shall havo to go on dock with tho men, and will not dare leave them a moment until tho ship Is ab solutely secure. Manuel is locked In thnt stateroom, but must not bo com municated with by anyoneT It will be your part to seo that Gunsaules neither enters thnt passugo leading amidships, nor approaches this door. Keep him in sight. You will savo us a man. Walt hero now until i seo now securely this passage forward Is closed." It was as described to me a heavy oaken door, uall studded, not only locked, but held flrmjy In placo by n stout Iron bar. Thcro was not the culty might ho to restrain them, rather than urge them on. Itcvengo for past wrongs was In each heart, and tney welcomed a chanco to strike. 1919 Cotton Forecasts Washlnntdn. A cotton production nt 11 ni p. nno lmloa this yoar was fore- I whispered a parting word of ad- ' cast by tho department of agriculture . . u i u a a a nnniiirinn monition Into tho car of Dorotny, re ceiving In return a glauco from her eyes, which gave a now throb to my heart; then straightened up, and pis tol In hand, pushed my way through tho throng of sailors to tho foot of tho stnlrs. "Follow mo, lads," I said quietly. (TO BB CONTINUED.) Celtic Isle. Tho smallest dependency of France Is the no d'Hoedlo, situated at tho cast of Bollo Isle. Its population is uuh. Tho pcoplo do not speak French, but Celtic. Fishing Is tho principal Indus try, and all tho inhabitants nro pro vided with food at nn Inn managed by tho women. Tho town has' no streets. Tho houses aro mostly of mud. basing its ostlmato on tho condition of the crop July 25th which It an nounced as 67.1 por cent of a normal. civil administrative codo has been the law since tho 18th of July, and now that tho district court has held with the secretary of stato in his opinion that the referendum petitions against tho eodo we're not properly circulated, I feel Justified in making tho appoint ments' of tho secretaries of tho six administrative departments under the codo. "Tho administration of the Btate's business under tho codo simply means that by consolidating tho several sub divisions of administration Into six major departments, together with the elimination of tho boards and com missions undor which they wcro for merly administered, it will bo pos sible to fix responsibility and obtain efllclcncy. "In making the minor appointments under tho codo, I shall depend largely upon the recommendations of the secretaries of the departments. Th,la is the policy that I have pursued, not only In my own business, but In the handling of the state's business since I havo been governor, and I think it Is tho only plan through which disci pline and loyalty of service can be in sured. Governor McKelvie has been quoted as having said tho codo bill gave power to cope with profiteering, so far as coping is posBiblo by state or local authorities. On ono occasion tho governor pointed out tho following paragraph in the codo bill under the head of department of agriculture: "Tho department of agrlculturo shall havo power to encourago and promote, in ovory practicable manner, tho In terests of agrlculturo, Including horti culture, tho llvo stock Industry, dairy ing, choeso making, poultry, boo koop Ing, forestry, fishing, tho production of wool, and all other allied industries;, to promote methods of conducting theso several industries witn a viow to increasing tho production and facili tate tho distribution thorcot at the least cost." It Is considered probablo that the1 new secretaries of tho rilx depart ments will advise tho reappointment of tho majority of tholr prosont em ployes. Stato Printer Cunningham is an other whoso placo will soon bo dlscon; tlnued. Mr. Bross, acting secretary of financo, will norvo as stato printer and purchasing ngont undor tho state printer law. ErATONIC P rrOfTYOUR AClD-STOMACBp Steep. "My husband slept ull through tho ii'innnn In church yesterday morning." "That's nothing. My husband even goes to Hleep nt n moving picture show." Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezon costs only a few cents. .s Refused to Act on H. C. L. Lincoln. Govornor McKelvie re fused to hoed tho request of tho houso for another extra session to deal with profiteering. After a resolution had passod tho bouse, tho govornor ap peared before that body and stated tho reasons for his decision to rcfuso tholr request, in a personally deliv ered message. Ho cited tho members to tho fact that thoy hod failed to pass legislation at the last rogular aesBlon to curb profiteering, and called tholr attention to the civil code bill's pro visions for that purpose. Senate Censures Hastings. Lincoln. A resolution conBurlns Denn W. G. Hastings of tho stato uni versity collego of law, for accepting employment as attorney in tho effort to defeat tho foreign languago law en nr.tnd bv the last legislature, was passed by the senate in tho last utcs of the extra session. Tho was 14 to 9. Reconsideration approval of tho senato's minutes, which had just passed, was nocossary in order to set the resolution to a vote over the points of order raised by its -opponents. With your fingers I You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween tho toes, nnd tho hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezono" costs -w little ut uny drug store; apply u few drops upon tho com or cnllus. In- ( stnntly It stops hurting, then shortly, you lift thnt bothersome corn or callus right olT, root mid nil, without one hit of pain or soreness. Truly I No hum bug! t ltemorso mented. Is memory that baa for- An undertaker's salesroom might ap propriately bo termed n hoxofllce. AJ lesls, Heiresses, Soothe, fiKM M.otc (Tun llntlr PnM Strong and Healthy. If they lire, bmart, Itch, or jiurn, ii sore, irtiuiicu. Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Safefor Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Hsrisc Eye KeeyCsssy,Cskg8.U. S JL W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 32-1919. mln e7l vote i&'mti3K& of the eaf) Mm YftlirTTArtrV IUUIILILJ