ftED CLOUD, XIB1ABKA, CHIEF , t r X ( f UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINSTRATION SUMMER TOURS AS USUAL THE ENTIRE ATTRACTIVE SCHEME OF ROCKY MOUNTAIX AND TACIFIC COAST SUMMER TOURS IS-NOW AVAILABLE, WITH CIRCUIT ROUTES THAT EMBRACE THE WEST'S MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. COOL AND SCENIC COLORADO But a few hours to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo; the gateway to hundreds of mountain vacation resorts and for automobile tours. Very favorable fare."?. THE BLACK HILLS AND WYOMING RANCH RESORTS Tourists fares to the Hot Springs resort of the Hills, to Sheridan and Ranchcstcr, in the Big Horn mountains, and to the Cody Way ranch rcs'orts. PACIFIC COAST TOURS The whole Pacific Slope is embraced in the Summer tours. You can go direct or include the Pacific Northwest. The world's greatest summer rail tour is available, just as usual. Ask your local ticket agent 'to help you plan your trip and furnish you with descriptive booklets of points in which you are interested. LsssssDKBaLsssssm umA f1HHIIHflF35i ?1 j PiaasaaMaBBCaasi3M TRIUMPH FOR i AMERICAN IDEALS eaco Treaty the Moot Momentoue Document Ever Prepared by the Hand of Man Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn' kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency ' for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. ''tfMflHLtt 4 Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. Every "Floronce ' is Sold Under Guarantee GEO-. W. TRINE Exclusive Agent in Red Cloud When the Firemen Appea.r the insured man's fint thought i one o! thanlcfulnes that he i$ 10. How abou your ihoughti ii a fiireman ihould ap pear at your home? The Day Before the Fire ii the day to iniuie. A that day may be to-morrow lor all you can know or do. it eliow that prudence would im pel) you to tlop in our office to-day and have at ittue you a policy, O. C. TEEL BUY Land At Stratton, Colo. For l'articulnrd Write to Jos. A. Collins Land Co. Stratton, Colorado Tho Treaty of Paris Is tho longcBt ralnglo treaty ever signed. It Is six times as long as the treaties of tho ;peaco of Westphalia (1G48) and ten jtiracs as long us tho breaty of Vienna (1815); it is as long as the latter and all tho subsidiary treaties resulting jfrom It. Though It covers moro ground than any other treaty made, It was prepared in half tho tlmo ro qulred for the 'peace of Vienna, and in ,lesB than ono-tenth of tho time ro 'quired for tho treaty of Westphalia. This phenomenal result Is attributed by European statesmen to tho initial adoption of tho Covenant of the League of Nations, which provides for !the future settlement of a largo num ber of perplexing problems. Desplto (opinions to tho contrary, tho verdict !of history will unquestionably bo that the Peace of Paris carries into effect to a remarkable degrco tho program accepted in ailvanco by Uio peoples 'of the world, and embodied in the Fourteen Points put forth by the .American government on January 8, ;1918, ten months before tho actual signing of the armistice. Of tho Fourteen Points thus ac cepted by a world in arms, serious objection has been raised to only one, tho 14 th. That objection haa come from a faction in the United States Senate. This 14th Point, as embodied in tho treaty is Artlclo X, of the Covenant of the League of Nation. Germany herself has Insisted upon it as an essential part of the pence. Tho treaty as signed makes a now. world, politically, physically, morally and spiritually. Tho mandatory sys tem ends tho old regime of exploita tion, and makes wards of the whole world in Asia, Africa and the isles of the sea. The Treaty has established In the place of artificial states natural political and national units. It ha; removed from the map numerous his toric wrongs which have long served to embitter the International rela tions. It has set the world upon a new path of progress marked by ttie following guide posts: , 1. International co-operation, In' eluding the consolidation of all exist ing international administrative ac-, tlvitles. 2. Extensive machinery for co operation in a League of Nations open to all. that prove worthy of member ship. 3. The creation of a labor con ference and labor bureau to solve the problems of an industrial civilization 4. A pledge .to reduce armaments, and as a first step toward It the dis arming of the one nation whose geo graphical situation has made tt a menace to the world. , 6. The abolition of conquest b Article X, without interfering with other methods of territorial adjust ment 6. The declaration that any war it a matter of concern to all, and th erection of machinery for dealing with conditions which endanger the peace of the world. 7. An agreement not to go to wai before peaceful settlement of disputes has been tried. 8. Automatic provision sanctions for the punishment of the breach oi agreements voluntarily taken. 9. A representative Assembl meeting regularly and, among othc: things, carrying on the work of codi fying and revising international law begun toy the Hague Conference. The treaty Is the most momentous, document ever prepared by tho hand of man. It nets the world right about face, it marks the triumph of Amer-i lean Ideas, policies and institutions,; by extending to a leaguo of sovereign! nations the democratic principles first) embodied in our league of sovereign) states. I EDWARD CUMMINOS, ' General Secretary, ' World Peace Foundation. NEW"rs,TCEBTWTE" Treasury Department Authorizes De nominations of $100 to $1,000 for Investors. The Kansas City Federal Reaerro Ilnnk 1ms ordered from tha Troasury Dopattnient a supply of tho now Treas ury Sin lugs Certificates, sorlcs of 191!), which on July 2d wero authorized by tho ftepartment In denominations of $100 00 and $1,000.00 Tbev are In registered form and aio In nUoltlon to thoJIMO War Savings OuJlffoTfes pro vioiislv Issued. War JrVAsTHtnps of Hip denomination of$w6 nro con vertible into tlioso 4r$jjet!urltles which bear the snmo'fTipjr nitoToBt as the Savings Stamps, 4 ""per cent, confounded quarterly. The $1QO,00 certificates aro convertible into the 91,060 00 certificates and tho limit of Investment of $1,000.00 for each Indl vlduul, which Is the feature pf the Savluci Stamp itsue, Is retained in the new certificates. Tieasury Savings Certificates la (h denomination of $100.66 (maturity value) may be purchased at the post offlcos of the first and second elate and such other postofflccs a the Peat; office Department may designate for that purpose Doth the $106.00 and $1,000.00 denominations may bo pur chased at incorporated banks and trust companies which are agents for the sale of War Savings Certificates. Tho new certificates wlfl be Issued only in registered form and shall bear the naino of the owner inscribed bv tho agent at tho time of purchase and will not be valid unless the owner's names Is thus Inscribed. Tho certifi cates will not be transferable and will be payablo only to the owner named thereon except In case of death or dis ability of tho owner. The new issue Js exempt both as (to principal and interest from federal, stato or local taxation, exoept estate or Inlicrltnnco taxes, surtaxes and ex cess profits and war profits taxes. Treasury Savings Certificates will be redeemed at face value on January 1, 1924, and will be issued for the re mainder of 1919 at the following prices: $100 Ccr- $1,000 Cer- Month tlflcate tlflcate July $83.60 $836.00 August 83.80 838.00 September. , .. 84.00 840.00 October. .,,,. 84.20 842.00 November. . .. 84T40 844.00 December. . .. 84.60 846.00 MAKE DIG 8AVEN8 OUT OF "LITTLE SHAVER" Greatest Education In the VVorls) la Teaching Children How to Be Independent Barn first, save second and spend tbird. That is the briefest and best rule of economy the world knows. And every country in the world knows the rule better than America does. At the out set of the world war we were the most extravagant nation In existence. If the world war brought no other good end, it showed America the value of thrift. From the least thrifty to the most thrifty should be the American ambition, beginning right now. And there is no better place to begin with thrift than with children. Since the war furnished the realiz ation of the need of thrift, and the Treasury Department, through War Savings Stamps, furnished the method of combined saving and Investment, it is up to the parents and the teachers of thJs country to see that the children take advantage of these opportunities. Through the Savings Division of the Tenth Federal Reserve District every child-In this district is enabled to ob tain a war souvenir In the form of a hand grenade converted Into a savings bunk. In order to get the grenade ho had only to observe tho abovo rule earn first, save second and seend third. It Is a simple rule and, if observed, will revolutionize American. habits. It will change us from a nation of spend thrifts to one of thrifts; from dollar hounds to dime watch-dogs; from waste to worth. The new slogan of the Tenth Dis trict is "Make Big Savers Out. of 'Lit tle Shavers." Sum m 1 ' aawsws Light and Power Ui - The Standard The Standard LWI BELT TYPE 4 II. P. HHh111 '-. Electric ALL-PURPOSE fllBH Lighting Plant Power Plant 1eKJ&&0!H1 I 11 fiij M WJmmr f I - 1 1 "W UisimBUMI I & I 3sMEits w TSESmmml " tMB! . (gffigHMaWl (raMMKJMZEs) Why the Cushman "Does More" It does more because it gives you both portable Light and portable Power in one plant, in the most compact, efficient and convenient form ever devised. It does more because there la less vibration with a belted outfit like the Cushman, and consequently less adjustments, repairs and service required. t It does more because every part is get-at-able. It is not necessary to "tear down" the plant to correct any trouble. -- 4 J It does more because the same engine the 4 H. P. Cushman All-Purpose Engine may be used for work all over the farm, or be attached to binder, potato digger, corn binder or other machines. - It does more because other machinery may be run from clutch pulley of engine nt the same time the batteries arc being charged by belt from fly . wheel side of engine. It is the most llcxible outur. The Cushman Self-Starter T permits the Cushman Plant to be started, stopped and operated by a woman "t or child. It is the only starter that automatically releases engine compression and turns on and off oil. Engine started from switchboard, by pushing a button. We have a Cushman "Docs More" Light Plant ready for demonstration. , Please call and see it f B. W. STEVENS Plumbing Heating Everything Electric! VWWWWJWVWWUWWWJ Weir City No. 1 BEST FOR THRESHING JJalone-Gellatly Go. VWWVWVWVWWYWYWWUV Nut Reliable Insurance Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIBT OVER STATE BANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA Norma Weight Perhaps you arc worried because your child does not pick up in weight? Better try -Scott's Emulsion and watch how it helps make a thin child grow and put on weight There is nothing quite so strengthening as Scott's Emulsion for a child or any age. L Ccott & Bowne, Dloomfield, N. J. 19-5 Tmranimijiiiora ROY SATTLEY. UNDERTAKING LICENSED IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA l!lUHIlllU!IJ2!l!IllJ!IIIi:ilJ!!!lllII!!lll!!lliratlll!:ill,,.i; . . 1ELJB1K .aSMi. ,",,,. " "i 'J'U! iltiL" DCEIEZU Open Day and Night) DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope rsfmWmW.vjwjwwwjwk BiiKirammaM Christian Church E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kindi Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixture" Services for the Month of July 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m Preaching Service 2 p. m South Side Mission Sunday School. 7 p. m. Senior Endeavor Service 0 p. m. Preaching Service a ffliEaorciminniCT Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 158,lRe8f 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. VIVUWWVAMVSrtVUrWWWUWUWU ra Himltton-Cithw Clothing Q: mwrythtng M tmoyW9f Oaarf Aaftraata Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ollco Over Albright's Store Red Cloud . Nebraska Cables Improve With Age. It Is found tlint the Insulation re sistance of telephone cables increases with the age of tho cable, when it IlM In tho ground, because tho molstur .It possesses appears to be dried out. I -1 i,ni j i IffJiB