The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1919, Image 7

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I y
Taken from Nature Tho wild roota
And barks that go into tho composition
of ono of tho oldest and best known
blood-tonics arc gathered mostly on our
reservations brought or shipped to Dr.
Pierce's Laboratory in Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce discovered CO years ago,
that Nature has provided freely for tho
needs cf her children and that in her
laboratory were tho remedies. Extracts of
Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherry
bark and Bloodroot, as prepared, com
bined and preserved without alcohol, in
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
const itutc the most effective and certain
tonic, altcrativo and tissue-rebuilding
remedy ever offered to the public. This
tonic soon became known all over tho
It is purely vcgctablo and free from
alcohol or narcotic. It will search out
impure and poisonous matter and drivo
it from tho system. Buy it now in tablets
orhquid. Alldruggists,oriJcnd Dr. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package.
It will clear tho skin; eczema, pimples,
rash, blotches will dry up and disappear;
boib, carbuncles and other evidences of
tainted blood will pass away.
Rigid Economy.
Mr. Pester You'vu been downtown
spending money nguln after I told you
we'd have to be careful.
Ills Wife I think you're perfectly
horrid. I took a war to the city to
mall a letter to mother 'cause I could
mall It there for two cents when It
cost three out here.
lias been used for all nllments that
nre caused by a disordered stomach
and Inactive liver, such us sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous indigestion, fermentation of
food, palpitation of the heart caused by
gase3 In the stomach. August Flower
Is n gentle laxative, regulates digestion
both in stomach and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens the stomnch and alimen
tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se-
crcte the Dlle and impurities irom mo
blood. Sold in all ctvlllzed countries.
Give It a trial. Adv.
Commuter's Hope.
"I'll be heartily glad when they get
the airship perfected so that It can
take n share In general passenger traf
Sc," remarked Mr. Crosslots.
"It will save time."
"I don't mind the time. But I don't
believe they will ever perfect nn air
ship Unit will require n passenger to
hung onto a strap instead of providing
him with n seat."
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Tbeie Ugly Spots
There'll no longer the sllRhtr-st need of frrllnc
ashamed of your freckltit, an Otlilnv iloubls
trvngtb Is guaranteed to remove these home!
Olmply qet an mine of Othlne louhl
trencth from your Urugtflst, onj apply a little
of It nlcht and niornlw; and you should soon set
that even the worst freckles bavo begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones hare vanished en
ttrely. It Is seldom that moro than one ounce
Is iietdid to completely clear tho skin and sala
teautlful clear complexion.
lie sure to ask for the double strength Othlne,
as this Is cold under guaranteo of money back
IX It fulls to remove freckles. Adv.
When n soldier becomes Insane
there Is something wrong at head
quarters. It's an easy matter to fool any one
with tho exception of yourself.
Weak and Miserable?
Does the least exertion tire you out!
Frcl "blue" and worried and have daily
backache, lameness, headache, dizziness
and kidney irregularities? Sick kidney
are often to blame for this unhappy
state. You must act quickly to pre
vent moro serious trouble. Use Doan's
Kidney Tilh, the remedy recommended
everywhere by grateful users.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Harriet
Stump, Mo Lane and
Seventeenth Stu.,
Knlls City, Nebr..
nays: "I huRltou
,terriuiy irom my
Kidneys. I Duel
rheumatic pains in
niv back mid- ulilas.
Doan'H ICIdney I'llls
una Doeii used in
ill'liflt Un,y family with
JEf Jfiftyh Ulrteil them. After
of Doan'R I was
entirely cured, My
limbs, which lincl
boon Bwollan. were reduced to normal
size and the soreness all disappeared
from my Joints, Tho trouble lias,
never returned "
Get Doan's at Any Store, OOo at Bos
doan's ssy
Farm Opportunities
If YOU sre Interested, write to lb UomeaMkanf
Unreal, U. B, llallroad Adulnatratlon, Washing,
ton, for tree Information, naming tbn tuta th
advantAgM of which you dealra to Invetllgat,
and giving fnll particulars about your reqalra
mnu. The nomeieokers Uurean Is HOT selling rea.)
astata. Its mission la to f nrnltb dependable daU
ky sutoa regarding land values, production,
markets, ell mate, acbouls, churches, roadi, eto.,
to Uioi who wish to rnitge In farming, stock
raising, dairying, gardonlng and kindred pursuits.
A letter will bring a free booklet which may hely
la, solving jour problems of llvlug.
Adds J. L. EDWARDS, Manager, Room
XOOO. Agricultural Section, U. S. RailrJ
AaVeihsUrraOoai. Waabiauitoa, D. C
-sfaa." lV
" -sa - 7 d 1
hw n?
rSw ' "'.. tlA
fiuri "Mi
M'i'tu' in M'v ion; n mo lwi'iiiy-.M-vunwi uivisinu was passing under the
sf that famous lighting unit.
!&SfetBaaSaW,i?j3ffl' " vl "ialfWTVffit3iiaKarJf!raf
Photograph just released by the war
Argonuo forest, France. This group of
surrounded by the Hun. Many of these
1 regg&gBasffi HHBHL geM
1 , f U ' , . " tmnsui Mt2 J , ssssssssssssssssVA v1issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssis1sssssssV& JFI
Tills l-i 11 l'lnce des ICtuts Uuis, I'aris, the house occupied by President
and Mrs. Wilson during their second stay in the French capital.
tMaaarjiTg 'fcSIIL '. - -
SwJJvib mil' 1 r tm WH r
rMX vMSm4iCi5Ul?SisMWaSWia fWLJ , Iii
aaM'SKSL'&XSSGdBaFiS'Ar''' 2 ' , rrJilsaey.'NsBMrisssEsssl
Demonstration of Italians In Kiiiinc, the city on the Adriatic coast whose
uosaesslon is in dispute between Italy and Jugo-Sluvlu.
department of Lieutenant Colonel Whittlesey's "lost battalion" nt Apremont,
boys Is all that remain of the battalion that fought so bravely whllu it was
men have returned to tills country since the photograph was taken.
v.y;,'S, - rrrrdtrWfrnrTi tl U mm I,,.!, 'i
rrsyva jot nirr.-anwmmmT; mmxtu.-aw-J'' '' jttZK"?wTz'S ;"V'SSsl,'J
beautiful letory arch during the purndo
"Czecho-Slovak," little ISolicmlnn
dos presented to General Cardonn,
who tlien commanded tho Italian army
lij an Austrian deserter. General Car
dona gave him to II. L. Iiootli of St.
Paul. Jllnn., a "Y" worker, who luif
hi'fii In Italy over a year. He and the
dou arrived In America recently.
. American Triumph.
Iiifore the war, exports In dyestuffs
from tho United Mtates were 9.100,000
a , -ar. In 101S the Ilpures ran to $17,
000.000. Anierlcaii textllo miiniiftic
turi'is, when tho war broke out. were
pnnie-strlekeii, becuuso they believed
. that Germnny was the only country
I that could produce fine dyes. Ameri
can chemists, however, caino to tho
n simio and are now piodueliiK dye?
better than the German.
No, but They Think It Is.
I fear ihee two citizens are liav
n warm iifKUinent nbout tho wur."
on lire mistaken. I'acli Is trying
to convince tho other he has tho bet
tt i furirtice."
"Is thnt anythliiK to fpinrrel about?"
"It would bo If they hud tho sumo
make, but they haven't, and since
each one regards himself ns an author
ity on heat units, hostilities are liable
to begin at any moment." Illrintnghnni
i , &?tJ&L4D Wnlrrn Nwip.ipr Union
Ajplrin Is the trade mark ef Bayer Uteufacture of Menoteeticacideiter of SUIeyllctctJ
Bauer -Tablets
m OF
The'Bayer Crosson Genuine Tablets
"A Blessing for Humanity in Pain!"
For Headache
Achy Gums
Lame Back
Joint Pains
Proved Safe by Millions! American Owned!
Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with
v.atcr. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meal
CO cent Bayer packngen also larger Ilaycr packages,
Jluy Ilayer packages only Get original package
Hostess I'm .sorry you found Miss
Higgle a poor conversationalist.
.lack Poor conversationalist? .She's
absolutely the limit? Why, the only
thing she said to me tho entire evening
was "no," and 1 had to propose to her
to get her to say that. Huston Tran
script. Did you ever see a .f'.'OO unto with
n $."0 horn? Well, theru's u lot of
folks the same way.
A well-rend man Isn't nlwnyB the
pink of perfection
Constipated Children Gladly Take
"California Syrup of Figs"
For the Liver and Bowels
Tell your druggist you want genuine
"California Syrup of Figs." Full directions
and dose for babies and children of all ages
wjio arc constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the bottle. Look for the name 'California"
and accept no other "Fig Syrup."
World League of Women.
The group of 100 French girls sent
over recently to American colleges for
their education, and the deputations
of representative French and English
women who are bclnglng messages of
gratltiio and Inspiration for us, nre
only a few indications of tho growing
feeling of oneness among the women
of the world.
No Altruism.
"Mow Jones does abuse automobiles
ns dangerous.' "No wonder. He is nn
accident insurance ngent."
Kidney iIIbposo la no respecter of per
Bona. A majority of the ills afflicting
neoplo today can bo traced back to tlio
kidney trouble. ,, , x .
Tho kldncya nro tho most important
.or,o nt tlin Imilv. TIipv nrn thn fil-
tcrcrs of your blood. If tho poisons
which nro swept xrom tho tissues by tho
blood aro not eliminated through tho
kidneys, disease of ono form or anotuor
will cluiin you as a victim.
Kidney disease is usually indicated by
weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trou
ble, pain in loins and lower abdomen,
gnll stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica
and linnbufjo. . . ,
All theso derangements ore nature a
His Handicap.
"Here, you blundering boob I What's
the mutter with you?" snarled n pedes
trian who had collhfed with J ml Jostle
of Grudge, who was walloping around
In Kansas City's midst. "Confound
your clumsiness I Why don't you keep
to the right?"
"'Cuz I can't I" answered the offend,
er. "I'm Jeft-hnnded, and I get so rat
tied that I keep forgetting which is
which." Kansas City Star.
If a man can't look you In tho eye,
better look his horse In the mouth,
If lie's trying to sell hlni to you.
VkMsiM Gronulaled Eyelids,
9 $Ul Cl inflamed by sxno-
sure lu auiii uuji aim jiiuu
luickly relieved by Murine
tyeRemedy. No Smarting,
lust Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggi'ts or by mail 60c per Bottle.
For Book ol Ibe Eye free write t u
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Influenzal Colds
Stiff Neck
Pain! Pain!
His Political Ooltcf.
Tlie (Uiesilon asked fo- an explann
t Ion of "i he spoils system," and "how
long did It last?"
A politician's son, the nature of
whoso party was very evident, wrto:
"When Andrew Jackson became yrcs
Ideut he put all the ltcpuhllcutvi out
of olllco and took In Doinocrwtn In
stead. This system was ca'.Jed the
spoils system. We still have It when
ever a Democrat wins tho election."
Indianapolis Star.
Ilnblt Is a sort of chntto mortgage
of a man's individuality.
Not So Bad, at That
Somebody lias called attention to th
fact that a recent advertisement listed'
domino sugnr under the heading oq
"ment specials." Well, whass wronf
nbout that? Isn't sugar the next thing
to sweetmeats? Very well, let's paM
to tho next.
The Alternative.
Hubby I will not stand these shop
ping bills of yours nny longer.
Willi. I don't care whether you
stand them or not as long as you foot
signals that thtf Wrlneya need help
You should uso GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsules immediately. The
soothing, healing oil stimulates th
kidneys, relieves inflammation one M
strovfl tho terras which bavo catthed it
Go to your druggist today and get a
box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. Jn twenty-jour nours yoa
buouiu icei iicaun nnu vieor ruiuruiui;.
After you feel somewhat improved
continue to take one or two capsules
each day, bo as to keep tho first-class
condition and ward off tho danger ol
otiicr attnckH. ,,
Ask for tho original Imported GOLD
MEDAL brand. Threo sUfs. Money tei
funded it they do not help you.
Clear Your Skin'
All drusRiits: SosplS,
Ointment 25 & 60, Tal
cum 25. Sample each
tree ol uuticura,
Dept Ju, lioitoa."
$48 for $50 3d Liberty Bond with
3 coupons; $47.25 for 4th bond
with 4 coupons, Send bonds by
registered mail. H. M. HOWE,
522 S. Western Ave., Chicago, lit
A toilet prspxtlon of intrlt
Iftilpa to erMioat dindruC.
ForRetlorint Color and
BeautxtoCrai vFadsdllalf.
too. and ll.oo .t Urucrlits.
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 14-1919.