The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1919, Image 7

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.iT ta
In Western Canada Cram Growing la n profit maker. Raising cattle.
Sheep and Hogs brinss certain success. It's easy tn prosper where you
can raise 20 to 45 bu. of wheat to the acre and buy on easy terms.
Land at $15 to $30 Per Acre
Good Grazing Land at Much Less.
Railway and Land Orannnles offer untmunl Inducement tn hnmis
eelcera tnftcttla In Vs .irrt Cntintlji.inrirnlnv hmrnineritv. fnnnm:ii1
for the purchase of stock or other farming requirements can be had at low interest.
The Governments of the Dominion and Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatche
wan and Alberta extend every encouragement to the farmer anil rnnclminn.
You can obtain excellent land at Ion
ior your Krnin, cnuic, nneepanu
improvements), good markets and
biiiuuis, ciiurcucs, sptcnuiuuimaic anu
Baikatchaxtn cml Altwrta. rnlocrd railroad rtta),
rui iiiu-iimru ninaiurv. iUBvni uikiiuiiuiiui
v. iiiiinmwu v,, n , vmwii v.
I. V. BENNETT, Room 4. Bee Building, OMAHA. NEB,
Canadian Government Agent
Now Is the Time
to Buy a Farm in
Good Old U.S.A.
Although the nr In oVfr, tho de
mand for fund continues. Trm business
of producing; things to ent. therefore,
rlvi'j prumlae of paying satisfactory
THATION offers the cn-oieratlon of It
wh wish to engage In farming, stock
raising, dairying, iioultry raising, fruit
growing, and kindred pursuits. Krro
Information will be furnished about
farm opportunities In any Slate on
Write today, Olve me the name of
the State you want Information about;
say what line of farm activity you
wish to follow, and the number or
acres you will need, and let me know
what kind of terms you desire. The
mure particulars you enn send regard
ing your requirements, the better I can
serve you.
lUthlBf to Ml. Oatr Infsrmitira t Glrc
J. I- KMIVAKDS. Manager.
Arl. Section, U. S. Itallroad Adminis
tration, Koom 2000, Washington, D, C
The showw tliat spoils a woman's
Faster lint Is n rain of terror.
When your shoes pinch or your rorns and
bunions ache net Allen's I-ootEase, the
antiseptic powder to he Hhnken Into fehoes
and sprinkled In the foot-hnth. It will
take the sting out of corns and bunions
and Klva lnstnnt relief to Tired, Aching,
Swollen, Ttnder feet. Sold everywhere,
Oon't accept any substitute. Adv.
They Still Exist.
"The jeac-nt-any-prlce man doesn't
exist nny more." "Doesn't, eh? Don't
tLp Miarrlcd men count at nil?"
What Better?
He What Is your highest ambition?
Slit Six feet one ami Just released.
Bullet Meets Bullet.
So many bullets Hew through the
Blr In both directions In large battles
of the Krcnt war that some of them
were bound to bump Into each other.
A pnlr of fighting bullets were picked
up by nn English soldier one day after
he and his comrades had pushed the
3ermnns back several hundred yards.
In their perilous Journey over No
Mnn's Innd they struck barbed-wire en
tanglements with the vurled results
She Knew.
An Evnnsvllle mother and her two
children were visiting her sister's
home for the evening, says the Indl
ininpolls Star. The grown niece, who
was fond of the children, fed them
candy. All at once she turned from
the children to offer her young aunt
some gtim. The mint smiled.
"No, I don't bellevo I care for nny,"
she returned.
Then Nola, the seven-year-old cous
in, spoke up.
"Yes, you do, too, mother," she
piped. "You know you nlways beg us
children for some of eurs on the way
home from here every time we come."
Postum First Found Favor
In the Small Communities
then in the cities, then in the nation's great
metropolitan centers, until today it is de
manded everywhere, and sold everywhere,
as America's greatest health drink for table
use. You can get from your grocer
The Original
Boil it just like coffee 15 minutes after
boiling begins. '
It doubles the enjoyment of the meal with
its rich, invigorating flavor; and, unlike cof
fee, it never upsets nerves, stomach' or heart.
Children as well as grown folks can drink
Postum freely.
Two Sizes, usually
tf o&t Kaisina in,
festexn. Canada
is as profitable as (Twin Growinq
prices on easy terms, and net hlith priced
noes - low laxesvnone on e,
chipping facilities, free g
sure traps. ViyVOMe
etc., apply to Hopcrtotendcnt
tiiu .... rmir fUHiiiivtN,. - irM EMk
Youth Is a theory but oltl ago Is u
Kill the Files Now and Prevent
dlfCHSe. A DAISY FLY KILLKlt will iln It.
i Kills thousands. Lusts alUcnson. All dealers,
orflvoteiitoxprefs paid for $1.85. li.SOMEItS,
, 150 Do Kalb Ave., Hroolihu, N. Y. Adv.
Some women lire iihvuys talking
Itbout (he lost nrt of conversation.
Thousands of women have kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect it.
Womcns complaints often prove to be
nothing clfc but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys arc not in a healthy
condition, they may iausc the other or
gans to become diseased.
Tain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, are often times symp
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre
scription, obtained at any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wih first to test this
jrreat preparation send ten rents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., BinRhnmton, N. Y., for a
ample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
' Out of Order.
The village was all agog. Flosslo
Flntfoot was marrying William Giles.
The church was crowded. Flossie,
looking as pule as her somewhat high
ly colored countenance would allow,
bore up "until the plain band ring wns
safely on her linger, and then, over
come, burst Into tears.
The villagers were touched, but not
nnxlous. All girls cry at weddings.
Then suddenly William Giles screwed
up his face and broke Into howls.
Tears poured down his face and
dripped off his whiskers.
"What's up? Hush, man!'' those
nearest him urged. IJtit Giles contin
ued to howl, and nt Inst burst out:
"Let me be! I feel wuss 'nn 'or
about It 1" London Tit-Hits.
Need of a Cash Register.
Blr. M Is not always as regular
In his accounts ns he might be. In
spite of that, however, ho was recently
elected to carry the contribution bas
ket at his church. Hut there wns much
opposition, particularly from the men,
who bail known him to Juggle various
other accounts over which he hnd had
charge. Finally the grocer voiced his
objection In this way: "I don't think
we'd better let him carry that bnsket
unless we have n cash register at
tached to It."
Take First Place, Freddy.
Teacher Wlint Is the capital of Cal
ifornia? Freddy Fangle Its glorious cli
mate! "
a Reason"
sold at 15c ancl 25c
rk. rr . jt a r.i
Austrian Delegation Is Waiting to
Hear Judgment Pronounced by
Victorious Allies
Pnris. While tho Gorman pence.
i plonlpotouurlos are digesting tho text
of tho lengthy peaco treaty nnd com
municating with tho Weimar govern
ment ns to tho demands made upon
Germany by the allied and associated
powers, tho council of four Is engaging
Itbclf with tho formulation of peaco
terms for Austria and Hungary. Tho
Gorman-Austrian delegation Is report
ed already to have started for St.
Germain, Franco, thero to await tho
summons to Versailles to loam what
Is to befall the one-time dual monarchy
In the way of tho payment of Indem
nities, tho making of reparations and
the relinquishment of territory. Esti
mates have been mndo In Paris that
5,000,000,000 crowns will bo demanded
ns Indemnity from Austria-Hungary
In addition to the delimitation of fron
tiers. The pro-war debt of the former
ompire and kingdom, It is said, is to
bo divided among tho newly formed
states which have risen or aro to ariso
In their old territories.
Meanwhile tho German homo gov
ernment is expected to begin nt onco
tho consideration of tho terms of
peace which virtually roil it co tho Ger
man empire to tho role of a minor
power. Three courses seem to bo open
to the German government us Indicat
ed by rocont dispathes. They may
either accept tho conditions of peace,
or reject them or submit thorn to a
It is reported that when tho terms
of pence with Turkey nro concluded
the United States is to bo requested
to become the mandatory of Armenia,
nnd that President Wilson will place
tho matter before congross in ordor
that a decision mny bo arrived at.
Twelve Army Camps Sold
Washington. Approval of tho salo
of twelvo nrmy camps eight nntionnl
guard concentration sites nnd four
small miscellaneous enmps for a total
of more thnn $548,000, wns nnnounced
by Acting Secretary of War Crowell.
War department olllclals showed satis
fnctlon over tho results, the material
covered by tho salo consisting almost
exclusively of hastily constructed
buildings nnd some storo equipment.
The government reserved for Its own
use tho base hospitals und storago
warehouses. Forty-four bids wrto re
ceived from thirty-flve individuals and
corporations, the largest single pro
posal being from one large wrecking
company which offered to take all the
camps for a price approximately
$540,000. This proposal was rejected
because of the desire of the depart
ment to turn over to cities adjacent to
certain camps, the sanitary and other
utilities which could bo used advan
tageously for the benoflt of their popu
lations. Recognize Independence of Finns
London. The British government
has rocognlzcd the independenco of
Finland and the de facto Finnish gov
ernment, accroding to-an announce
ment by tho secretary for foreign nf
fairs In tho houso of commons.
The announcement wns greoted with
Import Canadian Wheat
New York. Julius Barnes, United
Btates wheat director, announcod on
his return from Chicago that he
had completed negotiations for bring
4,000,000 bushels of Canadian wheat
Into the United States for distribution
to the mills.
Extend Aerial Mall
Washington. Air mail service be
tween Cleveland and Chicago will be
established May 16 with trips daily
except Sunday. The postofllco depart
ment said the service would bo ex
tended to New York as Boon as suffi
cient machines were obtained.
Hurrying Home From Europe
Paris. Numerous United States
senators and representatives, Includ
ing tho'houso commltteo on military
affairs, aro taking early steamers for
home to attend the extra' session of
congress which has bocn called for
May 19.
Twister Visits Texas
Corpus Christ!, Texas. Fifteon per
sons were killed when one of tho worst
tornndoos over experienced in south
west Texas swept the lower Rio Qrando
valley, demolishing farm houses and
doing great dumage to growing crops.
President Will Cable Message
Washington. As President Wilson
will not be present nt tho opening of
tho special session of congrosB on May
19 ho will cable his mossago from
Paris and It will bo read immediately
nftor congress convones.
Furs Bring High Price
St. Louis. Ono hundred thousand
mink polls constituted tho largest of
fering on tho International fur ex
change horo. Pricos at tho morning
session on mink ranged from ?2 for
poor grades to $19.75 for choice palta.
Drop Froezone on a tolichy
corn, then lift that corn
off wJth finders
Doesn't hurt n bit I Drop n little
Friezono on nn aching corn, Instantly
that corn stops Uurtlng, then you lift
it right out. Yes, mnglcl No humbug I
A tiny bottle of Froezone costs but a
few cents nt nny drug store, but Is sulll
clent to remove every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between tho toes, nnd the
calluses, without soreness or Irritation.
Freezono Is tho sensational discovery
of a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful.
Hilly Sunday tells with gusto of tho
suhtlo criticism n pretty Philadelphia
girl onco passed on his Informal
prenchlng methods.
The revlvnllst halted nt tho end of
an Impassioned Philadelphia hnr
rnngue, rolled down his sleeves, put on
his emit nnd said:
"And now, dear friends, aro thero
nny questions?"
"All the congregation was silent ex
cept the pretty girl. She asked from
her front pew:
"May I smoke?"
has been a household remedy nil over
the civilized world for more thnn half
a century for constipation, Intestinal
troubles, torpid liver nnd the generally
depressed feeling that accompanies
uch disorders. It Is a most valuable
remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys
pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on
hendncho, coming up of foid, palpita
tion of heart, and many other symp
toms. A few doses of August Flower
will relieve you. It Is a gentle laxa
tive. Ask your druggist. Bold In all
civilized countries. Adv.
She Understood.
The preacher had been talking
about the necessity for n "new henrt."
Little Bess' father took her on his
knee nnd gravely nsked If she under
stood whnt n new henrt wns.
"Oh, yes, Indeed," she nnswered,
brightly. "It'B a kind of heavenly
A Lady of Distinction,
la recognized by the dellcato fascinat
ing Influence of the perfume she uses.
bath with Cutlcura Soap and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cutlcura
Talcum Powder usually means a clear,
sweet, healthy akin. Adv.
When Money Is a Curse.
It Is only when money Is cheapened
to worthleBsncss for some, nnd mndo
Impossibly dear to others, that it be
comes a curse. In short, It Is a curse
only In such foolish social conditions
that life Itself is n curse. George
Bernard Shaw.
Dr. PUrce'a Plssssnt reliefs put an n(J to
tok and bilious headaches, constipation, die
tlnsts and Indigestion. 'Clean bouse," Adv.
If oomo peoplo were to think twice
beforo speaking they would never say
To do your duty
tunes your health
consideration 1
tell how. they found healths
Hellam, Pa. "t took Lydta E. PInkham'B Vog
table Compound for female troubles and a dis
placement I felt all ran down and was very weak.
I had been treated by a physician without results,
ao decided to give LydlaE. PinMiam'u Vegetable Compound
a trial, amd felt better right away. I am keeping house
since last April and doing all my housowork, where beforo
I was unable t do any work, Lydla E. PInkham'B Vege
table Gompouad Is certainly the best medicine a woman can
take when In this condition. I give yon permission to publish
this letter." Mrs. E. It. CmmiEa-a, B. No. 1, Hellam, Pa.
Lowell, Mich."!, suffered from cramps and dragging
down pains, was irregular and had female weakness and
displacement. I began to tako Lydla E. Pinkhara's Vege
table Compound which gavo mo relief at once and restored
my health. I shtfuld like to recommend Lydla E. Plnkham's
remedies to all suffering women who are troubled in a simi
lar way." Mrs.Er,iaEllEiM,R.No.6( Box83,LowelllMlch.
Why Not Try
rvriTA f mitfiruAfwrc
A, iin ju nn jumruri j m
Conntcrffltfr Caught! The New York health authorities fcaA a Brook.
rn munulRcturer sentenced to the penitentiary for selling throughout
las United States millions of "Talcum powder" tablets as Aspirin Tablets,
Don't buy Aspirin in a pill boxl Get Bayer package!
Never ask for just Aspirin Tablets 1 Always say,
"Give me a package of 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.' "
Insist that every Aspirin Tablet you take must come
In the regular Bayer package and the "Bayer Cross''
must appear on this package and on each tablet.
of Aspirin
For Pain
Adults Take one or two "Payer Tablets of Aspirin" with
water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals.
Proved Safe by Millions! American Owned!
Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Alio Capsules.
Aiclrin li the trade mark of Payer Manufacture of MonoacetlcaclJeiter of Sallcrllcarid
They Still Exist.
"Tho peace-at-any-prlco mnn doesn't
exist nny more." "Doesn't, eh? Don't
the mnrrlcd men count nt all?"
Indigestion, Gas
and Bloat From
An ncld-stomnch cnnnot digest food
properly. Instcnd, tho food sours nnd
ferments nnd, pnsslng Into the Intes
tines, becomes a breeding place for
countless millions of dendly germs
toxic poisons they are called. These
poisons are absorbed Into the system
nnd cause untold misery. So, you sec,
it Is Just ncld-stomnch, nothing else
thnt makes so mnny people weak, list
less nnd unfit; saps their strength nnd
energy; robs them of their vigor nnd
vitality. Biliousness, bad liver, nerv
ousness, blinding, splitting headaches,
rheumatlem, lumbago, sclutlca these
nnd many other still moro aerlous ail
ments often nro traced to the com
mon source an ncld-stomach.
Take EATONIO nnd get rid quickly
of the pains of Indigestion, heartburn,
that horrible, lumpy, bloated feeling
after eating; disgusting, belching,
food-repenting; sour, gnssy stomach.
These stomach miseries arc caused by
what doctors call "Hyperacidity." It's
Just ACID-STOMACH. And In ad
dition to tho pnlns nnd miseries It
cnuses, ACID-STOMACH Is tho stnrt
er of n long trnln of nllments thnt
most people never dreamed are In
during these faying
should be your first
hese two women
Stiff Neck'
Joint Pains
Friendly Chatter.
Belle Do I make myself plnln?
Nell Ah, nnturo saved you thai
nny wny connected with the stomaek.
Plensnnt tnstlng EATONIO TAB
LETS that you eat like a bit of enndy,
quickly put nn end to your stomnch
troubles. They net us nn absorbent
literally wipe up the excess hurtful
ncld and mnke tho stomach pure,
sweet nnd strong. Help digestion ao
thnt you get nil the power nnd energy
from yotir food. You cannot be weU
without It I
If you nrc one of those who have
"tried everything" but In spite of It
still suffer all kinds of ncld-stomach
miseries If you Inck physical and t
mental strength and vigor begin at
once to tnko EATONIC. Get back
your physical nnd mentnl punch and
enjoy tho good things of life. Llka
thousands of others you will say yon
never dreamed that such amuzlngly
quick relief nnd such n remarkable
Improvement In your general health
was possible.
Your druggist has EATONIO. Wa
authorize him to guarantee It to gtva
you Instant relief or refund your
money. Get a big box of EATONIO
today, It costs but little and the re
stilts are wonderful!