The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1919, Image 8

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    ..MvMramfs arr rrtwwrCWPriumifj: 'RX3t-"i-sf ' fPWuawrjs Utt-' Wu-n
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Open Day
ISilievintr that
n the days to come
the veterans of the late war will
want pome facts and fipuies to show
whon they pet to arpuinp among
tlieimelvos, we take iilea.suio in print
ing the following statistical table of j
the feats of the combat divisions that
were in France when the armistice
"was t-igned. Sergeant Clyde Stevens
send; us this table. The columns of
figures following the divisional num
bers represent the following achieve
ments, respectively:
1. Number of prisoners captured
' 2. Largo guns captured.
I!. Machine guns captured.
I. Kilometers advanced.
1 G. Number of days in the line.
2nd .120GG 3-18 liir.O GO 1(51
,'lrd 2210 51 lfiOl -11 81 j
8!)th fiOGl 1157 -155 JIG DO
1st G1G9 51 222
5th 2105 08 802 29 192
Jliird J5957 !!J -ll-l !SG 70
:10th 11817 81 12G 29.5 72
80th 181 88 fill ill -1G
Dlst 2112," !t:i -171 55 2G
12nd 1017 25 495 55 191
2Gth 3M. "1(5 1!I2 :17 2(K1
29th 2187 21 250 7 82
:i2ntl 2151J 21 190 !1G 101
90th 1J57G 42 2110 28.5 '1.1
:17th 1-105 29 . , 2GI5 30.75 33
82nd 851 11 311 17 105
77th 750 -U 323 112
27th 2357 11 77
3Gth 519 D' 291 21 22
79th 391 32 275 19.5 -18
35th 781 21 85 12.5 98
28th 921 1G (53 10 105
78th 398 4 -13 21 33
7th 39 0 28 .75 31
02nd 0 0 0 8.5 Gl
81st 0 0 0 5.5 41
88th 0 0 0 0 29
Gth 0 0 0 0 10
34th 0 0 0 0 0
38th 0 0 0 0 0
40th 0 0 0 0 0
41st 0 0 0 0 0
87th Q--' & '.-(- 0 0
mifh County I'ioncor.
112 ,
out for what cils your smokuappetitol
For, with Prince Albert, you've got a now listen on the pipe question
that cuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat worries!
Mnde by our exclusive patentedprocess, Prince Albert i.) scotfreo
from bite and parch and hands you about the biggest lot cf smokefun
that ever waa scheduled In your direction!
Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-pal; it beats the band! Get the
slant that P. A. is simply everything any man ever longed for in tobacco!
You never will be willing to figure up the sport you've slipped-on once
you get that Prince Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into
your smokesystem! You'll talk kind words evi-ry time you get on the
firing line!
Toppy red bag; tidy rtd tin; handtome pound an J half-pound tin humi-
dart and that ejiiy. practical pound crystal nlaio humidor with
ponjra moiilmir top that Arpj lia tobacco in tuch perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
and Night
& Pope
The sea has at all tlnuw appealed
stionply lo the imagination of men
and hoys of spirit. The .life of a
sailor, particularly that of a Navy
sailor, holds morn romance, more on-
portunitie. for adventure.-, and
chances of visiting foreign countries,
with ever-changing scenes, than any
other occupation, together with the
vahn of a trade learned.
The call for men is just as strong
as ever and at no time In the his
tory of the Navy were chances of
quick promotion hotter than today.
The Navy of the United States is
proud or its long line of high tradi
tions. The deeds of Navy men from
John Paul Jones and Stephen Deca
tur down to George Dewey and tho
heroes of the present war are a
never ending source of insprlatlon to
the gallant men who wear the Navy
The "Silent Navy" has manfully
done its part during the war which
is almost over.
The country should bo proud to
realize that" in Congress are statesmen
who are keenly awake lo tho problems
of the day. These men have learned
the cost of unpreparedncss. Is there
any citizen of this broad land, so lost
to all ideals of national pride and hon-
or, as to think wo should speak but
softly and carry no assurance as to
our future peace and hnppinoss?
One can hardly realize how very
important tho Navy was to the
sucessful nrosocution of (ho ulnns
for winning the war. The Navy was
on mo jou irom tno nil ot .May 1917,
until today and long after our pres
ent emergency Army is a thing of
tho past, tho Navy will bo "over
there" bringing back tho last re
minders of the great war. Tho Navy
at tho beginnig was small but man
for man and gun for gun it wns tho
equal of any other Navy.
There nre a few men who bdlicvc
that:tljo-limo wijl, never como when
the Nations of tho world will' cense
HMD 0L9O1,
J BiJ iJLii-. j j." i. it
, t- '' w.W '.,., ,4-Jft
iiiiMIIMI iibS&SO
ii v nin
f 'P.rJ-hltlU
the smokognmc with a jimmy
if you're hunkering for a hand
to build Navies. Certainly not in
our time or in our children's time,
will the fighting ships and fighting
sailorr. be sent to the scrap heap.
( Iho "Dove of Peace" can rest just
as peacefully on the muzzle of a six-teen-inch
breech loading rifle a3 ,he
J can on a pole flying tho white flag
r .. I X-
i u uKiiuuss iNUvy, , . j
Therefore we must have a Navy
equalled by no other, and we must
have inch of spirit to man our ships.
The time has isr,ed when men of
bad character or habits can enlist.
The Navy is a service of high ideals
and its great record of duty is
ascribed to the high standard set for
its Officers and men, and this, stand
ard will never bo lowered. Tho young
man who enlists in the Naval Service
may well be proud of himself and
his uniform.
About one week ago the Secretary
of the Navy cabled from I.ondon
that the situation regarding enHst
ments in the Navy is so acute that,
every eirort must be made lo bring
tho advantages of the Navy trade
schools to the attention of the par-''
ents -of bovs and men in order that
those who enlist in the Navy may sec
the advantages oirercd.
Thp newspapers in this district
have been of the assistance
during the war and when the Officer
in Charge first came to Omaha he
received letters from many hundred
editors pledging the same loyal sup
port now as during the war.
Therefore we are glad to he able
to publish from time to time articles
telling of the Navv.
Kulistmcntn are for four years, ap
plicants over 17 but under 18 must
have their parents consent, over 18
and age certificate must be presented.
The legal age is 18 and no consent
is necesary but the Navy department
would rather a lad talk with his par
ents and go with their permission and
good wishes.
Next article will deal with men of
Nebraska and South Dakota who
have mndo good in the service and
then a description of every Navy
trade school will follow.
The Omaha Recruiting District em
braces tho states of South Dakota and
Nebraska and Sioux City, Iowa, and
substations are located at: Lincoln,
Nobw, Grand Island, Ncbr., Norfolk,
Nebr., Sioux Falls, S. D., Aberdeen,
S. D., Watertown, S. D and Sioux
City, Iowa.
Write to tho Navy Recruiting Sta
tion, Room G03 Paxton Rlock, Omaha,
Nebr., and ajl question will be given
prompt answers. By Knsign Mans
Many thoughtful mothers first
give their children
Scott's Emulsion
rcarly anditheu Tariff
thedseloes. ' It 'Is a tonic-food
tttat .contains elements as needful
t6 a'rtdult; as t'oa child. Build
up 'your strength' 'try Scoffs.
j.. Sfott & Downe, Uloomfkld. N. . 19-4
rillAlIi, OIIIF
rm -Bureau Notes
- -
One o thcgrcatcst needs of the
farmer 'just now, even greater than
the need of better livestock and bet
ter ciops, is the need of better
homo life.
Not all farmers know their want
in this respect. They realize that
something is wrong, but they do not
know 'how to deal with the prob
lem. They are loo busy to stand
still and think about it.
What are vve going to do about
this problem? No use to say, "Go
back to the quiet old limes." Wo
can't go back. The times vve live in
will not lctus.feWc must go ahead,
and go ahoadfuRt. How then, can
we ri adjust ou'ftfclvcs to the now
conditions so that tho home life of
of the farm shall be hotter and sweet
er and purer.
In the first place, the fathers and
mothers on the farms must realize
that they have no greater business
than that of properly bringing up
their boys and girls. What do all
the fields of corn and wheat and rye
and potatoes amount to by the side
of the young folks? Small potatoes
and few in a hill can be made up for
l" r
n some other way, but good honest,
true men and women wo must have
or o bankrupt as a nation.
With this fact in mind, we shall
?co that it is better to turn a few
less furrows in the field and to culti
vate the hearts and minds of our
young people more carefully. We
shall never do sowing that will bear
finer crops than to scatter good seed
in the rich fields of the hearts of
boys and girls. Tin's will mean that
we will have to spend a little more
time to get close down to the hearts
of the young folks and try harder to
find out what they aro thinking
about, taking up as their future life
work, in order to bo able lo assist
and give them the encouragement due
Agriculture is the most healthful,
the most useful and the noblest em
ployment of man. A second propo
sition is that the creation, develop
ment and perpetuation of beautiful
and practical forms of animal life is
the particular branch of agriculture
calling for the exercise of the highest
order of human intellect and skill.
County Agricultural Agent.
"Own n Heme for Your Children's Sake"
L S. Dept. of Labor,
W. li Wilson, St-crctaiy
Ambitions mny bo realized in your
ohildien if you Imve thu home environ,
ment which transmits to them the hui.
bkion. Tito buie need is h home and
the sense of shelter and security which
goes with ownership.
inhere ;weie no other arguments
wortb while men would be more than
Justified In building and owning their
own homes for the 'children's sake.
Like father III son! The nejtgen.
eiHtlon will not be a home-owning one
if the present, generation doesn't show
tho benefits of home owning and itietil.
cute the home-owning ambition.
If you me determined that John and
Mary shall liuve u fair show to make
jjood on your mubit ions for them, a-t
them tucked itvviiy in a good home n
home that K all yours, and theirs It
will become to them tho very huh of
thu iiimvuish; a very saoied spring of
inipii-Htion and u very taiigiulo ex
ample of tho prudeneu of thiitt If
you would do your part toward mak
ing your children'.', future becure in a
iittii)ii of imiin owners ISt'll.D NOW
Board of Health Notice
Notice is hernuy given that all closets
of tho city must be thoroughly and
illi-ctively disinfected at once. All
uiisiauccs of this Ulnil abated. In
spejtion of same will bo followed up
closely ami open vaults will be con
demued and torn down. fcee Secretary
if needing instructions.
L'aul C. Pope, Mayor.
Dr. Henry Cook, Secretary.
W. (J. Hamilton, Pies .of Council.
Sum Mountford, City Marshal.
Dean Tyner, of Hastings, wil.
apeak at tho Orphcum on next Sun
day evening. His subject chosen foi
this occasion is "Stories and Glories
of War." He comes to us under tho
auspices of tho I E. O. society of
our city. This promises to be an In
teresting oration as Rev. Tyner is an
orator of more than ordinary ability.
He has also spent considerable timo
the past two years overseas, knowing
the conditions as they exist there.
Everyone should take advantage ot
this opportunity to hear this address.
No admission will be charged but a
silver offering will bo taken up to
defray the actual expense. Eight
o'clock is the hour.
is at' the bottom of most
digestive ills,
for1 indigestion afford jpl eas
ing ahd prompt relief ffom
the distress of acid-dyspepsia.
Notice ot?Administration
In the ('utility Court of Velnter County
In the innlturiif the estate of Krrn House
To All 1'KltSUNH Interested In Said Kalato
Nottculs hereby tvcn that fl. I.. House
hM this ilny filed n petition In thu county
court, prnylmi that administration of huIi!
estate may be untitled lo J. I,. Ik-t-be us ad
iiilnlstrntor. and that said petition will bo
heard before the court on tho tilth day of
.June, HUH, nt thu hour ot lu o'clock, A. M., at
theeoitiity eotii-t room lu the city of Kid
Cloud, lu Mid county, when all pvrioui Inter
ested In xuld matter may appear and 8how
catl-u why the prajt-r of petitioner should
not be urantcd; and that notice of theflllna
of mid puJtlon, mid the hcarlm- thereof, be
ulvcu by publlMiliiKU copy of Dili order In
the Hud cloud Chief, a IokiiI weekly news
paper printed and of etneral circulation In
said county, for three coniecutle wicks
prior to Kild day of hcurluu.
Dated this 22ml dn, of May p.ip.i.
t-eal) A. It. KAN.NKY.
A true copy) ( ounty Judye.
K. (I. Caldwell, Attorney fur Kstate.
Notlco of Administration.
Ill tho County Court of Webster CoUnty,
In thu matter of the estate of Amilu I-:.
Marker, deceased.
To all per.vim Interested lu wild estate.
Notice Is hereby ulvcu that U.ltM. May,
ImMhls day tiled a petition In thecouuty court
prayltij? that administration of said eatntu
may be uranted lo herself as :uliiiliilstratrl-c,
ill'd that said petition will bo heard before
tho court on tho Sid day of May, lldsi, at
the hour of 0 o'clock, a. in., at thu county
court room, In thu city of Jtcd Cloud, In said
county, when all persons Interested In Haiti
matter may appear and hIiow caiiso why tho
prayer of petitioner should not be itrantcd;
and that notice ot Minis of said petition, and
the heailng thereof, bo ulycn by publlshlm;
a copy of this order In the Ited Cloud Chief
a leunl weekly ui-HHpapor printed and of
ntnural circulation In natil county, for four
consecutive weeks prior to the said day of
hearhiK. A. I). ItANNHY.
(Heal) County Jude.
Mated thVi'.th day of April
Notice of Suit.
Defendant .lohu W D.vmmi will take notice
that l-'rnrlk I'elerson and Mary Peterson in
business under the uamo of Puteisons Oarage
bavcas plalntlll's tiled their petition and
commenced an action uxalnit him the said '
John W. Dyson In thcdlstilct court of Web
stir county, Nebraska Hut object and prayer
of which aro to recover from said defendant
tho sum of JIU2.) with Interest thereon at 7
percent per annum from October tit. t'Jltt as
the balance due to plalutllls trout the dcfina
ant upon the purchase price of a motor truek
sold and delivered by plalntllls to defendant
and which heauretd to pay.
Defendant Is further notified that an order
of attachment was issued In said action and
that thereunder certain property of the de.
fcudaut hi Webster county Iiuh been attach
ed to-wlt: certain jools and appliances made
tor use In drilling oil Inventory and
appraisement whereof has been filed lu said
action, iind plalntlils pray Jmlw'iiitiil that
they recover said sum ol the defendant to
tj'thcr wltli Interest and costs of suit and
that said property so attached and thu pro
cceds thereof be appropriated to tho pay
ment of the amount found due with Interest
and cost.
Defendant Is required to answer said peti
tion on tile In thcollleuof the Clerk of said
court at Ked Cloud, Nebraska on or befoie
.lunu-J.1. mill.
Datul May 13, litis).
l-'riiiilt i'elerson
Mary Peterson, I'lalntlils
lly I.. II. Illacklcih;c. their Attorney.
Notice of Hearing.
I'Matoof (ieorue I,. VauCump Deceased, In
the County Court of Webster County, Ne
briihka. The state of Nebraska, To all persons Intel
(sled In said estate, ei editors and heirs take
notice that (i. C. Hodman and Cinjeno Ileal
have Died their pelltlou alteifliiK that liiore
I.. VaiiCampdlul Intcstutcln Webster Conn,
ty. Nebraska, on or about KUli day of I'chru
ary, 1UD-.I, IicIuk a resident and inhabitant of
Webster County, Nehrnskji and tho owner of
tho following desciihed real estate, to-wlt:
Lot Fourteen. (1 li, lu block Thirty .Suvc-u
flii, Lots Three :lj and I 'our, Hi In lllock
Forty, (Mii. and Lots Sc en, 7i and Might.
iH,. In lllock Twenty llu oy. nil In the oil
KluaUowuof the vIlhiKeot Ualnlla lu Keith
C unity, Nebr.. lu accordance with the re cord
eel plat thereof; leavlin; as hlsholitauil oul..
heirs, at law the follow lui; named persons, to
wlt: Kdllh V. Duplies, a daunliler, Mnyuu
Williams, a daughter, and (iconic M. Van
Camp.ason.auitpraylut; for a dirrpu barrlui;
clalms;that said decedent died Intestate; that
no application for adiiilnlstratlou tins been
made and tho estate of said decedent has not
been administered in the. Stale of Nebraska-
and that the heirs at law of said decedent as
herein set forth shall be decreed to have be
come the owners lu fee simple of the aboo
described real estate, which has been set for
hcarliiK on the ICttnlay of .lime. A. D. 1 1)11).
Dated at Ited ( loud, Nobrnska, this 1 Ith day
of May, A,U. 1UIII.
(Seal.) A. D, llauney, County .IiuIrc.
In The
To Non Resident Defendants-
District Court of Webster County
Ah'ita Lamb, and .lacob l.amb, her has
baud, Jacob Harder, and Flora burner, his
wife, .li-sso Harder, John Harder, Lewis Darn
er, crank Harder, Harder, IiIh wife,
defendants, will tuko notice that on the lllth
day ofyvprll Win. William V. Miller, plalntlir
herein, (lied his petition In tho district court
of Webster county, Nebraska, uualnst said
defendants, Impleaded with others, the ob
ject and prayer ol which are to partition or
If the same cannot be partitioned ciultahly
then for sale and division of tho proceeds of
saldsalool the follow lnic described real estate,
North halt of tho northwest quarter of see
tlun eleven, In township four, north, hiiiko
nine, westti I'. M. Webster euuuty, Nebraska.
The petition also asks that the shares of
thu parties may be determined and continu
ed and general eiultablo relief. Tho verlllea
Hon olsald petition slates Hint the true namo
of Darker wlfool Frank ,llart;er. de
fendant, Is unknown and that said
llarisor, wlfoof Frank llarger Is a non resl
dont ol lli state of Nebraska and that all of
tho ubovp named dofondautH are mm resi
dent of the state of Nebraska and thai her
vleo of summons cannot bo made la the stiilo
of Nebraska on said dolenditnWi.
.You and each of you aro required to answer
'aid polttlon on or before the 0th day of June
ItHU or your default will be lakcnaud entered
iiutilnst you.
Dated A pill si, I'JID.
Wl i.MAM V. Mi 1. 1, Hit, Plalntlir,
liy-Fiunk J. . Monday
ills Attorney.
Heautiful Things
The beautiful things are the things
vve do; they are not the things vc
wear, as vve shall find when the
journey's through and the roll call'
read up there. We're illustrating the
latest styles, with raincoat that beats
tin band; but the beautiful things aro
tho kindly smiles th'at go with the
helping bund. We burden ourselves
with gleaming gems, that neighbors
may slop and stare; but tho beautiful
things are tho diadems of stars that
the righteous wear. There arc beauti
ful things, in tho hearth and cold if
love and service arc in each thought
that husband and wife may hold.
There are beautiful things in the low
est slum where the wandering out
casts grope, when down to its depths
they sec you come with a message of
love and hope. The beautiful things
that we mortals by our flesh in Uiq
crowded street, will all bo junk when
wo coinc to die and march to the
judgment scat. When cvcrythingM
weighed on that fateful day, tho
lightest thing will b0 gold. There aro
beautiful things within reach today,
but they are not bought nor sold
Walt Mason.
Will Gilham returned home Wed
nesday evening from Camp Dodge
whore ho was discharged from tho
service. He was in the A'J regiment
of :h 83rd division and this division
returned recently from overseas.
Last Friday being Ted McA'rthur's
birthday, his wife surprised him by
entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Dclph and sons, Dave and Harry, his
father and brother, Arthur and aunt,
Mrs. S. M. Carl at a seven o'clock
Having again resumed
the bus and auto livery
business, I will appreciate
a share of your patronage
when desiring bus or bag
age transfer to any part of
the city. Phonp calls to
Bailey's Tie Barn will re
ceive prompt attention.
Auto Livery in
Wm. Hayes
Hamilton - CtthT
Clothing Co.
Everything Mem
or Bey Wemro
Ofm NraUm
E. S. Geurber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
("Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And ;
Furnish You the Fixtures
When, the
Firemen. Appear
the insured man'i Tint thought ii one ol
thanlcfulaeu that he is to, Mow abou
your thought i( a fmeman should ap
pear at yout home?
The Day
Before the Fire
it the clay lo iniuie. At that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it lellowt that prudence would im
pell you to ttop in oui office today and
have ut iuue you a policy,
Reliacble Insurance
v : r ir
, .mxwv
n jtt.'wi-i. 7Yy5fWf?s?r' ij&aten3flWJWCywa'' ft '-
,-yj- r j t ) ..-